
时间:2022-09-13 13:09:56 | 来源:语文通



我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇1我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇2我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇3我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇4我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇5

我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇1


"Old man, ambitious in thousands of miles. The martyrs are in the twilight years." Whenever I think of this poem, I will think of the generation of heroes in the late Eastern Han Dynasty -Cao Cao.He compared himself to a thousand miles in his age. Although he was old, he still stirred the pride of hiring thousands of miles.


Cao Cao once defeated Dong Zhuo, defeated Yuan Shu, Baimenlou killed Lu Bu, the battle of Guandu, and defeated Yuan Shao. However, Luo Guanzhong wrote Cao Cao as a traitor in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. But in fact, I think Liu Bei is a hypocritical villain with leave of falling Abou. The whole person cried all day, making me uncomfortable! I appreciated Cao Cao in the troubled world. He was not for power for power, but because of a specific historical environment at the time, he was happy and peaceful for the people of the world. In politics, he proposed that he was talented, recruiting scholars, and re -talents to calm down the world, as Cao Cao said: the mountains are high, the sea is deep, Zhou Gong's preserves, and the world returns. Without Cao Cao, the north may not be unified so fast. Cao Cao is also a broad -minded person. For example, Zhang Xiu and Cao Cao have the hatred of killing the son, but after Zhang Xiu returned, Cao Cao still worshiped him as a general of Yangwu and for his children. In the battle of Guandu, Zhang Xiuli had a merit, and then broke the Yuan Tan, Cao Cao's reward, and the two thousand households, and the other generals did not have a thousand households. Cao Cao is not only a militaryist, but also a writer. He has many literary works. There are more than 20 art works such as: "Artemisia", "Bitter Cold", and "Step out of the Summer Gate" are all popular masterpieces. Most of these poems describe his own political claims, express the ambitions of unifying the world, and also reflect the people's suffering. Cao Cao made outstanding contributions to the prosperity of Jian'an Literature. I appreciate Cao Cao, although in troubled times, but it is safe. It is difficult to find such a contradictory person in the long history of the vast history.


Cao Cao, as he said in his poems, "old man, ambitious in thousands of miles. The martyrs are twilight, and they are awesome."His spirit inspires countless people although he is old, but he is still ambitious.

我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇2

现在是东汉末年,而我是曹操的弟子,今天是师傅给我 上的第一节课,我怀着激动的心情走进军帐。

It is the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and I am a disciple of Cao Cao. Today is the first lesson given to me by the master. I entered the troops with excitement.


When the master saw me coming in, put down the thing at hand, and took me into a room. It turned out to be his study, which was full of bookshelves. There were two tables in the middle.lecture.


The master said to me: "Act, you, as my apprentice, naturally learn a lot of things, but I teach you how to fight or poetry in the first lesson. Integrity is the foundation of people. To be honest, it is to say what to do. "" Do you know what Guan Yu was collected by me? At that time, Guan Yu was trapped on the top of Tuntu Mountain. It ’s okay, but I really focus on Guan Yu. I hope he can work for me and send Zhang Liao to persuade me. They set up three agreements on Tuntu Mountain. One of them is that as long as he knows the whereabouts of Liu Bei, I will allow him to allow him to allow him to allow him Leaving, I agreed too, I gave him a senior official Hou Lu, hoping that he could stay, but he did not stay. When he heard that Liu Bei was in Yuan Shao, he not only had a seal and the gold left, but also passed. Five levels, beheading the six generals, but why do I still let him go? He can no longer reserve it for me, and it is okay to kill me, but people must keep credit. He has three chapters with me. The third one is to allow him to go. If I destroy the contract at this time, will the heroes in the world come to me? It is not terrible to lose a Guan Yu and lose the hearts of the world. I couldn't bear to kill Guan Yu. I admired his loyalty very much. I lost Hua Rongdao. I was officially alive because of this. "


After the master finished speaking, I asked a question that I had always wanted to ask, "Master, are you really the emperor to make the princes?" The master replied, "Actually, I have to be young.Princes, I can only be administrative on behalf of him. "It turned out that I realized that I didn't know why Luo Guanzhong didn't know this.


In the afternoon, the master took me to the poetry of Yanshi Mountain. I saw the master's poetry.


At this time, the war reported, Sun Liu Dajun came to attack, and my first lesson had to be interrupted.

我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇3


Your history is always shrouded in the fans of the clouds, and the smoke behind you seems to disappear.It's hard to read you, this contradictory soul that penetrates bloody and ink!


You love it as life, but people who are more talented than themselves often take them to operate.Under the account of Xu Yanbin Liu Bei, he applied slightly, so Liu Beipin tasted the taste of victory. You particularly wanted to get Xu Yan. He also heard that Xu Yan was very filial, and he passed the letter and dug Xu Yan over.Guan Yu and Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were lost, and they were forced to bring the second -hand to you. You gave him the red rabbit horse and a new set of new armor used by Lu Bu, and the division was divided into Hanshou Pavilion Hou, and he was given to the thousands of money.Later, Guan Yu passed the five levels and chopped six generals, and Cao Cao did not say a anger, these things have become eternal words.However, contrary to it, I have made suggestions for you, helping you to decide thousands of miles away, unify the north, and set a contribution to the north, but he eventually hinted by you and hate suicide.Hua Yan is a generation of famous doctors. The medicine is eliminated, and the hand is in the spring, but because of the hate in your heart, the Thai Dou in the Chinese medical community is lying under your bloody knife.Isn't this a cunning rabbit dying, cooking after leaving?You did have achieved many people, how many of those who do not know the burial are historical regrets!


You are elegant but rude and unmanned. Your poetry has a pride of the emperor, calm and stubborn. Psalm and other poems such as "Turtle Shou" and "Short Songs" are popular all over the world. The essence of their thoughts has adopted the test of time, accompanied by the long river of history, and conquered the world with a proud gesture. The spirit of your great shore, deep thinking of life affects how many generations do not know. There are more than a dozen of your military monographs, of which "Sun Tzu Snapena" has become a world -class classic, which makes today's military masters amazing. But who can think of, you are a well -known and bloody sister -in -law in that era! The Yellow Turban Army has worked hard to save the poor people who have been squeezed in the world. The essence of the end of the thoughts and the magnificent ambitions governs you, so that you can erase more than 70,000 people from the world forever. President Ning, do n’t take me on me, you have such a mad saying, ah, do you really have a clear conscience? Lu Boshe's family slaughtered pigs, but you were killed by you. Every time you occupy a place, you do n’t have grass, chickens and dogs do n’t leave, blood flows into a river, and it is cruel.


hero?Job?Your contradictory life history is difficult to comment.Xu Yan said that you are the power of governing the world, and the treacherous of the troubled times; Lu Ji said that although you can help the Chinese, the abuse is also deep, and the people are resentful.Cao Cao, wait, wait for the historian's iron pick, to dig that period little by little.At that time, you will definitely appear in front of the world.

我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇4


It is said that the world's general trend, the division must be in line for a long time.In the troubled times of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the situation of watching the world, who dominated the party with courage, and the historical review "the good minister of governing the country, the treacherous heroes of the troubled times", this is Cao Cao also.In my foolish opinion, the real hero in the Three Kingdoms is Cao Cao.


Let's talk about Sun Quan first, although they will use people, but they are all based on their ancestors, and they must not be known as heroes. Besides, although Liu Bei is stable and thick, the credit is mostly subordinates and is called a hero.There is no such thing as a hero.From this point of view, the hero of the world is well deserved.


Besides, Cao Cao, Cao Cao was suspicious and suspicious in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".But I think this personality is in line with the characteristics of the hegemony of that era, and Cao Cao also has such ambitions and wants to dominate the world.In "Turtle Shou", "Old Lao Fu, aspirations in thousands of miles; martyrs' twilight years, strong heart" is highlighting Cao Cao's ambition.


Mao Zedong commented on Cao Cao's poem "Master, generous and sad, is a real man, a big deal." He is indeed an outstanding writer in history.And I think the wit he showed in "Wang Mei" is even more than ordinary people.


In the "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", when Cao Jun passed by Wancheng, Cao Cao stipulated that all the soldiers were not allowed to step on the people's field, but his horses stepped on Min Tian because he was shocked.For those who have noble positions, but Cao Cao believes that he formulates a decree, but he violates himself. How can he trust the army?Even if I am the commander of the whole army, I should be punished.So he cut off his hair.It can be seen that Cao Cao's rule of governing the army was strict, and he became an example.


In my eyes, Cao Cao is also a person who can reuse talents and be wise.In the Battle of Guandu, he asked Yuan Shao's obscure conspirator -Xu You used him, and defeated Yuan Shao, becoming a well -known battle in history with less wins.It is indeed an outstanding militaryist in history.He loved talents and gave Guan Yu at the captured Lu Bu's red rabbit horse, and he was so heavy to Guan Yuen.And I think Cao Cao is a very wise and visible person. When he cooks a hero with Liu Bei, he recognizes "the heroes in the world, but it is for the first time."


Cao Cao is indeed an outstanding politician in history.And the extensive minds shown in the works such as "Short Songs", "Viewing the Sea" and "Turtle Shou", have shown that he has a global talent in all aspects of governing the country and military.


All in all, in my eyes, Cao Cao is a person with multiple personality.He is clever and witty, leads by example, has more conspiracy, is very good, hesitant, cherish talents, treacherous cunning, and suspicious.Cao Cao is also an outstanding politician, military, writer, and poet in history.He is worthy of being a talent of troubled times, heroes among people!

我眼中的曹操高中作文 篇5


"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" tells a famous battle with less winning -Chibi.In this battle, Cao Cao's 83 soldiers were destroyed, and in the end, he lost to Nanjun.On Huarong Road, Cao Cao thought that he was very clever and laughed: "Everyone says that Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, and wisdom, and look at me. In the end, it is an incompetent generation."Without the end, a gun rang, and Guan Yu led the army to stop the road.The conspirator Cheng Yu said: "Someone knows that the clouds are proud and unbearable, and they are bullying and not weak; the grievances are clear, and the faithfulness is plain."Cao Cao took the horse forward, and after the surrounding" Cao "was surrounded by Tushan, Cao Cao presented gold and silver, and said to Guan Yu after five levels and six generals.A raw way.Later people believed that the responsibility of letting Cao Cao was taken away by Guan Yu. I believe that Guan Yu is a person with a strong spirit, but the key figure of Cao Cao is not Guan Yu, but Zhuge Liang.


Although Zhuge Liang did not let Cao Cao go on Huarong Road, he was invisible and made arrangements for Cao Cao.


Cao Cao unified the north, and his confidant had been killed by him and collected.At that time, only Sun Quan could compete with Cao Cao, and another was Liu Bei, who was called by Cao Cao as a hero.However, at the time, Liu Bei had no place to live in. Therefore, Zhuge Liang told Liu Bei: Let Cao Wu fight to fight, Liu Bei sat in the advantage of the fisherman.Zhuge Liang lobby Sun Quan and fight with Cao Cao.Although Sun and Liu are united, they have their own ghosts: Sun Quan wants to kill Cao Cao, destroy Liu Bei, and unify the world; Liu Bei will act as a fisherman to obtain benefits in the struggle of Sun and Cao.


For this reason, Zhuge Liang sent Guan Yu to intercept Cao Cao on Huarong Road.Because he knew Guan Yu's person, he also knew that Guan Yu would let Cao Cao go, and he knew that only so, Sun Quan did not dare to attack Liu Bei immediately, and Liu Bei could continue the fisherman to gain profit.


Think about it, if Zhuge Liang set up Zhao Yun or Zhang Fei on Huarong Road, then Cao Cao must be captured.On the surface, Sun and Liu Alliance victory were victory, but it was more beneficial to Sun Quan. It could immediately concentrate on attacking the weak Liu Bei.At that time, even if Zhuge Liang had a big ability, he was unable to return to heaven.


Today, our people should study like Zhuge Liang, and we should not give up long -term plans because of the interests in front of our eyes. We must not be abandoned in the future because of the present.Before you do, think about the results and influence of this incident on the future.Be a far -sighted Zhuge Liang.