
时间:2022-10-12 12:54:15 | 来源:语文通



小学生读书笔记 篇1小学生读书笔记 篇2小学生读书笔记 篇3小学生读书笔记 篇4小学生读书笔记 篇5小学生读书笔记 篇6小学生读书笔记 篇7小学生读书笔记 篇8小学生读书笔记 篇9

小学生读书笔记 篇1


This book was written by an American. The author's name is Charles? Finger. The author traveled to South America, collected 19 folk stories, and strung his travel notes and stories into this book.


The day before yesterday, I finished reading a book called The Legend of the Silver Earth.


This book was written by an American whose name is Charles. Finger. The author traveled to South America, collected 19 folk stories, and strung his travel notes and stories into this book.


These 19 legends are about witches, giants, kingdoms and beasts, but these stories are inseparable from magic.


I like the sixteenth story most - Mirror of Magic. Previously, a girl named Susu lived happily with her father. Soon, my father married an evil stepmother. The stepmother was actually a two headed toad monster. She used magic to make Susu's father seriously ill. She is very good to Su Su in front of her father, but she always discriminates against her secretly. Later, a young man named Hua Xiya picked up a magic mirror that could see people's souls, which reflected the true face of Su Su's stepmother, saw through her tricks, shot the two headed toad monster with an arrow, and saved the lives of Su Su and her father. Finally, Huaxia and Susu lived happily together.


The whole book is fluent in language, interesting and vivid, with good illustrations. It is a good book. No wonder the evaluation on the cover is: Arabian Nights from South America, a magic realism fairy tale classic.

小学生读书笔记 篇2


In the book "Thousand and One Nights", I like the story "Fisherman and the Devil" best.


This story tells of a fisherman who made a living by fishing. But he had a habit of fishing four nets every time. Once he caught fish, but there was nothing in the first three nets. The fourth net actually caught a yellow copper bile bottle. The fisherman opened it without knowing that there was a devil in it. However, after the devil came out of the bottle, he would kill the fisherman. The fisherman did not want to die, so he relied on his wisdom to let the devil return to the sea. He also told us that as long as we caught the yellow copper bile bottle, we should throw it into the sea, so that the devil could never come out of the sea again.


The fisherman in this story is really smart. I want to learn from him. At the critical moment, I must use my brain to think about what to do. In the past, I often didn't use my brain, but I was too lazy to use it. In the future, I must use my brain more to make my brain more and more intelligent; I think the devil's behavior in this story can be described by two idioms. One is that the devil should be punished for his own mistakes; Second, the fisherman in the story clearly saved the devil, but the devil did not repay the benefactor like ordinary people. Instead, he wanted to kill the fisherman.


In the future, I will use my brain as much as the fisherman in the story to think about problems.

小学生读书笔记 篇3


This winter vacation, my parents and I read the book "Di Zi Gui" together, which made me feel deeply after reading it.


It is mentioned in the book that the original name of the Di Zi Gui was "The Book of Discipline", which was compiled according to the teachings of Confucius, the supreme sage. It specifically lists the codes of conduct that children should abide by at home, when going out, when treating others, when receiving materials and when learning. It is one of the best books for enlightening and educating children.

在阅读的时候,有很多字词很难理解,爸爸妈妈就联系实际耐心的给我讲解,使我更加明白了 www.shubaoc.com 内容的意思和内涵。书中的“故事链接”栏目我很喜欢看,因为更容易看懂,对我阅读理解《弟子规》提供了很好的帮助,使我从日常生活中的孝敬父母、做人做事等方面都学到了很多知识,明白了许多道理。

When reading, there are many words that are difficult to understand. My parents explained to me patiently and practically, making me understand WWW.SHUBAOC The meaning and connotation of COM content. I like reading the "story link" column in the book, because it is easier to understand, which provides a good help for me to read and understand the "Disciple Rules", and makes me learn a lot of knowledge and understand a lot of truth from respect for my parents, being a person and doing things in daily life.


I like this book very much. In the days to come, I will read and read this book more and do what I say.

小学生读书笔记 篇4


"Tolerance" is a short article in the book "Mind is a flowering tree". After reading it, I learned that tolerance is an indispensable virtue in people's hearts.


The story is about an unforgettable thing that happened when the author was five or six years old: 'I' had a dispute with a little boy in the alley. The boy broke 'I''s head with a brick, and then 'I' had a "revenge plan". Finally, my father persuaded me to forgive him and became good friends with him.


An unforgettable thing happened in my life. At that time, I was in the first grade. One day when I was doing morning exercises, everyone left the class in twos and threes to go to the playground. I was no exception. I had just come down the stairs when a big brother in the fifth or sixth grade suddenly turned me 180 degrees. My left hand was broken, and my tears ran down in pain. The teacher quickly took me into the school hospital, and the school doctor said that I had to go to the hospital. I was sent to the hospital with bandages on my hands. It took me more than a month to recover. Up to now, I don't know who the big brother hurt me, but I have already forgiven him in my heart. He must have accidentally hurt me! After reading this book, I am more sure of my own judgment. It seems that tolerance is really a good virtue!


There are many unhappy things in life, but after reading this book, I know that I must face everything with a tolerant heart.

小学生读书笔记 篇5


Content introduction:


The book "Orange Coffee" describes the story of the author's family who moved back to their hometown in the countryside from the city and started an orange cafe. In this process, many conflicts and feelings occurred. They finally understood to understand and care for each other, united, worked towards a common dream, and shared a priceless simple life.


Experience after reading:


"Orange Coffee" is a book about the value of life. It tells us that happiness is around us. The value, happiness and happiness of life are not determined by the win or lose of exams and competitions; The quality of life is not always the pursuit of material enjoyment. As long as you don't give up your dream, you will achieve it someday.


Grandpa in "Orange Coffee" likes to farm and do it himself. He doesn't want to lie in bed and be served like a patient. Mountain is his best partner. Farming is the source of his happiness. I like Grandpa's hardworking, open-minded and cheerful personality very much.


To enjoy a simple and plain life is easier said than done, because people often can't resist material enjoyment, but we are often unsatisfied and want to be better, which brings us many troubles instead.


Now every minute of effort is the harvest in the future. How can we harvest first? There is no free lunch in the world. As long as we work hard and make dreams, we will succeed one day.

小学生读书笔记 篇6


Content introduction:


"Rainbow Fish" is the most beautiful fish in the sea. It has shiny colorful scales. It is proud of its beautiful appearance and very vain, so everyone hates it very much.


Because of the proud personality of Rainbow Fish, everyone is unwilling to make friends with it. He always feels very upset, but he doesn't know it is because of his own personality, because he is arrogant. So he asked Mr. Octopus how to make good friends. Mr. Octopus taught Rainbow Fish to give his shiny scales to other fish first and share what he had with everyone. Rainbow Fish did what Mr. Octopus said. Sure enough, everyone no longer hates it as a proud and vain fish, and everyone is willing to be his good friend. As the saying goes, "We can share weal and woe." It should be like this between friends




When we have more and better than others, it is better to take it out and share the happiness we have with others than to have it alone. That is the case that the music of alone is not as good as the music of all. In the future, I also want to share the good things I have with my friends and enjoy with everyone.


In addition, modesty and courtesy are also the harvest of my reading. Politeness is not only the most basic condition of our life, but also a good virtue. A modest and polite person is sure to give others a good impression. Therefore, we should pay special attention to politeness in order to be respected by others!

小学生读书笔记 篇7




The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a book full of wisdom, suitable for young and old. The book describes hundreds of wars of various types, but does not repeat them. From fighting alone to fighting with thousands of soldiers; From the battle of wits and courage on the battlefield to the use of planning in the camp, they are written in both fiction and reality, each with its own characteristics. This book not only describes the heroic tension of the war, but also intersperses lyric scenes such as the bright moon of the river, drinking and writing poems, and the sages in the mountains and forests, making the story climax and gripping. When describing the battles of Guandu, Chibi and Qishan at the beginning of the sixth year, the author explained the strategies and tactics of the two sides, the comparison of forces and the transformation of status in an orderly manner, so that readers can understand the panorama of the Three Kingdoms, understand the essence of famous works and build a bridge for history.


After reading, I think:


The author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms skillfully uses words to describe the real war vividly, so that readers can experience the situation. Among them, the Battle of Chibi allows readers to live in Chibi and witness the whole war. The words in the book also seem to be alive, bringing me into the story.


The story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms left me with endless aftertaste. The spirit of people in the book is also admirable. If everyone can have such courage, the world will be better.

小学生读书笔记 篇8


Quietly, sit in front of the window, look at the gloomy sky, listen to the clear rain, look down at the sparrows on the tree tops, listen to the voice of their breathing companions, and look down at the "Yilin"


Watching an old bison and the ethnic group wade through mountains and rivers together, they finally summoned summer after experiencing many difficulties in spring, autumn and winter. When its partners tasted the abundant rain and lush vegetation here, it was too tired to eat. The wolves attacked it, and it had no resistance. It suddenly became bloody, but where it died, a calf was born quietly


My eyes could not help filling moist. What a powerful family relationship and strong maternal love it is! In front of me, a scene of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake quietly emerged: a mother knelt on the ground, her hands supporting the ground, her own spine and body were fragile to block the bricks falling from the roof, and arched an impregnable fortress. When the rescue was dug out, the great mother had already left, but under the bridge of her life, the young man who was still smacking his lips and dreaming did not know that his favorite mother had left! Rescuers took a piece of hardware from the baby's arms - a mobile phone. It says, "Baby, I love you!" All the people present shed tears, and they closed their eyes and wished the great mother well! Bless her happiness and perfection in the kingdom of heaven!


My parents are not like this! They love me so much, take care of me, and think about my precious son everywhere. In life, they take care of me meticulously and do not accept any money in return. In my studies, I learned from ancient times and modern times, knew the four treasures of the study well, and collected hundreds of books at home, which made me easily catch thousands of sentences. They don't know how much they have paid for me


Wave a large amount of skynet, and the landscape flowers and birds are bright and dark. The rivers, mountains and rivers are close to our eyes and never forget our parents' kindness. When I was young, I learned from my parents. When I learned, I will repay them. Don't forget my parents' kindness. Everything is done between them!

小学生读书笔记 篇9


There are many beautiful things in the world. If you observe carefully, you will find new things. Since I bought the book "Education of Love" yesterday, I have been holding on to it. Today, I hurriedly finished reading this book and created the world with love. Looking at this book, I can't help thinking of a song: "As long as everyone shows a little love, the world will become a better world." It says that a child's life at school is both good and bad. Yes, we should see the wonderful and beautiful side of the world, rather than face the bad. As long as we work hard, we will certainly be able to work hard. The education of love is to feel with heart, listen with love, and make the world full of love.