
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:13 | 来源:语文通



初中记叙文 篇1初中写人叙事作文 篇2初中记叙文 篇3初中写人叙事作文 篇4初中记叙文作文 篇5初中记叙文 篇6

初中记叙文 篇1


Tao Yuanming of Jin Dynasty had the pleasure of living in seclusion; Ouyang Xiu in the Northern Song Dynasty enjoyed the people's happiness; Chairman Mao, the great leader, has his eyes raised. There are so many beautiful rivers and mountains, which have attracted countless heroes to bow down! Cherish the Japanese invaders, swear to the Luding Central Plains, the joy of competition; Now, I can only sit in the corner of the classroom and look at the vast sea of topics


Finally, after class, I ran to the playground like a hot horse and played with my classmates. I thought this should be the happiest time in school. But until now, otherwise!


After the bell rang for a long time, I moved to the last seat in the classroom and stared at the half person high exercise books beside the seat. After looking at the watch, the class ended at half an hour. My heart trembled, as if suddenly enlightened, and I blamed myself: You are now in the third year of the junior high school, and there is less than a year left before the middle school entrance examination. Do you want to go on like this? Do you want to spend your life in vain? Do you think that old people are sad and poor? no Absolutely not!


So I was like being dominated by an invisible force. I picked up the exercise book that had not been opened for a long time, grasped the pen that was no longer familiar with, and started the question. I actually felt a little fun. Just when I opened the door of dusty memory again by searching for training with memory, I was very happy. I knew this question, and I also knew this question, ha ha


I was immersed in the sea of questions and found infinite fun. It turned out that it was not only a few hours after class that I could have fun. This friend was not far away from me! He surprised me when he appeared in another form. The bell rang soon after class. For the first time, I felt that the self-study class was so fast that I couldn't catch him! It's true that time has passed.


After class, I put aside my concerns just now and started to play crazily. Happiness came out in its original form, but he changed a lot. I didn't know him any more. I still had to immerse myself in the topic sea, which was more interesting. I feel like a warrior here. I use my pen and ink as my sword. I cut through the thorns, and I am proud of all the heroes!


I finally realized that the joy of campus is not just about being crazy.


A famous person once said, "If you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer your pessimism." In our life, we can never get rid of the pessimistic mood, especially in youth. Throw your pessimism into the distance and interpret your life with an optimistic and optimistic mood. You will find life more interesting. It is impossible to live without pessimism, but the important thing is to defeat it and conquer it.


Keep an optimistic attitude and treat life with a smile. When the aftereffects of the global economic crisis had not been eliminated, an economic analyst who worked at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, his hometown, came to a bank in London only five days ago and heard that the company was going to fail. However, he did not lose heart and worked in a restaurant. He said such a sentence: "I like my present job, at least it can bring me food and clothing." Smile is the most powerful weapon for optimism to defeat pessimism. It is he who treats life with a smile, so that life can conquer misfortunes one by one and open up the situation that is not good for him.


Keep an optimistic attitude and welcome success with confidence. Yang Guang, a blind boy in Harbin, became blind because of illness when he was a baby. But his inborn musical talent gave him confidence. He uses music to express his inner world, looks for colors in an optimistic way with confidence, and depicts his beautiful life with notes. He used music to sing people's hearts and feelings, and won praise and affirmation from others with an optimistic attitude. A person with a normal mind can find brilliant stars in the vast night sky to enhance his confidence in life. Yang Guang proves this sentence with his own experience.


Keep an optimistic attitude and mold life with suffering. Han Meilin, known as the "Oriental Picasso", was jailed for several years for unwarranted crimes during the "cultural revolution". He broke his leg and cut his finger. Suffering separated him from his wife and children, and he lived with resignation. After the rehabilitation, they experienced family changes and betrayal of friends. However, he survived the suffering.


It will only get worse if you just sink into unpleasant sorrow. Pessimism can be seen everywhere in ordinary days, while optimism requires effort and wisdom. It can make your life full of vitality and broaden the road of life. Suffering in life tries to destroy you, but it often shapes you. This is the power of optimism.


Optimism is a landscape supported by perseverance. There are landscapes everywhere in the world. It is important to keep an optimistic attitude.

初中写人叙事作文 篇2


In one's life, there will be many people who leave a deep impression on you, who are worthy of your admiration and learning. My grandfather is the person I admire most.


Grandfather is an old man with white hair who is over sixty years old. He has lived with us all the time. His high cheekbones were put on the shelf with presbyopia eyes, and his wrinkled face always wore a kind smile. Grandpa has been engaged in shoe repair since he was a teenager. His left thumb has been bent and deformed due to years of work.


The shoes for public repair are both beautiful and comfortable. From morning till night, there are endless people looking for Grandpa to repair shoes. One day, as darkness had fallen, a customer came to my house panting. My grandfather said, "You have a pair of my shoes here. My father is seriously ill. Tomorrow morning I will catch the 6:30 train to Qingdao to see him. Can you fix it? I will pick it up at 5:00 tomorrow morning?" Grandfather agreed without hesitation. After the customer left, he took out the shoes, looked carefully, and began to repair them. First, he soaked the upper, then beat the upper to the last, waxed the rope, and finally sewed it stitch by stitch. The room was silent, except for the ticking of the clock pendulum on the wall, accompanied by the sound of Grandpa pulling the rope.


Early in the morning, when I woke up, I saw that the quilt on Grandpa's bed had been folded and flattened. The repaired shoes were beside the stove. After a while, someone knocked at the door. I opened the door and saw the customer standing in front of it. Seeing him come in, Grandpa said to him without a light, "Your shoes have been repaired!" The customer asked, "How much is it?" "Six quarters." The man handed Grandpa two yuan and said, "Don't change the rest!" Grandpa said, "You're welcome. It's my job to repair shoes. I should do this!" Then Grandpa gave the man a quarter of one yuan.


Looking at Grandpa's kind smiling face, deep set eyes and crooked fingers, I was awestruck. I think: my grandfather is ordinary and great. I want to learn from the public.

初中记叙文 篇3


This year, I was admitted to the secondary technical class of the dance department of the PLA Academy of Arts. I became a small soldier, and I was proud to wear that uniform. Although I am a soldier, I am a literary soldier. I enter the training room at 6 am every day and return to the dormitory at nearly 10 pm. I often forget to eat lunch and dinner. Every day, I will meet with the responsible and strict teacher. If I make a mistake, I will be beaten with blood. But I like this cause very much.


I almost broke my knee cartilage because of dancing, but I was about to participate in the performance. I didn't say anything but silently endured to cry behind the curtain. On the stage, I faced it with my brilliant face, but after stepping down, I cried bitterly. So I left a good impression on teachers and teachers. After the performance, I cried because of excessive pain, but I thought it was worth it. I got the approval of the director and the dean and the thunderous applause of the audience. Readers, if you see actors performing for you, you must give them the warmest applause because they are the hardest. Although it is hard for them to get the last 100000 points of happiness, she is the most beautiful. I love your dance, and I have no regrets.


I have been learning dance since I was young; The famous dance professor Tian Peipei is now my director, Dean Liu Min, Zhang Jigang.... At the same time, I also have many unknown but unknown teachers who accompanied me through the first 13 years of learning dance. It's really wonderful in retrospect. Because dance makes me get together with teachers, because dance makes me understand a lot of life


That reminds me of Mr. Li, who will leave soon. We will meet him every day for dinner and sleep together. But he won't teach us next semester because he resigned. On the day of the final exam, we cried because we were going to leave. On that day, we cried all day and all night. Our eyes were red with tears. He told us when he left that you must remember that words are better than words. Until now, I have been slowly tasting the true meaning of this sentence. This sentence is too true. I think it is the best gift left by our teacher.


The teacher once told me that there is nothing to change a teacher as long as you work hard to live up to the teacher's sincerity. The teacher will remember your kindness and be proud of you. I think this is the teacher's voice to every student.


I like dancing. Through you, I have learned a lot and know so many partners and teachers. At the same time, I have learned different advantages from everyone. Thank you for dancing, and thank those lovely teachers and students. I am always fascinated by dancing. Forever and ever.

初中写人叙事作文 篇4

这一生,认识的人有很多很多,在家庭里的爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐……在学校里的老师同学,在社会上你会认识更多更多,在这些人中你一定有你最好的朋友 ,每个人都有,我有不例外,我有个死党朋友,他跟我是在中学里才认识的,可是,我们认识了才没几天,就成了很好的朋友。

In this life, I have known many people. My father, mother, brother, sister... teachers and classmates at school, you will know more and more in the society. Among these people, you must have your best friend, everyone, I have no exception. I have a loyal friend, who met me only in middle school. However, we have only known each other for a few days and become very good friends.


I remember one time, it was the first semester of the first day of junior high school. That time, I went to his home to play. I remember at the beginning, we had a good time. We watched TV and played with computers. I don't know how happy we were. Later, he told me that playing computer for too long was bad for my health, so we went to his room to read. After reading it for a while, he told me that the book he saw was not good, so he wanted to change it in the cupboard.


He ran to the side of the cabinet, opened the drawer, and began to look for books. At this time, I hit his ass for fun. Unexpectedly, he got angry, first scolded me, then pointed at me and told me to go away. I was confused by him at the beginning, and shouted: "Go away, what's the big deal?". He pointed at me again and said, "OK, this is what you said. Let me go. So I pushed him and left angrily. He said yes, so he sent me to the station.".


On the way to the station again, I would like to say sorry to him, but I can't say it, and I know he wants to say it, but he can't say it either.


When he got on the bus, he walked back without looking back. I think he is not loyal enough. On the bus, I kept thinking about whether I should apologize to him or not, so that I didn't get off at the station.


When I got home, I cried a lot. I was sad because I lost a good friend.


A few days later, I had to go to school again. At first, I wondered whether he would forgive me. When I got to school, I knew that my worries were totally unnecessary, and he thought that this had never happened. With, we have become good friends again.

这一生,认识的人有很多很多,在家庭里的爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐……在学校里的老师同学,在社会上你会认识更多更多,在这些人中你一定有你最好的朋友 ,这句话,果然没错,我就在学校中,认识了我最好的朋友。

In this life, I have known many people, including my father, mother, brother and sister at home... teachers and classmates at school, and you will know more and more in the society. Among these people, you must have your best friend. It is true that I know my best friend at school.

初中记叙文作文 篇5


I always feel that my father is very annoying when I write about him. He always talks on the way to and from school. He is not a man at all.


On a cold night, there was a cold wind. As soon as he walked out of the failed examination room, his father came to him with a smile and asked, "How did you do in the exam, son? Is there anything wrong? Is the exam tense? Is there enough time?" I lowered my head and kept silent, trying to hide my anger. But my father, like a miner, unswervingly explored my inner discontent. At last, my anger broke out: "You are bored. You nag all the time. How can there be so many things that I can't concentrate on the exam? If you don't speak, you will get sick!" After a burst of machine gun fire, Dad was silent. However, I found that my father's eyes darkened a little bit in an instant, the veins on his forehead burst out, and every drop of sweat seeped out, and his fists were clenched tightly. I thought the storm was coming, but finally, my father said nothing and bowed his head silently.


On the way to school that day, my father said the least words when he picked me up for so many years.


After that day, my father's chatter seemed to disappear from my life, but unconsciously, I found that he became much older. Finally one day, my mother blamed me and said, "Why did you say that to stimulate your father? He didn't sleep well that night and sighed for most of the night. He did it for you?" That night, I tossed and turned and hardly slept.


The next day, it was still very cold. After studying at night, I walked on the familiar road again. Looking at my father's face under the street lamp, I gathered my courage and said, "Dad, let's talk." "What?" Let's talk. I repeated. At that moment, his father's face flashed with an imperceptible look of joy, but his eyes flashed with light of doubt. I said to myself that the school began to pay attention to oral listening training these two days. The weather was not very good, and I couldn't run. I wonder if I could pass the additional sports test in April. After a while, I guess I couldn't help it. My father finally turned on like an electric machine and kept running. First, I asked whether I was sure about the oral test, how was the class this time, whether I could understand it or not, and whether I could not do my homework. Then I talked about my classmates and teachers, domestic events and the international situation, to clear up the silence and gloom of the previous period. He could not help putting his hand on my shoulder when he said this. He took off a coat and let me wear it. When talking about the excitement, he kept waving his hands, like an ambitious general planning a strategy thousands of miles away. His face was excited and his body was full of strength. I couldn't help being infected by him, and talked a lot with him. The tiredness of the day was immediately relieved, and I felt much relieved.


I turned around and looked at my father's excited face. I couldn't help feeling sad. I remembered that when I was a child, my father sent me to school no matter it was windy or rainy, and told me stories. But I did this to him last time?? Thinking of this, I took off my coat and helped my father put it on gently. I don't think it's a big deal, because I know that this high spirited man in front of me has devoted his life to me. He has built a fortress of love with his broad mind without any regrets to protect my growth. My father patted my shoulder knowingly, and a strange feeling passed from the shoulder to the bottom of my heart. I know, that's happiness!


On the way to school that night, my father said the most things when he picked me up over the years.


At that moment, happiness flowed between us and blossomed in the hearts of father and son. I think: "Parents are different, but their love for their children is always similar."


May the flowers of happiness bloom forever!

初中记叙文 篇6


Once upon a time, there was a forest called Miracle Forest. Everything in the Miracle Forest could have life, even rivers, sky and trees. There is a family living beside the magic forest. One day, the children of the family went to play in the forest and got lost unconsciously.


The child walked deeper and deeper, but he could not get out of the forest. The bird in the sky saw it and flew down and asked, "What's wrong with you, child?" "I'm lost." The child said that the bird let the child live in his home first.


Day after day, the child gradually grew up. He suddenly remembered what happened when he was 5 or 6 years old. He said to the bird, "Thank you for taking me in, but I have lived here for 5 years. I want to find my parents. I hope we can see each other one day." The bird family watched the baby go away until it disappeared in their sight.


The child walked forward aimlessly. Suddenly, he saw a blue ribbon. "Is it outside?" The child thought about it and ran forward happily. But he walked in and found that it was a river. The river asked, "What can I do for you, child?" "I want to get out of this forest." The child replied. The river told the children that if they want to go out, they must walk along themselves for several days before they can go out. The child did as the river said.


The next morning, the child set out, and the river followed the child. They did not have any obstacles along the way, but when they reached the end of the river, they did not see the city The river said. "Never mind," said the child. "Thank you for coming with me. Goodbye.".


The child met the bird family again, "Hello, meet again." So the child lived with the bird family again.


It took another five years. With the help of birds, the child learned to fly and made a pair of wings out of bark. Flying up to the sky, the sky asked him: "What's the matter, kid?" "I want to find the end of the forest and go out as soon as possible." "Right over there." The sky said, letting the white clouds point him in the direction. He saw hope, the end of the forest, and his own home.


He said goodbye to the bird and flew towards his home. His heart was full of expectation and joy.


He flew home, only to find that his family had completely changed, and his family had also changed. "Who are you?" The host of the family asked, "I was lost 10 years ago." "Oh? I don't remember. You must have come here to make a living. Go away!" The host chased the child away while drinking and scolding.


The child was so desperate that he felt that he had no sense of existence, so he flew to the sky, ready to take off his wings, and then fell down.


The sky saw, He said: "Son, don't lose hope for yourself. Although your family has long forgotten you, there are still many friends in the forest: birds accompany you every day, raise you, and ask you to fly. The river, although it doesn't help you, is also very eager to see you again. Sen Sen, although you think the forest is dead, he has been watching you grow silently. And I, you can talk to me at any time. But there is no duty to kill What's the use? It depends on your own efforts. "


After listening to these words, the child felt that he didn't have to think about it. Although his father didn't know him, it doesn't mean that other people didn't know him. There are so many people around me who love me and support me. Why should I die because my father didn't know me?


The child flew back to the forest. From then on, he settled in the forest and lived a free life.