
时间:2022-08-22 13:55:33 | 来源:语文通



When it comes to eating fish, the first thing I think of is the sauerkraut fish made by Dad, but to this day, I know that there is a delicious fish that is better than Dad's sauerkraut fish- "fried fish"!


In the morning, a good news that was enough to excite me in the morning spread at home.It turned out that Dad was going to make a "fried fish" dish at noon today.Listening to my mother said that this dish has tried to do it many times, and it was very successful.After listening, I looked forward to thinking: It seems that I have a blessing again today.


Before lunch, Dad was busy in the kitchen. He prepared all the ingredients for cooking: small fish, flour, eggs, oil, salt, etc.I saw Dad wash the small fish first, and put it in the bamboo basket to drain the water.Then I stir two eggs in the bowl, then stir about 3 spoons of 3 spoons of flour together, and add a little salt to stir well.Finally, put the small fish into the bowl and roll it, so that the small fish wrapped it with a layer of powder.After everything was ready, Dad poured a lot of oil in the pan. After a while, the oil was smoked. Dad put the small fish in the pan and fry them one by one.Rolling the small fish in the pot, accompanied by the sound of "Zeri Zi La" in the pot, the small fish gradually changed from gray and white to golden yellow.Dad put a few fish that was put in the pot first, and put it in a new small fish frying, so he kept busy ...


After a while, the whole kitchen was filled with the fragrance of fried small fish. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard.A few minutes passed, and Dad fried all the small fish.Although it was just a few minutes, I felt like waiting for half a century. Looking at the golden and crispy small fried fish in the plate, I couldn't wait to pick up one and put it in my mouth.The outside is crispy and delicious, and the inside is extremely tender. This is really the taste of the world!Although the little fish who had just been out of the pan was hot, I was still reluctant to vomit. My mother said that I was only a "little cat".No way, who makes this fried small fish so delicious!


I like the sauerkraut fish that my dad usually makes. After eating fried fish today, I realized that the sauerkraut fish was not a good dish for Dad."Fried Little Fish" is indeed the most "fish"!