
时间:2022-07-20 13:48:10 | 来源:语文通



A group of chickens came from the distance, and they were talking and walking home.


I don't know how long it has gone, a small river with a wide and stable water appeared in front of me, but this long river also seemed to be "long" endlessly.


The sound came from the chicken group: "What can I do?"In the past, it turned out to be a single wooden bridge.


A hen stretched out her feet and touched the Duguqiao. She immediately retracted her feet: "Why is the Duguqiao so thin and still slippery? We can't swim, let's change the way!"


A rooster came out bravely and said to everyone, "Let me try!" He slowly stood up on the Duguqiao, grabbed the Duguqiao tightly, and moved forward.Such a nervous and difficult action made the roosters sweat like rain, and other chickens stretched their necks, some called the rooster, and asked him to return quickly;It's right.


No matter what others say, the rooster still walked firmly to the other side.In the middle of the bridge, the wooden bridge was bent, and the rooster sweated more. His legs began to tremble, but still bravely acted forward.On the banks of the river, the rooster looked at the dense weeds, and everyone shouted loudly: "Be careful, beware!" But the rooster did not hesitate to cross the weeds step by step, and did not worry about falling into the water.The rooster crossed the river successfully, and everyone relieved.


The brave rooster smiled happily and said to his companions: "Only by fighting can you succeed!"



A sunny morning, the chicken mother asked the little rooster to visit the sick grandmother on the other side of the river.The little rooster took his mother's dim sum for his grandmother.


On the way, the little rooster met a river, "Yeah! The bridge was broken, how can I go?" The cock was so anxious.At this time, the duckling came and asked, "What's wrong with you?" The little rooster said in depression, "duckling, the bridge breaks me." The duckling said, "Don't worry first, I'll come, I'm here, I'm hereHelp you find a way. "The duckling found a wooden board and put it in the river, and then said to the little rooster," You stand on the wooden board, I push you over! "In this way, the little cock takes the wooden board, on the duckling, on the duckling,The river passed the river smoothly.


After going ashore, the little rooster said very grateful, "duckling, thank you!" The duckling said, "Don't thank you! You must remember that you encounter difficulties in the future."



One day, there is no cloud.Little rabbits and cocks make an appointment to pick mushrooms together.


They walked happily towards the river.Walking, they suddenly saw the bridge on the river.The little rabbit asked doubtfully: "Did someone remove the bridge yesterday?" The cock shook his head and said."Don't ..." Before the little rooster finished speaking, the little rabbit cried anxiously.He cried and said, "What should I do if there is no bridge?" "Sister Bunny, don't cry first, crying can't solve the problem, let me find a way together!" The little chicken comforted.


After a while, the little cock thought of his good friend -giraffe, it may have a way.The little rooster immediately told the little rabbit, and then hurriedly found the giraffe in the forest.Then, the chicks came to the edge of the river with giraffe.


As soon as the little rabbit saw the giraffe, he asked the giraffe excitedly: "Brother giraffe, can you help us change a bridge?" The giraffe smiled and said, "I can't change a bridge, but I can help you take a seat for youThe bridge. "After that, the giraffe extended its long neck to the opposite side of the river, like a curved bridge.The little rabbit and the cock saw it, and they jumped three feet high.


"Come here!" The giraffe said with a smile."Thank you so much, Brother Giraffe!" Said, the little rabbit and the little rooster held hands together and walked to the opposite side of the river.At this time, the little rabbit and the cock said to the giraffe: "Giraffe brother, don't leave first, we will pick some fresh mushrooms for you for a while." "You are so polite! Then I am waiting for you here, one is a one, one is waiting for you, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one,You will come back from my neck again! "Finally, they all went home with a basket full of mushrooms.


Children, when we encounter difficulties, we must learn like a small rooster. Do not worry, and think calmly to solve the problem.



In the spring, the blue sky, white clouds, little white rabbits and chicks on the outsourcing of green grass.


The little white rabbit was happy to say to the chicken, "Today is a happy day, we have to play happily."


Along the way, they jumped and jumped, and suddenly a big river blocked their way.


The little white rabbit frowned and went to the bird to say, "Bird, can you help us spend this river?" The bird said with a red face, "I'm sorry, I can't take you."So, they went to the kangaroos again and said, "Aunt Kangaroo, can you take us over this river?" Aunt Kangaroo said shyly, "I'm sorry, I can't jump over this big river."At this moment, a tall and strong giraffe said, "Don't be afraid, I can help you cross the river."The little white rabbit and the chick jumped three feet high and said, "It's great"! I saw the giraffe knelt down, stretched out the long and curved neck, saying "You go along my neck."The little white rabbit and chick carefully passed the river.The two of them said to the giraffe, "Thank you, thanks to you, we can cross this river."The giraffe said with red face, "It's okay, this is what I should do."The little white rabbit and chick waved to him, "Goodbye, giraffe friend"!



The shocking bird's cry that had never been heard in the morning interrupted my dream."What's going on? It's noisy!" I screamed loudly, slamming my little mouth, and came to the birthplace of the sound, the balcony, and saw a bird cage covering the cloth.The two birds that opened the two livelihoods opened my eyes, so I guess that it must be that Grandpa brought me back from his hometown last night, and I couldn't help but surprise.


Grandpa told me that the scientific name of the bird was bamboo chicken, but the people in my hometown called it "gold without changing" because it would spit out three notes in a row, as if it was called "Jin Never changed".In order to make these two birds more comfortable, Grandpa will put them in a big cage, but they seem to be reluctant to leave their old nests, kicking hard, wings desperately, that male "Kim did not change "to move into the big cage, but the female who took the opportunity to open the hidden bird cage door with the pedal and flew out. The whole family was chaotic.As a result, the male "gold didn't change" jumped in the cage for a day, and it was called for a day. The voice was almost deafening.


The next day, "Gold is not changed" and simply did not call, and he ate less, but it still jumped in the cage, especially when you lifted the cloth to see it, it jumped more fierce and dazzled.On the third day, the food ate less, and it was very weak to hit the bird cage. Somehow, I suddenly felt that it was so pitiful that it was unknowingly in my heart.Is it afraid of contacting people or friends who miss it? I stood next to the bird cage, gently put down the cloth, and thought for a long time.


I was lying on the bed at night, turning over and over, and I couldn't sleep. I suddenly thought of the cloth covering on the bird cage. Should it be lifted?I feel that I am not alone.After getting up, my first thing was to stand next to the bird cage, gently lifted the cloth, and gently said to "Gold" and said, "Don't be afraid, can we make friends? I will accompany you every dayAs a result, the miracle appeared, and gradually, it was not afraid of me. You feed it to eat, but it will wait for two round eyes to look at you.


Later, I often feed the water to drink it, feed the valley to eat it, sometimes it is naughty. I want to peck my hand. It seems that it has regarded me as its good friend.In fact, it looks beautiful. The feathers on it are mainly brown. The tops of the top and wings are dotted with olive feathers, especially the feathers on the top of the head are very conspicuous.It looks very strong, just like a small meatball.It seems to know my mind, and I will call me to get up every morning.


This is our bamboo chicken, which has become my good friend.



1、公鸡:公鸡读音为gōng jī,是指雄性鸡。 雄性鸡公鸡 gōng jī词语解释:雄性鸡。[rooster;cock] 雄性鸡分词解释:性鸡:阉割过的公鸡。● 鸡(鷄) jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 家禽,品种很多,翅膀短,不能高飞;雄性啼能报晓,雌性生的蛋是好食品:公鸡。母鸡。鸡雏。● 公 gōng ㄍㄨㄥˉ◎ 正直无私,为大家利益:公正。公心。大公无私。◎ 共同的,大家承认的:公理。公式。公海。公制。◎ 国家,社会,大众:公共。公安(社会整体的治安)。公众。公民。公论(公众的评论)。◎ 让大家知道:公开。公报。公然。◎ 封建制度最高爵位:三公(中国周代指“太师”、“太傅”、“太保”;西汉指“大司徒”、“大司马”、“大司空”)。公子。公主。◎ 敬辞,尊称男子:海公。包公。诸公(各位)。◎ 雄性的:公母。公畜。◎ 对长辈和年老人的称呼:公公。外公(外祖父)。◎ 姓。...公鸡怎么造句,用公鸡造句»