
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:30 | 来源:语文通



关于元旦的作文500字 篇1关于元旦的作文500字 篇2关于元旦的作文500字 篇3关于元旦的作文500字 篇4关于元旦的作文500字 篇5元旦的作文500字 篇6关于元旦的作文500字 篇7庆祝元旦作文 篇8关于元旦的作文500字 篇9

关于元旦的作文500字 篇1


Time passed quickly. This year's New Year's Day is coming. The streets are ablaze with lights and everywhere is beaming with joy. Looking at this familiar scene, I can't help thinking of an interesting event that happened on New Year's Day last year.


That afternoon, I clamoured for dumplings. While making dumplings, Grandma took out a copper coin and said mysteriously: "This copper coin represents peace. Whoever eats it will be safe this year." With that, Grandma washed the copper coins and wrapped them in the dumplings skillfully. After the glutinous rice balls were kneaded, they began to cook. Soon, the glutinous rice balls were cooked, and the "round and fat" glutinous rice balls rolled in the pot, as if in a swimming competition. Grandma scooped up six glutinous rice balls in each bowl, symbolizing the "six sixth great luck". I looked at these white and soft glutinous glutinous rice balls and said, "My mouth watered for three thousand feet." I wanted to eat them right away. Suddenly, I found that one dumpling was much bigger than the others, and I thought: There should be no "intrigue" in it, right? It's better to leave it to Mother. So I secretly "transferred" the dumplings to my mother's bowl. But I didn't expect that when my mother was "losing weight" this time, she would "transfer" to my father's bowl. My father pretended to be "sad and indignant" and said, "I'm a man in my family. I won't argue with you little girls. I'll eat if you don't eat!" After saying that, Dad forced himself to swallow. When Dad was halfway through the meal, he suddenly stopped and asked strangely, "How did I eat a copper coin? Who put it in?" "Ah! That's the Peace Coin!" I cried out with exaggeration. Later, I said "bitterly": "That dumpling was originally mine, but I let you eat it. Hum, I won't do it!" My father said humorously, "I have eaten dumplings. If you want them, climb into my stomach and get them!" Dad's funny language made the whole family laugh.


This New Year's Day, I am so happy!

关于元旦的作文500字 篇2


Do you know what day it is? Ha ha, I can't guess. Today is December 31, and tomorrow is New Year's Day! All schools also carried out the "New Year's Day Celebration Literature and Art Festival" activity.


As soon as I entered the lecture hall, I found a wide red banner hanging on the wall, with ten golden characters "Sunshine Teenagers in Art Dinner Exhibition" written on it. There are also colored ribbons on the wall, and colored balloons are interspersed in the middle of the ribbons. Many colored balloons and small red lanterns were also hung on the tables in the first row of seats. The whole lecture hall was decorated in a colorful and atmosphere. Since it is a "literary and artistic performance", of course there must be programs. Now I will take you to see those wonderful programs! The most eye-catching is the fourth grade drama "Happy Spring". The three actors, Mu Tongqing, Mu Tongyun and Mu Tonglin, took the allegro and started to play in time. I watched it and thought: "Happy Spring" has been performed by all of us. It seems that these students have performed much better than us.


Then, "Wisdom Goddess" came on the stage. As soon as she came on the stage, there was a cry of surprise on the stage. It turned out that the gorgeous clothes of the goddess of wisdom attracted the students' attention. She was wearing a gold suspender skirt, a yellow fan in her hand, and a silver hair hoop on her head. I saw it and thought to myself: "The goddess of wisdom" only wears a little on such a cold day, which shows that she has paid a lot for this art show! In the applause of the students, "Happy Spring" ended.

接下来上场的是五(2)班的小品——《免费手机》。这部小品可幽默了,当台上的演员报出手机号码“_ __ _x”时,台下的观众笑得东倒西歪,我笑的差点从椅子上摔下来……怎么样,这次的“艺术大餐”够丰富吧!我相信下次文艺汇演一定会更有趣,让大家期待下一次的元旦节文艺汇演吧!

Next came the sketch of Class 5 (2) - Free Mobile Phone. This sketch is very humorous. When the actors on the stage reported their mobile phone number "__ __ X", the audience laughed unsteadily, and I almost fell off the chair... How about this "art feast"! I believe that the next art show will be more interesting. Let's look forward to the next New Year's Day art show!

关于元旦的作文500字 篇3


This morning, I got up at the first light of the day, because this morning our class will hold the New Year's Day get-together I have been looking forward to for a long time. I am very happy with the afternoon holiday.


When I got to the school, when I walked to the door of the classroom, I saw that the classroom was "Wow, how beautiful the class is!" This was arranged by the teachers and class cadres after school yesterday. Thank you. Go into the classroom and see where the students are eating. God, that's too exaggerated! The New Year's Day get-together hasn't started yet, so we can eat there. I said to myself. The students and the parents who came to the get-together came one after another, and the class was even more lively.


The wonderful New Year's Day get-together started! In the first program, Yan Anran, Du Wendi and Liu Jingwen sang a beautiful song. I can sing, too. They all sang inside. Liu Xin'er asked me to call Ma Weiyuan and Zhou Zihan out. I quickly called them out and said, "It's time to rehearse." We began to rehearse meticulously. The program finally came to us. I was so nervous. Ma Weiyuan and I are carrying it together. The performance is over. Liu Xin'er said, "You two have performed very well. You should continue to work hard next time." Ma Weiyuan and I answered with one voice, "You must work hard."


Liu Xin'er gave us both a piece of chocolate as our reward. I was so happy when the chocolate was in my hand. In order to rehearse, we didn't see the performances of other students, and we felt a little disappointed. Their performances must also be very wonderful, because they also made efforts to stay after school every day to rehearse.


The get-together ended successfully after the wonderful programs of the students. I look forward to the next New Year's Day get-together, and we will have a more wonderful one.

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关于元旦的作文500字 篇5


With the beautiful singing of birds, the laughter of students, and the good mood along the way, the party we have been looking forward to finally arrived as scheduled.


We came to the playground with benches on our shoulders and with neat steps. Everyone's face is filled with a bright smile, and the whole playground is full of joy. When all classes were in place, the amiable and respectable President Gu delivered a New Year's greeting, and the party officially began.


The program of this party can be said to be colorful, including singing, dancing, crosstalk, and double reed performance. The audience broke into bursts of warm applause from time to time.


What impressed me most was the dance "China Red" performed by my younger sisters in grade two. They were extremely devoted and added a sense of joy to their lovely faces. With cheerful music, beautiful dance, happy, red lanterns hanging up, our day is red, I wish our country more and more rich and strong.


My favorite program is Hua Mulan, sung by Liu Sitong in our class. Her voice is as beautiful as a lark. Maybe this is the legendary "sound of nature", like a kingfisher playing water or a warbler singing. We were infected by her voice, warm, flowing into the heart. Listening quietly, I found that this wonderful voice came from her heart.


With the beautiful melody of "I also have a Chinese Dream", the get-together is over, and everyone is reluctant to leave the playground and return to the classroom.

新的一年又要来到了,生活需要有希望,立足今日,我们擦亮眼睛,点燃新的希望,放飞新的梦想。今天,又一个起点,又一轮朝阳,打开心灵之窗,告别20_ _,奔向20_ _!

The new year is coming again. Life needs to have hope. Based on today, we polish our eyes, ignite new hopes, and release new dreams. Today, another starting point, another round of rising sun, opens the window of the soul, bid farewell to 20__, Go to 20_ _!

元旦的作文500字 篇6





下面,同学们就开始表演节目了,在我印象中最 www.baihua .cn wen.cn 深刻的就是赵明、罗明表演的双簧《元旦倒霉》了,他们那奇怪的样子,让我们捧腹大笑……不仅是这个表演吧,还有张易、侯于的小品,《三八列车》、李芳/何明的小品《校园》、赵沛斌的魔术,都非常夺人眼球。在此,我也非常高兴,因为我是主持人,我还自编自演了小品《学英语》,里面也有我的一份功劳。




关于元旦的作文500字 篇7

1月1日元旦节又到了,随着钟声迎来20_ _年,这时的我高兴极了,我有许多梦想都可以在20_ _年实现,所以我感到20_ _年的脚步是亲切的、快乐的。

On January 1, the New Year's Day came again, and the bell rang to welcome the 20th_ At this time, I was very happy. I had many dreams that I could have in 20__ It was realized in_ The steps of Nian are cordial and happy.

在这个重要的时刻,烟花、火炮也来凑热闹。烟花妹妹张开了笑脸,火炮弟弟欢乐的大喊,它们一起庆祝着20_ _年的到来。

At this important moment, fireworks and artillery also came to join in the excitement. Sister Fireworks opened her smiling face, and brother Cannon shouted happily, and they celebrated 20_ together_ The arrival of the year.


I am a TV fan and I don't forget to watch the news to see how lively the New Year's Day is in other places. Suddenly, I was shocked by a news broadcast: the tsunami in Indonesia has killed more than 70000 people. Watching the TV, I felt sad about the sad faces and the ruins. New Year's Day was originally a happy day, but on this happy day, I don't know how many children of my age suddenly became orphans, lost all their relatives, lost their warm homes. They were now crying, complaining about why God was so unfair to them.


Boys and girls, don't be sad. You must cheer up and rebuild your home. Now your country may be in need of you. Children are the flowers of the motherland, and the flowers specially embellish the motherland more beautiful.


If you have time, you can come here to play. I have a lot of books, new clothes and delicious cakes. I will take good care of you and let you feel the warmth of your family and the happiness of your family again.


I believe that not only I but also many caring people will give you a happy New Year's Day so that you can have a happy New Year's Day.

庆祝元旦作文 篇8


20__ Years have passed away, 20__ The bell of the year has sounded.


This year's New Year's Day is really lively! Look! People have put on new clothes, and there are so many colorful figures shaking in every street and lane, flowing like a river, with no head in front and no tail behind. As soon as the shop opened, people filled the shop like the tide when the gate was opened. The square is illuminated as bright as day by festive colored lights. Every family has cleaned their houses and courtyards, pasted Spring Festival couplets, New Year pictures, hung lanterns, and there is a picture of cattle on them. This is certainly the Year of the Ox. The inverted "Fu" was also pasted at the door. Adults carry bags to visit relatives and friends.


In the evening, the children ran out to set off fireworks. Look! The "small missile", like a real missile, rushed into the night sky. Soon, it exploded in the air, and many petals slowly fell down. I saw the "little bee" flying in mid air with red and green light; The "Night Pearl", like a magic weapon, brightened half the sky; The colorful flowers from the kaleidoscope are more than two meters high; The "Field Mouse" made a hundred squeaks and ran on the ground. Dad lit a firecracker. When the "Chi Chi" core was almost finished burning, his hand jerked to the ground with a "Pa" sound, and the firecracker exploded in the air


On New Year's Day, everyone's face is filled with a cheerful smile.

关于元旦的作文500字 篇9


On Saturday, our class had a New Year's party. Just arrived in the morning, there were bursts of happy laughter in the classroom. It turned out that all the students were playing with balloons and ribbons. After a while, Miss Han asked us to read. When the reading time was over, we had classes. However, there were not many classes in the morning. The rest of the time was spent decorating the class.


In the afternoon, we decorated again and started the New Year's party. Just beginning, Liu Mingshuo gave us an allegro performance. After the performance, Mr. Han played music for us. But when we played music, we all patronized to eat. Mr. Han told us: Don't just eat. If you don't just eat, you won't call it a get-together? Why don't we just ask for a meal? So we stopped eating. Then the teacher asked us to watch the students' anthologies. I thought they did very well. After a while, Liu Mingshuo's family brought bananas and oranges, and we shared them. At the end, we performed our own programs. Some tell jokes, some guess puzzles, and some sing songs. However, when telling a joke, suddenly a red line floated all over the room, and Miss Han ran to the front with his eyes covered. It turned out that we were spraying color liquid bottles. We stopped spraying. The teacher stood on the platform and said, "It's impolite for you to spray those things at once when others are performing a show. Besides, you can't eat those things when they are on the food."? Then they continued to perform. After the performance, we will finish school. When we are on duty, we will let a group of students on duty and class cadres do it.


After school, I thought again: this New Year's Day party is really good! It's really interesting for teachers and students to get together and play! It brings us closer and enhances our feelings. I really like such a get-together!