
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:28 | 来源:语文通



父爱作文 篇1父爱高考满分作文 篇2父爱高考满分作文 篇3关于父爱的作文 篇4父爱作文 篇5父爱的作文 篇6关于父爱的作文 篇7

父爱作文 篇1


Finally, I finished watching Hunan TV's "Where's Dad?" program on this Friday. The whole process was watched with my daughter. During the watching process, some made me laugh aloud, and some made me cry secretly. In particular, I was deeply inspired by the letter from the father at the end of the program to the child. The child asked me naively, "Dad, why are you crying?" I can't answer the child's questions. Maybe she will understand when she grows up. Father's love is like a mountain, and he will protect you. Father's love is like a mountain, and he will watch over you.


Looking at the five dads, some are gentle, some are impatient, some are clumsy, some are confused, some are Tian Liang, some are setting an example, some are Zhang Liang. No matter what, they all treat their children sincerely. They want their children to live happily and eat less bitterness. As Guo Tao said in his letter to his son, they are impatient and sometimes angry, Let the child have some misunderstandings. He will correct when he realizes this. How touching it is. Lin Zhiying said that the child could not live without himself until he was able to complete the task independently. He said that the child always regarded him as a hero, and he wanted to be a hero for his whole life. Wang Yuelun said that he did not know what would happen to his daughter when she got married. These dads don't hide anything when they say these things. They all come from their hearts. They love their children. Their ways of giving may be different, but they all love their children with their father's broad mind. This is the greatest love in the world. Father love is like a mountain.


When we think of our parents again, our father was very strict when we were young, which made us afraid to talk to him. But now that we have grown up, we are still afraid to approach him. In fact, we now know that it is a special kind of fatherly love. He cares about you in that way. He cares about every step of your growth. He won't praise you for your achievements, he will give you advice, and he will blame you when you have difficulties, He will give you advice. He is your eternal mountain. No matter when you want to come back, he will open his arms to welcome you. This is our father, this is our father's love, which we can never part with.


I also love my children with my father's mind. Sometimes I may be a little anxious, sometimes I may have some methods that are not to your liking. But my father always hopes that you can be strong and that you can overcome yourself. My father hopes that you can grow up as soon as possible. Don't be a dependent person, but be your own little master. My father will always be your mountain. No matter how far you go, I am waiting for you to come back, Because I love you, I love everything about you.

父爱高考满分作文 篇2


On the playground, a child was learning to ride a bike, and his father was standing beside him. Without a word of instruction or comfort, children naturally fell and fell, and their legs were already bleeding. Finally, the child sat on the ground and cried. Dad still stood upright, his eyes full of disdain and indifference. How the child longed for his father's encouragement. No; How much the child longed for his father's embrace, he still didn't. Only those empty eyes make the child feel cold and heartless. Finally, the child stopped crying, stood up stubbornly, got on the bus and started another attempt. Dad had long been indifferent, turned around, took a big step and left. Behind him, there was a sound of metal rubbing against the ground. Dad just turned his head carelessly, but his hands were trembling. The child stood up and thought of his father's cold eyes just now, two lines of tears? It slid wonderfully across his cheek. One step, two steps and three steps. Dad's footsteps are still firm.


16 years old.


In the auditorium, the children of those years were crowded onto the podium. Another time to hold the trophy high, another time to cheer. Holding the honor tightly, the child searched for his father with difficulty under the flashing light. He was the only one in the crowd. There was only one in the seat below the stage. In an instant, the auditorium seemed empty, with only the child and his father looking at each other. Still so indifferent, still so disdainful. Dad's empty eyes let the light of the trophy fade. He stood up and walked to our son. He grabbed the cup and handed it to the backstage teacher without hesitation. Two lines of tears flowed down again involuntarily, and the sound of father's footsteps was still firm.




At the gate of the school, a young man left his father. No greetings, no relief, no hugs, no words. Looking directly at his father, his wrinkles became deeper and his black hair was a little gray. Tears rolled in my eyes and I was depressed. In the vagueness, there was also some light in Dad's cold eyes. The trembling hand reached out to our son, stopped in mid air, and drew back. Pointing to the door, Dad turned around again and did not move. Looking at my father's back. Near the corner, Dad stopped, turned his head and glanced at his son. The young people also watched his father, and the tears that could not be repressed finally flowed down. Silence, the heart is so warm, one step, two steps, three steps.




In the examination room. There was a child who was writing a silent father's love, full of gratitude and pride.


My father, his feelings are like the gentle autumn rain and the gentle spring breeze. They don't rise and fall, but they are indifferent and silent.


Silent father love I am very grateful to him.

父爱高考满分作文 篇3


There is a kind of love that affects your motivation when you fail; There is a kind of love that inspires you to continue working hard when you succeed. This kind of love is called fatherly love.




The green leaves are silent, but they silently match the peony; The lily is silent, but it smiles in the wind pure and pure, bringing the air with fragrance; Father's love is silent, but it gives me a blue sky.


Father love, gently.


At night, I lay quietly in the quilt, and a very light footsteps came from outside the door. Later, I heard the soft sound of opening the door. The door was opened very small, and the light outside the door did not penetrate. My father came in, and he gently approached me. I pretended to sleep. I felt his hand gently tucking in the corner for me. I moved it on purpose, and the corner opened again. He gently tucked me in. His movements were so gentle and steady, and his breath was so deep. He went out gently and closed the door gently. My heart suddenly warmed a lot. I felt a huge force behind me. The moonlight was shining gently through the window.


In the gentle fatherly love, I thrive.


Father's love, silent.


Near the final exam, my heart became tense, and the air in the whole room seemed to freeze. When my heart is like a taut string, my father always silently brews hot tea for me, peels apples, silently watches me, silently cheers me on, gives me confidence, and gives me strength. I felt much more relaxed in an instant. It was my father's silent love that made me realize that my eyes were full of sunshine.


In the silent father's love, I surmounted difficulties and dangers.


Father, like a mountain, stands as a peak; He lies on the mountain, his continuous miles are boundless love for his daughter.


The earth is ordinary, and I am amazed at its beauty in ordinary; Ordinary life, I was shocked by the ordinary precious; Ordinary season; I cherish its ordinary eternal; Father's love is ordinary, and I feel the greatness in the silence.


Father's love is an ancient vine, bearing the nostalgia for the years and the lingering past. The vigorous branches are full of yearning and tolerance;


Father's love is a deep sea, reflecting the most beautiful picture in spring and the most beautiful poem in summer. In the broad mind, there is a store of yearning and attachment, full of joy, love and hope;


Father's love is a golden ribbon, full of sincerity for children, including the purest and truest love. The dancing is full of love

关于父爱的作文 篇4

天空我生活在贫困的农村。我家很穷,家里有我和弟弟两个孩子 ,在我的印象中,父亲总是对我很冷淡,对弟弟很热情,只因为我是女孩子。似乎,弟弟就是他的天下。终于,我考取了离我家几公里的一个初中,终于可以离开父亲爱理不理的面孔,离开这个没有平等,没有温暖的家。离开家去学校的那一天,母亲帮我收拾好衣服,和父亲一同送我到车站,父亲帮我收好衣服,和父亲一同送我到车站,父亲往我手里塞了一点皱巴巴的钱,冷淡地说:"节约点用钱,没事别一天到晚往家跑,要好几角钱呢。"我也冷漠地"嗯"了一声,没有留念,转头走上了公共汽车。

I live in the poor countryside. My family is very poor. My brother and I have two children at home. In my impression, my father is always cold to me and warm to my brother because I am a girl. It seems that my brother is his world. Finally, I passed a junior high school a few kilometers away from my home. Finally, I could leave my father's indifferent face and this unequal and warm home. On the day when I left home for school, my mother helped me pack my clothes and took me to the station with my father. My father helped me pack my clothes and took me to the station with my father. My father put a little crumpled money in my hand and said coldly, "Save money. Don't run home all day and night if you have nothing to do. It's worth a few cents." I also said "Hmm" coldly and walked on the bus without leaving.


Every weekend, the school became deserted. My good friends left the school one by one and returned to their warm homes. I'm so lonely. I've thought about home, my parents and my brother. But when I think of my father's cold words when he left, I feel hard. Hum, I just won't go back! Half a semester has passed in a twinkling of an eye, and I really have the backbone. I never went back once. It was not until the weather changed from warm to cool that I thought of going back to get some warm clothes. On Saturday, I borrowed a bike from my classmate and pedaled home step by step. Suddenly, the sky flashed and thundered, and the downpour poured down on me relentlessly. The rain wet my hair, my clothes and shoes were all wet, and my whole body was cold, but I still kicked home step by step. When I got home, it was evening, but my brother was alone. He told me that my parents were working in the fields, and they haven't come back yet. Then he poured me a cup of hot tea and asked me: "Sister, why don't you come back? My father always waits for you at the village entrance every Saturday night. My whole family misses you very much until late at night, especially my father. My father also said that if you don't come back next week, he said he would send you some clothes and money to the school..." I was shocked and stood up from the bench like getting an electric shock. Why? Father, he? I didn't think much about it. I rushed to the entrance of the village. Did I just rush to see my father clearly? Sweat and rain all flow to my face... Some people say that maternal love is like a mountain and a sea.


But I said, father's love is the sea, and we are just a ship as children, which can never sail out of the harbor:; Father's love is the sky. We are just a bird. We can never fly out of the vast sky.

父爱作文 篇5


Some people say that father's love is a book, because he is heavy; Some people say that fatherly love is the sea, because it is deep and broad; Some people say that father's love is lily, because it is warm, but I want to say that father's love is like a mountain!


My father is a real farmer. He has no profound culture, no rich income, only a kind heart, only a mountain of love for his children. In my impression, my father is always serious and strict. When other people's children were still playing coquetry in their father's arms and listening to stories, I had started reading and writing under the supervision of my father.


When other people's children are enjoying their father's care, I have started cleaning my socks and cleaning my room. Sometimes, I always doubt whether my father really loves me, or whether I am not his own. Until that year, I really completely denied my absurd idea.


That year I was in the third grade of primary school. Once I took money to buy a pen in the shop. Maybe it was the shop aunt's negligence. After she took the pen I wanted, she forgot to collect the money and took something for others. I looked at the money in my hand, and a strange idea flashed into my mind. I took my pen and quickly slipped out of the shop. When I returned home, I was happy to show off my "cleverness" to my sister, when I suddenly "snapped", I felt a burning pain on my face, and my father's five fingerprints were clearly printed on my face.


I looked at my father in panic. I didn't say a word, but I burst into tears. At that moment, I felt full of endless hatred for my father and ran into my room quickly. I don't know how long later, my father stood at the door and said to me low: "Give the money back tomorrow, you know? I can give you anything you want, but I can't steal it!" After saying that, he turned around and went out slowly with a bent waist. Suddenly, I woke up from a dream and realized my father's good intentions. Since then, I have learned to be honest.


With the growth of age, my father's requirements for me are getting higher and higher. Therefore, after I violated the school discipline or made mistakes, my father would not forgive me, which made me always uneasy. However, when I encountered difficulties in my study, my father always patiently told me to "be patient, careful and serious"; When I encountered setbacks in my life, my father told me that "failure is the mother of success" and "how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain". With the earnest instruction of my father, I became mature and strong day by day!


Now I am writing my new life with my pen! In the process of growing up day by day, I have deeply realized that what my father gave me was not only strict and harsh, but also a mountain of love!

父爱的作文 篇6


When I recalled my childhood, I often loved to ride on my father's back and had a happy time with him. Now, time flies. I've grown up and my father can't carry me anymore······


When I was young, joy was always on my father's back. I remember the first time I went to see a big play. The streets and alleys were crowded with people. A group of people on the big stage wore masks and painted thick makeup. They stood on the big stage and sang and listened with interest. At that time, I was still young and could only see the dark side. So my father picked me up and ate a bunch of candied haws, sweet and sour, which could not stop the warmth and sweetness at this moment. A happy day is spent on my father's back.


My father's broad back accompanied me through more than 2400 days and carefree childhood. On that back, I saw everything in the world for the first time with his height; I learned for the first time that it was not only me who was under pressure on him, but also the burden of supporting a family······


Time flies. As I grow older, I turn from looking up at his back to looking up at him. At the same time, his back is no longer as broad as before, but should not belong to his age······


Because of my growth and the birth of my sister, he had to support a family again. He became laborious and busy, often leaving early and returning late, just to support a home... Every time he left, the home was always empty, looking at his back, he added a few wisps of loneliness and loneliness. But the back of his departure only told me one thing: reviewing lessons at home and getting a good result······


Whenever I did something wrong, my father used his serious expression to warn me. Seeing his expression made me feel extremely scared. When I saw his thin back, the joy of childhood and his continued to emerge in my mind, and I immediately felt his concern for me. Isn't it? Yes, it is his long-term care.


Isn't his father's back telling his heart? Although he has been busy making a living, he has never forgotten me and his family. He inspires me and inspires me with his mountain like perseverance.


When my father gets old, what can I read from that tiny camel's back?


It is the vicissitudes of his life and the indelible love for his family······

关于父爱的作文 篇7


Sun once again went back to her home surrounded by clouds, and tomorrow she will return to visit her relatives. But he can't come back. He's gone, gone forever, and will never come back.


He used to snatch me from the palm of his father's hand, saying: It's wrong to beat a child. You are a father now. Why don't you change your temper! In the past, he would take me from my mother's endless political class and say: It's wrong to scold children. Foreign countries have let such older children go, and China can't lag behind! He used to pull me over from his grandmother's sweet words and said: It's wrong to educate children like this! He always said that this was wrong and that was also wrong, but every time when he spoiled me, he would not say that it was wrong to spoil children


But, he is not here!


A week has passed, and I am still immersed in the grief of his death. That afternoon, my friend asked me to play, and I went. In the evening, after drinking a lot of wine, I sat in front of the land where he was buried, looked at the tomb nearby, and murmured: I thought that the farthest distance between us was that I was at school and you were at home. At that time, I could still see you after school. But now that I am out of school, why don't you come to pick me up? At this time, I was immersed in sadness, completely unaware that in the distance, someone looked at my back and tears had already filled his eyes.


After a while, the man came to me and sat beside me at my right hand. I looked at her, raised my hand, raised the jar, and drank again. I asked: Who are you? She answered frankly: Meng Zixin, your cousin. I said: I haven't seen you. From afar, she replied that he was the person I most respected, and also the omnipotent person like Superman in my heart. I said sadly: But he has gone. He doesn't care about me anymore. He won't help me to rub my wounds, wipe my tears, pick me up from school, and leave me alone. With these words, tears slid down my cheeks.


She looked at me and said, "Well, he's gone, let go of all his worries!"! I leaned my head against her shoulder and said: Even if he is ordinary, even if he is simple, even if he is my grandfather, even if I miss him.


She stood on my shoulder and said, "You certainly haven't eaten well and slept well this week. Close your eyes!"! At that moment, I put down all my guard, closed my heavy eyelids and fell asleep.


In the dim light, someone helped me remove the wine from my hand; Hazy, someone picked me up and sent me home; Hazy, someone said to his father: she slept, these two days don't let him tired. In the gloom, someone put me on the bed and covered me with a warm quilt; Hazy, someone held my cold hand, said: sleep, i am!


In the hazy, he came back, with his bluish chin, which was just the emerging mustache, his warm hand, stroked my cheek, his warm towel, stroked the tears on my face; Dimly, he came back, and his warmth surrounded me tightly.