
时间:2022-07-21 13:40:46 | 来源:语文通



Today, as soon as Teacher Yaya entered the classroom, we sat quickly, and I saw Teacher Yaya holding two bags, two eggs, a pack of salt, Yaya in one hand, a pack of salt, Yaya YayaWhat is the teacher going to do today? We are like a monk in the second day -I can't touch my head. Teacher Yaya smiled mysteriously and said, "Let's do an experiment today." "Okay!" We couldn't wait to answer.

丫丫老师先拿出一个袋子,再拿出一个鸡蛋,老师说:“谁借我一个水杯?”一群“肉虫”拿着水杯,跑上了讲台,丫丫老师先是把杯中的水倒入八个袋子中,然后再把鸡蛋轻轻地放进袋子里,此时的鸡蛋就像小宝宝一样,慢慢地爬进轻柔的“小床”上,静静地睡觉,老师又说:“谁来把这个袋子从高空扔下来?” 教室里只有果冻举起了手,其他同学纷纷表示不敢,老师把果冻叫了上去,只见果冻一手拿着袋子,一手害怕地挡住眼睛,“1,2,3!放!”我们齐声地喊道。果冻一松手,只听“啪”的一声,水花四溅,丫丫老师把袋子提起来一看,发现鸡蛋已经粉身碎骨了 。

Teacher Yaya first took out a bag and took out an egg. The teacher said, "Who borrowed me a water cup?" A group of "meat worms" took the water cup and ran into the podium.Enter the eight bags, and then gently put the eggs into the bag. At this time, the eggs are like a baby, slowly climbing into the gently "small bed" and sleeping quietly. The teacher said:"Who will throw this bag from high altitude?" The only jelly in the classroom raised his hand. Other students said that they dared not to. The teacher called the jelly up and saw the jelly holding the bag in one hand, blocking the eyes in fear, "1,2,3! Let's shout in unison.The jelly was loosened, only listening to the "pop", and the water splashed. Teacher Yaya lifted the bag up and found that the eggs had broken their bones.

接着,丫丫老师一手拿着一包盐,走向讲台,说:“你看,这里有一包盐,把盐放进去,看看会发生什么?”接着 丫丫老师刚叫了小李和小杨上来提袋子,然后又叫了我来搅拌,我拿着一支笔,慢慢地搅拌着盐水。小雅看我搅得这么慢,一下子就着急了,说:“让我来,让我来。”只见它撸起袖子,把手往水里一放,快速地搅拌着,不一会儿 透明的水就变成洁白如雪的雪水了。然后我们再把鸡蛋放进去,鸡蛋再也不睡觉了,它静静地漂在了水面上,丫丫老师又叫小行来,只见小行举着袋子,“1,2,3!”小行把手松开,“啪”的一声,袋子重重地掉落在了地上,丫丫老师拿起鸡蛋高举起来,大家看啊看,都没发现一道裂痕 。

Then, Teacher Yaya held a pack of salt in one hand and walked towards the podium, saying, "Look, there is a pack of salt here, put the salt in, and see what will happen?" Then Teacher Yaya just called Xiao Li and Xiao YangI came up to lift the bag, and then called me to stir again. I took a pen and slowly stirred the salt water.Xiaoya looked at me so slowly and was anxious at once, saying, "Let me come, let me come." I saw it raised her sleeves, put her hands into the water, stir quickly, and soon transparent.The water becomes white like snow.Then we put the eggs in, and the eggs were no longer sleeping again.Xiaoxing pursed his hand, and a "snap" sounded, the bag fell heavily on the ground. Teacher Yaya picked up the eggs and lifted it up.

最终,我们还是百思不得其解,只好请教老师,老师终于为我们揭开了谜底:原来是因为加了盐后,重力变轻了,鸡蛋就飘在水上了,而且先砸在地上的是水,鸡蛋就毫发无伤呢 。

In the end, we were still puzzled, so we had to ask the teacher, and the teacher finally revealed the mystery for us: it turned out that after adding salt, the gravity became lighter, and the eggs floated on the water.Water, eggs are not harmful.

这实验多么好玩啊,原来科学知识也是那么丰富有趣 !

How fun this experiment is, it turns out that scientific knowledge is so rich and interesting!



In the past, a chicken mother gave birth to three dolls -the boss of the egg, the second child, and the third child.The chicken mother was proud of the third old.


This is what happened: one day, the brothers played upstairs, the boss did not pay attention, and fell from upstairs, fell into a pink bone.The second child was softened because he saw the boss falling down, and his legs began to soften, and he fell down.The third child was the smartest. When he saw the boss fell down, he quickly ran up.He thought: "Why do we break when we fall? He thought hard, but he still couldn't think of it.


The next day, because the third child lost two brothers, he could only play upstairs alone. It saw a person jumping down from the plane.There is no "all corpse" that will fall.But the result was not what the third thought thought, and a square thing appeared on the human body, making the man land safely.The third child looked at it suddenly.It thought: "Yeah! I can try it!" So, he found a piece of cloth, cut into a large square, and buckled all four corners.Then he learned the appearance of human beings, tied the rope on yourself, jumped downstairs calmly, and then opened the "strange thing".In the end, I was safe.As a result, it called this "strange thing" as the "parachute".The third child called the mother of the chicken on the third floor and tested it again. The chicken mother saw it, both surprised and happy: "Eggs are parachute!"


Since then, the third child has become famous for this incident, and their family has live a good life.



1、跳伞:跳伞读音为tiào sǎn,是指利用降落伞从飞行中的飞机或跳伞塔上跳下来。跳伞 tiào sǎn词语意思:利用降落伞从飞行中的飞机或跳伞塔上跳下来。分词解释:利用:①使事物或人发挥效能:废物利用ㄧ利用当地的有利条件发展畜牧业。②用手段使人或事物为自己服务:互相利用。飞机:飞行的工具,由机翼、机身、发动机等构成。种类很多。广泛用在交通运输、军事、农业、探矿、测量等方面。降落伞:凭借空气阻力使人或物体从空中缓慢下降着陆的伞状器具。飞行:(飞机、火箭等)在空中航行:飞行员ㄧ低空飞行。...跳伞怎么造句,用跳伞造句»