
时间:2022-07-02 13:12:50 | 来源:语文通



The autumn wind struck, and the wind was hazy with sweet sweet laurel.The eaves dripped the rain, and the raindrops fell along the wind.


In order to see how the raindrops fell, I quietly stepped out of the house.Suddenly, the wind jumped through my fingertips, sneaking over my cuffs, itching, so comfortable, every strand of hair that was brushed by the wind was full of autumn flavor.


Walking leisurely, it's not enough, then I simply run in the wind.I don't need to know where to run or where to go.After the rain, the soil was scattered, and the soil was soft.There is a grain of small stones in the mud, several dry grass rods, and the tender grass on the road is decorated with the desired water droplets.Everything is so quiet.The feet fell on the mud, and a small pit was printed, one after another, leaving all the way.


The long and calf's dry grass is growing wildly, covering the long abandoned rails -rust is not to see the age.Unknown Fujin climbed on the rails, accompanied by the baptism of wind and rain day and night, and gradually lost its color.On the grass growing from the rails, the two little pupa were bathing in the tranquility after the autumn rain.


Stepping on the rails, "Squeak -Squeak--" I ran towards the slopes not far away and stepped on the weeds, which was very soft.Stepping out a small grass nest, after I left, the grass recovered quietly.


Run to the small desert slope in one breath.The slope is very slow, but the grass is very deep, and the grass in front of me with my hands is picked up, and I stepped on the slope step by step.The hair swinging with the wind jumped on the shoulders, and when he turned his head, the hair tip was thrown to the dry grass branches. In this way, the hair was stained with the raindrops and moisturized.Ascend to the top of Xiaopo, watching the mountains in the distance, one by one, is very close but far away.


Turning around and looking back, there was already a hidden secret path behind him.At the end of the path is the small tree, the small tree is really small and small.



1、奔跑:奔跑读音为bēn pǎo,是指很快地跑;奔走:往来奔跑ㄧ奔跑如飞。奔跑 bēn pǎo词语解释:很快地跑;奔走:往来奔跑ㄧ奔跑如飞。分词解释:往来:①来去:路上行人往来匆匆。②去而复来,循环不息:鸟儿在树丛中往来旋绕|往来不穷谓之道。③交往;交际:往来密切|断绝往来。④已往和未来:往来兴废|古今往来的人物。奔走:①急走;跑:奔走相告。②为一定目的而到处活动:奔走衣食ㄧ奔走了几天,事情仍然没有结果。● 奔 bēn ㄅㄣˉ◎ 急走,跑:奔跑。奔驰。奔突(横冲直撞;奔驰)。奔流。奔腾。奔忙。奔波(劳苦奔走)。奔放(疾驰。喻气势雄伟,不受拘束)。私奔(女子私自投奔所爱的人,或跟他一起逃走)。● 奔 bèn ㄅㄣˋ◎ 直往,趋向:投奔。奔东走。他都奔六十了(将近六十岁)。◎ 为某种目的而尽力去做:奔命。● 跑 pǎo ㄆㄠˇ◎ 奔,两脚交互向前迅速跃进:跑步。奔跑。赛跑。◎ 很快地移动:跑动。◎ 逃:跑出笼子。◎ 漏泄:跑电。跑气。◎ 为某种事物奔走:跑买卖。跑外的。跑堂。跑码头。跑单帮。● 跑 páo ㄆㄠˊ◎ 走兽用脚刨地:跑糟(牲口用蹄糟根)。虎跑泉(在中国浙江省杭州市)。...奔跑怎么造句,用奔跑造句»

2、秋天:秋天读音为qiū tiān,是指1.秋日的天空。 2.秋季。 秋季秋天 qiū tiān词语解释:1.秋日的天空。 2.秋季。[autumn] 秋季分词解释:● 秋(鞦) qiū ㄑㄧㄡˉ◎ 一年的第三季:秋季。秋景。秋水(喻人的眼睛,多指女子的)。秋波(喻美女的眼睛)。三秋(a.指秋收、秋耕、秋播;b.指三年)。秋高气爽。◎ 庄稼成熟的时期:麦秋。◎ 指一年:千秋万代。◎ 指某个时期(多指不好的)。多事之秋。◎ 姓。◎ 一种运动和游戏用具称“秋千”。● 天 tiān ㄊㄧㄢˉ◎ 在地面以上的高空:天空。天际。天罡(北斗星)。天渊(上天和深渊,喻差别大)。天马行空(喻气势豪放,不受拘束)。◎ 在上面:天头(书页上面的空白)。◎ 气候:天气。天冷。◎ 季节,时节:冬天。◎ 日,一昼夜,或专指昼间:今天。◎ 指神仙或他们所住的地方:天上。天宫。◎ 自然界:天堑。天时。天籁(自然界的声音,如风声、鸟声、流水声)。◎ 〔天干(ɡān)〕古代用来记日或年的字,有“天干”和“地支”两类,天干共十字:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸,亦称“十干”。◎ 自然的、生成的:天然。天性。天职(应尽的职责)。天才(a.卓绝的创造力、想象力,突出的聪明智慧;b.有这种才能的人)。天伦之乐。...秋天怎么造句,用秋天造句»