
时间:2022-08-16 13:22:07 | 来源:语文通



There were some things that were moving in my memory, but there was one like a boat floating in my mind like a boat, lingering.


I remember the summer of that year, that day, there was a heavy rain. It was already more than 12 o'clock in the evening. The father and mother did not come back.It's almost deaf, I shrink into a ball and wrap it in the quilt.The headache seemed to be beaten by a stick. It can be said to be dizzy. I feel that I can't hurt.Immediately dialed my mother's phone, but there was a voice on the phone: "Hello, the call you dial is turned off." When I was about to dial Dad's call, I suddenly remembered that Dad was far away and dialed him to him.It's useless!But my headache couldn't work. I called my dad's phone and finally heard my dad's voice.


"Hey, what's the matter with me?"


"I have a headache!"


"Find ***!" Dad said


"Mom shuts down by phone."


Dad said again, "Wait a moment I will come back."


At two o'clock in the evening, my dad finally came back, and said nothing about it. I put me on a raincoat and carried me to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, my dad ignored him.The raindrops.I also asked, "What do you feel?" I didn't answer my father, but we cried.At that time, I thought that my dad must be the best dad in the world.


True feelings are everywhere. Everything that happens in life exists in true feelings, and every corner of the world has true feelings.



There are many touching stories around us, such as: a five or six -year -old boy wash his feet for his mother; a poor student goes to school with his sick father in order to complete his studies ...


But it was that one that moved me even more: the story happened at the Athens Olympic Games, a Polish female athlete Otryia.Jedet Gazak won the gold medal in the 200 -meter game of butterfly.


Afterwards, Otryia.Jedet Gazak did not take the gold medal he had returned as the pearl on the palm of the palm, but took the medal as a selling product to auction. We all think of Otryia.The reason for the auction of Jedgt Zak is to spend money with money for money, but things are not what we imagine. She rescued all the money from the auction, and she helped children with leukemia, and all the money she had expected was all the money.Donated to the Children's Hospital.Although the medal she came back by herself was gone, she had a child who was rescued by her rescue with her sincere prize medal made by her delicate little hand to hang the paper gold medal made by the child she rescued.When Jede Gazak's neck, the people present shed tears of moved. If I was present at the time, I couldn't help crying.


The touched story finished reading in my tears, but my heart could not be calm for a long time.