
时间:2022-11-30 12:46:24 | 来源:语文通




2. [Basic Explanation]




(Mobilization) Essence of an object and bear its weight.




Partial formal: inheritance (carrier




The car carries important goods.(Polying)


Three, [English translation]

  1.{工} bear the weight of; load bearing

1. {Gong} Bear the Weight of; Load Bearing


Five, [Detailed Explanation]

  ◎ 承载 chéngzài

◎ Carrying chéngzài

  [bear the weight of] 承受支撑物体

[Bear the Weight of]

  承受装载。《诗·大雅·緜》“缩版以载” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“以绳束其版,版满筑讫,则升下於上,以相承载,作此宗庙。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第五章:“大家希望用这使天地为之震动的力量,把 小刘 承载到人生的新境地。”

Undertled loading."Poetry · Da Ya · Mian" "shrink version to carry" Tang Kong Yingda: "With the rope, the version of the full building is rising to the top, bearing it with each other, and as the temple."Chapter 5: "Everyone wants to use this to shake the heavens and earth to shock it to the new situation of life."


1. [Synonyms]


Bear, bear


Four, [phrase sentence]

  1. 计算机不能承载联机工作。

1. Computers cannot carry online work.

  2. 高架路得承载很多车辆。

2. The elevated road is carried by many vehicles.

  3. 一架飞机终归只能承载那么多的负荷。

3. A plane can only carry so many loads after all.

  4. 人承载着信仰,就象树承载着果实一样。

4. People carry faith, just like the tree carries fruits.

  5. 按这种途径所确定的值是正确的承载能力的上界。

5. The value determined according to this approach is the upper bound of the correct carrying capacity.

  6. 污水承载的病毒,有随社区规模增大而增加的倾向。

6. The virus carrying the sewage has a tendency to increase with the size of the community.

  7. 根据正交性我们还可以用展开系数来表示整个场承载的功率。

7. According to orthogonality, we can also use the expansion coefficient to represent the power of the entire field.

  8. 在所有结构工程师所熟悉的材料力学方法中,问题总是针对一个具有特定几何形状的结构来确定它的承载能力。

8. In the material mechanics methods familiar to all structural engineers, the problem is always aimed at a structure with a structure with a specific geometric shape.

  9. 扭力杆用于高承载量的卡车。

9. Torque rods are used for high -load trucks.

  10. 石拱桥极限承载能力分析

10. Analysis of the limit bearing capacity of the stone arch bridge