
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:07 | 来源:语文通



Those days, fight for dreams; those days, sweat and tears; those days, we chase our dreams and sail.The autumn wind is small, and the leaves are flying.Pick up a leaf, and the past rushes to your heart.


When I was a child, I always gave up halfway.However, the bits and pieces of the dreams of dreaming are lingering in my heart.


I started to study dance after I was in elementary school. I was still struggling to compare with others. The monotonous movements day after day made me more boring.Under several three -time remarks, my mother taught me to persist in doing things, not to be abandoned halfway, and couldn't stagnate because of being blocked by a road.Although I was doubtful at that time, I did it as my mother said.Whenever I want to give up because of a small thing, my mother's words are circulating in my mind.


Finally, with the encouragement of my mother, I passed the difficulty of chasing the dream and passed the tenth level of dance.On the road of dreaming, I was closer to my dream.


At the annual school celebration, I decided to break through the difficulty of dance.In the dance class, I did it again and again seemed simple, but in fact, I put sweat and tears behind my back.Picking the purple gold crown plus the front and rear bridges, these three actions should be completed in eight seconds, and the ticking sound of the stopwatch makes me nervous.Time time and time, fell again and again, so that the idea of giving up in my heart flashed in my heart.However, this time it flashed.I couldn't give up at the 10th level of exercise.


Finally, under the teachings of the teacher, I broke the eight -second mark.Once, twice.The movement gradually became proficient, the movement followed the rhythm, and I succeeded.On the way to dreaming, it broke through the difficulties.I was close to the door of the dream.


On the day of the game, I got the last number with a bad hand.After the performance of the first nine players, the referee was dazzling.When I reached me, my name was so nervous.But when I saw the encouragement of me on my dream road, I calmed down.


"Red Sorghum" is the memory of many referees.In a song, I unexpectedly won applause.Suddenly, the award, taking pictures, and the celebration banquets passed by.I succeeded, and I finally fulfilled the dream I thought I couldn't achieve.


Those days are full of memories; those days, sweaty interwoven; those days, chasing dreams; those days, I finally fulfilled dreams.



1、日子:日子读音为rì zi,是指1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。日子 rì zǐ词语意思:1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。(1) [day;date]∶固定的某一天日期今天是她结婚的日子(2) [days;time]∶天数他走了有些日子了(3) [life;livelihood]∶指生活、生计现在日子好过多了分词解释:儿子:男孩子(对父母而言):二儿子◇人民的好儿子。方法:关于解决思想、说话、行动等问题的门路、程序等:工作方法ㄧ学习方法ㄧ思想方法。代纪:即世纪。记载帝王世系及其事迹的史籍。唐代避太宗讳,改“世”为“代”。如初:跟当初一样:消除嫌隙,两人和好如初。...日子怎么造句,用日子造句»

2、那些:那些读音为nèi xiē,是指1.哪里。表示反诘。 2.哪里。何处。那些 nà xiē词语解释:1.哪里。表示反诘。 2.哪里。何处。(1) [those](2) 指较远的两个以上的人或事物我认识茶馆里那些小人物(3) 指较远的多数时间和处所在那些地方他们有势力(4) 指代前文已出现过的两个以上的人或事物校长指着一群玩滑梯的孩子说:“那些是刚入学的新生”分词解释:反诘:反问。哪里:1.问什么处所。 2.表示不确定的处所。 3.泛指任何处所。 4.用于反问句,表示否定。 5.谦词。婉转地表示否定。何处:哪里,什么地方。表示:1.显示某种意义。 2.用语言﹑行动显出某种思想﹑感情﹑态度。...那些怎么造句,用那些造句»