
时间:2022-06-24 14:26:34 | 来源:语文通



I see that the surrounding is tall and large. Like a tree, just a little less color, different eyes, different global, just because it is that, different.


The birds stopped in my current branches, beautiful appearance, old antiques, rain in several aspects, and silent appearance.


Speaking of which, I ca n’t stop and want to touch the young leaves. I feel that I feel differently. Listening belongs to myself, charming, beautiful, wonderful chapters.


It can be said that I am rotten, and at the same time, it is also an old -fashioned board.What is rough is that I have always dressed myself cool and handsome. The ancient board is that I never pursue the perfect fashion trend.One label is the mark, both can, and I focus on that side?


Youth, when childhood, which one is it?


There is no kind of answer. At this time, the raindrops hit the leaves, and the delicate petiole along the deciduous leaf, gone,


Unexpected sounds, no sound answers, waiting for the rain.


I am still here with happiness and sadness, waiting, waiting for your voice without voice,


Standing below the wall and seeing the wall quietly, as if I had known each other, this soundless answer seemed to be waving towards me, is it struggling and going up.When I say, I have changed a lot. I can say that it is true. I don't care about the thoughts of others. I just talked in my own thoughts that the childhood wind and clouds gradually listened to the sound of white snow coming out of snow., I think it is extremely achieved


I once imagined a beautiful future, the smell of light perfume, the fragrance of the last Li, and the innocence of the mast flower in the bamboo basket in my dream.


Seeing the human body that grew up day and one day, I understand, I am wonderful, youthful youth, ideal, bamboo basket accompanied by, worry, the wind leaves ...



1、就是:就是读音为jiù shì,是指就是1①用在句末表示肯定(多加‘了’):我一定办到,你放心就是了。②单用,表示同意:就是,就是,您的话很对。其他‘就’和‘是’合用的情况,参看‘就’。 就是2 连词,表示假设的让步,下半句常用‘也’呼应:为了祖国,我可以献出一切,就是生命也不吝惜ㄧ就是在日常生活中,也需要有一定的科学知识。就是 jiù shì分词解释:就是1①用在句末表示肯定(多加‘了’):我一定办到,你放心就是了。②单用,表示同意:就是,就是,您的话很对。其他‘就’和‘是’合用的情况,参看‘就’。 就是2 [jiùshì]连词,表示假设的让步,下半句常用‘也’呼应:为了祖国,我可以献出一切,就是生命也不吝惜ㄧ就是在日常生活中,也需要有一定的科学知识。分词解释:祖国:1.祖先以来所居之地。 2.祖籍所在的国家;自己的国家。日常:1.指太阳永恒存在。 2.平日;平时。肯定:1.对事物持确认的或赞成的态度。与“否定”相对。 2.有把握:无疑,有信心,有理由确信。 3.确定。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。连词:连接词、词组或句子的词,如‘和、与、而且、但是、因为、如果’。...就是怎么造句,用就是造句»