
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:24 | 来源:语文通



小学生用渐渐地造句 篇1小学生用渐渐地造句 篇2

小学生用渐渐地造句 篇1


1. The goats are eating more grass.


2. Little Cat grew up gradually.


3. The wind grew stronger and stronger.


4. It's getting cold.


5. Gradually she became calm.


6. He gradually lost confidence in learning, and began to abandon himself, thinking that he would never learn well, and then he really never learned well again.


7. Gradually, the watch reached its present perfect level.


8. When she gradually understood her situation, she became dull and indifferent.


9. The night was gradually filled with the fragrance of flowers.


10. The stars in the sky are gradually brightening up.


11. Gradually, Rhys began to match himself with his image.


12. He learned to swim, learned to row, and even gradually became able to appreciate the joy of flowing water.


13. At first, I was not familiar with the network. Later, after learning, I gradually learned something. Then, after the teacher's explanation, I had a deeper understanding and mastery.


14. The clay dolls fell off their chairs and gradually melted away in the rain.


15. The time I spent on training gradually decreased.


16. They gradually found them and were welcomed and given preferential treatment.


17. The weather is getting better and better.


18. Gradually, all the guests left.


19. The sky is getting dark.


20. The sun in the sky gradually broke through the clouds and the haze retreated step by step.


21. Spring is coming, and the peach blossoms are gradually blooming.


22. He could not help but get used to the changes in his feelings.


23. Spring is coming, and the weather is getting hot.


24. At first, he was a little strange to his uncle, but gradually he felt less timid.


25. I feel that I am losing consciousness gradually.

小学生用渐渐地造句 篇2

1、 我们读的书渐渐多了,知识也更丰富了。

1. Gradually, we read more books and have more knowledge.

2、 那棵向日葵,在我的细心呵护下,渐渐地长高了。

2. The sunflower, under my careful care, grew taller gradually.

3、 立夏一过,天气渐渐的热了起来。

3. After the beginning of summer, the weather gradually became hot.

4、 夏天来了,天气渐渐地热起来了。

4. Summer is coming, and the weather is getting hot.

5、 今天小红很高兴,因为小明说她很美丽,渐渐地,他们成了好朋友。

5. Xiaohong was very happy today because Xiaoming said she was beautiful. Gradually, they became good friends.

6、 科技越来越发达,可人们却感觉感情渐渐的越来越淡了。

6. Science and technology are more and more developed, but people feel that their feelings are gradually fading.

7、 雨渐渐地停了,我收拢了伞,漫步在这光洁如新的石径小路上,好不惬意。

7. The rain gradually stopped. I gathered my umbrella and walked along the clean stone path.

8、 天色渐渐地暗了下来。

8. It was getting dark.

9、 我养了一条小鲸鱼,起先它是金黄色,渐渐地它的颜色一点点的变白。

9. I raised a small whale. At first it was golden, but gradually its color became white.

10、 小明虚心请教别人问题,成绩渐渐地上去了。

10. Xiaoming modestly asked others questions, and his grades gradually improved.

11、 清晨,太阳渐渐地从东方升起来了。

11. In the morning, the sun gradually rose from the east.

12、 雨渐渐地停了,可天还是灰蒙蒙的。

12. The rain gradually stopped, but the sky was still gray.

13、 时光像一把杀猪刀,渐渐地苍老了我们灿烂的人生。

13. Time is like a butcher's knife, gradually aging our brilliant life.

14、 傍晚,太阳渐渐地下山了,暮色也渐渐地笼罩了大地。

14. In the evening, the sun gradually went down the mountain, and the dusk gradually covered the earth.

15、 春天来了,万物从沉睡中苏醒,青草、树木渐渐地抽出嫩芽。

15. When spring comes, everything wakes up from a deep sleep, and grass and trees gradually sprout.

16、 我们渐渐地认识到失败是不可避免的。

16. We have come to realize that failure is inevitable.

17、 小树渐渐长高了。

17. The little trees are growing tall.

18、 春天来了,河里的冰渐渐的融化了。

18. When spring comes, the ice in the river gradually melts.

19、 我现在渐渐的爱上了英语,并朝着成功的方向出发。

19. Now I gradually fell in love with English and set out towards success.

20、 我和小明渐渐成了好朋友。

20. Xiaoming and I have gradually become good friends.

21、 在老师的教导下,我们的学习渐渐地提高了。

21. Under the guidance of teachers, our learning has gradually improved.

22、 随着冬天的临近,树上的叶子渐渐地掉光了。

22. With the approaching of winter, the leaves on the trees gradually fall off.

23、 月亮渐渐地升了上来。

23. The moon rises gradually.

24、 太阳下山了,天渐渐地黑了下来。

24. The sun is setting and the sky is getting dark.

25、 我在津津有味看书,渐渐地睡着了。

25. I was reading with relish and fell asleep gradually.

26、 时间渐渐地丰满我的羽翼,让我尽展才华。

26. Time gradually enriches my wings, allowing me to display my talents.

27、 那一株株的金丝菊和龙须菊,渐渐地绽开了茶盏大的花朵,垂下一条条金黄闪亮的丝瓣。

27. The golden chrysanthemums and dragon bearded chrysanthemums gradually blossomed into large tea flowers, with golden and shiny silk petals hanging down.

28、 飞机飞高了,渐渐地消失在云雾中。

28. The plane flew high and gradually disappeared into the clouds.