
时间:2022-09-07 13:20:50 | 来源:语文通



The teacher is a diligent gardener, giving us the nectar that gives us knowledge. The teacher is a hard -working bee.Forecast


Everyone will have their own teachers in their lives, and what impresses me most is our fourth grade mathematics teacher. She has a sparse hair and has only two hair hair. The serious face with a pair of glasses,Two small glasses flashed behind the lens, and from time to time, their hands mentioned the glasses, like an old man with knowledge.The strong nose is bright.These are nothing. When you touched her bottom line, the big mouth shouted deafening, like a tiger howling.This is our math teacher, Mr. Chen.


In my memory, Teacher Chen has always been popular with Rayley, and never drags water.Every time the math get out of class teacher will stand on the podium, urge our classroom homework, and say, "At noon, my classroom homework must not be less!" Teacher! Is this lucky or unfortunate? "I thought sadly.Looking out the window, students in other classes chased, played, and made trouble, let alone be happy.Looking at the classroom, the crow was silent, and no one dared to look up and turned his head.In the classroom, there is only the writing of "Shasha". At this time, we all have only one thought in our hearts -quickly write the homework to Teacher Chen!


At the designated time, as long as Mr. Chen has a few homeworks, he will yell in the classroom: "Who didn't pay homework?" We continued to do our own thing when we didn't hear it. Teacher Chen saw us indifferent and finally angry that he was angry.I saw her patted the table with her hands, holding her fist tightly, the whole person was trembling, the cheeks were bulging, the blue tendons behind her neck stood trembling, her face flushed, the exhaled portrait was likeAs if the pheasant was released, there was no sound.Teacher Chen said angrily: "I ask again, who did not make it?" On this way, the classmates shivered, and no one made no one. Even the camphor tree outside the window kept shaking, and the leaves fell.It seems to be saying, "Children, hurry up to the teacher!" Despite this, the students still did not make it, and finally Teacher Chen took out the killer -name.In the end, the stubborn little king was eventually stunned.He turned the drawer, took out the homework book, and handed it to the teacher step by step.


This is our teacher Chen, children in the third or fourth grade, have you found the characteristics of Teacher Chen?