
时间:2022-09-19 13:22:25 | 来源:语文通



民风民俗作文 篇1民风民俗作文 篇2民风民俗作文 篇3民风民俗作文 篇4民风民俗作文 篇5民风民俗作文 篇6

民风民俗作文 篇1


In Xinjiang north of China, there is a snow -capped Tianshan Mountain. At the foot of Tianshan, a nation that can sing and dance -Uighurs!


Uyghur people are different from our Han people. They can sing and dance, open -minded and optimistic!Even if life is embarrassed, it feels sweet.Uighurs are generally self -made villages in the countryside and engage in agricultural production.Their houses are generally mud buildings, which are light -oriented with skylights. The house has a fireplace and a flat roof.The diet is mainly flour, corn, and rice, and you like to eat fruits.Daily videos include sac (barbecue), noodles, grabbing, tea, milk, etc.Uyghur daily food -sac, baked in the pit!Economic conditions are good, the housing is particular, there are gallery houses, carved patterns or drawing patterns.


Uyghur people are a enthusiastic hospitality nation!Unlike other nations, they are enthusiastic and good guests, advocating etiquette.Uyghurs treat others to be polite. When encountering respect for the elders or friends, they are accustomed to pressing their right hands in the center of the front chest, and then leaning forward and asking for a while.The visitors at home are enthusiastically entertaining.The Uyghur people are different from our Han nationality. They do not need these etiquette. They only need to see their relatives, friends, teachers, and classmates.Uighurs not only pay attention to politeness, but also have more particular clothes.


Their traditional clothing is that men, women, and children wear four -fried small flower hats.Men generally like to wear a pair of "袷袢" (robe), with short shirts embroidered with patterns.Women like to wear dresses, black vests with black coats, wearing earrings, hand tin, rings, necklace and other decorations. Girls have more braids. Now urban residents generally wear fashion.Uyghur is bold and optimistic in life. He likes to wear clothes with the earth and the sun. Maybe it will be more energetic.They were born to love flowers.The flowers are not only in the sand of the southern Xinjiang, but also bloom on the bench, the top of the room beam, and the wall of the Uighurs.


The Uyghur people can sing and dance."Twelve Mukam" is a Uyghur classical music suit.Their dance is lightweight and well -known, known for its rotation and more, reflects the optimistic and cheerful character of the Uighurs.Uyghur people take agriculture as a long -term agriculture, have business traditions, and traditional Uyghur's folk customs and customs handicrafts are very developed, and they have a high level of art., With a unique national style.


This is the folk customs of Uighurs, the characteristics of this nation, and the representative of this nation. The folk customs and folk customs represent the culture of this nation and the uniqueness of the Uyghur people.

民风民俗作文 篇2


Today is April 4 -Qingming Festival, my mother and I have my sister to go to the grave for the ancestors. The weather on this day is a bit gloomy.The verse of the phrase "desire to break the soul".Along the way, I saw many people holding chrysanthemums, but also firecrackers, coins ... Some things burned to my ancestors, and I found the grave with my mother all the way.Grave).


After arriving at the grave of, we burned the incense first, and then burned the prepared coins to the uncle. I wish I would like to get a lot of money in the kingdom of heaven, buy things for ourselves, buy ourselves clothes, buy cars to drive ...… Wait for something to buy.In the end, I prayed like my sister -in -law and wished my grades to rise step by step. I do n’t have a cold throughout the year, and I do n’t often commit snuffs. My sister is already in the third year of high school. I will face a severe exam this year. Of courseIntersectionEvery year, the grave is these procedures: 1. Burn incense.Second, burn coins and things used in heaven.Third, hoe.Fourth, burn whip.This is also a memorial to the dead relatives.


Thinking about it, I remembered that when I was a kid, I hadn't died.Although my sister -in -law was full of wrinkles and her hair was white at that time, she would still be kind to the people of our next generation and smiled and smiled kindly. She left a deep impression on me since she was a child. She laughed and made me laugh.Forgot to be timid; her smile made me feel kind; her smile made me sincerely feel that the elders have doubled the next ................


From an early age, I have been very concerned about us and love. There is a large piece of vegetable field in the backyard of the family. Every year, she grows some vegetables, oranges, sweet potatoes, and beans. After the harvest, I will divide some of us.Every time I go back, when I come back, I will mention some dishes in the garden garden. At that time, I was very blessed. Because I had delicious dishes for me, I liked me very much.But I died in the past few years. At that time, I was very sad, because I could no longer see the kind, warm and kind -hearted smile on my uncle, and I can’t eat the sweet and delicious dishes.I don’t see my uncle, again ...


In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road. This sentence appeared in my ear again. Whenever I think of this verse, I think of those relatives who have gone to the kingdom of heaven.They think of their goodness to us, and although these people leave us, we will see them on April 4th every year and sweep the grave for them.

民风民俗作文 篇3


"56 ethnic groups, 56 flowers".Each nation has different customs and habits, with different characteristic houses and special diets.


The Manchu nationality is the beautiful one of these 56 flowers. The Manchu's costumes are particularly distinctive. Below, let me briefly introduce it.


The Manchu woman does not have the feet, all shoes are embroidered with beautiful flowers, and the center of the sole has a 10 cm high wooden heel.The Manchu woman walks up in such shoes to keep her head and the gait with her head and waist swaying.


Cheongsam is a traditional costume of Manchu women.They like to wear cheongsams with long and feet, or cover their shoulders.The characteristic of cheongsam is standing collar.The right big placket.Tight waist.The hem is slit.The ancient cheongsam has pipa plackets.Ruyi.Clamp.Rolling or border.After the 1920s, after improvement, the waist was loose, the cuffs were wide, and the length was moderate, which was easy to walk.It has become a more common clothing for Chinese women.In the early 1930s, the length was shortened. The length was shortened. It was almost the knee.In the 1940s, short -sleeved or sleeveless cheongsam appeared, and it was streamlined.After that, the clothes were separated before and after, and there were shoulder seams and sleeve cheongsam skirts.Cheongsam has an oriental color, which can fully show the gracefulness and elegance of the state, which is considered to be a typical national costume that shows women's beauty.Refers to the world.


Women's cheongsam is more decorated than male cheongsam.collar.The front placket and cuffs are embroidered and decorated.A few patterns or colorful teeth are commonly known as "painting" or "dog teeth".


Manchu women's clothing is very beautiful, and the Manchu men's clothing is also very good.


The Manchu men in history mostly wear horseshoe sleeve gowns, waist bands, or wore a robe cover.


The horse gown is a Manchu man riding a gown.The horse gown is divided into big plackets.Plactic.There are many forms such as Pipa Pifa.After the horse gown, it becomes a daily clothing outside the robe.The high -necked placket, open on all sides, long and waist, the sleeves are slightly short, the robe sleeves can be exposed three or four inches, rolling the sleeves of the robe on the sleeves of the gown, which is the so -called large and small sleeves.Now the small cotton jacket worn by many Manchu people has evolved from a horse gown.In order to ride a horse is convenient, a short gown that grows to the umbilicus and opens on all sides on the outside of the robe is covered with cold.


Manchu men wearing cold hat in summer and horsesy hat in winter.Their clothes like to use green.blue.Brown -shaped cotton.Silk.silk.Models such as satin and other textures are made, with blue legs with trousers, cotton boots or leather boots, and wore a leather Ulara in winter.Leave the braid on the top and shave the surrounding hair.


The Manchu nationality is a minority of the 56 ethnic groups in my country, and it is a gorgeous strange work.It has different customs and different characteristics from other ethnic groups. It requires us to understand slowly and understand slowly.

民风民俗作文 篇4


My hometown is in Fuqing.There are beautiful mountains there, and people live a happy life.The customs and snacks of their hometown are eye -catching and praise: Qingming Festival eats light cakes, winter solstice sweet potato pills, and sea oyster cakes in the Spring Festival ... Among them, my favorite is the oyster cakes that I eat during the Spring FestivalIt's right.


Sea oyster cakes are made of flour, oysters, carrots, lean meat, laver.After finishing the pan, the skin is golden and crispy.The fillings inside are pyramid -shaped, the upper layer of oysters, lean meat, soft and juicy; the carrot shreds and laver on the lower layer are refreshing and delicious.One sip, the meat and vegetables are matched, and the sea and land are all.In that taste, the fairy had to stop and tasted.


During the Spring Festival, many people in Fuqing will fried oyster cakes, which has become a unique custom of Fuqing. During the Spring Festival, if you go to the countryside of Fuqing, you can hear the endless crackling fried oyster cakes and fireworks and firecrackers. Our family is no exception. I saw that my grandmother poured the oil over the pot, took out a small round shovel, and applied the batter evenly on it. Then put the ruby ​​-like carrot shred underneath, then put the brown seaweed on it, and then put the oyster and meat on it. This oyster is the finishing touch of the entire oyster cake. Without it, the oyster cake will lose half of the deliciousness. This sea oyster must use the fresh sea oyster that has just been caught. Only in this way can the oyster cake be so fresh and so fragrant. Finally, apply a layer of batter, and fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes. It was very long for me for 10 minutes. I kept walking around the pan like a cat -like cat, waiting for the first person to eat oyster cakes. The oyster cake was finally out of the pot. I bite it down. The fragrant oysters slowly melted in the mouth. Coupled with the crispy skin, the deliciousness, a aroma straight heart field, it was better than the mountains and sea flavors. Intersection


Speaking of oyster cakes, there is another legend!At that time, the Dutch army occupied Tainan, Zheng Chenggong led the troops from Lu Ermen to attack, and wanted to recover the soil.Zheng Jun was like breaking bamboo and defeating the lotus army. When the lotus army was furious, he hid all the rice grains.Zheng Jun was anxious in the shortage of grain, and simply took the ingredients to mix the oysters and sweet potato powder and add water and fry them into cakes.This is the origin of oyster cakes.It can be seen that the sea cakes in Fuqing or the "elder" in the snack industry!


I love my hometown, love the delicious seductive oyster cake.

民风民俗作文 篇5


Guangzhou is known as the "Huacheng", and its annual Yingchun Flower Market has attracted much attention from the world.On the eve of the Spring Festival, the streets and alleys of Guangzhou are full of flowers and pots. The major parks have held the Spring Flower Show, especially the first three days before New Year's Eve.There are colorful buildings on the main streets of each district, arched with flower stands, and flowers farmers have poured in the four villages, setting up the formation, selling flowers and oranges, ten miles long streets, flowers like flowers, and people are like tide.It was only dispersed. This is the unique New Year's Eve market in Guangzhou.


Guangzhou planting flowers as a industry, with a history of more than 100o years.As early as the Five Dynasties in the South Han Dynasty, there were many plain flowers fields in Zhuangtou Village, the south bank of the Pearl River.Kumquat symbolizes "Great Great".Similar to it, there are generations of fruit, which means that Fanchang is from generation to generation: bergamot fruit, like a palm, like a believer worship, elegant and solemn, and is deeply favored by good men and women.


Every year at the beginning of the month, there are a large number of Narcissus heads transported from Zhangzhou, Fujian. After buying it back, it is carefully cultivated to control the flowering period by regulating water temperature and sunshine.The narcissus flower seems to be unsatisfactory. It is often opened in the sound of the firecrackers of the New Year's Eve, or the firecrackers of the first day of the first month. This scene brings endless fun to people.As the saying goes, "flowers bloom rich and wealthy" happened to take a good sign.Coupled with the beautiful appearance, sturdy shape, and aroma, everyone must be available.


Of course, there are many folk customs and folk customs in Guangdong.For example: soup, lion dance, planting bamboo, and even some places there are dance cows ... The folk customs and folk customs in each place have different characteristics, waiting for us to discover it!

民风民俗作文 篇6


The Mongolian people are a nomadic people living in the grassland. They have always rely on grazing for living. They also eat food as the sky like our Han people, and pay attention to their diet.Today, let me lead everyone in Inner Mongolia to taste the special diet there!


This time we visited the Chen Balhu flag. The car was driving freely on the grassland. After a while, I saw a group of horses appearing on the hills in the distance., Drinking, flying like a rainbow to us, it turned out that the owners greeted the far away from dozens of miles.We followed the host slowly to the destination, and after a while, we went to several Mongolian bags.


We got out of the car and shook hands with the owner. Everyone talked and laughed. Unconsciously, we entered the Mongolian bag. Everyone sat down politely and saw the hot milk tea.The diet is cooked with brick tea into brown, poured into the utensils to clarify, put a few slices of sheep tail in the pot, add cooked rice rice to cooked, finally pour tea, add appropriate fresh milk to boil, add a little salt.




After eating, the owners put on the snacks after the meal again. There were Zhu Qihei made of oil residue, adding sugar and wild fruit, and the Mongolian people's favorite fried rice mixing yogurt and "Wu Ru Mo" and "Sugar.




The Mongolian diet not only created its powerful and healthy physique, but also the embodiment of its rough and magnificent national character. It has formed a unique Mongolian food culture. Let us appreciate the mysteries together!