
时间:2022-07-14 13:50:42 | 来源:语文通



One evening in the summer vacation, my mother and I met the "little cute" on the way home after dinner at my grandma's house.


Along the way, my mother and I were holding hands, singing songs, blowing the evening wind, and walking around with light footsteps.Suddenly, when I heard my mother screaming, I quickly looked at her place.Wow, it turned out to be a snail! Such a big snail, wondering in my heart, is this the little snail that I was released with me for more than a year.I stopped and looked at it, like seeing the long -awaited old friend.I squatted down involuntarily, and the scenes that had raised little snails at home with my head.When my mother saw me stopped, I quickly picked up my mobile phone to take a photo with the big snail.Even so, I was noisy to take the big snail home.However, I think of many viruses in the body mentioned in the book, especially children cannot touch or cultivate, so they give up the idea of taking away it.In the end, Yiyi reluctantly followed her mother to go home.


But my mood can't be calm for a long time, will this snail be lonely? Will it not eat well! Will it be accidentally stepped on by others ...


In the same place, the same place and the same place happened to meet, this beautiful moment always engraved in my mind.


Hope to meet this intimate "friend" again.



1、巧遇:巧遇读音为qiǎo yù,是指凑巧遇到。 恰好遇见,意外相遇巧遇 qiǎo yù词语解释:凑巧遇到。[chance encounter] 恰好遇见,意外相遇分词解释:凑巧:偶合;正好。遇到:犹碰到。● 巧 qiǎo ㄑㄧㄠˇ◎ 技能好,灵敏:巧妙。巧思。巧劲。巧干(gàn )。精巧。轻巧。乖巧。心灵手巧。巧发奇中。◎ 美好:巧笑(指美好的笑貌)。◎ 虚伪(特指语言):巧言。巧诈。巧辩。巧言令色。◎ 恰好:巧合。巧遇。恰巧。● 遇 yù ㄩˋ◎ 相逢,会面,碰到:遇到。遇见。遇事。奇遇。遭遇。境遇。◎ 机会:机遇。际遇。知遇。◎ 对待,款待:待遇。冷遇。◎ 姓。...巧遇怎么造句,用巧遇造句»

2、蜗牛:蜗牛读音为wō niú,是指软体动物,腹足纲。壳圆锥形或球形。头部有两对触角,后一对顶端有眼。腹面有扁平宽大的腹足,适于陆上爬行。行走缓慢。雌雄同体。肉可食用,中国已进行人工养殖。 软体动物,头部有两对触角,壳略呈扁圆形或圆锥形,有螺旋纹。吃草本植物的表皮蜗牛 wō niú词语解释:软体动物,腹足纲。壳圆锥形或球形。头部有两对触角,后一对顶端有眼。腹面有扁平宽大的腹足,适于陆上爬行。行走缓慢。雌雄同体。肉可食用,中国已进行人工养殖。[snail] 软体动物,头部有两对触角,壳略呈扁圆形或圆锥形,有螺旋纹。吃草本植物的表皮分词解释:有眼:有眼力。谓有分辨是非好坏的能力。养殖:培育和繁殖(水产动植物)。行走:1.行路;走动。 2.犹言入值办事。清制,凡不属于专设官职,调充某项职役的都用此称。 3.北洋军阀统治时期,以此称额外派充的官。顶端:①最高最上的部分:登上电视塔的顶端。②末尾:我们走到大桥的顶端。...蜗牛怎么造句,用蜗牛造句»