
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:47 | 来源:语文通



谢谢作文 篇1谢谢作文 篇2谢谢作文 篇3难忘的一节课作文 篇4

谢谢作文 篇1


Father, this familiar word is so strange to me. I wore muddy pants all day long, with wrinkles on my face and stripes on my palms. I have seen it many times in my dreams


You were changing your pants that day and found that your legs were covered with scars. I wanted to go forward to say something but didn't say it. You put on your old pants, drank a cup of tea, ate a few meals, and went to work as usual. I don't know how much hardship my father had hidden in his heart. Unexpectedly, that time when I left the door, it was the last time of parting. At this time, I don't know what to do. If only I could get the lamp of the God of Allah!


I am helpless when I face the relentless arrival of death. I can only be like the audience on the stage, watching the god of death ruthlessly deprive him of his life.


You often teach me to be upright and kind. I should take my studies seriously without any negligence. These warnings have flashed in my mind for many times. I often see you in my dreams, and I am excited to jump on them. Somehow, I am full of tears every morning.


You often leave the best for us, but the bitter for yourself.


Father, your love is like a peak, tough but not hurried; Father, your love is like the sea, vast and boundless; Father, your love is like a wild goose in the sky, sowing the seeds of love everywhere; Father, your love is like the stars shining in the sky, shining on my way forward.


People always say: God is fair to everyone, but in my opinion, God is not fair. I think God has never been tested like this! Whenever I can't sleep in the dead of night, when I look at others talking and laughing about my father, I suddenly feel a sense of loss. This sense of loss has been hidden in my heart for many years. At this time, I can only cover my face with a quilt and lower my voice to cry


After several years, I haven't had the opportunity to say to you, "Thank you, Father!"


Father's love is so broad, so broad, how can my love boat run aground?


But I can only say: Thank you, I have no father to repay.

谢谢作文 篇2


In this vast life, there will always be a lot of gratitude buried in my heart, many blessings silently bless, many strangers passing by will also leave you a deep memory, I want to say to him: "Thank you, it is you who taught me to be considerate, tolerant and magnanimous."


I remember it was a sunny day. I came out for a walk because I didn't have anything to do. The sound of peddling, buying food and bargaining was constantly intertwined in my ears. But my mood was strangely calm, but the following happened to me.


I walked in front of a young uncle, and saw a boy about 13 years old who was very close to him. I guess this should be the uncle's child, because the boy sometimes pulled the middle aged man's clothes, but I felt strange as I walked. They never said a word, and the boy's movements were also very strange. He pulled the corners of his clothes and looked down at the left or right side. I saw that he was looking at the young uncle's coat pocket. Sometimes when the uncle turned to the back, he would immediately withdraw his hand. This made me very strange. I kept having a question mark in my mind: "Who is he?" Driven by curiosity, I followed them all the time, and finally the motivation appeared.


He quietly put his hand into the uncle's pocket. I vaguely saw that there was a wallet in his pocket. I didn't dare to think much about it. I immediately shouted, "Someone stole money!" People came from around me. The uncle turned back. Sure enough, people caught the child and talked about it. Several people said, "If you don't learn well at a young age, just do something shameful and give him to the police." The boy cried badly. I thought, "It's too late to know how to cry now." To my surprise, the uncle said to people, "I haven't lost any money, so let him go!"


Uncle Stranger, you are a bright light, telling me that we should have a "broad" heart.

谢谢作文 篇3


Time goes by like water. A few years ago, I was a freshman, but now I am an elder sister! Looking back, thank you very much


At that time, as a transfer student, I was so unfamiliar with everything here.


There was a girl named Li Ying. She was tall, thin, and a little dark. Her long "superior face" was contrary to her character, but could not stop her hot beating heart.


On Friday, all kinds of books in the school were completely different from those in the previous school. In class, the teacher said to take out the yellow exercise book. I was at a loss when I sat in my seat. I was as worried as an ant on a hot pan, and almost didn't shed tears. Li Ying saw that something was fishy and handed me the notebook. I felt a warm flow coming to me. After class, I wanted to thank her, but I didn't want her to say, "Next time you need me!" I smiled with understanding. In the music class, the teacher said that he would play the clarinet. There were only three people in the class who could not play the clarinet, including me. I sighed. Li Ying turned around and said, "I can buy the clarinet for you! It's not expensive!" I stared at her deeply. It's really my great honor to know you, Li Ying. Thank you!


There was a good teacher. Her surname was Ma. She had medium long curly hair, dark and shiny, and wore a pair of glasses. She looked amiable, which made me unforgettable.


At that time, I had a hoarse throat. When I was handing out the list, I was short. Four or five seats away from her, I looked at her and talked silently. She smiled and nodded. She understood what I meant, and my heart was touched. That morning, I thought I was not reading today, so I naturally went to sweep the floor. The monitor suddenly appeared and pulled me back to the classroom. I looked innocent and was scolded by the teacher at the teaching office. When Miss Ma knew, she called me to the office, comforted me, and said: "You may have your reasons, and the teacher may not know what to say before training you! It's OK! Next time you can speak clearly with the Chinese class representative!" I nodded, remembering her at that time.

难忘的一节课作文 篇4


The last class on Wednesday afternoon. To be honest, I have experienced the most unforgettable lesson. This class is full of happy atmosphere. This class is full of happy atmosphere. This class, for me, is nothing like this class. This class is as precious as the friendship between our classmates. This class is spent in laughter and laughter, but this class also has excited tears.


This class is to celebrate the arrival of Christmas, and everyone's heart is full of happiness and joy. We wrote our sincere wishes to Mr. Zhou on the blackboard, and we intend to surprise Mr. Zhou and give her some encouragement every day in the tense review stage these days. As expected, Mr. Zhou was frightened by the lively atmosphere as soon as he entered the classroom. Later, we gave Mr. Zhou some words to wish her a happy Christmas. Mr. Zhou also wished us a happy Christmas. This Christmas has come really well. Now, Mr. Zhou and we have a close relationship.


Then, there were wonderful programs presented in front of us. First, two of my very good friends came on stage to present a song "Tell You Quickly" to everyone. Their pure voice touched our hearts, and I suddenly seemed to return to the days when I was living with friends on the grass. In those days, there was no sense of depression about the final exam, no sense of nervousness about reviewing, and nothing. I didn't know anything about it, and I couldn't predict what it was like now. At that time, she was an innocent and lively little girl. She only knew what happiness brought to me, and knew nothing else.


Next, of course, my deskmate Zhang Jiena and another good friend of mine came to the stage to perform crosstalk. They talked and laughed, and the audience laughed on their faces. Even I, who had been a monitor for a year, was forced to take the stage. At the beginning, I said, "No, no, no!" But in the end, I put some good friends on the stage together and presented a pop song "This Life with You" to everyone This class is a hot one after another, and everyone is immersed in a happy atmosphere. Of course, teachers are no exception.


But in the end, we were all moved by tears. Everyone cried with excitement.


Teacher Zhou said a very nourishing sentence. She said: "Now that we are in the sixth grade, we are going to graduate soon, and we have a lot of time to get along with each other. It is only a few months in total. Besides, a few months will soon pass. Now many people from other places are going home. We should say goodbye to them and give them our best wishes."


"Yes, I thought of this writing with my good friends who I want to brag about. I really want to cry a lot. After all, I've been together for a long time. How can I leave without saying so? Although there are many frictions between us, and we have had bad things, which may even make each other angry, but now it's reverberating. I really shouldn't have done this at that time. Friends, friends, to be honest, I really can't bear you! I miss our happy time together so much Light! "


I think our Class 6 (3) is really a big group. Our every move shows that we have made progress. We all learn together, unite and love each other. The class is flourishing. Constantly making progress, I think I am the Six "3". Ben is proud. I believe that in the near future, everyone will give a thumbs up and praise our class.


In this way, the class ended with our applause, but today's activity can be branded in our hearts, making us unforgettable.