
时间:2022-09-21 13:41:05 | 来源:语文通



写教师节的作文 篇1教师节作文 篇2教师节作文 篇3教师节作文 篇42022关于教师节的优秀作文 篇5

写教师节的作文 篇1


In September, the golden season; September, deep season; September, harvest season.A bland day, but because of you, the engineer of the human soul, it becomes great and sacred!When the first strand of Chaoyang soothed the lake, you have set foot on a day of journey.

三尺讲台演译着您人生的精采。挥手投足间,您将我们的人生又推上了新的舞台。如干渴的幼苗汲取甘甜的雨露。 我们看见,在您清亮的眼眸中,闪烁着人类最动人的光芒! 青丝已成白发,记载着您的成功与收获。没有了少年的虚浮,一生的光辉都奉献给了人类最伟大的教育事业。 您用毕生的心血铺设着伟大的道路,您用心灵的火焰照亮着光明的希望。 谁说您是蜡烛,您的光芒万丈,远远不止是如此的狭隘,谁说您是春蚕,您的事业永远生生不息。您不是园丁,您是智慧与活力的化身。

Three -foot -desktop is the brilliantness of your life.Waving, you pushed our lives to a new stage.Such as the thirsty seedlings draw the sweet rain dew.We see that in your clear eyes, the most moving light of human beings!Green silk has become white hair, recording your success and gain.Without the vain of the teenager, the glory of his life was dedicated to the greatest education of human beings.You have a great path with your life, and you use the flames of your heart to illuminate the hope of light.Who said that you are a candle, your light is far more than that, who says you are a spring silkworm, and your career is always endless.You are not a gardener, you are the embodiment of wisdom and vitality.

您教育的是心灵,培养的是人才,您是十全十美的天使,是不知疲倦的开路人。 无论岁月如何变迁,我们都会永记您的爱,您的恩;无论我们去向何方,我们都是您的一粒种,一朵花。我们用双手高高的举起这情满四溢的酒杯,真诚的说一声:老师,节日快乐!

You are educating the mind, and you cultivate talents. You are a perfect angel, and you are a tireless passers -by.No matter how the years change, we will always remember your love and your grace; no matter where we go, we are all your species, a flower.We raised the wine glass with both hands and said sincerely: Teacher, happy holiday!

教师节作文 篇2


On September 10th, many students will buy some roses, carnations, etc. to give them to teachers.But in my eyes, "Teacher's Day" seems to have already changed its taste and it is not so important.


On the day of Teacher's Day, both sides of the street were always surrounded by small merchants selling flowers.When I was young, these flowers always attracted my attention.Now I grow up, although sometimes I look at it, but I rarely buy it.


It was in the first grade. I learned that I was going to have a Teacher's Day a few days later. I was very excited. I also wanted to buy a few flowers for the teacher to express my gratitude.But I don't know if the mother who has always been pickled will give me money.


How to do it?Oh, yes.I can help my mother work to make money!


That night, I told my mother the idea.My mother agreed and said that I was a sensible child.


I put the chopsticks in the pool, rubbed the bowl with a tender little hand, and squeezed a little wool from time to time.One, two ... I finally finished washing.What else can I do?Yes, sweep the floor.I took a broom and dustpan, sweeping the dust little by little, and finally, I finally made great achievements.


Day after day, I finally saved enough money.


On the day of Teacher's Day, I held the money in a row, handed it to my aunt, bought two exquisite carnations, and was ready to give it to a Chinese teacher and a math teacher.That day, my mood seemed to be like the weather that day, which was particularly bright.


"Dingling Bell-" The classing bell rang, accompanied by the bell, the Chinese teacher walked in holding the book.On that day, the serious teachers always laughed so brightly.When the classmates went out to send flowers to the teachers, I also gave the flowers to the teacher, and said, "Teacher, happy holiday!"


The second quarter is the math class. I still happily welcome the teacher's arrival. I also rushed to the podium and gave the teacher I selected carefully to the teacher.


Next, a whole class, I feel that the teacher is laughing at me, and my class has never been so serious.


After class, the friends all poured out of the classroom.Inadvertently, I saw that the teachers did not cherish the flowers sent by the students, but threw the flowers into the trash bin. My mood seemed to have encountered a thunderbolt, and I couldn't help but hold it.


Since then, I have never given flowers to the teacher.


"Gifts" are no longer important, "Teacher's Day" seems to become more and more blurred, and it can't taste it.

教师节作文 篇3


September 10th is China Teacher's Day.The red was early, and after eating, I went to the field and picked a bunch of wild chrysanthemums, with blue and yellow.Because she found the teacher likes wild chrysanthemums, she wanted to make gifts to wish the teacher a happy holiday.She looked at the watch and was 8 o'clock.She ran to the school and saw that she had taken her homework to the office and went to the classroom.The teacher is not in the office, she only has to work in the office.After handing over the homework, she took out the wild chrysanthemum and was ready to insert it into the pen holder.She threw the wild chrysanthemums in the teacher's pen holder into the trash, because those flowers were dead.She thought that the teacher saw a new wild chrysanthemum in the pen holder, and smelling the faint fragrance of it, how happy it was!She inserted her wild chrysanthemum into the pen holder.She sat down on the bench next to her, waiting for the teacher to change her homework to see the teacher's happy scene.


A few minutes later, the teacher came back.The teacher saw the wild chrysanthemum in the trash bin at the door, thinking, "Who would throw my wild chrysanthemums away?" She walked into the office and saw red and red sitting in a bench.Hong Hong thought the teacher would be very happy.Who knows that the teacher asked Honghong: "Did you throw my flower into the trash?" Hong Hong said, "Yes, but I ..." "You don't want to say anymore. Your behavior is not good, your behavior is not good,This is called a prank, don't you know? Don't commit it anymore in the future. "The teacher said unspeakable.Red and embarrassedly said, "Thank the teacher for helping." He returned to the classroom and cried.


After the teacher criticized the red, she changed her homework. She changed her job and smelled a faint fragrance.She saw that the wild chrysanthemums in the pen holder were all new, and the teacher understood everything.She is particularly happy because this is the first teacher's day gift that she has received in the profession of teacher.She wrote a few words in the red assignment book: "Red, the teacher was blame you, and said that you are a bad boy. After the teacher knows the truth, he really grates you from the heart. Thank you for giving me it to meThe first Teacher's Day gift. "

教师节作文 篇4


Today, the school is much more pleasant than usual.why?Please zoom in your eyes to see: A classmate walks into the school gate, and their hands are no longer as empty as usual.Look, some hold a large bouquet of flowers and walk into the school gate quickly; some bring a box of boxes of chocolate, with a smile on the face; some bring some gifts with beautiful boxes, and smile mysteriously.Native


Teacher, although often angry with us, this also expresses the teacher's deep love for us.For example, the Chinese teacher: In the evening, we all slept, but you correct our homework under the lamp that is rarely extinguished. You are sick.The disease is so serious.But you still drag your illness to give us class.You said to us, "Once, when you were writing, I changed your test paper on the podium, and you made too much. At that time, I really wanted to tear your test papers.If I take seriously writing, I will hold back. I am thinking: I have so many students, how can I do this? "After listening to these words, we all showed guilty.


Yes, without the teacher's hard teaching, where are so many smart students become the pillars of the motherland?As students, we should learn to be grateful.


Teacher, we want to thank you for your care and care for us for many years, and thank you for your work silently in your job.We are working hard to return you with the best results!

2022关于教师节的优秀作文 篇5


After playing me in school, I know that teachers are engineers of human souls and a very lofty profession.Among my teachers, my favorite and impact on me is Teacher Gao Donglei!


Teacher Gao was wearing a pair of glasses and looked at it from the lens. The pair of bright and strict eyes was really admirable.Teacher Gao has a tall or short body.Don't look at Teacher Gao's strictness. In fact, she is very good at class. The classmates all fall in love with Teacher Gao's Chinese class. As long as someone says "the next Chinese class!" The classmates will be emotional.


Half of the class, Mr. Gao will always insert a few interesting stories, which excites the students.


Teacher Gao will not only attend classes, but Teacher Gao will also care about people!


Once, I didn't feel very comfortable, but I didn't feel so strong, so I didn't take it much.However, when we listened, I suddenly felt dizzy and uncomfortable, especially my chest was very stuffy.I thought to myself: I'm going to get out of class anyway, go home and go to the hospital.So I just supported for a few minutes.


A few minutes later, I had a feeling of vomiting, and my body was hot.I touched my forehead and hot.I have a fever!Since Teacher Gao was reporting and writing at the time, I was embarrassed to disturb the classroom.


But gradually, I trembled with my hand in writing, and I couldn't help crying.At this time, Teacher Gao saw that I was secretly wiping with tears, stopped listening, and asked me with concern: "Contemporary, what's wrong with you?" I said, "Teacher, I always want to vomit."


Teacher Gao hurriedly stroked my forehead with her hand and said, "You have a fever." Then patted my back gently, hurriedly asked the classmates to bring the paper basket, and whispered: "Here. "Suddenly, I was warm in my heart, like my mother was around.


Teacher's Day is coming. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to say to Teacher Gao, "Teacher Gao, I wish you good health! Happy Teacher's Day!"