
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:23 | 来源:语文通



寻觅春天的踪迹作文 篇1寻觅春天的踪迹作文 篇2寻觅春天的踪迹作文 篇3

寻觅春天的踪迹作文 篇1


In the boundless green, who will have the mood to watch a flower that is too ordinary to be ordinary? This flower may be trampled down and ignored if you are not careful. Have you carefully observed the scenery around you? Now let's take a look at this article on flower appreciation.


Put down my mobile phone, I was a little bored. I remembered the green downstairs and walked downstairs.


The sun kissed three or two old trees, the breeze caressed the green grass, and the clouds and birds laughed. Walking on the grassland, I hummed a little tune. Suddenly, a faint fragrance hit my nose and walked away.


I went looking for the fragrance. One day, she! This little guy is not very conspicuous and seems to be shy. It is a small flower growing in the grass. The plain white petals became her dancing skirt, which was simple but not lacking in tenderness. She swayed in the wind and stretched out in the sun. The faint fragrance is mixed in the moist air with a little earthy smell. If you don't deliberately taste, it seems difficult to find that the intoxicating taste comes from her.


This vast expanse of green, who will have the mood to watch a flower that is too ordinary to be ordinary? This flower may be trampled down and ignored if you are not careful. She may be used to set off this piece of green, or this piece of green may be her most luxurious background plate.


There are lotus in spring, rose in summer, chrysanthemum in autumn and wintersweet in winter. The small wild flowers have no graceful posture, no enchanting colors, and some of them are natural and add a touch of fragrance.


The sun walked slowly to the west, first the whole thing, now only half of it is left, the sky is getting dark, but the heart is clear, and go home with a good mood.

寻觅春天的踪迹作文 篇2


Today, our teacher took us on a spring outing. The teacher said that we would gather at the school gate in the morning and we would wait for the teacher. When all the people came and the teacher came, we started.


We walked together in line. After a short walk, we came to Quanfo Temple. This sign is very beautiful. We asked the teacher to take a picture of the Quanfo Temple with the camera. After the teacher finished taking pictures, we moved on.


Everyone is very happy, and so am I. After a while, the teacher came to a factory gate and asked us to go in and have a look. Who knows the people in that factory are so stingy that we won't let them visit. Everyone is saying that it's too stingy to even visit such a big venue.

老师看见那里有一块立着的石头,就带我们过去了。男生在那照了 https://m.d8qu.com/ 两照了两照片我们大家又共同照了两张照片。

The teacher saw a stone standing there and took us there. The boy took HTTPS://M.D8QU there COM/We took two photos together.


We came to the garden again. Before we got there, we smelled the thick and simple fragrance. There were many beautiful flowers, including purple flowers, tulips, and the little frangipani with strange names... We were all smelling the fragrance of flowers very well, and we took a small notebook to make records. The teacher took a picture of a small eggplant with the camera, and we ran to it.


Then we came to a small river, and Gao Fengqi took stones to live in the water and threw them. However, he did not throw it into the river but hit Zhang Tongbai under his eyes. Several boys gathered around to play cards. It was almost noon. We brought our own lunch. We sat in front of a shop and ate it.


After we finished our meal, we walked again. We came to the stone bridge. It was solid and beautiful. We played on the bridge for a while and then came down.


This is spring. Spring girl is beautiful and kind. She gave us fresh air and beautiful flowers. I like Spring girl best. Did you go on a spring outing? If you go, tell me about it!

寻觅春天的踪迹作文 篇3


The pace of spring comes slowly, only because of the waterfall like snow. I slowly regained my consciousness and wanted to find the beautiful spring.


Before the seedlings broke the ground and cheered, they were tangled by the spring wind. The fragrant flowers could not help the cold, and the puffing sound was submerged in the rain and dew. The colorful umbrellas, like puffing mushrooms, wandered around. The roaring horn sounded everywhere in the noise. I think it's spring! Spring in the rain.


The dazzling warm sun sprinkles its light on the leaf surface and directly shoots at the pearl like rain and dew. The fat wasps are busy everywhere, while the colorful butterflies are dancing. The playful laughter never subsides. The warm wings fly everywhere. The harmonious movement is playing. The bright smile is not weak and the sun is burning. I think this is spring! Happy spring in the park.


The clear water of the lake was suffused with microwaves, which startled the wild ducks who were eating. They dived into the bottom of the water. The broken kite floated towards the shore. The crying sound behind me was very loud. The sound of the ship collision sounded in my ears. I laughed heartily. The flying water splashed my clothes, and the sighing voice shook my head. I think this is probably spring! Happy spring on the lake.


The pink peach blossoms are very bright, and the number of visitors is not clear. The fragrant smell floats in the forest and directly floats into the indifferent bottom of my heart. I put a POSE and put an umbrella to say "Xiuqi". All kinds of sounds are mixed here. Suddenly, I saw the wasp flying to me, and was almost scared to fall down and chew mud. The sound of giggling sounded around, and the fragrance filled the flower forest. I think it is probably spring! The fragrant spring in the peach forest.


What a beautiful spring! The memories of harvest are printed in my heart. My friends, why don't you try it? Follow the steps of walking through the sky to enjoy her beauty and harvest your memories.