
时间:2022-07-19 13:30:02 | 来源:语文通



Near the end of the year, I found that the taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger.Today, my mother and I are going to buy New Year's goods, let me take everyone to find the year and feel the taste of the year.


Departure! I followed my mother and walked towards the supermarket joyfully.Along the way, the vehicles were flowing, and the pedestrians were endless. Everyone was carrying a big bag and a happy smile on their faces.


You see, on the street, a string of red gourds held tightly in the hand of the doll: the red hawthorn is wrapped in a glitter, shiny syrup, and sprinkle a grain of fragrant sesame seeds.saliva.Take a bite, the crispy and sweet sugar block outside, the sweet and sour hawthorn inside.Suddenly, sweet and sour blew in the taste buds, which made people have endless aftertastes.The kind aunt, who is busy making sugar, will be the most beautiful childhood memories of the children. That year, the taste of the children also sounded into the child's heart with the sugar gourd in the children.


There are big red lanterns hanging at the door of the supermarket.The most distinctive thing is to build a new year.There are Chinese red, full of years of taste: red lanterns, golden blessings, fiery red spring couplets, big red Chinese knots, and a string of red pepper, golden corn and other festive and auspicious decorations.Picking around, we bought a red and fat fish.


The supermarket is even more crowded and lively.Everyone lined up in an orderly manner, and I couldn't wait to push the shopping cart into the supermarket.Wow! The supermarkets are dressed up everywhere, and the goods inside are much richer than usual. The goods on the shelves are really dazzling and everything.With the flow of people, we choose products, listening to the festive and cheerful music such as "Congratulations to Fortune" and "Happy Chinese Year", pushing the atmosphere of the New Year to a climax after another.




My mother and I returned with full load, brought back full of happiness, and felt a strong flavor!



Thirty New Year, New Year!The New Year is the happiest and happiest time for our men, women, and children.No matter who you are, where you go, you will return home, spend the Spring Festival with your loved ones, eat a reunion meal, and welcome the new year.




In the morning of the Spring Festival, we all got up early, with a few sweet potatoes and a bag of peanuts, eggs, and roasted in the field.In the field, my mother found an empty land and dug a pit. My cousin cousin and I helped find dead branches and leaves as firewood.Dad took the dead tree branches, paved in the pit, then put the sweet potatoes and eggs on the firewood, and paved a layer of firewood. Finally, Grandpa took out the lighter and raised fire.The fire became more and more scared, and she yelled, "It's on the fire!", Her mother hurriedly covered her cousin's mouth, for fear of leading to the storyline like "wolf coming".Everyone saw it, all laughed.For about half an hour, the sweet potatoes and eggs were familiar. Dad pulled away the dead leaves with branches, took out the sweet potato and the eggs, and we took it. Although it was very hot, it was fragrant!


After we have eaten sweet potato, it is already 5 pm.When I got home, my little cousin watched cartoons in the living room. I went to do my homework.After dinner, our elderly sitting on the sofa for tea and chatting.Our group of little cats, when I saw snacks in the cabinet, I ran to eat in a fart. When the grandfather saw it, we scraped our nose and said with a smile, "Snacks!"The corners of the mouth rose, looking at the lights of thousands of households outside the window, showing a happy and happy smile.


After watching the Spring Festival Gala, we fell asleep after the fireworks.We have to have many Spring Festival and look forward to the future. Maybe we will grow up right away and be sensible. Maybe then we will understand the true meaning of the Spring Festival.





"Maijie meets the flower market, but leaning on the gallery of the housing building; the beam of the potted plants, the grass plant is fragrant.. "This year is colorful, this year is full of joy, this year is busy, this year's fireworks are full of years, this year is full of years ...











The meal night, quietly.We can't wait to enjoy the rich New Year's Eve dinner in lively. Each bowl of dishes are different and delicate. The fragrant aroma is constantly tickling in my nostrils, holding a piece, and the warm warm current instills the whole body.Speaking of laughter, I really want to suffocate in this air.what!Good fragrant meal!


Love this strong year, warm, beautiful, happy ...




This afternoon, the weather was cold.My mother said that I didn't go out for a day, and asked me to go to the Green Garden for a while.


When I arrived at the Green Garden, I heard the children playing with the artillery and made the crackling sound.I also saw that the blessings and lanterns were written on the streets on the street, and a large blessing word was written on it.My sister and I ran three laps in the Green Garden, sweating too much, and at night, we went home.


Today I feel a strong flavor, it is a bit of the New Year atmosphere!



Today is the 30th year, and it is a happy day for the Chinese people. I feel a strong year on this day.

Today is the 30th year, and it is a happy day for the Chinese people. I feel a strong year on this day.


As soon as dawn, I opened my eyes with the sound of firecrackers. I couldn't wait to take out the new cotton jacket I bought for me, and tried it in front of the mirror.Put on a pair of white boots, a bud head, and a small crown inlaid with crystal, it is so beautiful!

As soon as dawn, I opened my eyes with the sound of firecrackers. I couldn't wait to take out the new cotton jacket I bought for me, and tried it in front of the mirror.Put on a pair of white boots, a bud head, and a small crown inlaid with crystal, it is so beautiful!


When I walked out of the bedroom, I saw a few more red in the family, and there was a big red Chinese knot hanging in the middle of the home; two red fish hanging in the door of the kitchen symbolized that it was more than the year, and it was based on the homophony;The door of the room is also attached to the big "blessing".

When I walked out of the bedroom, I saw a few more red in the family, and there was a big red Chinese knot hanging in the middle of the home; two red fish hanging in the door of the kitchen symbolized that it was more than the year, and it was based on the homophony;The door of the room is also attached to the big "blessing".


I ran down the stairs and came downstairs.Wow!The scenery after snow is so beautiful!A thick layer of snow is covered on the tree, the ground, and the shade of the canopy. Step on the snow, the loose and soft is really comfortable!Looking at it, the flat ground is like a silver blanket on the ground.The snow was still floating, standing in the snow, I really felt like entering the wonderland.

I ran down the stairs and came downstairs.Wow!The scenery after snow is so beautiful!A thick layer of snow is covered on the tree, the ground, and the shade of the canopy. Step on the snow, the loose and soft is really comfortable!Looking at it, the flat ground is like a silver blanket on the ground.The snow was still floating, standing in the snow, I really felt like entering the wonderland.


After eating early, it's time to get a red envelope.Beibei and I trot all the way to the hotel from home.Grandpa and grandmother have been sitting on the sofa waiting for us.I quickly said, "I wish the foreigner and a long -time Shoubi Nanshan, Fu Ru East China Sea!" If a word is simple, the Er Lao is so happy. They touched my head and said, "Jiajia is really good!"Said: "I wish my grandmother grow up healthy!" We laughed immediately after hearing it.Beibei asked, "Why is Sister Jiajia good? Am I not good?" Grandpa and grandma said with a smile, "Okay, Beibei is the best!"In our hands, I also said, "Okay, I wish you a successful academic, and later become the talents of the motherland!"

After eating early, it's time to get a red envelope.Beibei and I trot all the way to the hotel from home.Grandpa and grandmother have been sitting on the sofa waiting for us.I quickly said, "I wish the foreigner and a long -time Shoubi Nanshan, Fu Ru East China Sea!" If a word is simple, the Er Lao is so happy. They touched my head and said, "Jiajia is really good!"Said: "I wish my grandmother grow up healthy!" We laughed immediately after hearing it.Beibei asked, "Why is Sister Jiajia good? Am I not good?" Grandpa and grandma said with a smile, "Okay, Beibei is the best!"In our hands, I also said, "Okay, I wish you a successful academic, and later become the talents of the motherland!"


This day passed slowly, but this strong year flavor was in my heart!

This day passed slowly, but this strong year flavor was in my heart!



There is a kind of taste, which is very loving and everyone is happy, so where is it especially?It smells.Seeing clearly, it is very scarce. It is only once a year, and you need to wait for the next year.It is estimated that you have no doubt that there is no wrong it is the taste of the year.The bell in the sea is getting closer and closer, and this taste is becoming more lush.


Passers -by car


A few days ago, I went out as early as possible as I used to go out as early as possible. What surprised me was that the change on the street was too much.These merchants who set up stalls on the streets did not have the "supervision" of urban management. They all ran out and sipped loudly. The street community became more and more popular in an instant, and it was different from the previous cold.Everyone was cleaned like a flood.If you are on the street, you will undoubtedly be attracted by the scenery now.These small shops that are often unable to get care, sell products at this time.The groups who came and went are full of the streets. Everyone communicates and communicates. The shop's propaganda planning is endless. It is too prosperous. In addition, the car that is still on the streets is the same.I can't help but feel that the taste of the year is too strong.


The sound of the cannon passes the sound of thousands of miles


The custom habit of the New Year has gradually become interesting since the Song Dynasty. I firmly believe that each of you hear the story of the New Year beast. It was a monster that was unforgivable. He killed all the people with the long horns above his head. Therefore, after everyone tried to grasp the shortcomings of the beasts, it would not kill people again because of worries. It will not disturb people's daily life. The customary habit of setting off firecrackers has been widely circulated so far. Therefore, fireworks, fireworks are indispensable items before the New Year. You can see which one of the firecrackers selling firecrackers at will, and a variety of firecrackers. Speaking of firecrackers, I also thought of the day when I went home on the 29th. Because my hometown was on the mountains on the west, it would be boring for me to take a car. When I was about to fall asleep, a gun shocked me. I looked around and did not see who was setting up firecrackers. I saw it carefully. It turned out that some people in the distance have already received guests, and more and more, this continuous fire fighting is really prosperous! The taste of the year is also strong.


Family reunion and family


Today is New Year's Eve. It is reasonable to say that the family is reunited today, so the annual dinner of this afternoon cannot be missing.The aunt who was far away in Wuhan also rushed home in the morning.In the afternoon, it was time to dine. Our family surrounds a table. During the meal, everyone talked and smiled, and shared the various interesting things we encountered.Very prosperous, I deliberately raised the drinks in my hand to respect my sister, aunt, uncle, uncle, mother and mother.Because there are too few opportunities for such reunion, and then the New Year's taste will appear.


Passers -by coming and going, the sound of firecrackers continued, the family was reunited with happiness, and the old flavor was strong.





My hometown is a place where you can see the sea when you go out, and there is a fairy in the sea everywhere.On the New Year, she has her own characteristics, let's look at it below!





This is the special taste of my hometown of the New Year ...




To say the New Year's food, everyone knows dumplings.In my hometown, there is another kind of home -cooked food, that is, oil cakes."Don't eat oil cakes, it's not a New Year."


As the root of the year, I couldn't wait to urge my mother to fry the oil cake over and over again.




How I was afraid of forgetting the taste of this food in the blood. This year, I decided to see how my mother did it.


Mom first puts a small piece of dough, a small piece, a thin noodle cake.Mom uses a few gently.I asked my mother in doubt, why did you "perform surgery" for noodle cakes, and my mother told me that this was to relieve noodle cakes, otherwise the noodle cakes were put in the oil pan, and the noodles on both sides would bulge and form a in the middle formed a one.Daguang.


While frying, my mother said to me, "When I was young, the oil cakes I ate were fragrant! The old people at home use a large iron pot.Filling firewood at any time, the food made of that fire has a natural taste, and the natural taste is the most true. However, this time I made the cake thin, the taste must be good! "


Sure enough, mother is a wise man in this regard.This year's oil cakes are really delicious than last year, crispy and tender outside, and tenderness in the brown.Take a bite, there is an oily fragrance, a mellow fragrance, crispy, and not greasy.I used to eat a month, and half a month was dragged by we was dragged.


I tasted this masterpiece of oil and white noodles. I sighed that this snack is so simple and simple, but contains the hope of the year of my hometown.


In the year, just like oil cakes, it is round, indicating that one year to the beginning is full, year after year, and reincarnation; golden oil cake peeling shows people's hot love for days.

9、浓浓的年味 飘香千万家_过新年作文1000字




Make dumplings and rice cakes in the New Year is an indispensable custom for our Changzhou. The dumplings mean that the reunion is round; and the cake and the high harmonic sound indicate that life and career are rising.


In the afternoon, my grandmother started to prepare first. I first scooped 3 large pots of rice noodles and poured them in the plaque, and then used hot water to reconcile rice noodles and rubbed it into a large dough. After reconciled the noodles, put it into a few small dough on average. At this moment, my grandmother shouted "as a group", and my mother, mother and grandfather cleaned their hands and started to make a dumplings. Although I am not a group for the first time, but compared with my mother, my technology is still far behind! I took a small piece in the right place and rubbed it a few times, rubbed it into a ball, and then started around a vertex to start with a vertex. Pinch, alas, the bow of the bowl I pinch is large and shallow, and the mouth of the mother pinch is small and deep, like a gyroscope shape, it looks great! That group is not strange! So, I decided to worship my mother as a teacher and watch the master's skillful technique. I think: It ’s not good to see it. If you want to do it, you have to ask. Thinking, I asked the master interested: "How does your bowl of bowls do so beautifully? Is there any trick? Teaching apprentices." Mom also seemed to be a master of my master and said with a smile : "You said right this time, it is also skillful to be a ball! When you pinch around a vertex, the two thumb should be as tight as possible. Doing demonstration! "Listening to the master's words, I hurriedly took a comparison. It seems that mastering the skills is very important! Then put the stuffing, after the stuffing is put, and then pinch the bowl mouth little by little, and finally the dumplings will be done! Looking at the dumplings you make, your heart is beautiful!

团子做好了,还要放在蒸笼上蒸半个小时,那半个小时在我眼中好似一年一样,十分漫长。虽然手中还在不停地做着团子,但是那心早就飘到那蒸笼里的团子那里,过了半个小时,外公乐呵呵地说:“团子可以出锅了!”我便按捺不住心中的喜悦,立即放下手中的活,迫不及待地跑到锅旁,看看那出了锅的团子是什么模样。那出了锅的团子看上去亮亮的,就像涂了一层润肤油一样。它们的个儿都差不多,有的尖尖的,有的圆圆的,摸一摸,像丝一般柔滑,真像一个个工艺品一样。我忍不住夹出一个豆沙馅的团子,尝一口,团子特别的有韧性,而甜美的豆沙馅的味道滑入口中,也令我回味无穷。于是,我三口并作两口,就把这个团子吃完了,还忍不住啧啧赞叹: “哈!这团子可真好吃!”虽然我以前吃过,但这个是我自己做的,花了一下午,看来,只有辛苦过了,最后才能尝到甜头。俗话说得好:先苦后甜。

The dumplings are ready, and it has to be steamed on the steamer for half an hour. It was very long in my eyes as if in my eyes. Although I was constantly doing the dumplings in my hand, the heart had long drifted into the dumplings in the steamed cage. After half an hour, my grandfather said cheerfully, "The dumplings can be out of the pot!" I couldn't hold back The joy in my heart immediately put down the work in my hand, and couldn't wait to run to the pot to see what the dumplings that were out of the pot. The dumplings that came out of the pot looked bright, just like applying a layer of moisturizing oil. They are almost the same, some are pointed, some are round, touch, like silk, really like a crafts. I couldn't help but pinch a dumplings with bean paste stuffing. Taste a bite. The dumplings are particularly tough, and the taste of the sweet bean paste filling slipped into my mouth, which also made me endless. So, the three of my three made two, so I finished eating this ball, and I couldn't help but admire: "Ha! This group is so delicious!" Although I have eaten it before, this is done by myself. In the afternoon, it seems that only if it is hard work, and finally you can taste the sweetness. As the saying goes: bitter first, then sweet.






The Year of the Dragon is coming, and people are very busy: some clean up, some go to the market, supermarket shopping, and some to visit relatives and friends' houses.One day, the cold wind whistled, and my grandma and I went to the market to buy New Year.


Wow!There are so many people on the street!People rushed their shoulders and hurried.Various vehicles are also coming and flowing.The cage of fiery red and fiery red beside the road next to the road, a string of red lanterns swayed with the wind, as if saying: "Good new year, good New Year!"


We came to the farmers' market, and now we have become a temporary New Year market.At a glance, a piece of Chinese red: there are red lanterns, red pepper hanging ornaments, large Chinese knots and "blessings", and all my favorite exquisite and cute "Dragon Baby" door stickers.These "Dragon Baby" are wearing colorful clothes, big eyes, smiling mouths, wearing delicate headdress on their heads, and couplets with "Golden Dragon Xianrui" and "Dragon Year" in their hands.I have carefully selected many door stickers and "blessings", and my heart was happy.


The taste of the year is getting stronger, and the taste of the year is in a string of red lanterns, in the couplet, in people's smiley faces, even more in my happy heart.



The noisy and noisy in the house, loudly talked with the child's screams, separated the streets outside the house.Looking up at the dark night sky, unlike in previous years, the sound of firecrackers that were endless in the ear.In the ancient times, a poet said: "One year old in the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sent to Tu Su." Today, because of environmental pollution, the customs that have been circulated from ancient times to the present seem to have disappeared, and they have stayed in the past.


On New Year's Eve every year, in addition to all kinds of annual products, it is very popular. Packaging firecrackers are also a must -have for people in New Year's Eve.Going out of the window, on New Year's Eve last year, I also complained that the sound of firecrackers was too hustle. Today, today, there are almost these almost deafening sounds, and my heart is always inexplicable.


Looking back, some people around the table, some drinking, some kept talking, talking about the whole year of this year, talking about or a bitter or happy past.Some people say: "Although the New Year's Eve is here, there is always a lack of a 'unclear, unknown of the Tao" in the house, all rely on the sound of firecrackers to cover the desertedness. "Now it is found that they have been busy for a year.People laughed around the table, and the flavor of the year was always around everyone, and every corner of the house.In previous years, I was perfunctory in the conversation and didn't care about it, so I didn't care about this representative "reunion" and "the day that all Chinese people are most looking forward to" -the New Year's Eve does not have much experience.The sound covered it, and now the night sky is quiet, you can listen carefully to the sound of "year taste".


When the sound of firecrackers occupy everyone's ear, the family's words are not so cut.When "firecrackers" became synonymous on New Year's Eve, "reunion" seemed a little tiny.


The crispy spring rolls were served on the table, and the cup was filled with drinks. The Spring Festival Gala also started. Although there were less outside the window, the New Year's Eve night was specially flavorful and very special.This "affection" that fuses with "year", this night, will definitely engrave all of our people's memories ...




xxxx year x month x day week x weather x X


Today is the 30th year, and it is a happy day for the Chinese people. I feel a strong year on this day.

Today is the 30th year, and it is a happy day for the Chinese people. I feel a strong year on this day.


As soon as dawn, I opened my eyes with the sound of firecrackers. I couldn't wait to take out the new cotton jacket I bought for me, and tried it in front of the mirror.Put on a pair of white boots, a bud head, and a small crown inlaid with crystal, it is so beautiful!

As soon as dawn, I opened my eyes with the sound of firecrackers. I couldn't wait to take out the new cotton jacket I bought for me, and tried it in front of the mirror.Put on a pair of white boots, a bud head, and a small crown inlaid with crystal, it is so beautiful!


When I walked out of the bedroom, I saw a few more red in the family, and there was a big red Chinese knot hanging in the middle of the home; two red fish hanging in the door of the kitchen symbolized that it was more than the year, and it was based on the homophony;The door of the room is also attached to the big "blessing".

When I walked out of the bedroom, I saw a few more red in the family, and there was a big red Chinese knot hanging in the middle of the home; two red fish hanging in the door of the kitchen symbolized that it was more than the year, and it was based on the homophony;The door of the room is also attached to the big "blessing".


I ran down the stairs and came downstairs.Wow!The scenery after snow is so beautiful!A thick layer of snow is covered on the tree, the ground, and the shade of the canopy. Step on the snow, the loose and soft is really comfortable!Looking at it, the flat ground is like a silver blanket on the ground.The snow was still floating, standing in the snow, I really felt like entering the wonderland.

I ran down the stairs and came downstairs.Wow!The scenery after snow is so beautiful!A thick layer of snow is covered on the tree, the ground, and the shade of the canopy. Step on the snow, the loose and soft is really comfortable!Looking at it, the flat ground is like a silver blanket on the ground.The snow was still floating, standing in the snow, I really felt like entering the wonderland.


After eating early, it's time to get a red envelope.Beibei and I trot all the way to the hotel from home.Grandpa and grandmother have been sitting on the sofa waiting for us.I quickly said, "I wish the foreigner and a long -time Shoubi Nanshan, Fu Ru East China Sea!" If a word is simple, the Er Lao is so happy. They touched my head and said, "Jiajia is really good!"Said: "I wish my grandmother grow up healthy!" We laughed immediately after hearing it.Beibei asked, "Why is Sister Jiajia good? Am I not good?" Grandpa and grandma said with a smile, "Okay, Beibei is the best!"In our hands, I also said, "Okay, I wish you a successful academic, and later become the talents of the motherland!"

After eating early, it's time to get a red envelope.Beibei and I trot all the way to the hotel from home.Grandpa and grandmother have been sitting on the sofa waiting for us.I quickly said, "I wish the foreigner and a long -time Shoubi Nanshan, Fu Ru East China Sea!" If a word is simple, the Er Lao is so happy. They touched my head and said, "Jiajia is really good!"Said: "I wish my grandmother grow up healthy!" We laughed immediately after hearing it.Beibei asked, "Why is Sister Jiajia good? Am I not good?" Grandpa and grandma said with a smile, "Okay, Beibei is the best!"In our hands, I also said, "Okay, I wish you a successful academic, and later become the talents of the motherland!"


This day passed slowly, but this strong year flavor was in my heart!

This day passed slowly, but this strong year flavor was in my heart!



"One year old in the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze was sent to Tu Su. Thousands of households have always changed the old runes." This is a poem "Yuan Ri" full of the New Year's atmosphere.Now, as long as you look at the window, you can feel the strong flavor of the year: the sound of firecrackers next to the ear, and the Spring Festival couplet on the door of every family.


Our family returned to my hometown.We spent a happy Spring Festival in our hometown.


Today, it is 30 years old. Every family has changed her face. Everyone is busy, and they are busy on New Year's Eve. The village is laughing and laughing everywhere. In the evening, we will gather in Grandpa's house, reunion on New Year's Eve, talk about a year of business for a while, and talk about the old people's body for a while, so lively! Grandpa hung a big red lantern on the wall. Hey, this lantern, it is because everyone is here, and the face is red. Hey, this is really like a fat doll. Mom was busy in the kitchen, preparing for us to prepare a rich New Year's Eve dinner. Grandpa and dad were busy. Only our children were idle and boring, so they went to set off firecrackers. We put the firecrackers on the open space, and a group of people squatted together to see my brother ignited. I saw my brother, and he took out a match without rushing, gently scratched the spark, and then on the wire, the brother ordered it, and we ran around and watched the firecrackers burst out one by one. Listening to the sound of firecrackers, we all laughed, and our laughter in the whole night. Looking up, the windows of the family lit up the lights, like a stars blinking there. Finally dinner, everyone gathered together, enjoyed dinner with joy, and fired fireworks through the window. The beautiful fireworks bloomed their smiles in the sky, greeted the beauty of the New Year like flowers, like flowers, One is higher than one, one is more beautiful and gorgeous than one. It is so amazing that a beautiful fireworks are like a sea of ​​flowers throughout the night sky.


How beautiful the new year!How warm!I like the New Year!



The curtain in 2019 opened in the light rain of Lili.


From the end of the matter, this was the first thirty night of the winter rain.In previous years, the 30th year of the year was accompanied by the high snow; even if there was no street light outside the window, it would be lit up by the blooming fireworks, and the warm bonfire in the gas.


But this night was extremely quiet.The intermittent drizzle diluted the atmosphere of thirty nights and melted the flavor of the age.The windows are closed tightly, only the thin raindrops are embellished; the black fog is covered with the dark fog covering the eaves.Looking at the vague self on the window, in the past, relatives and friends gathered together under the brilliant fireworks, and they were born on this glass full of rainwater.I remember a slender firework stick held by both hands at that time, dancing in a dark night, jumping, shining, illuminating the face of every relatives around you, the warmth of the home from this small firework stickIt spreads in the hearts of everyone present -this is the flavor of the year, warm, and companion.


But that's just memory.


This year without fireworks and firecrackers is really lonely.There are no children with joy in the ears; the sound of rain is indifferent, eroding the longing for the new year ...



"Child, eat--"


Mother's call came from the kitchen.Then, the rich vegetable fragrance came.Just instantly, the scent of this year had already entered the heart, bringing up the reveries of that diverse dish; the heart seemed to suddenly light up a lamp.




Who said that the taste of the year only contains warmth and companionship?The confidence between loved ones and knowing each other, a few simple greetings, caring with the drinks in their hands, and blessings that bring each other to each other. Among them, the love that can be found.This subtle love is overflowing with the smiles of parents' encouragement to their children, and blooms in their hometown *** to relax about the children who are running out.What she supports is a happy and happy home.


Who said that the taste of the year cannot resonate with Dongyu?The scouring of the rain seemed to take away everything that had been unbearable in the past; the crystal raindrops fell, as if it was a clean road for the arrival of the new year.We laughed with Yu Shui, jumped, danced, perceived its welcome to the New Year, and listened to the sound of gently flowing.


What is the flavor of the year?


Eating hot meals and watching "Spring Festival Gala" on TV, I changed the wrong understanding of the past.


The flavor of the year is a glass of wine to the elders next to the elders next to the dining table; it is the blessing of the red paper bag delivered by the elders;The arrival of a year; it is a delicious meal made on the dining table.



Looking at the side, everyone he cared about was accompanied by me.At this moment, I found that everything around me was so beautiful and so warm that it was difficult to give up.Including the drizzle of Didi, the year of the year that can never be finished.



2018 has passed again, and we have ushered in a new year -2019.

在新的一年中,我们一家人去观了灯展。站在了大门口那一眼望去人山人海。走进大门,就看见了一只金黄色的猪挺立在那里,就像一个卫士一样守护着大门。我们沿着一条拥挤的人群往前走,只见两边地几根大柱子缠绕着几条灯龙,惟妙惟肖、栩栩如生,像是真的一样。我们抬起头来,看到了许多的灯串,闪闪发亮的,我和弟弟不禁的赞叹了起来。然后,我们来到了字谜宫了,答对了一个就可以获得一个灯笼,第一次我没答对,第二次我就中了,真开心!最后,我们来到了美食街, 走到里面香气扑鼻,里面有着各式各样的美食:棉花糖、冰糖草莓、长沙臭豆腐、章鱼小丸子、茶叶蛋……



We also went to "World Ice and Snow World", which was about minus 20 degrees. We passed through the long ice maze and came to the "ice world".It's not really snow, my mother said it was artificial snow.We also climbed up the staircase made by ice, sliding the slide of the ice, which was fun! Faster slide than usual.We also went to play the bumper car, and the ground and wall were made of ice.We also went to see the snow sculpture, some like lambs, some like cars, some like boats, and some basketball, all kinds, so much!


This winter vacation, we played well, went to many places, learned a lot of knowledge, and harvested.How do you live this holiday? Finally, I wish you all a happy new year!





Today, today, today.The year of the 30th year is extremely strong.


Did you smell it, that strong rice fragrance?That's the taste of New Year's Eve.It is a fragrance brought by the happiness of the family.Did you smell it?Around Fragrant, there is still a bangs!With the faint blush on his face, it was a manifestation of people who were happy and smooth.


Did you smell it, that strong ink fragrance?Accompanied by the scent of the book, accompanied by the festive qi of the red paper, a pair of enthusiastic couplets, born from the writers of various households.It was the cohesion and sublimation of ancient Chinese culture.


Did you smell it, that strong sweetness?That's every family to send the stove!Legend has it that wiping honey on the corner of the lord of the stove can make him talk about good things. Only after the lower realm can ensure that the people on the world are safe.It was people's sincere desire for safe life.


Did you smell it, that strong gunpowder smell?That's the holiday children to set off fireworks and firecrackers!It is the destination of childlike hearts, and it is also the true hope of the new year's work, study, and life like a firecracker that is being played as a firecracker.


Did you smell it, that strong banknote flavor?That was the taste that the children's pillows were gone under the red envelope.It is said that in ancient times, a monster named "year old" would come out to eat children on the New Year's Eve.In order to suppress the "years old" to ensure that their children are safe, they give the children a red envelope each. In this way, "years old" dare not come to commit it.To this day, the New Year's money has become one of the sources of joy during the Chinese New Year, and it is a kind of expression of the elders' love for juniors.




All these flavors are all with strong human taste, and finally mixed out the memorable, intriguing and old flavor.



The crackling of the Chinese New Year came to the joy.The taste of the year is permeated in the city and the countryside.Outside the house, a red fire, but the streets that appear to be more clear.


The north wind snoring and snoring, the leaves rang.I am far away, just look forward to the grandfather who has not seen a year, and will bring a taste of a hometown to come here for the New Year.


Grandpa came by the north wind of the cold ping pong.He was carrying a large bag, and there were countless "mountains and sea flavors" inside.His face was vertically and horizontal, and there was the "vicissitudes of the sea" with the wind and sun.The arrival of Grandpa opened the door valve of the Chinese New Year. Our family was "suddenly like the spring breeze, and the thousands of trees and pears bloom", and it was lively.


The favorite is the arrival of the year.




In the afternoon of the twenty -ninth year, I hid hidden, and refused to let my dad take it out of the Spring Festival couplet and blessing paper.Grandpa's wrinkles appeared with a smile on his face, and a smile appeared. It seemed that the wrinkles -like wrinkles also grinned and laughed. It was happy, I guessed.Grandpa and dad, three generations of grandchildren, and three generations, they came to the door with joy, tearing down the old runes lightly, and carefully began to stick new peaches.I first expanded the raised Spring Festival couplet, and couldn't wait to hold the banner on the door.Grandpa saw it, and shot open the claws that I scratched on the door. The whole person is full of vitality and happiness.Teach me hand -held, and the spring couplet should be posted on both sides.In this way, Grandpa first found the position, and I squeezed the tape, and Hou was on the side of the call.Dad, I held the tape with a ribbon with a smile and helped me tore the tape.


Such a three generations of Suns and the Spring Festival pictures are echoed in my mind for a long time. I used to be seen on TV before, and now I have a lot of it.Let me have a feeling of being immersed in the honeypot. The sweet and sweet taste, entangled and flowing into my heart field.


The New Year, the taste of the year also walked lightly and quietly into every household.The flavor of the year is not just the Yupan Jane of the New Year's Eve dinner on the dining table, which is endless; it is not just the joy of a family's reunion; it is not just the taste of a long -lost hometown; it is not just the taste of happiness in loved ones;It is the delicious and fruity of the 5,000 -year -old cultural sedimentation of the Chinese nation.


Author: Wu Jingxi



Instructor: Zhu Jinyan

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Once holiday, my sister and I walked on the road with relief, watching the coming and going, the vehicles that endlessly, I felt that the pace of the year was getting closer and the taste of the year was getting stronger and stronger.


Usually this road is deserted, and playing monkeys can not touch a person. Now this road is lively.You see, the vehicle flashes like an arrow, the walking crowd is in a hurry. They are carrying the new year's goods in their hands.A large piece of meat and a few big fish.Nowadays, people's living standards have improved, and they are usually like the New Year, and they are also generous to buy New Year's goods.I remember when I was a kid, I always looked forward to the Chinese New Year. As soon as the New Year's Eve was prepared to be delicious, it was easy to wear. Even so, the annual goods I bought were stretched, and eating and wearing were unhappy.It's okay now, all delicious foods are enough, but eating thick rice is the most enjoyable and most fashionable.These are all social progress.


I was thinking. Suddenly, the street lights were on. From south to north, a long dragon extended to both ends.Carved with dragons and phoenixes, so luxurious decorations.Go forward, that is, the office building of the Moon Bay Park and the county party committee. There are floor lights not far from the ground in the park, and each tree is full of colorful lights.Star.Looking from a distance, it looks like the stars full of sky.Going forward, the walls of the office building are equipped with colorful lights, from the highest floor to the bottom floor with a few lines of colored lights, and each line of light changes the color from top to bottom from time to time.IntersectionI am puzzled, and the people who design the lights are so wise!I walked over and looked at it far away, really like the past palace, golden brilliant.


Watching and watching, I came to the door of the community unknowingly, wow!The gate of the community was also renewed. The roof of the door guard room was also covered with colorful lights. Walking below below below the colorful shade puff, the lights on it were also colorful on the ground, as if in a fairyland.


Soon we walked downstairs, and the door of the building was also dressed. On both sides of the door, there was a banner, which said: The city garden contains the singing dance and dances to the New Year's splendid community.There are lanterns hanging on each side of the door, so you have a taste!


As soon as I came to the first floor, a meal came out. I speeded up my steps, went upstairs in one breath, opened the door. My mother was busy in the kitchen. When I came in, my mother did not find it.Prepare!


I sat down and pant, and I didn't dare to disturb my mother.What I see along the way means that I have been ...




When I was young, whenever I walked at the door of the winter vacation, I began to look forward to the New Year silently.At first, it was just a few days in my heart. Fortunately, the winter vacation homework enriched the daily gap, and the heart was not so torment.


But gradually, with the gradual completion of the holiday operation, the year, with a different kind of style, quietly buckled the warm door of spring, year, near ...



So, whenever this time, my heart was growing. I started to put down the writing of my homework in my hand and started to fingers with my hands, and it was a little bit.


The reason why I have such a longing feeling is because the New Year of that age is really fun for children. It feels such a mysterious thing and so happy.


Because you can eat some good things that you can't eat in the New Year, such as candy, frozen pears, biscuits, grocery, stir -fried food, you can eat incense spray and hot dumplings in the evening of the 30th night.Think about it, all secretly drooling.


I couldn't sit still, I couldn't sit any longer, so I asked a few friends from the neighbors to put on a thick coat and left the job in my hand.In the seductive world.


At this time, no matter which corner we go to play, we are full of strong years in which corner.Miao Miao, adults are in the kitchen to prepare those delicious things on the 30th day of the year, smash the things that should be smashed, and prepare that should be washed.Everything is happy and orderly.


I finally looked forward to the years. On the day of the official New Year, I begged my mother early and took the newly bought clothes from the cabinet. My mother meant to let me wear New Year's Eve and then wear dirty things., But every year I ca n’t insist that my mother said at that time I wore new clothes, but I always put on it early.


In this way, wearing new clothes, a group of children gathered together early, holding a small whip in their hands, sometimes letting a small whip, and sometimes running and making trouble. After all, I am a girl's house, so I am afraid of the process of playingDirty clothes, so it is natural to be careful when playing.


Playing, our children felt that it was time to go home to kill their kitchen, and the small belly felt a little bit stunned, so they consciously washed their small hands, and then looked at their parents and dads.Those dry foods are removed from the oil pan, there are dried mixed meatballs, dried fruits, dry jujube, etc. In short, I love to eat dry jujube. My mother sees us one by oneLooking like a cat, after her official nodded, we scrambled to eat.


Until the belly was burst, it was willing to release itself from the kitchen, and then the mother knew that we had eaten too much about our greasy things, so they began to take out the frozen pears that were happy in advance to make us refreshing.


In the evening, before eating dumplings, our children raised a small lantern in their hands, and then walked on the streets. The owner walked the west family.How happy!


In short, the year of the year is quite rich. We have to play with a whole time outside. Until the end, I was tired and tired, so I was willing to hold the small lanterns in my hand and return each other.Each family, look for each mother.


On the morning of the New Year, the old neighbors of our family would pay the New Year according to the weekly theory and make the door. It looks particularly harmonious.Snow.Everyone has no contradictions. Only people who unite and help each other. Even if they usually have a small contradiction and small friction, they will meet each other for a year, and ask each other for a long time.All clouds disappear, reconcile as early as the beginning.


I like the taste of the year when I was a kid. That was the taste of the first taste in my life, the taste of the New Year, and the taste and memory of childhood ...






This morning, the sun was not very clear, and it was a little more chilling.


In the morning of the 30th year, we should go to grandma's house to eat dumplings. At seven:30, we moved.


When I got in the car, I didn't feel a trace of cold, which was very comfortable.Listening to the radio of the Spring Festival in the car, my heart was very comfortable.Looking out the window, it is not as lively as usual the New Year.Without the lantern, the red blessing, and the continuous firecrackers.Just hear a few artillery sounds.It seems so monotonous, here like the New Year?My heart was unattractive.


Thinking of the solemn Christmas in Western countries, colorful lights on the street, flying ribbons, various gifts, Chinese traditional festivals, they were compared at once.


When I arrived at the grandma's house, everyone wrapped the dumplings that felt naturally tasteless. They were even more unpleasant, everything seemed so deserted, and there was no taste at all.After a while, Grandpa and Grandma were holding two bowls of hot dumplings to the northernmost side of the house.Burning the three pillar fragrances, grandpa and grandmother slammed three heads towards the incense, and said a few words to bless their children's peace in the coming year. I was very moved, and at the same time, why did the Chinese have such customs?I puzzled me.


Grandpa and dad are going back to his hometown to clean up the house for a year of idle year and post the Spring Festival couplet.On the way to go, send me and my mother home first.


On the way, looking at the people who were not angry, the heart was unhappy.At the turning point, Dad met an acquaintance and greeted him.The man quickly responded: "Brother, the New Year is good!" After only a moment of time, he went away.Although I didn't say much, I suddenly felt a warm current.I don't know how to get it.My eyes were moist. People used to say that "the New Year is good" to me before, but I never moved me like this.


I immediately understood that the true meaning of the Spring Festival is not how people are festive to make makeup at home, but the scene where people smile and send them to each other, that moment, that second, inner passion and movement.


This is the real year.



1、浓浓:浓浓读音为nóng nóng,是指1.露多貌。 2.很深;很厚。 3.形容程度深。浓浓 nóng nóng词语意思:1.露多貌。 2.很深;很厚。 3.形容程度深。词语意思:程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。● 浓(濃) nóng ㄋㄨㄥˊ◎ 含某种成分多,与“淡”相对:浓茶。浓雾。浓墨。浓眉。浓重(zhòng )。浓郁。◎ 深厚,不淡薄:情深意浓。...浓浓怎么造句,用浓浓造句»