
时间:2022-08-23 13:17:14 | 来源:语文通



Everyone should be familiar with the trees, and you should know the money tree!But do you know?The money tree is not a tree, he is actually a kind of grass.


Whenever you run into the tree garden, you will leave the tree area when you have observed the money tree many times. In fact, it is carried quietly in the grass area, and you have not left your seat in one step.There are no main stems on the ground, 50 to 80 cm height, and there are hypertrophic tubers in the ground with a diameter of 5 to 8 cm.


The germination of the germination of the buds to form a large compound leaves. The small petiole of the lobular meat is a large part of the stems of the large part; the group of the petiole is swollen, lignified;The raw leaflets 6 to 10 pairs, the leaves of the leaves, thickness, green, and metallic luster.The buds of the Buddha flames are green, the shape of the boat, and the ears of the meat are short.The stems of the money tree are a bit rough, but its leaves feel very comfortable. If you don't pat your hands, you can touch the soft rhizome.


The drought resistance of money trees can be regarded as one of the best in the plant world. Many plants in the hot summer need to be watered every day, but it is different. It can spend 15 or 30 days in the hot summer or between them for two days. Its leaves become yellow instead. If there are many more people, then it will die, but it will not be watered often, and its leaves are greener and larger; the more stems will be, the thicker the stems. Essence What is the reason? That's right because there is a lumpy stem under the money tree. If this stem is smaller, it is as big as a potato. If it is large, there is a plate as big. The block can absorb a lot of water at a time, but you have poured more water and it is full. It still needs to continue to suck the water you pour. "It will be broken by the water, and the root of the lump will be broken. As long as the root is rotten, the stem will slowly wither, and the leaves will turn yellow and fall slowly like a butterfly dancing.


The reason why the money tree is added to the end is because its leaves are too oak.



In a blue blue sky, a tall tree stood in the middle of a small tree.Its tender green leaves sway in the cool breeze.It pointed at the white clouds with the tough branches, as if a naughty asked: "Sister Bai Yun, when do you rain?The white skirt. "At this time, the small trees would surround the big tree and said," You are so tall, it's still long! We help you. "They held the big tree with the soft hand and wanted to lift it.higher.The trees pushed around the big trees like this, and lived happily.


Until one day, a group of lumbers cut off the first small tree.The other trees shouted anxiously: "Little trees, small trees, where are you going?" Kejimei cut off the delicate body of the small tree without mercy, leaving only the tree that he held the land tightly.root.Just like this day and one day, the small trees were chopped.Just leave big trees, it often cries in the sky without Baiyun: "Sister Bai Yun, where are you? Where are the small trees? Why is there only one of my lonely?Where did you go? Who told me! "


After a long time, the green grass in the past became an endless desert, and the big tree died because it had no water.Its bald trunk swayed desolately in the violent wind sand, and the skin was pointed to the distance, as if wept for the loneliness in the distant trees, its sorrow, its misfortune ...



Wind, blowing through the grass, quiet; no sound on the trees, "Shasha"; I and her sitting on the bench with her ...


That big banyan tree species was directly opposite the school gate. I saw the big banyan tree at the first glance when I walked into the campus. At this time, the little girl sitting under the big banyan tree became my elementary school career.The best playmate.At that time, the two of us didn't know, just on the way to the classroom, the two of us smiled and planted the seeds of friendship.


"Well!" After class, the classroom was boiling immediately. I slowly walked towards the big banyan tree. I don't know why I wanted to come here.I looked up and saw the girl walking towards me and smiling at me slightly, and my heart melted immediately."Hey, what is your name? My name is Zhang Shenting." "Oh, I ... called Li Xiang." I was very nervous because this was the first person to speak to me today."Okay! Why are we so shy? From now on, we are the best friends!" She stretched out her little finger, and I also stretched out. The two sat under the big banyan tree to become friends.


On that day, I hurried to the school from home. As soon as I got to the classroom, I put down my schoolbag and found a pencil box. I suddenly remembered that the pencil fell at home. I immediately turned to look at the classmates behind: "Do you have a pen? Can you borrow one of me? "I asked carefully."No." He answered me fiercely.I didn't say anything immediately, and suddenly I felt that someone was calling me. "Then." A pen flew towards me, it turned out to be Shen Ting!Sure enough, when I need help, I don't say she knows.There is an old saying: I see the true feelings.Friends are like this, at least I understand that.


The encounter under the big banyan tree, how beautiful the dating was, once agreed to be the angels of each other, and came here after graduation, and met again.That big banyan tree is our meeting point, and that seed has grown into a big tree.


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In the winter five years ago, a elementary school student named Renzhuo fell under the bus wheel and never got up again. The tragedy of the family has shaken our entire city.Five years later, in the winter, a eight -year -old boy named Wang Zhengyu was pushed under the bus by the crowded person.The ground tests a young life.


The tragedy that should not happen into a cold wind, tortured every soul in the city: Where did our public morality go?


The Chinese land, the state of courtesy, the ancestors of the Confucian and Mencius have given us how many teachings have given us: "Old and old, old people, young and young", "born, what I want, righteousness, and what I do is what I want.Also, the two are not available, and those who give up their lives. "She is born and righteous. What a high spiritual realm!However, when it is not faced with a major choice of life and death, but just a step back, why not do it?——Stime is a kind of killing weapon, and indifference is the sorrow of today's society.


At this point, I remembered the two discussions in the previous media: one was to legislate for seeking righteousness; the other was to set up awards for losing money.The intention of discussion may have a positive side, hoping to rely on the law to rely on the system to make everyone in the society approach the beautiful and lofty levels such as righteousness and gold.However, people ignore that the law and system are never universal and cannot cover everything.Besides, an old man who retrieves his children from the court will never be happy and happy in his later years.


The development of society is just like people walking, and they have never moved on their legs.In terms of the way of restrictions, the law belongs to the category of his law, and morality belongs to the concept of self -discipline.People are different from machines.The machine can move all according to the rules and procedures. People are a senior life body with emotions and rational. In the history of civilization with a long history, the power of morality is not only first, but also the master.The law is just a matter of restricting people who do not do illegal and punish people who do bad things; morality is a good deed to do good deeds and belongs to active benefits.No matter how complete the laws and regulations of a society are, it is always limited, and it cannot be restrained and defined all social behaviors.The social order of harmony, friendship, and civilization should also be created and adjusted by morality. Imagine that if most people become "warriors" who despise morality, even the law will become a piece of paper.Morality should have a huge power.


Therefore, it is very important to reintegrate morality and advocate morality. It is very important for our society and our lives.The Chinese nation respects morality since ancient times, and the connotation of morality is very rich. It is the essence of traditional morality.This is a valuable spiritual wealth.Today, our country is moving towards modernization to a legal society, and the construction of spiritual civilization is to carry forward the traditional virtues of light.A indifferent society, a moral low society, and the developed material civilization are not the ideal world we are pursuing.



From the Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli's "Summer Night Chasing Cool"


The night heat is still the same at noon, and the door is open.


Bamboo deep tree dense insects are crying, and it is not cold.




"Chasing cool", that is, looking for cooling and taking cold.Compared with "looking" and "taking", "chasing" can better show the desire for "cold". Du Fu "remember the past and chase the cold, so around the pool tree" (the second of "three heads of Qiancun") Poetry can be visible.But this poem has its own uniqueness in artistic processing: it has left the feeling of heat and heat, and only "chasing cold" ink, with a few faint strokes, outlines a summer night chasing picture, including some of whichThe bright moonlight has a dense shade, a mother -in -law, a pleasant insect groan, and the author's quiet figure.


Think of it.Only in this way, the independent image of the poet in the second sentence was led to the second sentence."Open the door", click the author indoors.Perhaps he had been going to bed, and because of the heat at night, it was difficult to get into the dream, and he was forced to go out to cool.The "Mingyue" is at the three or five nights of "Moon Hua".In this way, the purpose of the author's "independence" should be said to have both "chasing cold" and "watching the moon". Chasing cold can be suitable for physical skin, and the moon can get the spirit.If you are persistent.


The third sentence is the dyeing of the surrounding environment: the bamboo forest is deep, the shade is dense, and the worm is tweeting."Bamboo deep tree dense", seeing its quietness; "insects", when you see its tranquility -only its quiet, the sound of "insects" can be clearly entered.The poet was in the time, and it was cool, so he led to the end of the sentence, "There is a slight coolness when it is not the wind." This real and subtle experience."It's not wind", the so -called coolness is clear, but it is clear at night, just cool in the quiet, not the night breeze.Fan Chengda's poem "Sitting on the Temple on the night of June 7th" poems: "Where does the wind come from? The palace is slightly cool.However, since the Gui Banner has not moved, it can be seen that it is not really windy.People usually say "the heart is quiet and cool", which is similar.Therefore, Fan Shishi can read with this poem.


Obviously, the coolness in the quietness is exactly what the author wants to express, but this interest is not directly clear.Without the word "not wind", readers are likely to associate "cool" with "wind".Chen Yan's "Poetry of Shi Zi Room" has long pointed out: "If the last three characters are covered, you must guess what kind of wind is, how can you know that it is not 哉." However, the wonderfulness of this poem is just here.The author deliberately did not give his original clue to the reader until the end -since it stated that "it is not the wind", the readers who are good at God will think of the causal relationship between the quietness and the cold;Moonlight, bamboo forests, shade, and insects are just the pavement of the reason to reveal the coolness of life in the quiet.In this way, it is naturally more poetic than straightforward.Probably this is the purpose of "The Deeper Deeper Story, Straight Saying Layer" referred to in "Poetry of the Stone Heritage Room".