
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:34 | 来源:语文通



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清明节的作文 篇1


The Qingming Festival is always rainy.As if this rain, the Qingming Festival can show its light and sadness and the taste of remembers.It was Qingmingcheng's full rain, and the rain set off Qingming.Looking at the drifting rain, it can attract the faint sorrow and thoughts in people's hearts.


"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road."Whenever I arrive at the Qingming Festival, I will silently recite the poem by Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu silently.


Today is the annual Qingming Festival.Spring is like a key, which opens my memories of the Qingming Festival in previous years.


That day, the drizzle was gloomy and the sky was gloomy.There was a bitter waves in my heart, patted the other side of my soul again and again.Our family finally returned to my hometown after several hours of journey.My lovely hometown has lost its former vitality at this moment, and the village is full of sadness everywhere. This can not help but remind people of too much dust that has been buried in the bottom of my heart.


Unconsciously, we have arrived at the tomb. We walked in front of the three soil bags, and I saw that my mother carefully removed the weeds in front of the soil bag, and then put some fruits and vegetables brought in those three soils.On the slate in front of the bag, then found a few firewood to lit and burned the paper money.At this time, my mother and my aunt sobbed.Their tears hit my heart, opened my memory, and reminded me of my kind and kind grandmother, reminding me of her sweet smile and gentle eyes.Suddenly, I couldn't restrain my tears, and turned to cry. I thought: Grandma, have you ever been there in the past few years?Don't worry about us, we are all good.Here, I asked Xiaoyu to bring my thoughts to you, and I hope you can feel it.


After the worship, we left quietly.On the vast Hirano, only the wind was still blowing, floating into the distance with sorrow and pain.

最新清明节的作文 篇2


Fortunately, there was no rain, our family went to Zhuxi to sweep the tomb.Zhuxi is northwest of Puzhou and is adjacent to Zhuji City.Zhuxi is the grandmother's mother's house.


Along the way, I saw that the car came and went, which was more lively than us. Most of them went to the countryside to sweep the grave.


When the car arrived at Puqiao, I saw that there were peach blossom red, Lihua white, red and white phase on the hillside on both sides of the highway, and the scenery was unique.Puqiao is rich in various fruits, which is the "hometown of fruits" in Lizhou. It seems that Puqiao fruit this year is a bumper year.


When the car is in Chongren, there is a green oil on the field, and the earth is like a layer of green carpet.The youthful wheat seedlings are being unplugged; the golden rapeseed, silver -white radish flower, and purple grass flower, painting the field into a colorful watercolor painting.The butterflies flying in the flowers, and the bees were busy with honey.


When the car arrives in Zhuxi, the mountain village is surrounded by mountains.The mountains are rolling, the mountains are full of green and green bamboo, lush.Many bamboo shoots on the mountain came out of the ground, and the villagers carried their hoees, carrying bamboo baskets, and dying the bamboo shoots.


From Puqiao to Zhuxi, the villages on both sides of the highway have built three or four -story high -tech houses, which are no less than villas in the city, showing a new scene of a new countryside.Grandpa said: "In recent years, the reform and opening up has made farmers rich. The more new houses have been built and more beautiful. There is no difference in rural areas and cities."

清明节的作文 篇3


My hometown is a beautiful and beautiful village.Surrounded by green mountains and lush trees.Every year in the Qingming Festival, people in their hometown sacrifice their ancestors.Therefore, when I arrive at the Qingming Festival, I will go to my father and mother to go to my hometown to sweep the grave.


Every time I came to my grandparents' tombstone, I wanted to cry, because I always remembered that my father and I told a story: A little boy died when his parents were seven years old, and he had been dependent on the elderly grandma.He never wore a new dress since he was a child and had not eaten a full meal.He relied on relatives and schools to finish finishing middle school, and admitted to the normal school with excellent results, and became a glorious people's teacher.This little boy is my father.Dad is a strong person. He did not give up his studies because of his bumpy fate and poor life.Dad told me the story when I was the most confident when I was studying. I know that Dad is to make me understand: I can't give up my ideals because of a little difficulty.


On the day of the Qingming Festival, I came to visit my grandfather and grandma.I want to tell them: "Grandpa, grandma, you can rest! Your son is very happy now. He used him to exchange for a happy family. Your granddaughter will also be a strong person and fight for yourself!"

清明节的作文 篇4

天上-作文迷§www..cn 小雨飘,又是一年清明时。这是祭扫陵墓、缅怀故人的节日,可惜的是,在这节日里,我却不能去祭奠那些为新中国的胜利而付出生命的伟大烈士们,令人遗憾。

Heaven-Composition Fan §WWW..cn Xiaoyu Piao, it is a clear time for another year.This is a festival that sacrifice the tomb and remembering the old people. Unfortunately, in this festival, I can't sacrifice the great martyrs who give life for the victory of New China. It is regrettable.


Each small wooden sign, engraved with Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang, Liu Hulan ... Gently inserted into the soil, this is the simple wooden sign I made for them.I closed my eyes slightly, closed my hands, and murmured: "You are defending national independence, national dignity, and bravely fighting, blood sprinkled. The nation is heroic. Let us have such a beautiful life.The revolutionary struggle is glorious to die, which is our good example, a portrayal of the spirit of great nationality. "Gently worshiped.


"After so many years, your family is well -known and praised by the world. Some of you have died of war, some died of the brutal torture of imperialism, do your best to save the motherland and defend the motherland, and say in a word -born -bornGreat, the glory of death. I have infinite admiration for you and infinite emotions. You are sacred, no one can replace them. In my eyes, they are a symbol of light. They are the power to overcome everything.It is our motivation to work hard! "A face flashed one by one, perseverance, strong, open -minded, and angry ... Finally turned into a group of nothingness, my eyes were slightly moist, and I worshiped the second time.


I want to say solemnly to the martyrs: "The great revolutionary martyrs, your struggle is victory, our new generation of teenagers will inherit the glorious road you strive to open up, we will go to the tomorrow of the motherland! China has a glorious history of history in China!, Have bloody and yellow descendants with blood, and have the great spirit of the world. I love the motherland. I am proud and proud of myself as the Chinese. You can rest under the Jiuquan. "The third worship ended, and I put it in front of many tombs.Some white flowers.


The spring breeze was gone, and it was not raining. The sun was just right. Perhaps the martyrs felt my unique memorial service, or maybe they agreed with me.I just hope that this gentle spring breeze will bring my respect and thoughts to the place where the martyrs are located.