
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:34 | 来源:语文通


小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇1小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇2小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇3小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇4

小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇1


In order to effectively prevent bullying on campus, maintain and ensure the stability and development of the school, and ensure the normal order of education and teaching, this plan is formulated according to the document spirit of the Notice jointly issued by 11 departments including the Education and Sports Bureau of XX County, taking the "Safe Production Month" as an opportunity and in combination with the reality of our school.


1、 Guiding ideology


Firmly establish the concept of "safe and harmonious campus", through strengthening legal education, strictly enforce school rules and disciplines, regulate students' behavior, actively and earnestly prevent and deal with bullying incidents on campus, so as to provide a good environment for promoting students' physical and mental health, ensuring campus safety, maintaining campus stability, and promoting the construction of a safe and harmonious campus.


2、 Organizational leadership


The school has established a leading group to coordinate and organize the special treatment of campus bullying.


Group leader: XXX (president and secretary)


Deputy group leader: XXX, XXX




Campus bullying special treatment telephone: XXX


3、 Organization of work


The special treatment is divided into two stages.


Phase I: June July 20XX


1. Carry out education. We will focus on special education on campus bullying management, conduct ideological and moral education, mental health education, school discipline and school rules education, discipline and law compliance education, code of conduct education and safety prevention knowledge education for students, and invite public security, judicial and other relevant departments to the school to carry out legal education. Organize teachers and staff to focus on learning relevant policies, measures and methods for prevention and treatment of bullying on campus.


2. Theme class meeting. Organize students to discuss and reflect on the theme of "Abiding by laws and disciplines, cherishing life, and creating a safe campus", in combination with some recent campus bullying incidents across the country, according to the actual situation of the school. Through class meetings, help students establish the concept of discipline and legal system, establish good interpersonal relationships, and learn to communicate with others.


3. Improve the system. Formulate and improve the prevention and treatment system and measures of campus bullying, establish an emergency response plan for campus bullying incidents, and define the responsibilities of teachers and staff at relevant posts to prevent and deal with campus bullying.


4. Strengthen prevention. Strengthen the construction of civil air defense, physical defense and technical defense of campus bullying management, make full use of the psychological counseling room to carry out students' psychological health counseling and counseling, publish the telephone number of student rescue or campus bullying management and specify the person in charge.


5. Check and file. The moral education leading group of the school, the head teacher and the teachers should attach great importance to the investigation and resolution of conflicts between students. The head teacher and the teachers should understand the students' ideological trends at any time through heart to heart talks and exchanges with students, carefully investigate the conflicts and disputes between students, and do a good job in resolving conflicts, so as to avoid the intensification of conflicts and extreme behavior. We should strengthen the education and management of students from special families, find out the details, establish files, actively use the family school communication platform, and carry out targeted assistance and education work. Special attention should be paid to students' schoolwork and psychological burden to prevent accidents caused by excessive schoolwork burden and psychological pressure. The key objects and personnel, such as those who have disputes and grievances with the school, teachers and students' parents, those who are psychologically abnormal, those who have violent tendencies or extreme behaviors, should be carefully investigated. Schools that belong to school personnel should do a good job, file them one by one, and implement special personnel to strengthen control. If they are involved outside the school, they should immediately report to the public security and other departments. Check the controlled knives and other articles that may endanger the safety of the campus.


6. Timely handling. We should find out, investigate and deal with bullying incidents on campus in a timely manner, and seriously deal with the bullying students. Those suspected of violating the law or committing a crime shall report the case to the public security department in a timely manner and cooperate in the investigation and handling of the case.


Phase II: September December 20XX


Our school should conduct a comprehensive self-examination and summary of the special education, improvement of rules and regulations, strengthening prevention, troubleshooting and filing, and the occurrence and handling of campus bullying in the first stage of special governance as required.


4、 Job requirements


1. We attach great importance to campus safety, deeply learn from the lessons of bullying incidents that have occurred in various places, and combine with the actual situation, draw inferences from one instance to prevent such accidents. It is necessary to strengthen the regular management of school education and teaching and strictly prevent accidents due to management omissions. Measures should be taken to strengthen the construction of safety prevention capacity, further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do a good job in safety work, and earnestly implement the responsibility for safety work. In accordance with the requirements of "one post with two responsibilities", strictly implement the responsibility system of the first leader of the party and government for safety work, and form a working mechanism in which "the first leader" is responsible for his own work, the leaders in charge are responsible for specific work, and the relevant departments and teachers and staff are responsible for their own work, so as to resolutely prevent non implementation of regulations There is a tendency that the system is not implemented and the responsibility is not investigated.


2. The quality of safety education management work strictly implements the "one vote veto system", so that the safety education management work is standardized and institutionalized.


3. According to relevant regulations, all teachers and staff shall report safety work information in a timely manner, especially for major situations and emergencies, and relevant responsible persons shall be investigated in case of delay, omission or concealment.

小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇2


In order to further prevent and contain bullying incidents among primary and middle school students, effectively protect their physical and mental health, and strive to make the campus the safest and most sunny place, the following work plan is hereby formulated for the in-depth implementation of the special governance action against bullying among primary and middle school students.


1、 Work objective


Through in-depth prevention of bullying by primary and middle school students, we will effectively strengthen ideological and moral education, rule of law education and mental health education for primary and middle school students. We will focus on investigating and reporting a number of vicious events with bad circumstances and great social impact. We will guide all regions to further explore the dead ends of work, strengthen the linkage network, improve the long-term mechanism, build safe and harmonious campuses, and promote the healthy and happy growth of students.


2、 Task


(1) Comprehensively investigate bullying incidents. Local education departments should carry out a comprehensive investigation on all primary and secondary schools in the administrative region in terms of the working mechanism, system measures, team building, responsibility implementation, publicity and guidance, education and punishment, and condition guarantee for the prevention and control of student bullying to ensure full coverage and no omission. The school should conduct a comprehensive sorting and investigation of all students, conduct in-depth communication with parents, understand and master the students' psychological conditions, thoughts and emotions, and the relationship with classmates, timely find out the signs or hidden dangers of bullying, and early detect, prevent, and control possible bullying behaviors.


(2) Eliminate hidden dangers in time. As for the signs or hidden dangers found in the investigation, the school should report to the higher education authority in time, communicate with parents, investigate and understand the reasons, take necessary intervention measures, do a good job of persuasion and resolution, and simultaneously improve the relevant rules and regulations, strengthen daily management, compact work responsibilities, improve work processes, refine work measures, prevent and control risks, and create a good atmosphere, To effectively prevent student bullying. Schools and regions where student bullying has occurred in recent years should be "looked back" to ensure the implementation of rectification.


(3) Strictly handle according to laws and regulations. Local education departments should guide schools to further improve school rules and disciplines and improve the educational punishment mechanism in accordance with relevant policies and regulations and the relevant requirements of the Rules of Punishment in Primary and Secondary Education (Trial). If the bullying is not serious, the school and parents should seriously criticize, educate and warn the students. If the circumstances are serious, the school may impose disciplinary sanctions and invite the public security organ to participate in warning education or admonish. If violence is committed, the circumstances are serious, and the students refuse to correct after repeated teaching, their performance shall be recorded in the comprehensive quality evaluation of students, and they shall be transferred to special schools according to law when necessary. Those suspected of violating the law or committing a crime shall be dealt with by the public security organ, the people's court or the people's procuratorate according to law. The school should give corresponding psychological guidance to the bullied students.


(4) Standardize the bullying reporting system. Local education departments and schools should establish and improve the student bullying reporting system. All teachers and staff of the school should further enhance their sense of responsibility. Once students are found to be bullied, they should take the initiative to stop it and report to the school in a timely manner; The school and parents should inform each other and investigate and deal with them in a timely manner. For serious cases of bullying, it is necessary to report to the higher education authorities, promptly contact the public security organs to intervene in the handling, and cooperate with relevant departments to handle according to law. Bullying events that are highly concerned about public opinion and have a wide social impact should be reported to the competent department of the Ministry of Education in a timely manner. The main contents of the report include the basic information of the event (time, place, cause, process, personnel involved, etc.) and the measures taken. The report shall be accurate, objective and detailed, and shall not be late, false, concealed or omitted. After the event situation changes, it shall be reported in a timely manner.


(5) We will effectively strengthen education and guidance. All local education departments and schools should strengthen the publicity and interpretation of the newly revised Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and other laws in combination with the laws of physical and mental development and the ideological situation of students, carry out in-depth ideological and moral education, rule of law education, and mental health education, and guide students to develop good ideological and moral character and behavior habits. The special training on prevention and control of student bullying should be included in the in-service training of educational administrative cadres, principals and teachers to improve the awareness and ability of prevention and control of student bullying. We should further strengthen family education, strengthen communication between families and schools, guide students' parents to master the concept of scientific family education, and implement the responsibility of guardianship according to law. We should educate and guide students to use the network correctly, and consciously resist the corrosive influence of bad network information, film and television programs, online games, etc.


(6) Improve the long-term working mechanism. Where student bullying occurs, it is necessary to seriously reflect, deeply summarize experience and lessons, and comprehensively improve the level of prevention and control work. Other regions should learn from this, and the alarm bell should be sounded to prevent future disasters. All localities should further improve the responsibility mechanism, formulate a responsibility list for the prevention and control of student bullying, clarify the responsibilities of all departments at provincial, municipal and county levels, and compact the responsibilities of school principals, head teachers, subject teachers, and faculty. We will further strengthen the prevention mechanism, formulate a school or class level anti bullying convention, establish a system of teacher-student contact, peer assistance, and emergency rescue, actively explore the establishment of student safety officers in classes, and give play to the role of vice principals under the rule of law. Further improve the evaluation mechanism, and incorporate the prevention and control of student bullying into the education quality evaluation and the work evaluation of education administration, school principals, head teachers, subject teachers and relevant teaching staff as the precondition for the evaluation. We will further improve the accountability mechanism, supervise and inspect areas and units where student bullying is a serious problem, report and interview, and publicly report the handling of vicious bullying to the public. Those who are derelict of duty shall be seriously investigated and held accountable.


3、 Organization and implementation


The special governance action is carried out in three stages.


In the first stage, the deployment was made. All localities carried out comprehensive deployment, concentrated on the investigation and investigation work, found out the problems in the current prevention and control of student bullying, established a standing book, and clarified the rectification measures. To be completed before the end of March 20XX.


The second stage is to focus on rectification. According to the results of the investigation and treatment, we will focus on the problems found, investigate and handle bullying incidents according to laws and regulations, and improve the prevention and control mechanism and system measures. To be completed before the end of June 20XX.


The third stage is supervision and inspection. The Office of the Education Steering Committee of the State Council conducts spot checks on the implementation of governance actions in various regions and timely informs the society of relevant information. To be completed before the end of July 20XX.


4、 Job requirements


(1) Strengthen organization and make careful deployment. All localities should take the prevention and control of student bullying as an important part of building a high-quality education system, as the bottom line requirement for students to grow up and become talents, and as an important task of school education and teaching, pay close attention to it, strengthen the organization and leadership, refine the work plan, clarify the work requirements, compact the work responsibilities, and ensure that the governance action is effective.


(2) Department linkage and strengthened cooperation. Under the leadership of the local Party committees and governments, all localities should strengthen coordination with the courts, procuratorates, public security, civil affairs, judicial and other departments, as well as the Communist Youth League, women's federations and other mass organizations, improve the linkage mechanism of departments, clarify the division of tasks, strengthen work responsibilities, improve prevention and control measures, actively build a comprehensive prevention and control system, and effectively form a working force.


(3) Deeply publicize and create an atmosphere. All localities should timely publish the important measures and work progress of special governance to the society, thoroughly summarize the local governance situation and typical work experience, and report and expose the weak ones. We should guide the media to strengthen positive publicity, do a good job of public opinion guidance, prevent excessive exaggeration of details, protect the privacy of injured students, and create a good governance atmosphere.


(4) Carry out supervision to ensure implementation. Local educational supervision institutions should include the prevention and control of student bullying in the scope of responsible supervision. It is necessary to jointly inspect the implementation of the special governance actions of the region and the school together with the procuratorate, public security and other relevant departments, guide the school to continuously improve the prevention and control measures, and ensure that all work is implemented in place.

小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇3


In order to effectively prevent and control bullying among primary and secondary school students, ensure their physical and mental safety and healthy growth, and to implement the education "Endeavour", this implementation plan is formulated according to the Guiding Opinions on Prevention and Control of Bullying and Violence among Primary and Secondary School Students issued by nine departments including the Ministry of Education and in combination with the actual situation of our school.


1、 Guiding ideology


Ensure that the prevention and control of bullying among primary and middle school students is implemented, build the campus into the safest and sunniest place, run the education that people are satisfied with, and create good conditions for the healthy growth of students, with the guarantee of promoting departmental cooperation, linkage and joint efforts.


2、 Basic principles


(1) Insist on education first. We will deepen ideological and moral education, rule of law education, and mental health education for primary and secondary school students, strengthen special education on prevention and control of bullying among students, and cultivate the awareness of principals, teachers, students, and other different groups to actively prevent and consciously oppose bullying among students.


(2) Adhere to prevention first. We will improve relevant rules and regulations, promptly identify potential dangers that may lead to student bullying, strengthen the daily safety management of the school and its surrounding areas, strengthen the supervision of places prone to bullying, and improve the channels for students to seek help to safeguard their rights.


(3) Insist on protection. We will effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of students, strictly protect their privacy, and respect their personal dignity. To effectively protect the physical and mental health of the bullied students, prevent secondary injuries, and help the bullied students to resume their normal study life as soon as possible.


(4) Adhere to the rule of law as the basis. In accordance with the requirements of comprehensively governing the country according to law, students' bullying events should be handled according to law and regulations. In accordance with the principle of "tolerance, not connivance, care and strict management", "zero tolerance" should be implemented, and the bullying students should be treated and punished as necessary, and the misconduct should be corrected in a timely manner.


3、 Action objectives


We will establish and improve the responsibility system and institutional system for the prevention and control of student bullying in which teachers take their own responsibilities. We will basically form a working situation in which the prevention and control departments of student bullying work together, have their responsibilities fully implemented, have sound management systems, effective preventive measures, and standardized handling procedures. We will promote the formation of a long-term mechanism for the prevention and control of student bullying, and effectively prevent and contain the occurrence of student bullying.


4、 Implementation content


Bullying among primary and secondary school students is an event that occurs inside and outside the campus and among students. One party (individual or group) deliberately or maliciously bullies or insults the other party (individual or group) through physical, verbal, network and other means for a single or multiple times, causing physical injury, property loss or mental damage to the other party (individual or group). In practical work, we should strictly distinguish between the definition of student bullying and the definition of fighting and playing among students, and deal with it correctly and reasonably.


(1) Implement the work organization and ensure that the responsibilities are in place. The school has established a working group for the prevention and control of student bullying, with Zhao Rong, the principal, as the group leader, and other teachers as members of the working group. The principal's office telephone number is XXX.


(2) Implement daily management to achieve standardization and degree. Clarify the responsibilities and specific tasks of teachers and staff at relevant posts of the school, especially the vice principal of the rule of law to prevent and control student bullying. Clarify the specific processes of early warning, in-process handling and post intervention of student bullying; The school rules and regulations specify the punishment provisions for bullying at different levels.


First, a student bullying control committee should be established based on the actual situation, which is in the charge of the principal, and is composed of teachers, Young Pioneer Squadron counselors, faculty, community workers, parents' representatives, and outside experts. Second, we should establish and improve various rules and regulations and work ledgers for the school's prevention and control of student bullying, mainly including: the responsibilities of teachers and staff at relevant posts to prevent and control student bullying, the emergency response plan for student bullying, the specific process of early warning, in-process handling and post intervention of student bullying, the punishment provisions for bullying students in school rules and disciplines, and the work ledgers for student bullying prevention and control. Third, strictly implement the campus access and on duty patrol system. Fourth, we should strengthen the relationship between teachers and students, close home school communication, timely grasp the students' thoughts and emotions and the relationship with classmates, and early detect and intervene possible bullying behaviors. Fifth, we should carefully verify the clues and signs of bullying, accurately study and judge them, immediately control minor bullying incidents found early, implement necessary education and punishment, and prevent minor bullying incidents. Sixth, we should improve the campus video monitoring facilities to ensure that there is no vacancy in key places and public areas of the campus for 24 hours. Establish and improve the campus safety online inspection mechanism.


(3) Implement normal education and take preventive measures. The school practically strengthens the ideological and moral education, rule of law education, mental health education, and special education on prevention and control of bullying among primary and secondary school students through quantitative assessment and other means.


First, we should strengthen ideological and moral education. Close contact with the ideological reality of primary and secondary school students, actively cultivate and practice the socialist core values, implement the Code for Primary and Secondary School Students, guide primary and secondary school students to know etiquette, know right and wrong, abide by rules, cherish life, respect others, be united and friendly, not bully the weak, promote public order and good customs, and inherit Chinese virtues. Second, we should strengthen education in the rule of law. Further implement the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and the Outline of Juvenile Rule of Law Education, carry out the activity of "safety education in the classroom", improve students' awareness of the serious harm of bullying, eliminate the misconception that minors do not need to bear any responsibility for illegal crimes, and develop a good habit of abiding by the law. Third, mental health education should be strengthened. Cultivate students' sound personality and positive psychological quality, and carry out scientific and effective psychological guidance for students with psychological problems to improve their mental health. We should give full play to the role of school mass organizations and psychological tutors, and especially carry out targeted psychological counseling and intervention against the characteristics of individual students, such as large psychological fluctuations and easy occurrence of psychological diseases. Fourth, we should strengthen special education on prevention and control of bullying among students. On the basis of strengthening the education of school rules and disciplines for students, combined with typical cases, through classroom teaching, special lectures, class team meetings, theme activities, manual compilation, anti bullying signature ceremony, visiting practice and other forms, students' awareness of the serious harm of bullying is improved, their self-protection awareness and ability are enhanced, and they consciously abide by school rules and disciplines to avoid bullying and correctly face bullying. We will comprehensively strengthen the special education and training of teachers and staff, especially the head teachers, and improve their sense of responsibility and ability to effectively prevent students from bullying.

小学校园防欺凌活动方案 篇4


1、 Guiding ideology


In accordance with the spirit of the Notice of the Office of the Steering Committee of the State Council on Carrying out the Special Treatment of Bullying on Campus (Guo Jiao Du Ban Han [20XX] No. 22) and the relevant instructions of the higher authorities, we carried out in-depth publicity and education activities on "anti bullying on campus", vigorously publicized and popularized the knowledge of anti bullying rule of law, fully understood the importance of carrying out anti bullying education activities on campus, and effectively raised awareness of the dangers of bullying on campus, Further improve the awareness of teachers and students of "anti bullying on campus", and build a safe, friendly, harmonious and stable campus environment.


2、 Organizational structure and responsibilities of campus bullying prevention


(1) Organization:


Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX


Deputy group leader: XXXXXX, XXX, XXX, XXX


Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, each class teacher


(2) Division of labor and responsibilities


1. On site command group


Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX


Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX


Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX


Main responsibilities: Be responsible for directing and organizing the emergency response to campus bullying, making major decisions on the handling of major emergencies, and urging relevant emergency response teams to carry out their work in a timely and effective manner according to the implementation plan.


2. Alert and Evacuation Team


Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX


Group members: all head teachers, deputy head teachers


Main responsibilities: Be responsible for evacuating teachers and students, maintaining order, keeping the scene, and coordinating relevant units (such as public security, police stations, hospitals, etc.) to maintain stability and rescue.


3. Aftermath Treatment Team


Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX


Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX


Main responsibilities: rescue the injured, and immediately contact "120" to send the seriously injured to the hospital for treatment. Do a good job in comforting, condolence and mass ideological work for the parents and family members of the injured students, properly handle the aftermath, and eliminate various unsafe and unstable factors.


4. Communication group


Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX


Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX


Main responsibilities: responsible for internal and external communication and reporting; Collect information and draft incident report; Do a good job in reception and interview of news organizations.


5. Logistics Support Team


Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX


Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Members: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX


Main responsibilities: Be responsible for vehicles, reception, material security, etc. in the process of handling safety incidents.


3、 Preventive measures


1. We will strengthen legal and safety education for teachers and students, and enhance their legal awareness and self-protection awareness.


2. Strictly implement the guard registration management system and strictly control the entry of outsiders into the school.


3. The school has installed indoor and outdoor monitoring and video devices to timely master and preserve the school's internal and external dynamics.


4. We should strengthen the monitoring of people with a history of mental illness in school, strengthen the care for people with a history of mental illness, and persuade them to take a rest at home for treatment, and give care and help in terms of economic treatment.


5. The parties who may cause the intensification of conflicts shall register one by one, receive patiently, and try their best to solve the problem.


6. Establish a team of teachers on duty, strengthen campus patrol on duty, and implement the management responsibility system of leaders and teachers on duty.


7. Establish an emergency response organization to prevent bullying incidents on campus, so as to fulfill their respective responsibilities and coordinate efforts.


4、 Handler


(1) Alarm reception and notification


After the incident, the on-site insiders (including administrators, faculty and students) must immediately report the incident to the head teacher or the leader on duty. After receiving the report, the head teacher and the leader on duty shall immediately organize personnel to stop and control the situation, and relevant personnel shall report the incident to the headmaster. The headmaster must master the following information: time, place, type and extent of the incident; After basically mastering the event situation, immediately notify the team leaders to start the emergency plan.


(2) Disposal and rescue


After the bullying incident, the leader of the leading group must arrive at the scene of the incident as soon as possible to command and coordinate. Take active measures to stop or evacuate the site. The personnel on the scene should first check the students' injuries. According to the principle of "first heavy, then light", the injured students should be treated immediately. The injured should be sent to the hospital in time, the scene should be protected, the physical evidence should be kept, and the case should be reported to the public security organ according to the nature of the incident.


(3) Protection and stability maintenance


The emergency response team shall strictly protect the scene of the incident and properly keep the important traces and physical evidence on the scene. Maintain order, evacuate teachers and students, monitor the case, pay attention to the development of the situation, do a good job in pacifying, stabilize the emotions of teachers and students, and unify the caliber to minimize the impact. Security personnel shall strictly check the identity of outsiders, and forbid non party parents and idlers to enter the campus, so as to ensure the stability of the campus security order. Any guardian, relative or other relevant person of the injured student who makes trouble without reason in the course of handling the incident, disturbs the normal education and teaching order of the school, or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of the school teachers or other staff members, shall immediately report to the public security organ for handling according to law.


(4) Report and notification


After the bullying incident on campus, the school must timely, accurately and comprehensively understand the time, place, overview and handling progress of the incident, and quickly cooperate with the public security department to investigate the cause of the incident, collect relevant materials, and notify the parents or family members of the injured and responsible persons as appropriate.


The school will release information about the event. Without consent, any individual shall not accept the random dissemination of grapevine news to avoid being untrue.


(5) Incident investigation


1. Cooperate with the superior department to handle and investigate the incident. Investigate the cause of the incident, sort out the incident records and form a written report.


2. Summarize experiences and lessons, find problems in systems, policies and facilities, and formulate preventive measures.


(6) Aftermath treatment


1. Do a good job of condolence for the injured and frightened students, and timely contact the parents of the injured students, and do a good job of appeasement and explanation for the parents of the injured students. For relevant responsible persons, parents should be notified to come to the school to cooperate with the disposal, and the relevant responsible persons should be dealt with seriously.


2. Cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in the aftermath of the incident, pension and handling work, handle and coordinate compensation according to law. If it is a responsible accident, investigate the responsibility, and punish accordingly. The compensation for injured students should be implemented according to the General Principles of the Civil Law, the Measures for Handling Student Injuries and other laws and regulations, and strive to maintain the stability of the school and society.


(7) Accountability


1. According to the facts, distinguish the responsibilities, and investigate the civil liability of the responsible person according to the relevant laws and policies. If the act of the responsible person violates the criminal law, he shall be transferred to the judicial organ for investigation of criminal responsibility according to law.


2. The investigation and handling of the incident must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, respecting science and handling the incident according to law. No one may interfere in the investigation and handling of the incident. Those who violate this plan, fail to perform emergency response work, release false information, and disobey the command shall be punished. If a crime is constituted, they shall be transferred to the judicial organ for investigation of criminal responsibility according to law.


(8) Campus bullying office phone: XXX, XXX


Writer: XXX


Issued by: XXX