
时间:2022-07-20 13:48:10 | 来源:语文通



"The rainy season is rainy, pedestrians want to break the soul", every time this ancient poem is mentioned, everyone will definitely think of the Qingming Festival! The Qingming Festival is one of the traditional festivals in my country, There are customs in the Qingming Festival, grave sweeping, stepping green, flying kite ... here, there are just as delicious, that is, Qingming fruit.


Today, my grandmother and I followed the muddy path to pick back a basket of tender morale and bamboo shoots. After returning home, cleaning them, then chopped, and then murmuring and murmuring and murmur and Glutinous rice flour is mixed together, add a little water, start with the dough. After reconciled, the grandma started to wrap. Looking at the grandma's skillful movement, I couldn't help but learn grandma. Put it in your hand, then rub it into the shape of the magpie nest, and then scoop the stuffing into the "bird's nest", and finally carefully close the edge of the Qingming fruit. I proudly said, "I'm wrapped, it's okay!" But when I was about to put it in the tray, I found that I was leaking. I quickly grabbed a dough and put it in three layers inside and three. When the layers are wrapped, when putting it in the tray, it is found that it is doubled than other Qingming fruits. Failure is the mother of success. I learned the lesson. I was more serious. Sure enough, the dozens of more than a dozen in the subsequent bag were intact. With the joint efforts of my grandmother and my grandmother, Qingming Guo was wrapped soon. Finally, grandma put Qingming Guogu into the pot, fry until golden on both sides, and looked at the seductive Qingming fruit. Start up with one, wow, the tender yellow bamboo shoots, the delicious red meat and the green green onions are matched. At this time Art of art ...


This year's Qingming fruit is particularly delicious and fragrant, because I have harvested the fruit of my work, and my heart is a beauty in my heart!



Around the Qingming Festival, it is the season when the hometown is making clear fruit.

那时,奶奶总会上山将一些艾草的嫩叶采回来做清明果。首先,要将嫩叶洗干净,挑出好的,再下锅汆一下,倒上石灰水用来去涩,然后 捞起来,放入盆里,和些米粉,揉啊揉,直到揉得有劲道,这时,米粉团呈现出深绿色。

At that time, Grandma always went up the mountain to pick up some wormwood leaves back to make Qingming fruit.First of all, wash the young leaves, pick it out, then pour it in the pot, pour lime water for astringent, then pick it up, put it in the pot, and knead some rice flour until you rub it vigorouslyAt this time, the rice noodle group showed dark green.


Whenever I at this time, I will be brave and start to burn the bright fruit.Under the urging of grandma to wash my hands, I will always wash it randomly. I ca n’t wait for my hand, and I hold the knife and cut the grandmother with the grandmother.A little flour, start pinching.


I pinch it into a bowl shape, thick and thin, so it is not easy to break, and then carefully put in the stuffing, or the sweet bean paste filling, or the delicious snow vegetables sprung up.You can do the last step ---- forming.


The appearance of Qingming fruit is neither like dumplings nor ravioli.If it is salty, grandma will close it together, pinch a pointed "hat" on it, and pinch two small "hands" on both sides.If it is sweet, make it into a "snow ball". The so -called "snow ball" is actually pinching the Qingming fruit into a round shape, sticking to a layer of glutinous rice outside, and a white layer outside after steaming, it is like a ""Snowball", so the sweet fruit was named "Snow ball".


After wrapping more than a dozen, put it in the pot and steam until the room is hot in the room.Pick up one, take a bite gently, sweat suddenly, and chew it very vigorously, letting you eat it and want to eat it.


Later, I arrived in Hangzhou. Whenever I walked next to the wormwood, a fragrance came. At this time, I remembered the Qingming fruit of my hometown again.



Every year in the Qingming Festival, I will cover Qingming with my father, mother and grandma.Qingming fruit is a must -eat food for people in our hometown.


The skin of Qingming fruit is very special and green.So why is it green? Because it is made of green wormwood juice and flour.There are many flavors of Qingming fruit, with brown sugar stuffing, sugar filling, and meat filling.


I not only like to eat Qingming fruit, but also make Qingming fruit.First put the dough in your palm, then put some stuffing on the dough, and finally pinch the dough.I will include rabbits and puppies! This becomes green rabbits and green puppies, haha, it ’s really special! I like to eat Qingming fruit and the Qingming Festival in my hometown.





High School Student Qingming Festival Blackboard: The Qingming fruit of my hometown- My hometown is on the Hexi Farm of Golmud. Although our scenery here is not beautiful and magnificent, it is also bright in the four seasons.

High School Student Qingming Festival Blackboard: The Qingming fruit of the hometown- However, this year's Qingming is sunny, the wind is gently, and people who have suffered cold winds and dust for a long time finally feel spring The beauty of spring, the closeness of the spring! When this new swallow murmured, when all things recovered, a kind of puzzle, a large experimental park, is difficult to find the familiar figure of President Zhang!

High School Student Qingming Festival Blackboard: Qingming fruit in hometown- Whenever he chants "The rainy season, the rainy season, pedestrians on the road want to break the soul." This poem, I will think of the sweetness and refreshing, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft Soft, glutinous and glutinous fruit. Qingmingguo is a kind of food used to sacrifice the ancestors when the Tomb Sweeping of the Qingming Festival in my hometown.



Qingming, in the feelings of people's miss, came from people's respect for their ancestors.On this day, every family rushed to make Qingming fruit and wrapped the sorrow.


The rolling fat belly, wearing an oily green coat, a elegant atmosphere.The fragrance of wormwood is mixed with water vapor and the entire room is covered. The aroma flows in the air. The cells of the whole body are particularly active. The saliva has long been "flying down three thousand feet".With a bite, there is a flavor of hemp, smooth and waxy, glutinous and soft, sweetly flowing into the heart, taste buds seem to be activated, sweet but not greasy, fat but not dirty.The slightly salty bamboo shoots, the firming of pork, and the refreshing tofu, have achieved the unique flavor of Qingming fruit.

好奇的我来到厨房,探究是何等技术使这美味佳肴广为流传。把似枫叶般却翠绿的艾草与糯米粉搓和至一起,反复揉捏。不一会,面团便脱了雪白的连衣裙,披上了艾草的绿衣裳。在清水的帮助下,反复捶打,让清水渗进每一粒面粉,直至橡皮泥般柔软。把笋、猪肉、豆腐干一股脑地塞进圆滚的大肚子里。送入锅中,二十分钟的烈火煎熬,一开锅,清香扑鼻而来。清明果挺着大肚子,挤满了空间。胖墩而又紧实,油绿如玉,色如翡翠 单看他那蓬松样,闻闻那种香味,就够咽三口以上的唾沫了。

Curious I came to the kitchen, what kind of technology is widely circulated by this delicious dish.Rub the green grass and glutinous rice flour like maple leaves, and knead repeatedly. After a while, the dough took off her white dress and put on wormwood green clothes.With the help of water, repeatedly beating, letting the water penetrate into each grain of flour until it is soft -like.Dry the bamboo shoots, pork, and tofu into the round belly.Send it into the pot, the twenty -minute torment is tormented.Qingming Guo was holding a big belly and crowded with space.The fat pier is tight, oily like jade, and the color is like emerald to see his fluffy appearance. When he smells the fragrance, it is enough to swallow the saliva.


Later I accidentally learned that Qingmingguo had another legend.Legend has it that in the Qingming year, Chen Taiping, the great general of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, was chased and killed by the Qing soldiers. He was rescued by a kind peasant, and used wormwood to make a regiment to escape the Qing soldiers to send him food.Later, Liu Xiucheng named this kind of dumplings as Qing Mingguo ... In this way, Qingming fruit pinned people's sorrow, adhering to the nostalgia and respect of the ancestors, and passed through the ages.



Have you ever eaten Qingming fruit? Yes, you must have eaten it.Although there is a "fruit" in his name, it is not a fruit! It is a kind of food made of flour.Every year in the Qingming Festival, we will make Qingming fruit and share it with relatives and friends.


The teacher divided us into a group of eight and nine people. I am very happy because of my good classmate Wang Yutong.Then, we went to wash our hands first, and after washing the parents, we put on a white chef hat for us.Wearing a chef hat, we sat upright. The boy was very handsome. The girls were very beautiful, and the chefs made their debut.There is a parent guidance in each group, and we all have everything -only owed ingredients.Everyone can't wait to try it.


Parents finally sent us the dough to us. As soon as I got the dough, it was like getting the Sword of Sangfang.Immediately, I brought a dumplings of dumplings. First, I pressed it in with the thumb of my right hand. The other four fingers turned around the dough to make a "flat bowl".Then, put the big spoon of red bean paste in, and after a while, the "flat bowl" was drumped by me, like a big fat man.In this way, a clear fruit came out.


I was about to continue to make the second one. I looked up and found that Zimo made huge dumplings. Mu Ke made a little snowman who was so cute.I can't help but feel that I do too much, and I have germinated for a year: make some weird and unique Qingming fruit.So, I made a two -color flower, first made four petals with red bean paste, and then made four petals with Qingming fruit dough, and then kneaded into a small ball with Qingming fruit dough and red bean paste.Small balls and petals stick together.Haha, my double -colored flowers are so great! Uncle saw that I praised my soul and cleverness, and I heard that my heart was sweeter than eating honey.


The following is the steaming clear fruit. We put the well -made Qingming fruit into the steamer.Five minutes have passed, fifteen minutes have passed, and twenty minutes have passed ... We wait for the stars and the moon, and finally wait for the clear fruit.The steamed Qingming fruit was ranked in front of us one by one. Zhao Zicheng just wanted to eat, but the teacher said that he couldn't eat it yet.I think: My Qingming fruit is like exquisite jade.We observed the teacher for a long time that the teacher said that he could eat. I chewed slowly, but Zhao Zicheng gobbled, and it was full of bean paste. It was really a little cat.Some students say that they are delicious, delicious, and delicious.As soon as the Qingming fruit was snatched, this taste should only be in the sky, and there can be a few times on the world.


Spring Ai -leaf green, full of fragrant fruit every year.This time the Qingming fruit has added a hand -to -hand ability, and it also allows me to learn more about the tradition and customs of the Qingming Festival. I love the Qingming Festival!



1、家乡:家乡读音为jiā xiāng,是指自己的家庭世代居住的地方。 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡家乡 jiā xiāng词语解释:自己的家庭世代居住的地方。[hometown;native place] 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡分词解释:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。世代:1.时代;朝代。 2.年代。 3.累世;代代。 4.犹言继承﹑相承。居住:较长时期地住在一个地方:他家一直居住在北京。...家乡怎么造句,用家乡造句»