
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:45 | 来源:语文通



最美清洁工作文400字 篇1最美清洁工人作文 篇2最美清洁工作文 篇3最美清洁工作文 篇4最美清洁工人作文 篇5最美清洁工人作文 篇6

最美清洁工作文400字 篇1


I walk on a clean street every day, and I always see a group of people who bring clean people to the city. They have pushy eyes, wearing yellow jackets on their bodies, masks on their mouths, holding a broom on their hands, from from time to time, from time to timeBusy ...


Early in the morning, there are very few pedestrians on the streets and deserted. I always see some people with a mask on the street to sweep the garbage. While holding the bag while holding a broom, they sweep the garbage into the bag one by one.Riding a tricycle to find their goals, but after they swept for a while, many unconscious people threw the garbage everywhere, adding another trouble to them, and they just shook their heads and did not complain.Sweeping the street.If the tricycles are full of garbage, they will run to the garbage station, pour the garbage little by little, and then set off again, and continue to be busy ... Whether the weather is cold or hot, they are on the street every day.Sweep the floor and keep the streets from being stained, while some people throw garbage.Seeing such a scene, I think if I have magic, I must turn these people into a cleaning worker so that they can also experience the hard work of the cleaner.


The cleaner brings cleanliness to our city, so that we do not throw garbage, reduce a burden on cleaners, and dedicate our meager power to the city's neatness.

最美清洁工人作文 篇2


Flowers, success, happiness ... These are related to beauty, then you must not know why "cleaner" has a relationship with them.In the autumn evening, I stood next to a small station waiting for a car and waited for the car to go to my mother's shop.The autumn wind was scratching my face, painful and pain, and from time to time, the roar of the wind was remembered from time to time.The yellow leaves on the tree were dragged down by the wind ruthlessly. The tree seemed to be reluctant to leave the leaves, shaking the branches in the wind.


In the distance, a little orange dot slowly moved to nearby.While moving, the nearby leaves gradually became clean and gathered together.At this time, the orange dot was closer, and it turned out to be a cleaner.He looks like a grandfather around sixty.He used his broom, swept here, and then scan.The road, which was originally messy by fallen leaves, suddenly became dry.


He swept and coughed. I took a closer look. It turned out that he didn't wear a lot of clothes. It was probably a shirt, a sweater and a coat. At most, he wearing an orange cleaners.There are more and more fallen leaves. I saw him bent down and swept the leaves into a garbage bag with a broom and poured into the trash.Suddenly, the sound of "Meow Meow" in the grass caught his attention.


Closely, it turned out to be a kitten.The kitten shivered.He picked up the kitten, touched it with his hand, and sent it to a corner of the wind, and left.In fact, you feel ordinary and not beautiful, and it is also beautiful.There is only a lack of beauty in life. As long as you pay attention to discover, you will find that there are many beautiful things in life.

最美清洁工作文 篇3


There is a garbage recycling station near my house.Whenever the heat comes, the recycling station will smell the smell from time to time.When I smelled this smell, I remembered the sound of the tractor at four or five o'clock in the morning, and I remembered something happening in the summer vacation.


I remember I was going to the training class that day.When I passed an intersection, the red light was on, and I looked around while the red light.Suddenly, a scene was shown in my eyes.


A van full of watermelon passed by, maybe because of "running" too fast, the rear box cover was bounced, watermelon scattered all over the ground, and "blooming everywhere."I thought the cleaner aunt who was sweeping the floor saw it, and immediately ran over and shouted, "Driver! Your watermelon!" The driver heard the news, stopped the car and looked back, and couldn't help but stomach and yelled, "My watermelon! Oh, what can I do? The business fled, and I lost a lot of money! "The enthusiastic aunt saw it, and comforted the driver:" It doesn't matter, there is no batch of watermelon in the car.Land? You should be grateful, pay attention to delivery in the future, eat a sting, long one wisdom. I will help you clean up! "After that, drag the garbage truck, use a big broom, and clean it seriously.The traffic lights are still changing according to the routine. One car has been driven. The aunt of the cleaner risked her life. She took a piece of watermelon together, held it with her hands, and threw it into the garbage truck.


Some small pieces of watermelon are shovel with brooms and shovel, and then entering the garbage truck.The watermelon was cleaned up, and I saw that she took out the tap water bottle again. After cleaning the stains on the road, she patted her hands and said to the driver's focus.A mess! "" Ah, thank you so much! Aunt! "The driver said, holding the cleaner's" clean "hand," I must remember this lesson! Thank you! "After the cleaner, he drove away with a van.When I came back, the green light turned red light again.I thought: "Oops, it's bad, I am going to be late today. But I think the scene just now is more profound than the knowledge in the training class."


The cleaner's figure was lingering in my mind, and her spiritual quality made me remember.Of course, there are many cleaner, just like this aunt, and have this spirit.Although the position of cleaner is humble, it can also show its greatness.Just like the poet Zang Kejia said: "Some people live better for most people." Praise you and love the cleaner!

最美清洁工作文 篇4


Who is working hard every day for the environment of the city?Who has been unknown to clean the environment for us?Who did not complain and dirty and tired?--Inscription


Presumably everyone knows who he is after reading the question. He just has always been unknown cleaner who protects us.When it comes to the person who affects me the greatest, it is our uncle of the cleaner.


He got the earliest every morning, the late get off work, and the dirty and tired work. He also had no complaints. Let me tell you about the specific examples of opinions on my impact on me.


Once, an uncle of a cleaner cleaned the dirty things on the side of the road. There were a lot of water next to him. When he walked to his followers, I saw his small pair of small eyes without spiritual eyes, and the nose was inlaid flatly in the nose.On a wrinkled face, he was wearing a yellow gown and a pair of black pants on his body. He rolled up his sleeves and was cleaning the garbage in the sewer.Continue to clean up the garbage again. Suddenly, I heard someone say a word, "He is stupid, and then take off the water channel garbage." After a while, another person rode a bicycle from the cleaner quickly, and the water made the water.The water splashed with the uncle of the cleaner, but he never got out of the car to apologize to Uncle Cleaner, and he walked quickly without returning.I have a great influence on this matter. People think that the cleaners are stupid. They are dirty and tired, and they have little salary. In fact, this is not the case.If there are no these cleaners who are willing to suffer, then our city will become a dirty city.


After this incident, I felt deeply, and I also had a great impact on me. From the original I like to throw the garbage into the garbage, I see the garbage and take the initiative to pick it up.You can work dry and dirty, so say that a cleaner is our role model, and we all learn from him.


This is the person who has the greatest influence on me. He is a cleaner. He has made me never protect the environment to protect the environment. So he is my role model. Who has the greatest impact on you?Write it and share it.

最美清洁工人作文 篇5


What is the most beautiful in the world?Some people will say that they are gorgeous roses, some people will say they are beautiful stars, and others say they are charming scenery ... and I think that the cleaner who brings us the beautiful environment is the most beautiful!


On Saturday evening, I was riding a dragon board to the beautiful landscape lake park.Once in the evening, people come and go, and there are endless streams. Small merchants and hawkers are sipped around. Many people buy things. After eating, the garbage will throw themselves.I couldn't help but frowned, I had no one, and went home early.


The next morning, my mother asked me to run to Scenic Lake Park.As soon as I stepped into the park, "Well! How can I change here?" The scene of the garbage and paper crumbs disappeared long ago, and it suddenly became clean and tidy and fresh.Who changed it all?I look at the east, look at the west, looking around.At this time, I found that an uncle of a cleaner was not afraid of the bad smell, and the garbage on the river was rained; not far away, a cleaner aunt was picked up the cigarette butts on the ground.At this time, I understood everything: it was them that made Landscape Lake Park more beautiful!I slowly walked towards them and clearly saw a black face that was sunny by the sun, with hard -fledged wrinkles on my face; a pair of thin -bone hands, turmoil storm; a bit of camel, seemed to be straight.However, they all look particularly spiritual, bright eyes, and coordinated movements.They have been repeating several monotonous actions -finding, bending, picking up, looking for, bending, picking up ...


Seeing this, I can't help but respect them!It is them. In order to make the entire park cleaner, the environment is better, the air is more fresh, the air is constantly working, and the waist is exhausted, but they still work without regrets and work in obscurity.Serve us, for everyone, and the whole society.They make their limited life reflect infinite value!


Cleaners are ordinary, but they are extraordinary.Although they do extremely ordinary jobs, it is this extremely ordinary job that brings us a beautiful and pleasant environment and a comfortable and happy mood.At this time, I seemed to see the fiery heart in their ordinary inner world!


Beautiful Xiamen, beautiful cleaner, isn't it?

最美清洁工人作文 篇6


The Spring Festival is a happy day of reunion.People who have run around and have been busy for a year are looking forward to returning to their hometown to reunite with their loved ones.However, for the happy life of others, an unknown person gave up his little home and persisted in ordinary jobs.


In the morning of the third day of the new year, when I woke up, I was hazy, yawned, just wanted to stretch a lazy waist, and I heard the sound of 唰 — 唰 — 唰 唰 大 大 大 大 大.The sound is intermittent, the hour is big.I opened the curtains and looked out of the window curiously, ah, a big snow!The snowy snowflakes fluttered like goose feathers.I looked at the voice: a person standing alone on the thick "white carpet", the man wore an old brown hat, wearing a blue white work clothes, holding a broom with a broom, Sweeping the snow on the road with a bow.Ah, it turned out to be the uncle of our community!


The snow that was overnight had accumulated very thickly, and the uncle worked hard, using iron crickets for a while, and using a broom for a while.The snow was so big, the uncle's body was covered with snowflakes, and the old hat was almost covered by snowflakes and turned gray -white.The breath exhaled in the mouth of the uncle seemed to be a white smoke -this cold morning, everyone must hide at home. In the large garden, the uncle's figure seemed so lonely."I went home on holidays, and my uncle stayed on duty. I didn't expect to catch up with this heavy snow." I said to myself.


After having breakfast, the snow was still down, the children came out to fight the snow, my brother and sister came out to take pictures, and the garden became lively, laughing and funny.My heart was excited as the cheerful crowd.Turn around again, the uncle who cleaned the snow was still struggling to shovel. The "gray -white" hat and blue jacket were gone, accompanied by the sound of 唰 唰, the uncle's long string is flat and flat, and the uncle is flat and flat.Clean roads ...


Uncle's home does not know where he is, and his family must be looking forward to him go home for the New Year.For us to have a clean and comfortable living environment, he gave up his family happiness.How ordinary and unusual people are this!In the past, cleaner workers were even ordinary in my eyes. Today, the image of this simple cleaner's uncle is so tall in my eyes.I!