With the euphemistic warbler crying, the most beautiful April arrived quietly. With the warm sun bath, the petals of the tungs were filled with the world.The tall and magnificent sycamore trees have one by one, one by one, and people stroll in the Tonghua forest, just like traveling in the pink ocean, making people experience a visual feast.
Speaking of Tonghua, I have to mention the county town I live in Lancao.In recent years, the development of Lancao is changing with each passing day. Compared with decades ago, it was a lot of differences! During the Qingming holiday, I came to Jiao Yulu Cemetery and saw people who worshiped this great man who changed Lancao to taste Mao Zedong.The words of the chairman gave him the word, chanting Xi Jinping's "Niannu Jiao · Thinking of Jiao Yulu", watching the scene of the scene in the memorial ... I can't help thinking: Why is Grandpa Jiao Lu be praised by the world and is known as the party's cadre model modelWoolen cloth?
In the 1960s, salt -alkali, wind sand, and waterlogging hit the entire Lancao like a beast, and reduced the grain output of Lancao to the lowest level in history.In 1962, Jiao Yulu served as the secretary of the Lancao County Party Committee. In order to find out the disaster and change the appearance of the Lancao, Jiao Yulu took the lead and led the team to the disaster area to start a large -scale flood prevention, check the wind, explore the investigation of the sand,First -hand information.However, because of his long -term hard work, he was unfortunately suffered from cancer, but he did not stop the fight against disaster, and still insisted on work until the last interest of his life.Models of the country.
Jiao Yulu's life serves the people and dedicated to the party. It is the benchmark for our new generation to learn.Today, Lancao is increasingly prosperous, and it is no longer the poverty -stricken county in the country.Although Jiao Yulu has passed away, his spirit of "life is also dunes, dead and dunes" lives in the hearts of each Lancao person. His deeds inspire every poverty alleviation cadre.Well, ok, wipe
Each of our middle school students must learn and carry forward Jiao Yulu's spirit.The tall Jiao Tongshu towards the sun, and the cluster of the tung trees of the sea continued to grow towards the Jiao Tong tree, creating a thousand hectares of clear and clear era, so that the tung shit was full of the world and opened everywhere.
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