
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:28 | 来源:语文通



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黄山写景作文500字 篇1


It is said that the Five Mountains do not look at the mountains when they return, and the Huangshan Mountains do not look at the mountains when they return. In my opinion, the reason why Huangshan is so famous is that Huangshan has unique five wonders of pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs and Buddha light.


Qisong can be said to be ubiquitous in Huangshan, with a few, but many, such as Greeting Pine. However, what I like most is not the welcoming pine or the seeing off pine, but the authentic Mengbi Shenghua. This tree grows on a steep mountain, and its crown is much larger than its trunk. It stands on the top of the mountain like a blooming flower, and the top of the mountain is like a hairtip, so it is called Mengbi Shenghua.


Qisong is very strange, so the strange rocks should also be strange. For example, handstand boots, which are said to be made of one of the immortals' boots, are called handstand boots because the soles are upward. There is another stone. We climb over mountains and mountains to see this stone monkey watching the sea. However, I think if I could change my name, I would prefer to call Stone Monkey View the Sea or Monkey God View the Sea to show my respect for monkeys.


The sea of clouds in Huangshan is world-famous. Where we see the sunrise, we can just see the sea. Yunhai and Yangyan Mountain are not of the same grade here; Yangyan Mountain is just some thick fog, which will disappear soon. And the sea of clouds here, I can't describe it, because it's so beautiful.


As I said before, let me talk about the fifth wonder in my eyes, the Buddha Light of Huangshan Mountain. The reason why it is called Buddha Light is that the light is in the middle of a circle, which can accommodate a Buddha, so it is called Buddha Light. Buddha light, I haven't seen it, but I have seen it on TV. It's beautiful.


ha-ha! Strange pines, grotesque rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs, and the Buddha light of Huangshan bring the five wonders of Huangshan.

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This summer vacation, my father and mother and I finally came to Huangshan, the place I have been thinking about and looking forward to for a long time. Huangshan Mountain, the first wonderful mountain in China, is located in Anhui Province.


Huangshan has been reputed as "a fairyland on earth" and "the first wonderful mountain in Sinian" since ancient times. We finally climbed to the top of Mount Huangshan with great efforts. From a broad perspective, we could see the beauty of Mount Huangshan: thousands of peaks competing, streams crisscrossing, pines dripping green, and clouds misting. The reputation of Mount Huangshan really deserves its reputation. Dad pointed to a tree not far away and told me that it was the Greeting Pine. He saw the Greeting Pine standing on the edge of a mountain, with a pine branch sticking out obliquely, as if waving to guests coming from afar to welcome them. It was really interesting! When I looked around, I saw stones looming in the clouds. They were strange in shape. Some looked like a lion rolling a ball, some looked like a golden rooster standing on its own feet, some looked like a monkey watching the sea, some looked like two dragons snatching pearls, and some could not be called out. When I was still intoxicated with these strange shaped stones, suddenly a gust of wind blew, and then a cloud rose across the mountain. These clouds were ever-changing. At this time, it was like a lion chasing its prey. Suddenly, a tiger came running to compete with it for its prey. The lion and the tiger rolled together and finally merged into a big ball and rolled to the distance, slowly disappeared. The clouds and fogs in Huangshan Mountain are really strange! The time passed when I looked around and left and right. Soon it was evening and we had to leave Huangshan reluctantly.


The magnificent Huangshan Mountain is really beautiful! As an old saying goes, "The five mountains do not look at the mountains when they return, and the Huangshan mountains do not look at the mountains when they return." Huangshan, I love you! All the mountains in my heart are inferior to you. Your wonder, your strangeness and your danger are always stored in my heart.

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Huangshan Mountain is the most charming mountain in Anhui Province in China. Every year, a large number of tourists enter Huangshan Mountain to enjoy the scenery.


The beauty of Huangshan lies first in its fantastic peaks. Up to now, there is no accurate figure on the number of Huangshan Qifeng. Seventy two peaks have been named successively in history. In recent years, more than ten peaks have been selected in Huangshan Annals. Here, the mountains are competitive and beautiful, and the peaks and peaks are strange. Each has its own characteristics and charm. Among the 82 peaks, Lianhua Peak is the highest. There is a pine forest on it. The brook flows down from the nearby rocks and becomes a hot spring. Next, Guangming Peak climbed to the top of the mountain and found itself in a sea of clouds. From afar, the peaks of Lianhua Peak and Tiandu Peak came into view. Tiandu Peak is the third. Every time there is a rainstorm, the rainwater turns into a river and flows straight down to the pass halfway up the mountain, forming a waterfall. These three peaks and Shixin Peak are typical scenic spots of Huangshan Mountain. Even if tourists climb one of the four famous peaks, it is a worthwhile trip.


Waterfalls are also a kind of beauty of Huangshan Mountain. Huangshan Mountain is high and steep. Streams rush out of high mountains and canyons and fly down from steep valleys and cliffs to form waterfalls. "It rains all night in the mountains and there are flying springs everywhere" is a vivid portrayal of Huangshan Hot Spring. There are many waterfalls in Huangshan. The most spectacular ones are Jiulong Waterfall, Herringbone Waterfall and Baizhang Waterfall. Jiulong Waterfall is located at the left bank of Tiandu Peak. Because there are nine lifelike stone dragons at the downstream of the waterfall, it is called Nine Dragon Waterfall. There are many strange rocks near the cliff mouth of the herringbone waterfall, which protect it like a herringbone waterfall. If there is a cave behind the highest waterfall like Zhang Waterfall, it will be very similar to the Water Curtain Cave in "Monkey King". Huangshan is so cool all the year round that it is definitely a good summer resort.


The charming Huangshan Mountain is really unforgettable.

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My mother's company organized a Huangshan tour. I was my mother's small attendant and went with her.


After a lot of trouble, we arrived at the foot of Huangshan Mountain. Looking up at the magnificent Huangshan Mountain, I felt passionate. "Huangshan Mountain, I'm coming!"


Our destination is the second peak of Mount Huangshan - Guangming Peak. Looking up, the road leading to the Guangming Summit is simply a "Great Wall" leading to the blue sky. It stretches and twists, sometimes looms and sometimes appears, towering into the clouds, with no end in sight. I have always been competitive, and I have secretly decided that I must be the first to mount the Guangming Summit.


I started to climb the mountain. I ran out like a rabbit escaping from the cage.


Facing the slight mountain wind and breathing the incomparably fresh air, I felt as light as a swallow, flying past one climber after another. The father and mother's voice of "Slow down, be careful, don't fall, don't run away" gradually lagged behind and left behind in their breathing like an ox. Turn another corner and look back. The brigade is gone.


Gradually, my feet became heavier and heavier, and my legs seemed to be pulled by the mountain road, and I didn't listen to orders. The chest seemed to be cut by a knife. Beany sweat ran down my cheeks. I held the roadside pine trees and gasped. I wish I could grow a pair of wings at once and fly to the top of the bright sky. But I know that I can only think about it. I have to walk step by step and climb the mountain step by step. Like a snail, I march to my destination with determination.


When we are near, we will see the Bright Summit. There are 3 stone steps and 2 stone steps. When I stepped on the last stone step, I finally reached the Guangming Summit at an altitude of 1860 meters!


The mountain is under my feet

写景作文500字 篇5


The river is the home of fish, the blue sky is the home of white clouds, and the forest is the home of birds... Huoqiu, a beautiful county, is my hometown.


My hometown is beautiful all the year round. Spring is like a little girl, summer is like a knight, autumn is like a woman, and winter is like an old man. Welcome to my hometown, Tiantangzhai Scenic Area, Yanzi River Grand Canyon, Meishan Reservoir Dam. You must not miss it!


The scenery in my hometown is very beautiful. Tiantangzhai Scenic Area has the last primeval forest in East China, three waterfalls, White Horse Temple, etc. On the first day of the New Year, the family went to Tiantang Village to take a walk in the woods and looked up. The sun shone through the shade among the leaves, shining like the stars in the sky, dazzling, but beautiful. It was warm, and we could hear the birds singing. Fortunately, we also met rabbits and squirrels.


Gradually, we went to the top of the mountain and met three waterfalls along the way. I like the curtain of water hitting stones; Like the clear sound of water hitting stones; I like to smell the faint fragrance of mountain spring. Walking along the mountain road through the forest, you can feel the breath of nature. This is a natural oxygen bar. Climb to the peak of the scenic spot and look around to see most of the scenic spots. It's great to have a panoramic view of everything!


Leave Tiantangzhai Scenic Area, go down and pass He Yanzi Grand Canyon. The Heyanzi Grand Canyon is beautiful and steep. The Grand Canyon features canyon rafting, and tourists experience the unique charm of the canyon. While drifting, people screamed and cheered. The echo floated in the valley. Looking at the lush trees on both sides of the canyon, it seemed that they were in a fairyland. There are many specialties in my hometown, such as wicker, Euryale Euryale, water chestnut with high nutritional value, and ephedra chicken with strong meat flavor. What are you waiting for? Come to my hometown!


I love my hometown, I love this beautiful land.

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I love Tian'anmen Square and Leshan in Sichuan... But I love the scenery of my hometown more.


My hometown is in Beilin District of Suihua, with 2723 square kilometers and 870000 people. It borders Yichun in the east, Daqing in the west, Harbin in the south, and Heihe in the north. The lakes and forests here will make you linger and forget to return.


The most enjoyable thing for you is Suihua People's Park, which is our children's paradise. It is located in the southwest corner of Suihua City, and a gold plaque is hanging in the middle of the lintel gate. The plaque is engraved with the four characters "People's Park", sprinkled with gold powder, and looks very dazzling in the sunlight. Facing us is a rocky rockery surrounded by a round pool. There are small fish in the pond, which looks very lively. Around the rockery is a playground with laughter. There are roller coasters, racing cars, bumper cars... But the most interesting thing is real guns. People can hold real guns here, load real bullets, and shoot animal targets. "Bang", a child hit a tiger target accurately, and he laughed loudly. Looking at his appearance, I also want to play some fun. Following the stone path in the middle of the park, I came to the artificial lake unconsciously. There are many pleasure boats in the lake. When you climb up, you can see that they are like green leaves floating on the water. Suihua Park brings people endless fun, so many tourists come here.


The most refreshing thing is the spring rain in my hometown. Because the spring rain washed away the flying dust and dust. When you come under the eaves, you will already feel a fresh air flying with a sense of wetness; When you go to the yard and let the rain fall on your hair, hands and face, you will feel fresh, cool and refreshing. As long as you taste carefully, it seems that you can smell a faint fragrance, but there are no plum flowers in the yard.


The beautiful world belongs to everyone. May you enjoy it with me.

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You know what? We have a famous street in Wenzhou, called Wuma Street.


It is said that there is an interesting legend about its name! In ancient times, a man collected a stone and put it at the door. One day, a guest passed by here and took a fancy to this stone. He asked for 100000 liang to buy it. The hostess thought it was a rare commodity and did not sell it. The guest left angrily, and the hostess carried the stone to the attic. In the evening, the guests came again and were very upset when they saw that the stone was gone. VISITOR: Why? It turned out that there were five magic horses on the stone. They were nourished by dew every day outside and survived. It was useless to put them in the house. Later, in memory of the five divine horses, it was named Wuma Street.


Approaching Wuma Street, the first thing I saw was a bronze statue of five horses pulling a cart. These strong horses are running fast with reins and a carriage. Some of them spread their hooves and ran, while others raised their front hooves, stretched their necks, and raised their heads to make a loud hissing sound. Some of the tourists who came and went were sitting aside for a rest. Some simply jumped over the pool, rode on horses, and made a V-shaped gesture. Once they pressed the shutter, a picture was taken.


Walking along the road and looking at it all the way, there are antique buildings on both sides of the road. It was not long before we arrived at the Fountain Square. I saw a stage built with glass in the middle of the square, making it a playground for children. Look, some of them are walking on the stage, some are jumping up and down... How happy they are! In the evening, the fountains started to spray and the colorful lights flashed. The colorful fountains danced with the accompaniment of music. They were colorful and beautiful!


The Wuma Street in our hometown really deserves its reputation!

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In the summer vacation, my parents and I went to visit Huangshan Mountain. We arrived at the foot of the mountain in the early morning.


First of all, we went up the mountain by cable car. The outside scenery was all shrouded in a sea of clouds, just like a fairyland. After arriving at the mountain, the air became a little cold, and the thin rain fell on my face and body respectively. Walking on Huangshan Mountain in the rain had a different feeling. After a while, the sun came out. We climbed a step up to the top of a mountain and saw the famous national treasure "Greeting Pine". Its branches and leaves looked like small fans, as if to say to us, "Hello, welcome to Huangshan Mountain". As we continued to climb up, I saw all kinds of strange stones in Huangshan, some like tortoise and rabbit races, some like sugar gourd, and some like beautiful fairies... Here I also saw the "Monkey Watching the Sea" and "Fairy Directing the Way" in the text, especially the "Flying Stone". The stone was huge, but it stood steadily beside the rock, really like a huge stone flying from the sky to Huangshan, Is it really a fairy stone flying down from the sky?


Unconsciously, in the afternoon, we met the Internet Red Train, which was jointly developed and built by foreign and domestic designers. Its speed is nearly 400 meters per minute and the slope is 45 degrees, which is very steep and breathtaking. We couldn't wait to buy tickets to get on the train. The thrilling little train trip took us to the bottom of the valley in two minutes. After enjoying the scenery at the bottom, we took the train back to the top of the valley. It was exciting and fun! Finally, we climbed to the highest point of Huangshan Mountain, the Guangming Peak, which is 1820 meters above sea level. Although my feet were very tired and sore, I still insisted. Finally, I reached the top of the mountain. I looked around and saw the mountains in the distance filled with clouds. I could not help but recite: "When I will be the top of the mountain, I will see all the small mountains."


It was getting dark. At the urging of my mother, I went down the mountain reluctantly. Huangshan was so beautiful.

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Watching the sunrise of Huangshan Mountain When I think of going to Huangshan Mountain to watch the sunrise at 3:00 tomorrow morning, it is difficult for me to calm down. But in order to have a good spirit tomorrow, my parents and I went to bed early. At 3 o'clock in the morning the next day, it was still dark. We got up and went with the group from the Jade Valley to the foot of Huangshan Mountain. We took the cable car to the viewing platform beside the welcoming pine, where we were ready to wait to see the sunrise. After a while, a bright light came out from the horizon. We are all very excited, because most of the time on Huangshan Mountain, we can't see the magnificent scene when the sun rises because of the heavy fog. However, God bless us today. Fortunately, we can see the sunrise, otherwise we will get up early in the morning. Gradually, the sun came out again. We all closed our eyes to see what was happening to the sun. After a while, the sun jumped out a little. After a while, the sun has been exposed more than half.


After a while, the sun moved, stretched his waist lazily, and jumped up from the horizon. Suddenly, the whole audience burst into thunderous applause, our bad mood suddenly became happy, and the tired body of the whole group suddenly became energetic. All living things seem to have luster and vitality. Birds chirp and sing. Flowers put on their faces. Even grass sways in the wind. The road ahead also felt suddenly bright, and the clouds beside the sun were dyed red in a flash, not to mention how spectacular the scenery was! It seems that our hard waiting is really not in vain, and finally ushered in the most spectacular and glorious moment of the sun! By going to the Huangshan Mountain to watch the sunrise this time, I learned a truth. As long as you have patience, everything will have good results. It is also "as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle will grind out needles." I think this truth will accompany me all my life and encourage me to work more patiently.

黄山写景作文400字 篇10


Last summer vacation, my father and I went to see the beautiful Huangshan Mountain.


Huangshan is really beautiful and magnificent! However, it is not easy to climb to the top of Mount Huangshan. According to the local people, it takes at least 4 or 5 hours to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top. In order to save time and energy, my father and I chose to take the cable car directly to the summit.


On the cable car, the scenery of Huangshan slowly came into my eyes. In addition to the lush green plants, there were countless strange pines and rocks. After the initial tension, I finally enjoyed it leisurely.


At the end of the cableway, we headed for the hotel we had booked in advance.


"Look! Isn't that Tiandu Peak?" I pointed to the peak and said to my father. When I finally arrived at the hotel, I was amazed at its structure. It turns out that our hotel is on the edge of the cliff. Open the window and you can see the world-famous welcoming pine.


Greeting pines grow on the mountain head, which looks really steep. It has three branches. Two branches are like people's left and right hands, and the third branch is like people's head, just like a person extending his hand to welcome everyone. Standing on the edge of the welcoming pine, you can not only look far into the Tiandu Peak, but also overlook the beautiful scenery of Huangshan Mountain, and experience the feeling of "small mountains at a glance".


The next day, I got up early and went to the mountain to watch the sunrise. At first, the sun only showed a little light. Slowly, the sun appeared in front of us, and the whole magnificent process could hardly be described in words.


Although I failed to climb Tiandu Peak and visit Huangshan Mountain, I am not sorry, but I am very satisfied.


So far, Huangshan is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen.