
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:07 | 来源:语文通



春节印象作文 篇1春节印象作文700字 篇2春节印象作文 篇3春节印象作文 篇4春节印象作文 篇5

春节印象作文 篇1


The heavy steamed buns, the hot rice cake, and the mood of joy, through the winter day of snowflakes, shuttled the busy figure.At the beginning of a year, the sun was warm, and time was slow. The surrounding air seemed to be smiling and urging me to take back my idle mood and stretched out the joy of writing the Spring Festival.


Before the Spring Festival, people were full of joy and full of spirit, so people shopping was endless: some were buying New Year's paintings, some were buying New Year's goods, and some were buying children's favorite toys ... When the sky was darker, the street was a little darker.The lanterns and the lanterns hanging on the trees are all on, colorful, and it seems to be happy for the arrival of the Spring Festival ...


Before the Spring Festival, everyone dressed up their respective houses and had their own personality.Everyone is full of the annual piles they bought.Crooked?Paste?Each has its own Qianqiu.We all prepare firecrackers and organize beautiful new clothes to prepare for the New Year.As soon as people go out and meet good friends, they always never forget to say "New Year", and then talk and chat.


When the Spring Festival has arrived, the children will get up early and come to my parents' room, and start a traditional New Year's ceremony: say a few auspicious words to parents, parents will take the New Year's money to work with us.Jinbao.Some relatives and friends will gather together, taste wine and food, and speak some happy words.One of the happiest is our child.We put a lot of money for the New Year's money, and then ran to the streets to go crazy Shopping: such as stationery, toys, snacks ...

该播放春节晚会了,我们一家人便会围坐在电视机旁,目不转睛地盯着电视看, .c .cn n时不时还被电视上的节目逗得哈哈大笑……

The Spring Festival party was played, and our family would sit around the TV, staring intently at the TV, .c.cn n was also teased by the show on TV from time to time ...


Late at night, there were fewer pedestrians on the street, and the party was finished. Until my mother called me, I went to bed reluctantly.I recalled the interesting things today, and then I was confused and entered the dreamland ...

春节印象作文700字 篇2


My cousin's hometown is in the north. This year, I and her return to the north for the New Year.


The Spring Festival in the north seems to be much longer than the south.People have started annual goods since the beginning of the month.A lane that was not too wide was squeezed out for a while.Those who buy cooked food, buy small snacks, or buy big fish and meat, bustling, and not lively shops on weekdays. At this time, they are also full of people.The streets from south to north, the flow of people is like a tide. When the people met at the end of the street, when they came back to meet again, their hands were already full of large bags and small bags, and they had to smile with a smile.


On the evening of the 30th year of the New Year, the whole family, no matter busy and busy, returned home early, adults were busy in the kitchen, and children gathered together in three or three.The children saw their favorite dishes and were full of joy.


Around the time, the New Year's Eve dinner was ready. Everyone was around the table and enjoyed the deliciousness and reunion of looking forward to the year.The dumplings are the highlights of the Northern New Year's Eve dinner. The stuffing is contained in copper coins and peanuts.Before the meal was eaten, the fireworks cannon rang the night sky one after another, and the night sky of the whole small town was decorated with colorful.When the children couldn't sit still, when the adults were not paying attention, they secretly pulled out a ritual from the corner and came to the house outside the house.After putting the flower flowers, the naughty children raised the door again. I went to your house to get a sugar. It is common for you to peel some melon seeds.But after a while, the children's interest turned to Burning incense again.They imitated the old man, kneeled in front of the portraits of various fairy, knocked three heads, inserted the incense in front of the idol, and prayed for the coming year's wish to come true.


In the early first, everyone put on new clothes and came to the elderly to pay the New Year.After the children took the red envelope, they couldn't wait to count how many.The child with the most money for New Year is the "captain" that day. Qi Yuxuan took a group of children to the shop to buy their favorite items.Other children also smiled, as if they felt that they were a "little wealth owner" today, and some people couldn't even restrain excitement. They hummed Xiaoquer at ease.The charm of drunkenness ".It wasn't until the noon on the first day of the first month that the children had enough to return home and share their gains with their families. They felt that they were one year old.

春节印象作文 篇3


The New Year is a custom of people.It is popular all over the world. In the days of the Chinese New Year, no matter where you are, your loved ones will try to take various transportation.


There will be different customs in different places during the New Year. In us, the market will be set up at this time in the 30th day of the year, ten days before the year, and ten days before ten days.People who sell things and buy things, people will buy everything used in the market in these days, such as fireworks, firecrackers, candles, and a new pair of Tiansu Ling and the stove king.Essence


In the past few days, there are more things sold on the market than usual. If someone is lazy at home, if someone is lazy at home, you will not want to make rice cakes.Give the younger generation of New Year.


On the 30th day of the year, it should be considered busy. In the morning, parents will get up to put a firecracker. In the afternoon, they will wrap a meal of dumplings. When the dumplings come out of the pan, they will put a firecracker.Start eating.On this night, we will watch the Spring Festival Gala. The family of the family is eating and drinking in front of the table. The adults will send off the old stove king in the evening and replace it with a new one.After eating and drinking, we will go to the street to watch the fireworks, and then keep the dumplings again in the television New Year's Eve to the middle of the night.On the morning of the first day of the New Year, adults will go to the house of the house to pay the New Year, this is also our child's favorite, because although he does not go, the owner of the family will grab a handful of sugar and grab one one.Put the melon seed room into the pockets of adults, and after the year of worship, we can always eat different flavors of sugar and melon seeds.On this day, people always wear new clothes and chat on the street.


The rest of these days will go to different relatives' houses to worship the New Year. In the second day of the second day, we will go to my uncle's house to worship the New Year. This is also my favorite because I can receive a lot of red envelopes.By the way, we ca n’t cut our hair here in the first month, which is not good for me.There will be many relatives in the rest of the days, and there will be many time to the fifteenth.On the fifteenth night, the adults will send out Tian Grandpa and replace it with the new Grandpa.This is some customs and habits of the New Year in my hometown.


But this year has been two years this year, and we have not spent a good year due to the epidemic.It is not easy for us to live in 2021, I hope that we will reverse the world in 2022.

春节印象作文 篇4


The Spring Festival is here, and every family is busy.The bowl touches the spoon, the pan touch the disc, and the various dishes are "wow" and the pot is underground.The air is full of strong oily fragrance everywhere.The streets and alleys are full of lights, so lively.


This is the sixth Spring Festival I have been in Shanghai.Every Spring Festival, I have different feelings.


On New Year's Eve this year, we invited the family to eat New Year's Eve dinner. On the dining table, the kind grandfather sent out: "I don't know when Xiaoli Dong, Mao Fu will come back to eat a reunion meal with us!" Yes, I think of my parents far away every year. Essence I really don't know when I can have a round New Year with my parents. "I will go back to the winter vacation next year!" I suggested to my grandfather. "Okay! You go back to the Spring Festival next year." The grandfather nodded solemnly. "I miss my mom and dad!" I touched my head and said, "Then go online to meet with them!" "Okay!" I couldn't wait to rush into the room, turn on the computer, connect the Internet, and take out the camera. After a while, parents appeared clearly on the screen. "Good new year, small day!" "Mom and dad, good new year!" I asked excitedly, "Mom, how do you live this Spring Festival this year? Don't you think it's deserted!" Auntie and they are very lively together. "" I really hope that our little daily day is there! "Dad said affectionately," But although we are far away from thousands of miles ', but they are close at hand'! " Mom and dad, tell you a good news. My grandfather promised that we will return to Xinjiang next year to the Spring Festival. "" Great, we have long hoped that you can come back for the New Year! At that time, we can really reunite! "I see my mother Tears flashed in the eyes ...


After the line, my heart could not be calm for a long time.Suddenly, only the bells of the New Year sounded leisurely, firecrackers outside the window, fireworks bloomed, a good "fire tree and silver flowers"!


We have ushered in a brand new 2022 years. This is a year I yearn for and longing for. I will definitely realize all good wishes in one year!

春节印象作文 篇5


There are many interesting things in the Spring Festival.Among them, I think the best thing to make dumplings.


Everyone may have eaten dumplings, but few people have wrapped them now!In the Spring Festival, my family and I will make dumplings. It turns out that dumplings seem to be simple but deep.


On New Year's Eve night, our family was making dumplings.At first, adults were making dumplings, and it was fun to watch adults making dumplings.So he also joined the team of dumplings.


Because I haven't wrapped dumplings.So I follow the adults.The adult picked up the dumpling skin, and I also picked up the dumpling skin; the adult put the filling on the dumpling skin, and I also put the filling on the dumpling skin. In short, what the adult did, what I did.


After learning for a while, I learned to make dumplings myself.But I don't know why the dumplings I wrapped in just can't pack.Later, I learned that it turned out that the edge of the dumpling skin had to be stained with a little water. Later, after I made this method, I really wrapped the dumplings.


However, the dumplings I packed are ugly, but we can't "take dumplings with appearance"!Because everyone worked together, we only wrapped the dumplings for a while.But a few of our children glanced at each other, all of them couldn't stop holding their stomachs.It turns out that everyone's face is full of flour!Now that everyone's face is dirty, I don't care about dirty.So we sprinkle the flour, I am sprinkled to you.If it is usually criticized by parents, it will be criticized by parents, but because it is New Year's Eve tonight, let's play casually.


While we play, adults have put the dumplings in the pot and cook.After a long time (in fact, it hasn't been a long time and more than 20 minutes, but I am hungry, so it has been a long time), and the big talent brought out the fragrant dumplings.


Eat the dumplings I wrapped in my own hands and laugh with everyone at the dinner table. How warm this feeling is!