
时间:2022-06-18 13:29:42 | 来源:语文通



In the evening, my mother suddenly said: "Qiantang District was established!"


I was puzzled and asked, "Mom, do we call Jianggan District?"


My mother smiled and said, "Now the Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Xiaoshan Economic Development Zone are merged together, becoming Qiantang District."


My mother's words aroused my strong memories.


I remember when I was in kindergarten, I did n’t have a subway. Every time I went to school, I had to squeeze the bus.There are many people and less people. It is a morning and evening peak in school. The bus is crowded with people. I stood in the bus and felt that I was squeezed into "meat cakes". It was a bit difficult to breathe.The most memorable thing is to see a car driving suddenly next to the bus station, discharged a bunch of black smoke, and the smell is smoked, giving people a feeling of closing.There are no green plants on the roadside, only a few weeds, and bare yellow land. The wind blows and the dust is flying.At that time, I was always thinking: When did I not need to squeeze the bus to school?


In the first grade of elementary school, the subway of Line 1 is opened, and the bus will not be so crowded.That year, we moved to the Jinsha Lake Metro Station. It was much more convenient to travel. Either parents drove or were full of essay network https://www.zuowenwang.net/ to go to school.I remember that weekend, my dad took me to Dajiangdong to play. Da Jiangdong and Xiasha were only across a river.Perhaps there are more people traveling on weekends. Our car is traffic jam on the road. We can only drive for a while and stop for a while.I sat in a daze and looked up at the bridge boringly through the window.At that time, I thought silently in my heart: Dig a tunnel through the Qiantang River and take the subway directly to Dajiang East. How convenient should it be!


Time has passed more than two years, and my thoughts were miraculously realized.The Metro Line 1 has the river tunnel. The route to Dajiangdong has been opened. When you take the subway, you can go to Dajiangdong as long as 10 minutes.Haha, it feels like taking the high -speed rail.


Since I went to the kindergarten to remember, in just a few years, Xiasha has changed dramatically.The high -rise building is covered, there are green plants flowers on both sides of the street, and the road widen the car is not crowded ... Now, Xiasha is upgraded from the Economic and Technological Development Zone to Qiantang District.Life will get better and better, I look forward to ...



1、变化:变化读音为biàn huà,是指事物在形态上或本质上产生新的状况:化学变化ㄧ变化多端ㄧ情况发生了变化。变化 biàn huà词语解释:事物在形态上或本质上产生新的状况:化学变化ㄧ变化多端ㄧ情况发生了变化。分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。状况:情形,呈现出来的样子:生活状况。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。产生:1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。形态:1.形状神态;形状姿态。 2.指事物在一定条件下的表现形式。...变化怎么造句,用变化造句»

2、钱塘:钱塘读音为qián táng,是指1.见“钱塘江”。 2.亦作“钱唐”。古县名。地在今浙江省。古诗文中常指今杭州市。钱塘 qián táng词语解释:1.见“钱塘江”。 2.亦作“钱唐”。古县名。地在今浙江省。古诗文中常指今杭州市。分词解释:杭州市:浙江省省会。在省境北部、钱塘江下游、京杭运河终点,沪杭、浙赣、杭长等铁路交点。为中国历史文化名城和七大古都之一。唐、宋时称钱塘、临安。五代吴越和南宋建都于此。1927年设市。人口138.3万(1993年)。丝绸工业历史悠久,有“丝绸之府”之称。特产绸伞、檀香扇、张小泉剪刀和龙井茶。有著名的西湖风景区,名胜古迹有灵隐寺、飞来峰、玉泉、岳坟、六和塔、虎跑泉等。高等学校有浙江大学和杭州大学等。钱唐:见“钱塘”。钱塘江:浙江省最大河流。古称浙江。源于安徽南部,在浙江澉浦附近入杭州湾。全长605千米。大部分河段可通航,并与京杭运河沟通。干流上建有新安江水电站,库区有“千岛湖”之称。河口有壮观的钱塘潮。浙江省:简称“浙”。在中国东南部,临东海。面积10.18万平方千米。人口4369万(1995年)。明代置浙江布政使司(省级),清代为浙江省。省会杭州。大部为丘陵、山地,北部和沿海有平原。中国岛屿最多的省区。主要河流有钱塘江。亚热带湿润区。经济发达。主要有纺织、机械等工业,丝绸工业驰名中外。茶叶和毛竹产量均为全国第一,柑橘、桑蚕茧产量居全国前列。海洋渔业和淡水渔业都很发达。古诗:①古体诗。②泛指古代诗等。...