
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:46 | 来源:语文通



小虫子作文 篇1小虫子作文 篇2小虫子作文 篇3虫子作文 篇4

小虫子作文 篇1


This afternoon, the science teacher will take us to the playground to observe the small insects. We were so excited after listening!


Take the magnifying glass and I'll run to the playground. I came to a big tree with several classmates and found a watermelon worm, which is similar to a watermelon. It climbed onto my hand, maybe a little scared, and squeezed its head in, curling up like a round "watermelon". We also used a magnifying glass to see that the watermelon worm became really big, as if in front of us. At this time, the texture on its body is also very clear. I went to another corner alone to look for other insects. At this time, I saw several ants crawling busily. I wanted to squat down and observe carefully, but they climbed so fast that I had no time to do so. Later, I simply covered them with the magnifying glass. Now they can't escape. Ha ha! They were at a loss and bumped around the magnifying glass. Suddenly I remembered the teacher's words: Don't hurt small animals. So I took the magnifying glass away, and the ants flew away!


There are many unknown animals waiting for us to observe on the playground! When I grow up, I will observe and explore the lovely silkworm babies like a scientist.


Before, my sister gave me some silkworm babies. When I first saw them, I found that they were like worms. Their thin, small, white gray bodies were slowly wriggling on the green mulberry leaves.


I put Silkworm Baby in a cardboard box, and put several large and tender mulberry leaves in it. After smelling the fragrance of the mulberry leaves, Silkworm Baby slowly climbed onto the mulberry leaves, ate the leaves with a big mouth, and made a "rustling" sound. They left irregular small holes where they climbed.


Day by day has passed quietly. Silkworm babies are growing up day by day. Their appetite is getting bigger and bigger. The longer they grow, the whiter they get. The fatter they get. Touch them, soft and cold. Put the silkworm babies on your hands, and they will use their feet to suck on your hands. They won't fall off. It's fun


After four times of peeling, the baby silkworms can spin silk. They tightly wrap their bodies with the silk they spit out, and finally become silkworm moths. This is really a magical process!

小虫子作文 篇2


One morning, the little bug and the cicada were going to explore the big forest. While walking, suddenly a lizard, their natural enemy, appeared in front of them. It was about to catch up with them. The little insect was quick to catch up with the cicada and jumped into the tree hole beside the road. They slid down the tree hole to the bottom and saw a clean bed and a table. There was a lot of food on the table. The bugs and cicadas were very hungry. When they saw the delicious food on the table, they ate it all at once, and slept soundly in bed.


The next morning, the little bug and cicada were awakened by the song of birds. They get up for breakfast and get ready to go out of the tree hole. The little bug took the cicada's hand and climbed up step by step, but the tree hole was very slippery. They climbed up and down again, the cicada said; "Are we going to be stuck here?" Then he burst into tears, and the little bug hurriedly comforted him, "Don't cry! You see, the tree hole is so good that someone must have lived in it, so we must be able to go out. Maybe there is another way to go." So the little bug and cicada got up and found a tunnel. They walked slowly along the tunnel... Suddenly a bright light came in. The little bug and cicada looked at each other and said excitedly, "We are at the entrance of the tree!" They came to the hole of the tree, singing and dancing happily.


Ah! The bugs and cicadas had a long and exciting adventure!

小虫子作文 篇3


One day, the mother bird went out to find food. But the mother bird has been looking for food for a long time. The mother bird had to go back to the nest. The mother bird said that I could not find food for the children. What would you do? The bird said, "Mom, we are all grown up. We can go out to find food by ourselves."! But be careful on the road. The bird said yes. Birds fly over fields, mountains and trees. The bird saw some insects flying in the grass below. The bird flew down to have a look. It was really a worm! They put the worms in their mouths one by one and took them home to share with their mother. So the mother bird was very happy.

虫子作文 篇4


The warm sun shines on the earth, and there is a cheerful atmosphere everywhere. At school, morning exercises are in progress. An unexpected visitor broke the peace of our class.


It hovered several times between the spaces of several girls in the front row, and then fell straight to the ground. Several timid girls shouted in surprise. No wonder everyone is shocked by the black body, the buzzing voice and the sudden visit. It is only a few steps away from us. It struggled to fly, but it might hurt. It just doesn't fly. The girls who have just calmed down begin to talk. It tried to fly again, but failed. It took off again, but it fell down heavily, but it did not give up. It continued to take off and land, and continued to repeat actions: take off, land, take off again, land again. In the past few days, I don't know how many times it took off or dropped, but it still exists.


It has been insisting that the girl's discussion has not stopped. (Good) Just as we were about to leave the field, it flew. It flew around our heads and then far away.


No matter where it will fall in the future, I believe it will do: take off unremittingly. Fall until you succeed. Insects are like this, why not? Its spirit will move me, inspire me and accompany me to success.