
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:45 | 来源:语文通



欢度元旦的作文 篇1《欢度元旦》作文 篇2《欢度元旦》作文 篇3欢度元旦作文 篇4欢度元旦作文 篇5欢度元旦节日作文 篇6欢度元旦作文 篇7

欢度元旦的作文 篇1


Today is the last day of 2020. Our school held a New Year's Day get-together. At the beginning of class in the afternoon, Mr. Wang, the instructor of the brigade, announced on the radio: "The New Year's Day get-together has officially started! First of all, let's invite President Liu to deliver a New Year's speech." President Liu wishes all the students a happy, auspicious and progressive year! Down, our get-together began.


Our class is hosted by Peng Yiran, Ren Haoyu and Zhang Shiyu. The first program was magic. Zhang Zihan and Wang Chuyi performed their magic. Their magic was a live person rising from the sky. Zhang Zihan lay on the table and covered himself with a piece of cloth. Wang Chuyi asked me to blow a breath to Zhang Zihan, then called Zhang Zihan gently, and Zhang Zihan floated up. Their magic was exposed by me at a glance, ha ha!


I was no exception. I sang the legendary lotus pond moonlight with Peng Yiran. Our singing won bursts of applause. I'm very happy! Next, Zhang Zongyang and Wang Zixu told jokes that made the whole class laugh; Fu Hu, Liu Zishi and Shu Xiongke performed musical instruments, and the music they played was very melodious and pleasant to listen to... Before we knew it, our New Year's party ended. We hope that our whole class will be happy, lucky and progressive in the new year, as President Liu said!

《欢度元旦》作文 篇2


On New Year's Day in 2022, I am most happy that my grandmother, who has been ill and hospitalized for a month, finally left the hospital two days before New Year's Day. So on New Year's Day, our first stop is to go to my grandmother's home, wish her good health, and then have a big meal to celebrate New Year's Day. Early in the morning, I got up and waited for my aunt's son, my brother. Mom's unit organized running, and she went to the unit by bike. I was alone at home, waiting for my brother while doing my homework.


At more than ten o'clock in the morning, my brother came to my house. He also brought me a box of mushroom Gulee. I couldn't wait to open it and eat. We haven't played together for a long time. I was so excited to see my brother. I played until more than eleven o'clock. Then we went to Grandma's house. Grandma was very happy to see us. We talked with Grandma for a while, asking her to take care of her body. I was very happy to see that Grandma's health was much better than the previous two days. Because Grandma was in good health, my mother didn't have to worry too much, and because she always ran to the hospital, my mother always neglected me and was tired and sick.


At 12 o'clock at noon, Grandpa, Mom and Aunt prepared a big dinner. When everyone arrived, we began to eat. We all talked and laughed together. I soon finished eating. I took the balloon and ran outside to play. I saw a plant with thorns on it, so I put the balloon on it. I wanted to burst it, but I was afraid of exploding my hands. So I found a stick. When I pressed it, the balloon broke. I pressed and exploded two times in a row, which was very interesting. Everyone wondered why the balloon burst when it was taken out!


In the afternoon, Han Jiacheng called and said that his mother would take us to see the puppet show Sleeping Beauty. Ha ha ha, it's really a good thing. We can't help admiring the wonderful programs.


After watching the puppet show, my aunt asked several friends to have a dinner together in the evening. The adults talked while eating. Our children ate some and rushed out to play. We bought four boxes of guns, two boxes of pirate ships and the World War. Han Jiacheng and I put the guns in the shape of firecrackers. When we lit the fire, the guns kept on "popping". There are two color thunder kings in Li Shuaicheng's gun box. We first ordered one. A few seconds later, the gun "swelled" and exploded, making a surprisingly loud noise. Then we lit the second one. Han Jiacheng ordered another gun and blew it, which made him jump. Soon our guns were all fired. So we went to buy a box of pirate ships and two bags of smoke bombs. We had a good time.


Happy New Year's Day, a new year and a new beginning, I wish everyone happy every day, and I hope we can learn more.

《欢度元旦》作文 篇3


Canxue can't hide the happy scene of New Year's Day. The whole sky seems to be immersed in the beauty of the festival, leaving a wisp of brilliant gold, as if something has been integrated into my mind, which makes me unable to help looking for and remembering


The presenters in gorgeous clothes read gorgeous words, making one gorgeous program show in front of me. The lights are full of joy and charming light. "Beauty does not compete for spring, but only reports it", and its light cannot surpass the actors in the opening dance. Boys wear festive red and girls wear beautiful costumes like butterfly wings. Is releasing its infinite charm. They are like long sleeved fairies dancing in the light of red lanterns. As graceful as a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. That beautiful dance moves the pace of youth wandering, and blooms a piece of colorful in the snowy winter! My heart suddenly enjoyed the meaning of spring in the north wind.


Their performance was brilliant and won a lot of applause. The happy scene always stays in the beautiful words of New Year's Day.


"Just appreciate the dancers' posture and listen to the quintessence of Chinese culture." Beijing Opera, full of ancient charm, has brought us into the world of art. I cannot help but respect the Chinese culture. I seem to have returned to ancient times. I was quietly basking in the sun on the wooden chair. The purple and black glazed tiles reflected the sun's brilliance, showing a leisurely ancient atmosphere. In addition to association, I have to respect the performer. A sixth grader sang such a beautiful rhythm. The old people who are watching are hale and hearty and echo with their voices. Their intoxicated appearance is also a beautiful part of the festival, which outlines the beauty of the sunset for the celebration day. After the performance, the audience was intoxicated. The sonorous and powerful voice circled the beam three times, as if a kind of artistic conception rose between the houses


Teachers were also moved by the festive songs and laughter, changed their cold faces and performed amiably. First, the Indian Bride. The female teachers wore light yellow clothes, as if they were Indian girls. Their deep eyes conveyed Yan Yong's feelings and their love for Qianqian students. The teachers' graceful figure and graceful dancing are interwoven with joy and sweetness.


The continuous murmur like music was replaced by the unrestrained singing, and the action of the hip-hop dancers drove the whole smart youth! The get-together said goodbye in a round of applause and a song "Love Each Other", but after the rendering of singing and smiling faces, it became gorgeous!


The snow outside the house is like white gauze falling on the campus, gently applied to the memory of the New Year's party, and quietly hidden in my mind.

欢度元旦作文 篇4


Time is like a never - ending river, which flows through people in a hurry and quietly. Unconsciously, the memorable 20XX years have gone in a hurry, ushering in new years and starting another journey for people.


The New Year is coming. The streets, supermarkets and vegetable markets are crowded with people. Buying vegetables to cook, buying gifts to visit relatives and friends... are celebrating the arrival of the new year.


On the morning of New Year's Day, I opened my eyes to the sound of firecrackers. Open the calendar, open the new year, open a wonderful story. I lay in bed and looked back on the past year. I had sweat, happiness, sadness and gratitude. What happened seemed to be right in front of my eyes.

欢度元旦作文 篇5


Today is the first day of 2022, and also the New Year's Day. My father and sister went to Grandma's house for dinner. After dinner, I said to my father: I want to go to Grandma's house to play. Dad nodded and drove me and my sister to Grandma's house.


It happened that my second uncle had just moved home. They had a video cabinet. In the evening, I sang and played games with my elder sister and elder brother in the uncle's house, as well as a lot of snacks and drinks. We sang and danced. Our first aunt and second aunt were our audience. We didn't go to bed until ten o'clock.


I had a good time today.

欢度元旦节日作文 篇6


Wait, wait! 20__ The bell of the year has rung, but I'm still waiting. Guess what I'm waiting for? In fact, I'm waiting for the "wonderful pen" composition class! When you see this, you will surely ask, "Who would like to go to cram school?" But I want to tell you that today is an exception! Because today I.


It's New Year again! On New Year's Day, my mother went to buy colorful candy and various kinds of food. How wonderful New Year's Day is! It's a pity that there are too few. If I had the right, I would make a law. There are two January months in a year. I can have two New Years! I believe everyone will agree! Because on New Year's Day, did you eat a lot? But eat and eat.


Today, in the Happy New Composition Training Class, the teacher celebrated the 20th anniversary with us__ New Year's Day, the first day of the year. The teacher first took out a bag of melon seeds and lollipops, and the students rushed up. Some students took a lot of them, while others only took a few. The students returned to their seats and watched the performance while eating candy.

欢度元旦作文 篇7



