亲爱的刘诗诗 :
Dear Liu Shishi:
My good friend Liu Shishi, for so many years, you accompany me, you trust me.I can be so happy with you.Time flies, and only two years in elementary school will pass. Are you okay these days? I want to say too much to you, please listen to me slowly.
这一学期我转到了另外一个学校去了,那个学校很好,老师很温柔,同学很可爱,班级很团结,我想说,你还好吗?值得我开心的事是我的学校里一共有三家小店,我每天都可以去买东西,下次你也可以来玩。我曾记得我们以前的快乐时光,我很想回到过去,可是时光一去不复返了 。
I went to another school this semester. That school was very good, the teacher was very gentle, the classmates were very cute, and the class was united. I want to say, how are you?Three small shops, I can go to buy things every day, you can also come to play next time.I used to remember our previous happy time, and I wanted to go back to the past, but the time was gone.
我还想对你说,我的好朋友,我很想你,每次在梦境里我都会遇见你,以前我们上课一起读课文,下课一起玩闹,多美好呀!我是多么想你呀 !千言万语都无法表达我对你的思念。我也很想问你,你在你的学校过得好吗?交到了新的朋友吗?压力还很大吗?我的好朋友,这么一别,我很伤心。记得有一次,我想和你联系,我不停地打电话,可是打不通,我想你想得快流泪了 。
I also want to tell you, my good friend, I miss you very much. Every time I meet you in a dream, we used to read the text together in get out of class and play together after class. How beautiful! I miss you! I can't express my thoughts for you.I also want to ask you, are you doing well in your school? Did you make new friends? Is the pressure still great? My good friend, so different, I am sad.I remember once, I wanted to contact you, I kept calling, but I couldn't get through. I thought you thought about tears.
I flipped through all the dictionaries today, and I didn't find a word that I could describe my gratitude to you, so I could only say it here: "Thank you!"
学习进步,身体健康 !
Learn progress, good health!
Your friend: Luo Luo
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