
时间:2022-09-24 13:04:35 | 来源:语文通



中秋节优秀作文 篇1中秋节作文 篇2中秋节优秀作文400字 篇3中秋节作文400字 篇4关于中秋节作文 篇5中秋节优秀作文 篇6中秋节优秀作文 篇7中秋节优秀作文 篇8中秋节作文400字 篇9中秋节优秀作文 篇10

中秋节优秀作文 篇1


Early in the morning, we drove to Xiang An's house. Grandma and grandfather came to Xiamen from Sanming. We spent the Mid -Autumn Festival together.Because my father had something to go to Anxi, as soon as he arrived downstairs, his cousin came down to help us mention Dongxi.My cousin said, "Aunt, why did you come to Xiang'an so early, and brought so many delicious one!" I replied, "That's late you."After going upstairs, I sat down and watched the TV.


After eating in the afternoon, my brother and my cousin and I went to the slippery ladder upstairs to play with the catch -people game.It's boring to play on this big slide, so in the end we will go away when we play.After returning to the cousin's house, after a while, after the cousin obtained the consent of his grandmother, we rushed from the second floor to the slippery ladder regardless of the third floor.When I came here, I found two people here.When we are about to go to the slide, the higher one said to us, "Do you want to play blind men and touch someone?" We simply answered "I want!"


The game began. The first thing was his brother. We hid each other in different places. When he wanted to catch me, I dodged quickly, for fear of being caught.Suddenly, my brother landed, so everyone asked him to catch it, but he had been foul, and in the end we had to leave.


In the evening, my grandmother cooked a delicious table, and everyone was happy to get together to spend the Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节作文 篇2


On the Mid -Autumn Festival, my family and I appreciated the moon in the moonlight.


The moonlight that day looked particularly bright, and the dark blue sky reflected the white circle. This beautiful round moon exudes a soft white light, illuminating the dim night sky, and the stars in the sky also flickered with a little starlight, forming the stars, forming a star, forming a star, forming a starThe scene of holding the moon.This round moon is like a white jade plate. This jade plate supports people's thoughts and passs people's thoughts to loved ones.


On the land of the motherland, how many days and night loved ones cannot be reunited, how many to guard the frontiers of the motherland, defend the territory of the motherland, and let us have a beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival night.However, they cannot reunite with their families. They can only send their lovesickness with Mingyue to let the light of Mingyue to their hometown and express their blessings to their loved ones.Looking at this white bright moon, I remembered the story of Chang'e running to the moon. Whenever the Mid -Autumn Festival, people sent the love with Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace, so that she would bring her loved ones to bless peace, and make loved ones happy and happy to spend a happy and happy passage.This beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival night.


My family and I sat in front of the TV and watched the Mid -Autumn Festival party. The theme of the party was to add joy to the Mid -Autumn Festival night, making people spend passion and joy Mid -Autumn Festival night.


On this Mid -Autumn Festival, I wish the people across the country happy, reunion, happiness and health.

中秋节优秀作文400字 篇3


Looking forward to the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.I knew when the dark red sky was dyed in the sky: dusk has come.Gradually the sun reluctantly left the sky.


Looking back, a soft and smooth blue satin covered the whole night sky.A few stars blinked lazy eyes, surrounded by a bright moon.The moon hangs like a glittering jade plate in the sky, sprinking the bright glory into the world.Houses, streets ... as if I had crossed silver, I stared at it from a distance, and felt that it was far like a misty wonderland.I sat in the embrace of the moon and listened to the singing of the moon.Through the gap of the tree, I faintly saw the beautiful figure that month.Suddenly I felt that the moon was very close to us, and it was as if I could see the scene of the jade rabbit pounding Xian Dan under the cinnamon tree.


Watching the bright moon in the sky made me start an unlimited imagination: Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace shed tears under the laurel tree ...


The customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival are observed by every Chinese.On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, people want to cook peanuts, chestnuts, taro ... this means that people can be able to settle in grain.Eating moon cakes is indispensable in the customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival. Moon cakes represent the sweetness of the family and the reunion.The moon viewing is also one of the customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival. At night, people sit in the yard to enjoy the bright moon ...


When I ca n’t finish the moon, I still miss my thoughts, and there is a sorrowfulness of people.I love the Mingyue Qingfeng and Dangui fragrance of the Mid -Autumn Festival ...

中秋节作文400字 篇4


Today is the traditional Mid -Autumn Festival.After dinner, my family and I went to the top floor to enjoy the moon.


The night fell, and the round moon was rising, and the silver moonlight reflected a few feathered light clouds.My family and I sat around, while eating moon cakes, talking about my family, I felt wonderful.I remembered the "Moon alone" written by Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty poet, and groaned casually: "A pot of wine in the flowers, and there is no blind date. Toast invites Mingyue to become three people."EssenceEveryone praised me with a lot of performances.


Grandpa told me that the moon viewing is the most popular custom from ancient times to the present, and the traditional Mid -Autumn Festival is a festival in the Tang Dynasty.When the moon reaches the Mid -Autumn Festival, the ancients saw the full moon and naturally thought of the reunion of loved ones.The traditional Mid -Autumn Festival moon watching the moon is both a family -style event and a party of relatives and friends.On the Mid -Autumn Festival, in the moonlight, the courtyard, roof or open -air public places are placed with delicious moon cakes or seasonal fruits.I took the tea cup and said, let's raise toasts together, look forward to the future, toast!


I looked up at the fifteenth moon, like a snowball, inlaid in the night sky of ink blue ink and blue, and it looked particularly bright.This year's traditional Mid -Autumn Festival, I not only tasted delicious moon cakes, but also learned about the origin of the traditional Mid -Autumn Festival. It was really happy.

关于中秋节作文 篇5


In this Mid -Autumn Festival, my parents took me back to my hometown and grandparents, because the Mid -Autumn Festival is a reunion festival, of course, it is meaningful to gather together.


This time I feel that it is different from the time. There are people who are busy everywhere. The roadside is sunny with golden corn, just like a golden ribbon welcomes us home.As soon as I was home, I saw my grandparents picking us at the door.When I got home, I smelled the fragrant meal when I entered the yard. It must be a grandma for a long time.


The moon quietly climbed up the treetops, as if a shiny fruit was knotted on the tree.Our family eats moon cakes around the dining table while watching the moon.Grandma said, "Only today is the biggest and most round today." I think: This is why people are going to reunite on this day!


After dinner, Dad took out a Kong Ming lamp, let us write a wish on the lights, and then lit the fuel on the bottom of the light to let Kong Ming lanterns bring us beautiful.Wish to fly to the moon ...


Kong Ming lanterns gradually become a little star in the sky. I really hope that the Moon Sister can receive our wishes and let them realize them one by one.

中秋节优秀作文 篇6


August 15th of the lunar calendar is the origin of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the origin of the Mid -Autumn Festival.According to legend, there are ten sun in the sky, and the crops are dry.The river is drought.People don't talk about life.There is a one named Houyi. For the sake of the people, he used his nine suns to shoot nine suns.He was preparing to shoot the last sun, and Taibai Venus said, "Don't shoot, let it benefit it for the people of the Li Min!" After that, Houyi married a beautiful and hard -working wife and lived by hunting.One day, Houyi met her mother -in -law, and he asked the mother -in -law to get a fairy Dan.Later, a villain knew that on August 15th of the lunar calendar, the villain broke into Houyi's home.The villain was forced to ask Houyi's wife, Chang'e Xian Dan?In a hurry, Chang'e ate Xian Dan and rushed out of the house and flew to the sky.Houyi was very sad, put Chang'e's love to eat on the spiritual altar, so that Chang'e on the moon was eaten.Others know, and they also provide food for Chang'e in the sky. This day is the Mid -Autumn Festival.


Mid -Autumn Festival this year, my mother said to eat the king crab for us.Finally, when this day, the mother opened the fire and evaporated the water.Then scoop the oil into the pot, and then add it.Put peppers, add ingredients and salt, and then stir fry.In the end, the emperor crab was out of the pan, and I gobbled.Mom said that no one can grab it with you slowly!


After dinner, we eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon. At this moment, I can't help thinking of a poem: the moon is born on the sea.

中秋节优秀作文 篇7


August 15th of the lunar calendar is the Mid -Autumn Festival, and it is also the "Reunion Festival".Dad and mother invited the cousin.Dad also bought a lot of moon cakes.


In the evening, my mother had a rich dinner, including fish, shrimp, pork ribs, pork elbow ... We sat around, saying and laughing, eating and delicious.After dinner, I couldn't wait to rush to the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks. I saw the fireworks rushing straight into the sky like an arrow, and gradually opened up, forming countless flush, sometimes yellow, sometimes green, and green.Flowers.Their shapes and colors are different. They have colorful stars and golden dandelions. They bloom in the sky and fall down. They are colorful and beautiful.


A white bright moon, like a silver disk embedded in dark blue air, sprinkled a silver light.A faint layer of halo was covered around the moon.Suddenly, the moon was shrouded in a thin layer of mist, hazy, like a naughty child who was catching and saving with the vast earth, and like a shy girl, hiding in the clouds in a while, and the earth became gray.After a while, the veil was opened again, revealing the coquettishness, and the earth became brighter instantly.Sometimes yin, sometimes bright, the entire world is immersed in the moonlight into a dreamy silver gray.


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is really beautiful!There are colorful fireworks and a bright moon that has changed a lot, which really makes me have an endless aftertaste!

中秋节优秀作文 篇8


Some time ago, the autumn rain continued, near the Mid -Autumn Festival, the autumn rain gradually stopped, the rain was sunny, and all things in the world seemed to be clearer and charming.


At this time, the night sky was extremely quiet, as if a ray of moonlight shone in the night sky, as if the Mid -Autumn Festival came in advance.


Yesterday, there were countless emotions in the Mid -Autumn Festival. Life was windy and rainy. It seemed to have spent countless Mid -Autumn Festival.


One day, the Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, and the family can reunite again and be happy Mid -Autumn Festival.


On the Mid -Autumn Festival, the family accompanied me, sitting in the moonlight, tasted the sweet moon cake, and tasted the sweetness of life.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the family accompanied me, sitting in the moonlight, admiring the moonlight, and listening to the story of Moon Guangxu said you, I have had a little bit of the season, and felt the most beautiful season of life.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the family accompanied me, sitting in the moonlight, and talking about the children's mature understanding, comforting mind, the hard work, and the past, the previous efforts, and the once effort.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moonlight remains unchanged, but people will slowly grow old. As people slowly grow old, they will also attach the warmth of the family. I hope that every Mid -Autumn Festival in the future will feel the sweetness of the meeting at that moment.The beauty of round people.


Mid -Autumn Festival is beautiful, and the Mid -Autumn Festival night is warmer!

中秋节作文400字 篇9


Each August 15th is the Mid -Autumn Festival, reunion festival.


A person walking on a bustling street, looking at pedestrians coming and going, seeing everyone with a hypocritical mask.


The walking dead came downstairs and looked up to the sky.Why is the moon today so round?Oh, it turned out to be the Mid -Autumn Festival. The bright moonlight was sprinkled on the grass. Looking at the bright moon like Baiyu Pan always had the sadness of touching the name.


It has been 2 years, why I still haven't forgotten you.That car accident seized your life.You say you will guard me on the moon, you say you want me to forget you.The path of life is still long.But do you know that you are always so naive and so cute. I really like you. You will break into my dream every night.


My dear brother, are you okay, 2 years, I don't know if you are watching the moon.How happy we used to be, worry -free.And now, you are thousands of miles away from me, and she has ...


Now, I see everything in this world, everything is not hypocritical, so evil, people have ignored the most positive 'things, that is -love.


Everyone has become a slave of money, forgetting the best love, affection, friendship ...


The moon in front of the drunkenness was hazy, and I hope that people will last long, thousands of miles.

中秋节优秀作文 篇10


A cup of Kong Ming lanterns rose up!


Wishes flying in the air one by one!


The big and round moon accompanied them, this is the Mid -Autumn Festival night.


The red, yellow, purple ... more and more Kong Ming lanterns rose up, and the beautiful wishes flying in the air.What a spectacular light!This tide is more majestic than the wave; this tide is more beautiful than Hua tide.The night sky at this time is really like a lively folk painting.


I put on the light light with my sister.


We first disassembled a light yellow, shaking the large paper cover.I carefully carried the four corners of Kong Ming lanterns, and the lights swayed gently in the wind.Immediately, the lampshade was full of air.Then, my sister ignited the candle below with a lighter.The air in Kong Ming lamp was baked under the candlelight, and the heat became hot.


Kong Ming lanterns just started to fly slowly, like a child who was walking.Gradually, this child learned to run, call!The night sky was cut, and the stars were integrated.


My sister and I silently made a wish in my heart.


At this moment, another wish flying in the sky.


For the moon, a lamp, one person ... is small.However, only wishes can take us to fly to the infinite and vast blue sky.