
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:09 | 来源:语文通



国庆假日见闻作文 篇1国庆节见闻作文 篇2国庆假期见闻作文 篇3国庆节见闻作文 篇4国庆节见闻作文 篇5国庆节见闻作文 篇6国庆节见闻作文 篇7国庆节见闻作文 篇8国庆假日见闻作文 篇9

国庆假日见闻作文 篇1


Looking forward to it, I finally welcomed the National Day holiday.This time on the National Day holiday, my classmates and I went to Xitai Lake to Lanyue Bay to play.


The scenery of Lanyue Bay is beautiful, the lake is clear, and the small fish and small shrimp can be seen faintly.The lake bank is the dock, and many ships are parked on the dock.Looking at the lake from a distance, there are several yachts, which are walking on a blue wave!This place is like a fairyland.There are several emerald trees next to the lake, like a piece of jadeite, dotted with the lake.Oh, can you be a pearl, it is the "star of the lake" of the sightseeing tower.


"Stars across the lake" are located in the middle of the lake. His body is slender, his head is quite large, round, and particularly fun.The "Star of the Lake" has a total of 19 floors. "Star of the Lake", as the name suggests: The lake is built across the lake. This "star" refers to the sightseeing tower and compares the sightseeing tower to the stars.It is really suitable for this name.


Everyone followed the wooden bridge, reached the sightseeing tower, entered the inside of the sightseeing tower, and looked down at the elevator: "Wow, so high!"The 19th floor is a restaurant. There are most people. It is not easy to find a place. The food is very fast.Wow, this part of the food is so delicious and many, for example, as: Lien Le, Tiramisu, chocolate cake, etc.The restaurant is a rotating restaurant. It was very good to play. Everyone stood on the edge, while observing the scenery, feeling the frequency of turning, and playing the game of "roller coaster" in a chair.Sometimes, a big family will also have a chat!Everyone spent a happy afternoon tea here.


However, the happy time is short, and it is about to close the tower immediately. Everyone is still unhappy!To commemorate this tour, I also wrote a poem:


Today, I traveled to the Yuewan Bay, and the landscape is comparable to Penglai Mountain.


Chaoyang looks like a mirror in Jinhu, and the stars across the lake are brighter.


How do you feel?

国庆节见闻作文 篇2


Today is October 1, 20xx, the full 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.And I was sitting in front of the TV with an extremely excited mood.


Still the familiar Tiananmen Tower, the red carpet, the red door, and the chairman of the Zhongshan suit led the party and the state leaders.In the same place, their footprints overlap with history. From their faces, I saw excitement, happiness, pride and pride, and my heart was full of the same emotions. At this time, I really wanted to shout —- Motherland, I love you!


A few loud rituals, the etiquette team's neat pace walked from the people's hero monument to the flag -raising platform.The red and yellow square team reflects the green military uniforms and reflects the proud face of people. The entire square only heard the tidy pace of the soldiers, just like our heartbeat, powerful and vigorous.


"Comrade Chairman, the troops are ready, please review."


"Start!" The two military vehicles met slowly in Chang'an Street, facing the subordinates waiting for the instructions, the chairman made a brief order.


When I heard the beginning, I wanted to cry, excited, I believe that the mood of the chairman's comrades was the same.


Where the chairman's car arrived, he made a high loud stand, and our people's children were standing upright and Qi Yuxuan.


"Good comrades!" Looking at the dark face of the soldiers, the chairman couldn't restrain his inner movement. How much contributed to the tranquility and peace of his three armed soldiers.people.


"The first head is good!" The chairman's car was called, and the greetings were full of passion, and the soldiers answered strongly, all showing their love for the motherland and the people.


"The comrades have worked hard!" I finally heard the soldiers' answers. They said "serve people!" Yeah, serving the people, this is what we have said and listened toIn this scene, it gives me a deeper emotion: all of us should serve the people, just like the brothers' feelings expressed in the Wenchuan earthquake and the floods in Taiwan.Both hands, dedicate what we can dedicate and serve the people!


Dear motherland mother, sincerely wish you prosperity, Guotai Min'an!

国庆假期见闻作文 篇3


The National Day is here. In the afternoon of the National Day, my sister and I made dew on the leaves. I first brought a bottle to rub a few small and round holes on the bottle cap.Then we went to the bathroom and packed a bottle of water. Finally, I sprayed the water on the green leaves and there was dew.A drop of glittering dew is like a green leaf's eyes blinked.


Later, we used the water in the bottle to make the fountain, just shake the bottle up and down.Then, the water will be sprayed out of the cave, like a fountain; watering the small tree.


Today, although I didn't go out to play, I was still the happiest afternoon at home at home.

国庆节见闻作文 篇4


Today is the third day of the National Day holiday. My father drove his grandfather. My mother, my sister, sister and sister went to the mountain to play together.We caught a large Luo Fei fish in the fishing pond at the foot of the mountain and a paddy who was larger than Luo Fei fish.


We took the fishing fish to make grilled fish for my uncle. I think it tastes great.

国庆节见闻作文 篇5


The long -awaited National Day finally came, shopping, food, play games, etc. These things may be very attractive to others, but it is very boring for me.Of course, this "love dog" will also implement my "dog breeding plan", and the action begins!


On a happy way of catching dogs, my heart was eager to try, humming all the way, and jumped to the square in front of the county government. Suddenly, in front of my eyes, two ultra -love puppies appeared in front of me, yo! Isn't this what television dramas often appear on TV: "Sister Lin in the world"? When the puppy saw me sprinkled my legs, I ran across the road in the arrow, greeted my little pet, and after a soft and hard bubbles. In the end, its owner was moved by my determination. The sweetness in my heart, a matcha -like taste melted in my heart ... I set a small nest in the yard at home, paved a few pieces of waste paper, and put the puppy in. They are not excited, and their eyes are full of fear. In order to eliminate their fear as soon as possible, I decided to prepare a luxurious lunch for them. I quickly found the rice bowl, rushed milk powder, plus ham sausage, steamed buns and honey, and put them in front of two puppies. Seeing the luxurious lunch I prepared for them, the two little guys ignored nothing, squeezing to the rice bowl at the fastest speed, and ate it. Haha, don't look at them as pro -brothers, but in front of the food, they are not allowed to meet each other. Look! The puppy dog ​​was eating ham, but the puppy dog ​​squeezed the little flower dog with a thunderbolt, and they ate it. The puppy dog ​​looked at the puppy pity, and looked back at me again. The expression was really pity. After a while, the two little guys finally torn up because they ate. A good pot of food made them spilled all the way. I really don't know if they should cry or laugh! It seems that I will prepare more food for them next time. The two puppies were finally full, and they almost wanted to name them. After thinking about it for a long time, they thought of the first feeling they gave me -because the puppy dog ​​was one minute larger than the small flower dog, so I give the puppy: wipe, this "lady" name, while the puppy is tea.


In the long holiday of this National Day, I experienced the hard work of raising dogs, but I am very happy. The sweetness of matcha sweets is constantly producing in my heart. This is a holiday that is rich.Taste's holiday!I like this holiday!

国庆节见闻作文 篇6


"Yingying, go below to play with the children. There are so many people below!" Well, what's going on?Why is the atmosphere different on the street?My mother told me that today is the annual National Day, and I am awake.

早上,我连蹦带跳地来到大街上,活像一只可爱至极的小兔。我发现每家店或者是每辆汽车上都插着 m.1mi.net 一面鲜艳的五星红旗。微风吹拂,五星红旗迎风招展,显示着中国人的威信。我走进一家店,看见在这家店里每件服装上都绣着一面精致的小红旗,这是一颗多么真挚的爱国心啊!

In the morning, I came to the streets with jumping, like a cute little rabbit.I found that each store or every car is inserted with a bright five -star red flag on the M.1MI.NET.The breeze blew, the five -star red flag greeted the wind, showing the prestige of the Chinese.I walked into a store and saw a delicate little red flag embroidered on every piece of clothing in this shop. What a sincere patriotic heart!


National Day is a celebration day, because on this day, many people will get married, and the streets are everywhere.There were more than tens of thousands of people on Tiananmen Square, where they were waiting for the solemn moment.Along with the moving melody of "singing the motherland", the People's Liberation Army walked neatly towards the flag -raising platform.In the solemn national anthem, the five -star red flag rose.


The arrival of the National Day broke the tranquility of the past and four seas.I am no exception. On October 2nd, we got up early and sat in the car.We sang all the way, and came to Zhu Family with a smile.


Get off the car, wow!The flow of people is like weaving. Under the sunlight, the water surface is sparkling. My good mood plus the bright sunshine, the beauty in my heart!We saw the most famous sand sculpture in Zhoushan in Nansha, and each sand sculpture was lifelike.I think: How can sand be so high?When I approached the sand sculpture, I touched it gently with my hands.Um?Why hard.So, I asked my mind with my mind, and he told me: The workers piled up the sand first, and then quickly applied a layer of glue, so that the surface of the surface became hardened, but the layer was still soft.sand.I think: Wow!How much hard work and wisdom to do so many sand sculptures!


What I have seen and heard this time, let me know how to study hard and fight for the tomorrow of the motherland!Believe it, the motherland will be better tomorrow!


I wish the motherland prosperity · Changsheng · Fuliang!

国庆节见闻作文 篇7


Today is the annual National Day. It is the birthday of our great motherland's mother. With the wind and rain, our motherland's mother is 64 years old.


On this day of all day, my mother and I went to Star -star Island to play. When I came to the island of Star, the game inside dazzled me, there were roller coasters. Whale boat. Touch the car. Fighting Shark Island ... Essence One of the most exciting is touching the car. At that time, I saw that many people were waiting in line to wait for the bumper car, and I thought; so many people line up like it is fun to touch the car, so I pulled my mother's hand and said; my mother, I want to bump the car. My mother agreed without saying a word. When I came to the ticket office, my mother asked me to line up first. I ran over in a jumper. I saw that when they were driving and bumped into the car, I didn't mention how envious is it in my heart. When I got to me, I ran towards a red car. The game began. I stepped on the accelerator hard, held the steering wheel with both hands, and adjusted the direction. Suddenly, a car came to me quickly. , I was hit by the car of 100,000 miles, and a anger rushed to my heart. I was ready to counterattack and see the time at the fastest speed of the accident. I hit the guardrail, I felt very comfortable, but I didn't find a car that was hitting me, but the car suddenly couldn't drive. Oh, it turned out that the game was over. It's fun to touch the car! I couldn't help but admire from the bottom of my heart.


In the end, I also went to the fun ocean world. There were many fish inside, and some were fierce.Some gentle.Some beautiful ...What impressed me most was water fish, which could contain water and then shot the water out.When I walked over, I wanted to tease it, and it really shot water to my face.It seems to be showing me strong.I went to the Dolphin Museum again and touched the dolphin by myself. The skin of the dolphin was like a rubber, which was very smooth.The fun ocean world is really lingering.


The setting sun spilled the last afterglow, and also gave my trip to a successful end.

国庆节见闻作文 篇8


On October 1st, my parents and I went to see Hu Yanglin, and my mother and I saw desert plants at Ejin Banner Airport.


The desert plants are very short. The leaves are acupuncture and like a pentagram. Because it is necessary to prevent water loss in dry areas, it grows like this.These plants are cute, but the hands are painful.

国庆假日见闻作文 篇9


This year's National Day is very exciting, it is also a lively day. It is the school's annual sports meeting.


In the early morning, I was carrying a schoolbag to school with great heart. When I saw it at the entrance of the school, my Xinli was as sweet as drinking honey. Because every student's face showed a sweet smile, I saw this scene.I laughed involuntarily, I walked into the campus, and then entered the classroom; everyone waited for a long time to start the sports meeting.At school, my heart was a little unhappy.


With the exciting Volunteer Army in the broadcast, the sports meeting opened nervously!All the teachers and students of everyone in the school first put what they brought on the stands, and then came down to the playground to do martial arts operation. Then, they started the ceremony. Finally, listened to the principal's speech, and then everyone returned to the stands.


Starting the competition, first the "400 -meter running" competition in the sixth grade of elementary school. Everyone heard the cheers and refueling sounds of the sixth grade of elementary school.Everyone couldn't help but look at the fun.


Everyone said that everyone in the whole class contributed five refueling or cheerful drafts. I was like a little reporter looking for writing materials. The classmates all handed over more than 200 drafts. Everyone's enthusiasm was very high!


All the teachers and students of everyone in the school cheer up or cheer for our class. Everyone has fun. Even the players who have lost are unconvinced. They want to come back again. There are many students who break the school records in the competition.The team members were determined one by one, and stubbornly worked hard in the pace of the laser gun to rush out.The warm sunshine shot on the athlete's face, and each athlete insisted, and the hard running would get up and run even if they fell.Some people are rising in the stands!Regardless of the team members, just rushed to the end of the end, Zhan Minmin in the class not only won the first place, but also broke the school's record.


Although everyone loses, everyone will not give up casually, and they must win back next year.