
时间:2022-07-12 13:23:31 | 来源:语文通



Dreams are the overall goal of everyone's hard work since childhood. It is a glorious way to guide everyone to the road of life.With it, there will be a dream of dreams in daily life. It is also changed by age. I do n’t think it ’s a dream when I was a child when I was a child?Isn't that dream of that dream?Today my dream is a not simple doctor.


It is a sad "historical time" that makes me want to be a doctor. That was the year I was seven years old. There was a very kind grandmother in the village. The road of life attached great importance to her. Because she often helped others, people in the village had urgent matter. After a lot of weeds, Grandma Sun removed them. After knowing each other, thank you would give her some items. Give me it, but I am not willing to eat it. Once I pulled up his dishes, Grandma Grandma apologized to others. As everyone knows, God seemed to have a joke with her, and sent a special envoy to give her spells, so that Grandma Sun was seriously ill, and the doctor shook his head helplessly. At this time, my eyes were red, and I asked my mother sadly: "Isn't the doctor cure? Why can't he cure Grandma's illness?" Eye said with tears. My big tears flipped like fine beads. After all, the fortune is terrible, and the pace of the devil's special envoy has slowly approached grandma. After all, Black Mo left with her grandmother. Tears couldn't call Grandma Sun. How much I want to save my grandma if I am a not simple doctor.


If you want to become a doctor, you have to be diligent since childhood, see how your doctor treats patients, study hard, and take medical specialty after growing up.My dream is an excellent doctor who does not pursue the income of others, but begging others to be physically and mentally healthy.Let the person who face it calmly get brilliance again, so that the people who have the disease will ignite the expectations of expectations again.Dreams will start today!Flying your dreams!



"People with new ideas are a monster before their thoughts. The only obstacle to complete the ideal of tomorrow is today's concerns. Life roads should be established, otherwise your vitality will be consumed every day. No need to be unsuccessful once, leave you, you used to be originally.Faithfulness to do. "Oh, this sentence is good.Therefore, everyone should have their own ideals, and a person's ideal is different.Some people's ideals are to be a knowledgeable teacher and quietly give selfless dedication to the students; some people's ideals are to be a writer and write many well -widely spread good articles ... But my ideal is to be a oneWhite warrior for cure for the disease.


The ideal is stone, which can get out of the star fire; the ideal is fire, which can ignite the light of expectations; the ideal is the lamp, which can light up the road of the night; the ideal is the road, which can attract you to dawn.On the ideal road, please bring your ideals, because the ideal has the power to support the dream of people!My ideal is often an excellent doctor. Because the doctor's position is noble, the cure depends on them. Although there are some cases, it cannot be cured. It is because their illness is too serious or terminally ill.If they cooperate with doctors with each other, then it is not the problem of this doctor.Doctors are so concentrated in the case of cure, so meticulous, so intentional, they are afraid of being careless in the case of cure.


I really want to be a doctor who has the spirit of treating the disease with the spirit of Baihuien, so I have to be prepared since today.First I want to study hard, pursue progress, and be admitted to the ideal college when I grow up.Subsequently, he was more diligent and profoundly scientifically studied for pharmaceuticals, and scientifically studied the method of doingctomy.I can read many items in scientific research books.I want to ask some doctors to help me interpret the medicine.If I am really a doctor, I will definitely do a good job in the post of a doctor.


"Young people, love ideals, respect the ideal. The ideal is the language expression of the creator, which is higher than all our country and human beings. It is a spiritual empire and the hometown of life.There will always be a black shadow. "The ideal is song, playing the movement of life; the ideal is the movement, which casts a pleasant music symbol; the ideal is the music symbol to interpret the miracle of life.Let's work hard for our ideals together.



The trend of human existence and development is due to the ideal: in order to better look out in the dark, humans continued to explore, and they realized the fire and created the bulb of the bulbs.In order to better discover the secrets of the fairy's running moon, everyone created and invented the astronomical telescope and created the invention of the moon landing rocket; in order to better talk about the diverse daily life of human beings, everyone never chats to learn to speak. FromIt is not easy to write to learn to write, and record your own growth footprint on the thin paper.Therefore, the origin of human pursuit of perfect civilization is ideal.


Former Soviet famous writer Lev Tolstoy said: "Ideal, can give the world unfortunately happily." Humans often be able to get out of rough, out of the wilderness, out of ignorance, step into a civilized behavior, step into a new period, step on, step on, step onEntering new technology is due to the outstanding ideal of humans.George Fle, the head of the black person, wrote that he should be fair in "I Have a Dream" and get the attention of white skin people.Because of that, George Fry Kim won the Nobel Peace Prize.The manager of our party, the outstanding chairman of Chairman Mao, the leading cadres of China, the people of China came out of the black cricket, came out of the mess, and created the founding of New China because of their ideals.Because I have an ideal, when I grow up, I want to be a doctor who treats the disease and save people.Go to the hospital and walk around in the taste of medicine. I will see death every day, but I won't worry, I want to be a good doctor who treats diseases and save people.


Be a good doctor to have a very smart medical level and lofty job character.At the same time, doctors are also a very risky post. The person with the most illnesses is a doctor, and the person who responds to the most deaths is also a doctor.However, after two decades, I may really wear a white coat work clothes to become a white warrior to help others.No matter how serious the patient's illness is, because I will do my best to treat it, then the life of accidental rescue will be more and more. On the future road, the ideal will be on the light for me.


It is also very difficult to be a good doctor. At this stage, our hometown diagnosis and treatment standards are still very outdated.The disappointment is enough. If you become a doctor, you must bring the smart medical level to his hometown, and you must change the diagnosis and treatment standards of his hometown.Now the only thing I can do is to read a good book, look for herbs in the book, look for squares, learn knowledge, accumulate experience, and work hard to be a doctor who meets the standards.


On the journey of life, people without ideals have no soul. I firmly believe that under the ideal guidance, I can become a good doctor.



I want to become a doctor in the future because doctors can help people cure.

如果我是一名医生对自己的要求是: 一,做到文明、干净。二,要勤洗手,要不然别人发现自己的医院不干净,人们就不会来我这里看病了。我去医院看病的时候看见大夫们特别干净,每看完一个病人都会去洗手,要不然就不卫生,也会传染到家里。

If I am a doctor's requirements for myself: 1. Civilization and cleanliness.Second, to wash your hands frequently, otherwise people will not come to me to see a doctor.When I went to the hospital to see a doctor, I saw that the doctors were particularly clean. Every time I saw a patient, I would go to wash my hands.


If I am a vision doctor, pay more attention to hygiene. When you look at others, you will be transmitted to others, and others will say, "This doctor does not pay attention to hygiene, it is not good.


So seeing a doctor can't show people messy, saying that there is a disease without illness, others think we want his money.

我长大要是能变成视力医生,这样也可以给自己的家人看病,也不用到别的医院看病。 这就是我的梦想。

If I grew up, I can become a vision doctor, so I can also see my family, and I don't need to see a doctor in other hospitals.this is my dream.



Dear mother:


Hello! Today is the first day of the New Year. You went to work again. Seeing the empty street, I was distressed ...


Recently, the spread of pneumonia in the infection of the new coronary virus in Wuhan has spread, which has caused the country to panic. The 84 -year -old Grandpa Zhong Nanshan was in danger and was ordered to rush at the forefront of the epidemic.Seeing uncle, aunt, brother, and sisters from all over the country, regardless of their reunion with my family on New Year's Eve, I put on a "combat suit" and ran to the Wuhan front line on my back. I was really moved.


Seeing their "full armed" thick protective clothing all over the body, they can't see their faces, but they just write their names on the isolation clothes and draw simple patterns to identify. We don't know who they are behind the mask? I only know this.The most brave and fearless person in the group has a common name -white warrior.And their faces were wearing masks for a long time, pressed out a blood marks, and they worn gloves for a long time, covering them with blisters. They passed on a voice to the public with action. This sound is: Believe in us!


When the night is quiet, we have all entered the dreamland, and the white soldiers still struggle for life.Seeing this scene, I burst into tears, because I thought of you, my favorite mother, why not?


Every holiday, all mothers are resting, but you have to stick to your post; every time I cry and shout to go out to play, you say that your mother is busy, wait for next time ...


Mom, I have deeply understood you to see this scene, because this is your responsibility. Although you have not rushed to the front line of the epidemic, I know you have been silently sticking to your post, and many white soldiers.In the same way, assume your duties and complete the mission of protecting everyone's health.


Mom, your responsibility is to welcome the arrival of the newborn. You say: Every little life has a great hope.At this moment, I deeply understand the meaning of this sentence. I will never entangle you again and ask you to let go of work to play with me, because I understand your responsibility and dedication, I can wait for my mother to come back ...


Mom, work with peace of mind, I will take care of myself at home, wash my hands, wear masks, and ventilate. This is your requirement for me. It is also the responsibility that a young pioneer member should assume.When I grow up, I will be like a white warrior to you, like a white warrior.


Mom, I love you!


Guo Yiyou


Spring Festival 2020



1、医生:医生读音为yī shēng,是指掌握医药卫生知识,从事疾病预防和治疗的专业人员的统称。 唐时设置学校令人习医,凡学医的人称为医生。今则用为业医治病者通称医生 yī shēng词语解释:掌握医药卫生知识,从事疾病预防和治疗的专业人员的统称。[doctor;physician;surgeon;medical man;medicine man] 唐时设置学校令人习医,凡学医的人称为医生。今则用为业医治病者通称分词解释:疾病:病(总称):预防疾病ㄧ疾病缠身。掌握:①控制;主持:掌握主动|掌握政权|掌握分寸。②了解、熟习并加以运用:掌握知识|掌握技术|掌握规律。治疗:用药物﹑手术等消除疾病。从事:①做某事;参与某种事业:告养回籍,从事农耕|从事教育工作。②处置;处理:依法从事。...医生怎么造句,用医生造句»

2、变成:变成读音为biàn chéng,是指1.从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况。 2.呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为……。变成 biàn chéng词语解释:1.从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况。 2.呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为……。(1) [become;turn into;change into](2) 从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况由于许多人偷木料,茂密的山林变成了光山坡(3) 呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为…他以前的敌人变成了忠实的盟友分词解释:性质:事物本身所具有的与他事物不同的特征:问题的性质|社论带有指导性质的。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。以前:1.比现在或某一时间早的时期。 2.泛指从前,以往。...变成怎么造句,用变成造句»