
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:02 | 来源:语文通



2020国庆节见闻作文 篇1我的国庆见闻作文 篇2我的国庆见闻作文 篇32020国庆节见闻作文 篇42020国庆节见闻作文 篇52020国庆节见闻作文 篇6

2020国庆节见闻作文 篇1


The beautiful east has, Her name is China. I have a great "mother" whose name is China. Just past 20_ October 1, 2006, is our ancestor_ Pro_ Birthday_ In the past years, my motherland has undergone earth shaking changes. I saw on TV that my motherland is growing stronger, stronger and more advanced.


In the morning, my parents accompanied me to watch in front of the TV, waiting for the start of the military parade. When the host announced the commencement of the ceremony, our respected Comrade Hu Jintao made an inspiring speech. His speech inspired me to study hard and serve my motherland. In the loud and clear voice of the national anthem, the bright five-star red flag rose slowly. I saluted the flag in front of the TV. Then the parade began. Comrade Hu Jintao reviewed various squares and made greetings. An orderly and uniform army, navy, air force, women soldiers and many weapons and equipment. Row by row, Accept the review of the people of the motherland. At that moment, I was extremely excited. It was a symbol of the strength of the motherland, prosperity and progress. As the motherland_ People, I feel proud, inspired, and extremely excited!


I still remember when I was young, my grandfather told me that my grandfather_ Relatives are poor. When Chinese people go to other countries in the world, they are not respected. But now, from other interview programs, I hear many foreign students say that because the motherland is strong, they can walk in front of the people of the world with their heads held high. They can proudly say that I am Chinese. At that moment, I was also proud of myself as a Chinese.


I love my country. I will study hard and work hard for the stronger country.

我的国庆见闻作文 篇2


What are you doing on National Day? Do you want to help your parents clean up, do your homework, or go out to play. On National Day, I went to visit my mother-in-law and grandmother in Puding with my parents. We went by bus. On the way, I saw the golden rice. The farmer was harvesting hard. Time passed quickly. We arrived at the mother-in-law's house in less than two hours.


At my mother-in-law's house, I saw two cousins and a cousin, one of whom was in Grade 5 and the other in Grade 4, while the younger cousin was only over 1 year old. My little cousin is very naughty. When I jump rope with my cousins, he comes to play tricks and compete with us; When we played cards, he came to "trick" and lost the cards with us.


There is a river near my mother-in-law's house. There are many snails in the river. Under the guidance of my cousin, we came to the river to pick up snails. We first picked it up from the shore and put it in a big bag with water in it to clean the mud on the snails; After picking up the ones on the bank, we picked up the ones in the middle of the river. We took the snails as precious stones and picked them up carefully. After a while, one of my cousin accidentally fell into the water. When we saw her, we quickly pulled her onto the bank. Seeing that she seemed to be a drowned rat, we had to let her bask on the bank. Although all three of us were wet, we were very happy because we picked up many snails. We picked it up for a while, and then took the snails home. First, we washed the mud wrapped on the shell with clean water, and then we pinched the small tail of the snails with pliers, because there was their stool in the tail. Finally, we rinsed it with clean water. After washing, put the snail into the pot and pepper? Scallion? Garlic and other things are cooked to make a bowl of delicious snails.

我的国庆见闻作文 篇3


October 1 is the National Day of China, which was set up after the founding of New China and the founding of a new country according to the standards of the founding ceremony. Because October 1 is the founding ceremony of our country, October 1 is both our National Day and the birthday of our Chinese nation.


On the night of National Day, we gathered at Grandma's house to celebrate, and my sister's face was suffused with a sweet smile. Because I haven't seen my sister for a long time, I was very close to her that day. Grandma began to prepare from the afternoon, and her wrinkled face made her look very old.


After dinner, we took a walk home. Along the way, there were colorful lights flashing with golden light everywhere, and the lights were shining brightly. It was a festival scene. There is a constant stream of traffic coming and going on the road. When we arrived at the square, there was a lot of people coming and going, and people's laughter was everywhere. Many children are chasing in the center of the square, like a group of happy birds. The former stalls have disappeared. Instead, countless pots of flowers have been used to form flower beds with unique shapes, which decorate the square like a colorful garden. There are many colors of flowers in the flower bed! There are red, white, pink, yellow... They bloom with their heads held high, as if they are comparing beauty with each other.


On a beautiful night, the stars in the sky twinkled, as if winking at me. Recalling that on October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao announced to the world on the Tiananmen Gate tower: "The People's Republic of China was founded, and the Chinese people have stood up since then." For this day, countless ancestors have paid their blood and lives. It is also countless blood and lives that have brought us peace and a better life today.


At this moment, my heart is full of gratitude and admiration, and I am extremely proud of the beauty and strength of my motherland.

2020国庆节见闻作文 篇4


Today is a memorable day, because today is the motherland's_ The grand military parade will be broadcast on TV on the birthday of. It's really exciting!


Early in the morning, our family sat in front of the TV. Tiananmen Square is decorated with a new look. The figure of our primary school students and the word "National Day" composed of flowers make it feel spectacular. The parade began. Comrade Hu Jintao inspected the troops in our own red flag car. All the soldiers stood up straight one by one, with high morale, and presented their gifts to the birthday of the motherland with loud and powerful slogans.


The troop march began. The soldiers walked through Tian'anmen Gate meticulously with neat steps and loud slogans. From the side, I really thought it was a wall. The arrival of female soldiers made everyone see. They wore new dark green dress and black boots. Let people see the unique spirit.


The float parade started. I was very excited to see the carefully designed float and the people singing and dancing. They fully demonstrated the fruitful achievements of our country in the past 60 years. Next is the float in each province. People in each province offer gifts to the motherland in their own way. Our floats in Henan Province show elegant peonies. Finally, we saw the team of our pupils. Countless pupils, wearing bright red scarves, walked through Tian'anmen Square with garlands in their hands and ran to Jinshui Bridge. At the same time, 60000 pigeons representing peace also flew into the sky, pushing the activity to a climax.


I envy those big brothers and sisters who took part in the parade. In another ten years, we will wait for our motherland's mother_ I will also participate in the military parade on my birthday_ A birthday present.

2020国庆节见闻作文 篇5


On this day, I finally looked forward to the annual National Day. On this day of national celebration, our entire family, like hundreds of millions of compatriots, is in a very happy mood. On this day, we decided to visit and play in the park.


Walking into the park, the breeze blows your face and the fragrance is overwhelming. There are two rows of tall and luxuriant pine trees beside the gate. They hold hands and warmly welcome each visitor. When I turned around, I saw a curved bridge in front of me. There were nine curved places in the bridge. Each handrail of the bridge was carved with a lion. They had different shapes, different expressions, and thousands of postures. Some looked up at the sky, some played with the lioness, and some scratched their cheeks... On both sides of the bridge, there were colorful chrysanthemums. Now it was a good time for chrysanthemums to open. They were graceful and colorful. Look, this pot of chrysanthemums is showing its own posture; Look, that bud will open gently. Some chrysanthemums are as red as fire, some are as white as snow, and some are as pink as rosy clouds


I was intoxicated with the fragrance of flowers and unconsciously walked to the other side of the bridge.


This is a world of animals. The "forest" that dominates the forest, the ferocious tiger, the lovely and charming monkey, and the giant elephant... show their skills there. Under the guidance of the tamer, the lion went through a smaller fire ring, which made people nervous; When I heard the name "Tiger Climbing Trees", I was shocked. However, the fact was unexpected. The tiger actually used its claws to climb up the tree; Of course, monkey playing is essential. The funny actions of the naughty monkey made the audience laugh.


Along the long corridor, we saw many photos of celebrities: Zhou Enlai, Huang Jiguang... At this time, I thought of our happy life, national development, and scientific and technological progress, which were not bought by our ancestors. This is National Day, so we should mourn our ancestors! When I thought of it, I felt reverence in my heart. Like my ancestors, I will study hard and contribute to the country.


This day, although I just came to the park to play, I realized a lot. This is really an unforgettable National Day!

2020国庆节见闻作文 篇6


On this National Day, I returned to my hometown after a long separation due to unexpected circumstances.


A few days before I returned to my hometown, I seemed to have nothing to do. Suddenly one day, grandpa came back with a fish in his left hand, and said to grandma: "Old Chen is very powerful, and he caught three big fish in a few minutes..." Right! Go fishing if you are bored! How could I have never thought of it!


A man keeps his word. I immediately bought a folding amateur fishing rod at the fishing tackle shop. After paying the money, I hurried to the riverside to find a comfortable position, unfolded the twined fishing line and threw it into the river. Eh? Why doesn't the "buoy" of the fishing rod sink? Hey! Maybe the water level is not deep enough! I dragged the fishing line under the bridge. It is said that the water under the bridge is the deepest. After a long time, nothing happened. How could it happen? Strange! I'll take a look at the fishing rod! No bait at all! Hi! I'm busy for nothing! I hooked the earthworm I just bought, and then threw the fishing line into the river, waiting patiently


After a while, the "buoy" moved slightly, and I knew that the fish began to eat, so I watched more carefully


After a while, the movement of the "buoy" became more active. I knew it was time to lift the thread, so I dragged it up with its swimming. Wow - a big fish 3 feet long appears in front of us! I immediately caught it in a bucket and put a little water in it. Looking at this big fish, I became more confident in fishing. After hanging the bait, I put it into the water. After less than a minute, the "buoy" began to swing from side to side. I could not pull up the fishing rod. yeah! It must be a big fish! I pulled the fishing rod out of my hand, and the pride just now flew out of the sky - what I caught was not a big fish, but a dirty rag! I had to throw this dirty rag into the trash can, and then I caught either water plants or garbage, which made me have no interest in fishing. Keep complaining: "How can people pollute water like this?" After a while, I had completely lost the elegance of fishing. I put away the fishing rod, looked at the dying fish in the water, and resolutely put the fish back into the river