
时间:2022-11-07 13:09:15 | 来源:语文通



我的发现小学生作文 篇1我的发现小学作文 篇2我的发现小学生作文 篇3我的发现小学生作文 篇4我的发现小学生作文 篇5我的发现小学生作文 篇6我的发现小学生作文 篇7我的新发现小学生作文 篇8我的发现小学生作文 篇9

我的发现小学生作文 篇1


"Haha, I'm so happy today, because my parents can finally take me to Dayan Mountain to play!"


That day, my parents and I came to Dayan Mountain. First, I pestered my parents to take me to climb the mountain. Climbing to the top of the mountain, I sat on the big stone and waited for my parents to climb up.


"Oh, how itchy"! I was surprised and said, "It's really disgusting. It's the boy who doesn't move." I looked down carefully and said, "Yo, it's a group of disgusting ants." I quickly pulled my hand up. Beat up the bad ants.


As soon as Mom and Dad came up, I went to tell Mom and Dad about the injury caused by ants climbing to shake hands. Mom and Dad asked me, "Do you know if ants will fall from high places and die?"? "I don't know..." Dad said: "From everything, we should find out why"? I am extremely ashamed. I sat in the original position again. I put my hand on the stone and saw a group of big red ants coming with their hands. I was very happy! "Ouch, it's killing me. Is the red ant biting me?"! I quickly picked up my hand and shook off the red ants on it. Suddenly, I saw that the ants would not die if they fell from a high place. I quickly told my father about my new findings. My father repeatedly praised me as a good boy who loved to observe and find.


From this incident, I understand that everything should be carefully observed and considered.

我的发现小学作文 篇2


In life, as long as we observe carefully and think hard, we will find something.


On the weekend, I went to Grandma's house with my two little sisters. Grandfather liked our three sisters very much, so he made a swing frame for us. At the beginning, we argued on the swing. We couldn't argue. I said, "You are younger than me. Let's play first, and I will play last." So I sat on the chair and played with Barbie dolls. When I was happy, I stood up and accidentally stepped on a green worm. Before long, two small ants appeared beside the big green insect. The two small ants first walked around the big green insect. Later, they smelled on the body of the caterpillar, as if they were conducting an "autopsy" for the caterpillar and looking for drugs. Then the two ants climbed together and collided with each other, as if they were discussing something. After discussion, they hurriedly climbed back to the nest. It was my turn to swing, but the miracle pulled me back. At first, the two ants came again, and a large group of "people and horses" followed them. I thought to myself, "The strength of ants is too small. It's useless to have more ants." I sneer at these little creatures and want to get them home to eat. It's just wishful thinking! But I saw them working together. Some of them hugged the head of the green insect and pulled, some pushed, and some two ants worked together to move towards the nest. After a while, the big green insect seemed to be sitting in a sedan chair, and soon came close to the nest. The ants could have a good meal when they returned home. My friend, after listening to my story, aren't you moved by the strength of ant unity? Aren't you inspired by the spirit of ant solidarity?


Ah! What a touching scene. This reminds me of a saying: "When people are united, Mount Tai will move." This is what I found.

我发现了蚂蚁也会打架的秘密。今天,我在回家的路上发现了有两群蚂蚁正在打架, 它们成群的咬杀在一起,斗争十分激烈。我想,蚂蚁为什么会打架呢?这个问题实在太诱人了,为了解除心中的疑问,我飞快地跑回家中。

I discovered the secret that ants fight too. Today, on my way home, I found two groups of ants fighting. They bit and killed together in groups. The fight was very fierce. I think, why do ants fight? This question is too tempting. In order to solve the problem in my heart, I ran home quickly.


When I got home, I asked my mother curiously. My mother hesitated for a moment and said sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I don't know. You check the relevant information and tell my mother when you know."


I ran to the computer in three and two steps and began to search for information. It turned out that when ants from different nests came together, their antennae would immediately bite and kill them; On the contrary, put the ants in the same nest together. When they meet, they will not only fight or bite, but also feed each other. This is because ants in different nests have a special "nest smell". This "nest flavor" is different from the building materials, stored food and its own secretions of the nest. Every ant has the ability to distinguish the "nest smell". Once you find that another ant is not a member of your own family


Bite and kill struggle, slowly forming a "war". It is interesting to wash away the "nest smell" of ants in the biting and killing struggle with water, and then put them together. When they meet, they go away safely. If you sprinkle some spices on an ant, it will not return to its nest, and the ants in the nest will mistakenly recognize it as a enemy and be driven out.


I told my mother about this knowledge, and her mother said, "Well, that's right. Don't we learn some knowledge again?"


In the future, I will observe more and learn some interesting knowledge to enrich my mind!

我的发现小学生作文 篇3


When I was doing my homework last night, I saw a small experiment called "paper cup boiling water". Can paper cups boil water? It's amazing! I can't wait to call my father to start the experiment. A candle, a paper cup and a lighter are all the materials.


The experiment began. I poured half a cup of water into the paper cup and lit the candle. My father took the cup and moved it over the flame; I squatted down and looked up at the change of the bottom of the cup with concentration: the white bottom of the cup turned black quickly, and black smoke came out, but there was no fire, but the ring protruding from the edge of the bottom of the cup caught fire. My father adjusted the position to let the flame burn in the middle of the bottom of the cup, and the fire went out quickly; The experiment continued. After a while, the water began to squeak. I stood up and watched the change of the water. Slowly bubbles floated up from the bottom of the water, and white smoke rose from the water. I put my finger into the cup. Before touching the water, I felt the steam was hot. I quickly retracted my finger. Dad said the water was about to boil.


I looked at the bottom of the glass again. It was still not on fire, but it was getting darker. I took another paper cup without water and put it on the fire to try, but it caught fire quickly. Why? My father told me that when the fire was at the bottom of the beaker, the water absorbed the heat. The bottom of the beaker could not reach the temperature of the fire, so it would not burn; The ring protruding from the bottom edge of the cup is far away from the water. The water cannot absorb the heat. When the paper reaches the fire temperature, it burns. When it reaches the bottom of the cup, the water can absorb the heat again, so it goes out again. It turns out that objects can burn only when they reach the ignition point. I am so happy to discover this secret!

我的发现小学生作文 篇4


The world is full of wonders.




It is said that the density of oil is small. In science class, the teacher repeatedly emphasized this knowledge point to us and also took out the specific gravity of various liquids. It seems that we will never stop until this point is engraved in our minds. Now I wonder: where can the density of oil be smaller? I decided to do an experiment.


Back home, I prepared a measuring cup, cooking oil and pigment. First add some oil to the cup, and then add 50 ml of water. But there is a barrier between water and oil, which separates the two. It's amazing! Then, I put a drop or two of yellow pigment into the water. This special "cocktail" - yellow hair, orange at the top and golden at the bottom, looks beautiful and delicious. But what if pigment drops on the oil?


I washed the cup, first poured half a cup of water, then added 30 ml of oil, and then dropped red, blue and yellow pigments. A miracle happened: those drops of pigment did not melt directly in the oil, but solidified in the oil bottom. Surprised, I took out a stirring rod and stirred it gently. First, the layer of oil was divided into several small pieces. It was very interesting to play in the water one by one. The pigment of the small one, however, was crushed and fell like Hangzhou silk in the rain. The three colors blend together at the bottom of the water, first light purple, then light green, and finally dark green. Dark green water, golden beads, a series of changes let me feel a visual feast.


Looking at the gorgeous colors, I couldn't help wondering: Why is oil so special? When Baidu was opened, the oil was light and could not dissolve in water, but would float on the water surface. The pigment was water-soluble and could not dissolve in oil, but could dissolve in water, and its capacity was larger than that of oil. It would sink into water and dissolve


The world is so big, there are countless mysteries waiting for us to discover. The world is not short of beauty, but lacks eyes to discover beauty. Let's keep an eye on beauty in our life!

我的发现小学生作文 篇5


At the wedding, the bride will toast the guests. When the wine is full, the guests always say, "It can still be poured! If I pour a little more, and the wine doesn't overflow, you will be fined three cups of wine!" As soon as the bride listened to the penalty wine, it was too much to eat, so she had to pour more, and the wine did not overflow. Looking at the brim of the cup, the bride said, "I really can't pour it." The guest picked up the wine bottle and carefully poured a little more into the glass, but the wine still didn't overflow. The onlookers shouted loudly. The bride had to admit the punishment, close her eyes and drink all the wine.


"Why can a full cup still pour water into it?" I asked Dad. Dad said, "Let's go home and do an experiment!"


Back home, we began to do experiments. I found a one dollar coin, an eyedropper, and a glass of water. First I put the coin on the table, then I took the dropper and dipped it into the water. Then I gently squeezed the head of the dropper, and the water slowly sucked into the dropper. "Now is the time to witness miracles." Dad said. "1, 2, 3... 25" The water on the surface of the coin is getting more and more round, like a crystal ball. I am very nervous. If I drop one more drop, will the water overflow? "26, 27... 50" The water on the surface of the coin swelled, like a small round steamed bun. The table shook, and the water also shook, but it did not flow down. The "53" crystal ball finally broke and the water overflowed.


Why can this small one dollar coin bear so many drops of water? When I asked my father, he said, "This is the function of the surface tension of water. Water is made up of many small drops. They are very united, holding hands and hugging together to minimize the surface of water. This kind of unity force is called surface tension.


Now, I finally understand the secret of the guests pouring wine. I also know that science is around us. As long as we observe and think carefully, we can find many interesting phenomena.

我的发现小学生作文 篇6


This morning, my mother cooked breakfast for me, and then went to work.


When I got up, there was a bowl of porridge and two eggs on the table. After I finished porridge, I turned two eggs and played with them. I found that one egg turned fast and the other slowly, which made me very interesting. But when I was not careful, an egg fell to the ground, and I found that the one that fell was fast, it was not broken, it was cooked. When I was cleaning the table, the egg that turned slowly fell down. It was raw. How did Mom do it.


I called my mother and said she didn't know. I had no choice but to check on the Internet. It was said on the Internet that the shell, white and yolk of raw eggs are not integrated, and they turn slowly, while the shell, white and yolk of cooked eggs are integrated, so they turn faster.


I immediately felt very great, because this was a problem I found myself, so I felt a sense of achievement, and I knew that there are many interesting things in the world, depending on whether you can find it!

我的发现小学生作文 篇7


When I was a freshman, I found out why there should be no mistakes in writing a word. This is the result of my hard thinking.


One day in the first grade, the teacher asked us to go home and write. When I came home from school, I wrote every stroke. The next day, I handed in my homework with confidence and thought: The teacher will praise me. After class, the teacher came into the classroom with her exercise book in her hand and said, "I was very satisfied with this assignment, but one of my classmates wanted to criticize. That was Sheng Yijing." I was stunned at that time. I clearly wrote carefully why... After class, I thought about my homework and compared it with the book again and again. Oh, I mistook the word "learn" for "party". However, another question puzzled me. Why is it that the strokes are right and the direction is wrong?


I kept thinking and thinking. Finally, I came up with a nod: "A character is like a person. Maybe it is too long horizontally, like a wide mouth; it is too long vertically, like a long face. Therefore, we should write each character alive, so that it can not be short of arms or legs, but be vibrant and lifelike."


One day in the third grade, when the teacher had a lesson in "Chinese Characters", I remembered my discovery. I raised my hand and told the teacher about my previous discovery. The teacher praised me for using my brain, and my heart was as sweet as honey.


Only by observing more can we make wonderful discoveries in life. Some discoveries are not that we haven't done, but that we haven't paid attention to and thought about them. Only by carefully observing and thinking, can our life be wonderful!

我的新发现小学生作文 篇8


Before, I always thought that Wu Haoyang in our class had poor grades in all subjects, but unexpectedly, his scientific achievements were still among the best. Let me tell you something about him.


Every day, Wu Haoyang will be punished by the teacher to stand on the platform because he does not listen to the teacher in class, and sometimes will deduct points for the team. In this case, of course, his performance will not be ideal. Therefore, in everyone's mind, he is the synonym of "naughty and playful".


Once in a science class, the students were listening carefully, while Wu Haoyang was making small movements there, so the teacher punished him to copy some notes that he had taken for us in class. After class, all the students were playing round cards, while he was quietly copying there. Wu Haoyang likes playing cards very much, and he can be heard shouting excitedly every class break. This time, he heard the sound of playing cards, but was unmoved. He just bent his head and carefully copied, with a serious face, which really impressed me. Just imagine, if I was punished by the teacher, I would certainly put down my homework and play with my classmates when I heard them playing. I admire that he is not affected at all! In this exam, his efforts were not in vain. He scored 47 points, but only 3 points were lost.


This is my new discovery, which gives me a new understanding of him. In life, we should be good at discovering the advantages of others, not only seeing the shortcomings of others, but also not looking at others in a fixed way.

我的发现小学生作文 篇9


One day, after school, I saw a lot of students gathered together. I didn't know what they were doing. I hurried to squeeze in to see. It turned out that all the students were buying small bees. Because I was curious at that time, I asked my father to buy one for me. All the way, I thought, how did the little bee come out? Thinking and thinking, I came home unconsciously.


As soon as I entered the house, I couldn't wait to open the box for the bees. But I thought, what if the little bees inside are alive? So I carefully opened the box. Oh, there was no bee in it, only a small bee egg, and nothing else. So I put the bee eggs into a small drink bottle and observed them once a day.


Details are as follows:


Day 1: The bee eggs in the bottle did not move.


The next day: I saw a small crack in the cleavage.


Day 3: The crack is bigger.


The fourth day: The egg split in two, revealing a small bee.


Day 5: The little bee will move, make a buzzing noise and walk around in the bottle.


I immediately told my father the news. My father said, 'The little bee is a creature of nature. Let it go.' After listening to my father, I will let the little bee go.


From this experience, I discovered the secret of bee birth.