
时间:2022-07-25 13:22:32 | 来源:语文通



Time is like arrows, sun and moon like shuttle, and the winter vacation is fleeting. We ushered in a new semester and a warm and bright spring.


Today is the first day of school. My beloved schoolbags, the first rays of sunlight in the early morning, took a cheerful footsteps and excited and joyful mood.On both sides of the road, the green grass of the green oil revealed that the small head was looking around, and a spring breeze was blowing. The grass jumped up a cheerful ballet, and even the strong tree was bent by the spring girl ...

我兴高采烈地一路疾飞,一会儿就来到了盼望已久的校园,踏入久违的教室,见到了久违的同学。大家三个一群,五个一伙,热火朝天地叽叽喳喳,七嘴八舌地说个不停, "这个寒假你干什么了“”我还去滑雪了““你好像长胖了”同桌仰着红扑扑的小脸骄傲地说:“我看了五颜六色的花灯,它们把油城装扮得像火龙一样,还参观了文化馆,油田人真了不起!“我不甘示弱地说:“是啊,今年的新年太热闹了,我还参加了游园活动,扎飞镖、套金鱼……最令我激动的是收到1200元压岁钱哩!”同桌点着我的鼻子俏皮地说:“你还是个贪财迷呀!”同学们又说又笑、你一言我一语地,处处扬溢着亲切喜悦、兴奋激动的热烈气氛。

I fluttered all the way, and I came to the long -awaited campus, entered the long -lost classroom, and saw the long -lost classmates.Everyone three, one group, five groups, and the hotness facing the heavens and the earth, talking about it, "What do you do this winter vacation?" I also went to ski "You seem to get fat" at the same table and flutter.The little face said proudly: "I watched the colorful lanterns. They dressed the oil city like a dragon, and also visited the cultural museum.It's lively, I also participated in the garden tour, dart darts, goldfish ... The most exciting is to receive 1,200 yuan money money! "I like my nose at the same table and said playfully:" You are still a greedy wealth!"The classmates said again and again, you spoke and me, full of enthusiastic atmosphere of affection and excitement everywhere.


After class, we ran out of the classroom like a group of happy birds competing first and then came to the wide playground.Singing the singing song, as if we were greeted our back to school, the blue sky and green ground, we are happy, running and playing, some play football, some skip rope, and some eagles and chickens ...The new weather that is peaceful and upward!


"Ding Ling Bell ..." The classing bell rang, we hurried into the classroom, sitting upright, staring intently at the blackboard, all God used to listen to the teacher's lecture."One inch of time and one inch of gold, and the inch of gold is hard to buy inch." The good beginning is half the success of success. I want to learn from the first day -study hard and run towards a perfect new semester!



1、学期:学期读音为xué qī,是指学校教学年度的分期。见“学年”。学期 xué qī分词解释:学校教学年度的分期。见“学年”。(1) [term;semester]∶小学、中学或大学的每年分出的两个学习阶段之一(2) [half year]∶学年之春季部分或秋季部分分词解释:学年:学校的教学年度。一般从秋季开始,至次年夏季为一学年。在中国,一学年分为两个学期,即第一、第二学期,也称上、下学期。分期:1.分出几个期限。 2.划分时期﹑阶段。年度:根据业务性质和需要而规定的有一定起讫日期的十二个月。学校:有计划、有组织地进行系统教育的机构。起源于奴隶社会。中国古代的学校称为庠、序、学、校。在开始产生时不都是专门的教育机构,而兼为习射、养老的场所。以后的学校一般称为学。1902年《钦定学堂章程》中称为学堂,1912年的学制中改称为学校。...学期怎么造句,用学期造句»

2、新的:新的读音为xīn dì,是指鲜明,常用来描写花色。...新的怎么造句,用新的造句»