In crying, the root birds fell asleep unconsciously. This dream, he dreamed of his father, long feet, autumn vines, golden branches, board gold ... and this dayEverything coming to everything is like a wire thread, crisscrossed, and has achieved the mature and rough hands of the root birds.The Grand Canyon of Lily Flower appeared again in front of him, and he was shocked.
Lily flowers have been wet by tears in the roots, and the white flowers lowered their heads, as if they couldn't raise them.At this time, the sun in the sky was still so big, and the sun stabbed her eyes that could only be opened a little, not to mention, he was blurred by tears.The combination of clouds and the blue sky is like countless hundred birds reflected in the sky. The flowers in the grass behind are full of flowers. The root bird likes to take care of the surroundings with a fuzzy eye ring. All the vast scenes make him feel novel.
Suddenly, the root bird seemed to see a person. He immediately stopped looking around and the sun was covered by the clouds. This seemed to be God's will."Is it ..." Thinking of this, the root bird rubbed his eyes desperately.Yes, it was the person in his dream. The girl who made the roots from her father burned the family, went into the ghost valley by mistake, and left Mixi.The root bird was excited to jump out, and walked a few steps forward. He said to her, "You are the girl who entrusted the white eagle to send a letter for help, is the purple smoke?" He looked at the root bird in surprise,The contradictions that regret and look forward to it can know from the red face of the roots.The girl smiled and was particularly brilliant."Yes." The girl replied.
A white light flashed, the white horse came from Mercedes, and the white eagle was like human nature. It was surrounded by a ring of white circles, and the sun was like water.It turned out that Ziyan had found a rugged mountain road that could come up, but did not want to leave. Maybe Ziyan heard the roots of the roots in the forest. "Genbird thought.The root bird did not answer or even dare not speak. The shame would make the root bird very uncomfortable.Zi Yan noticed that he didn't ask him anymore.They went to the bottom of the valley, the fog of the canyon was even stronger, and the white eagle fell to the bottom of the valley. Everything seemed to have not happened.
When the mountain wind blows over the canyon again, it blows cool and autumn.The white lilies are blooming, and its petals are like the strong spirit of the root birds that are carrying heaven.
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