
时间:2022-09-09 13:18:41 | 来源:语文通



端午的味道的作文700字 篇1端午的味道作文 篇2端午的味道作文 篇3端午节的味道作文 篇4端午的味道作文 篇5端午的味道作文 篇6

端午的味道的作文700字 篇1


"Here, Duanyang, Duanyang there, Duanyang everywhere."


This is the ballad that grandma taught me during the Dragon Boat Festival. I remember my father often talked to me about his childhood past. In his story, the Dragon Boat Festival is a curious and anticipated holiday: in the evening of the early summer festival, peel off a dumplings, and the house is full of fragrance. Everyone was gathered together, and the children told the adults to tell the story of the familiar but hearing: more than two thousand years ago, the ancient Chinese war flew. On the day of the fifth day of the lunar calendar, there was a patriotic poet who worried about the country and the people. Seeing that his country was facing the crisis of the country, but his ambitions could not be achieved. He was sad and embraced with a stone into the rolling Luo River. He was Qu Yuan. In order to keep the fish in the water from eating Qu Yuan's body, they wrapped glutinous rice in the bamboo leaves that exudes fragrance and cast it into the river ... Whenever the story tells at this time, adults always point to the sky and say, " You see, the brightest star in the sky is Qu Yuan into. "And the children will look up and look at the deep sky to find the brightest star.


By a year of fragrant fragrance, do you look forward to the Dragon Boat Festival?Can I eat the stories of the rice dumplings?Looking at the sky, can you still see the shining stars in the sky across the Mongolian industrial fog across the sky?


The high -rise building rose flat, and the large wheat fields disappeared. At the edge of the city, it was difficult for us to see the scene of "going out and looking out of the wheat yellow".Yes, the transformation of time and space, is the Dragon Boat Festival go further and farther in the squeezing of the reinforced concrete?The noisy city carries too many desires, and the joy of the father, has it been drowned in the flashing neon lights of the city?


We can no longer understand the expectations of my parents. As long as I think, we can eat all kinds of rice dumplings at any time, and the taste of the rice dumplings seems to be more tedious, and we are interested in Uncle McDonald's uncle McDonald's., Grandpa KFC, Grandpa; we also lack interest in the ancient story. As long as I think, I can watch rice mouse and Donald duck on the Internet at any time!I also feel a little old to teach my ballad to my grandma. As long as I think, I can record various types of rock songs in my MP3 player at any time!


However, did we not feel something lacking?We seem to lack some happiness, lack some longing, and lack some responsibilities.In the noise, we are getting lost!

端午的味道作文 篇2


Before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, if the weather is fine and the temperature is moderate, it is the best time for the book.


Anyone who likes to make a book knows that the book cannot be exposed, let alone wet, and sometimes accidentally wet the book.People are not willing.When this situation was afraid of being scolded after being seen by the mother, he moved out of some books, mixed the wet one and placed it on the stool, but the mother who did not know much said this sentence: "Why are you in the sun? The book is to be exposed to the Dragon Boat Festival. "Hey, where did she know that I wet the book.


In the Dragon Boat Festival, there is no family hometown in the Dragon Boat Festival.In the future, when a few adults are together, they occasionally talk about the child to talk about the book, and the mother will say in a proud and show off: "My children in my family will bask in the book."


The mother likes to wrap the dumplings for others on the Dragon Boat Festival on the Dragon Boat Festival of the breeze, while watching the book of others.So the book is a glorious' thing to the mother, and wrapped the dumplings is just a daily labor.As for why I was exposed to the Dragon Boat Festival, I did not ask my mother. Even if I asked, my mother may not know why.


Later, when I was in junior high school, I also listened to the teacher of the class teacher and said, "Well, to pick a good day in the Dragon Boat Festival, it is best to use a breeze to make the book pages breathe without blowing away the book."It sounds familiar, the teacher said it makes sense, and also confirmed what the mother said.There are many books in the teacher's house, and most of them are in -line books. Every year, there is a scene of booking books in the Dragon Boat Festival.He once told me that in the future, there will be a book to pick such a book.The speaker was unintentional. In fact, I did not have a few books at that time, and I did n’t need to expose it, but in order to impersonate the Sven, on this day, I would also pretend to show the book.Perhaps this kind of pretense contains a desire, what kind of happiness is the companionship of books.


With the age of age, there are more books on the bookshelf.Books, one local purchased, one local reading.It has accumulated over time. In this year, there are thousands of volumes. I never thought that I would "collect books"!Today, every time I Dragon Boat Festival, I will make some preparations and give me a necessary sun bath.In fact, you can expose books after the Dragon Boat Festival, but it is authentic on the Dragon Boat Festival.


No matter how you love books, you will never be wrong. It is not easy to build a decent book. I ca n’t get the book because I am lazy and look at my heartache myself.Let's take it, let's do it, what books do you buy without the sun?

端午的味道作文 篇3


So fragrant!


In the morning, a unique fragrance of rice dumplings flushed in the air, and gradually splitted in the air. The room was full of rice dumplings!


It turned out to be a dumplings that my mother even wrapped up yesterday!Let our family feel the taste of the Dragon Boat Festival in advance!


Thinking back yesterday, my mother took five colors of silk threads, namely red, yellow, green, blue, and white.She first placed these five lines on the table, then rubbed into a small rope, and cleverly knotted.Four five -silk rope is ready.My mother told me that this was called long life, and she carefully worn me on her wrist and ankle.I also specifically instructed me to say: When you wear it, when you put it on the first rain, pick it down and throw it into the rain.This long life plays its role.Through the small things of the Dragon Boat Festival, I realized my mother's good intentions.


Next, I have to wrap the rice dumplings. I saw my mother took the bamboo leaves, wrapped the glutinous rice, and two jujube was placed in the middle.Then fold the bamboo leaves to wrap the glutinous rice.It was also tied up with five silk threads, and her mother wrapped a dozen in a row.


My mother put the bag of rice dumplings in the pot again, and then I fell asleep.


This morning, it was steamed for fifteen minutes.As soon as I woke up, I smelled the fragrance.I jumped up, smelling and smelling around the plate, waiting for the dumplings to cool down.After a while, I could finally eat it.I peeled the bamboo leaves, and the red stuffing in white was exquisite. I took a bite, sticky and smooth, delicious!Our family laughed while eating, because we all saw the white beard on each other's mouth.


After eating the rice dumplings, my father said: The Dragon Boat Festival is said, and this name is diverse.


Mom said: In addition to eating rice dumplings, wearing long -lived stalks, there are customs such as wormwood, sprinkled sugar, and dragon boats.


I think there are still a lot of knowledge in this traditional festival!This Dragon Boat Festival not only eaten dumplings, but also increased a lot of knowledge.


In fact, more importantly, I smelled my mother in the rice dumplings!

端午节的味道作文 篇4


A great poet has achieved a traditional festival, and a traditional festival allows us to deeply taste life.




Since the Warring States Period, the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival have been circulating to this day.Today, the Dragon Boat Festival has been listed as an intangible cultural heritage by the World Cultural Organization.The Dragon Boat Festival comes with the dust of history; the Dragon Boat Festival is infiltrated with modern colors.The taste of the Dragon Boat Festival is different in different periods.








The people cast a dumplings in the middle of the river with a sad mood, hoping that the fish eats dumplings. Don't eat Qu Yuan's body -the Dragon Boat Festival is a sad taste.






The older generation may have no concept of the Dragon Boat Festival in their hearts. If there is, it is full of bitterness!In the era when the war and smoke permeated, people longed for a good life, and a meal was already the biggest full [.cn].Not to mention eating a rice dumplings, and even in the 1980s, a dumplings were just extravagant to people -Dragon Boat Festival was a bitter taste.






The taste of the Dragon Boat Festival is the taste of traditional Chinese civilization, the taste of a clear social atmosphere, and helps the taste of national development!

端午的味道作文 篇5


The Dragon Boat Festival is here.She didn't have a little bit of embarrassment, nor the slightest eagerness, and no greeting like anyone.On the streets and alleys, every family, every corner is filled with the taste of the Dragon Boat Festival: sweet, fresh, and strong.


Starting from my notes, every year, when the lunar calendar is approaching May, my mother starts to prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival to eat: Dumplings, when you are buns, I like to turn around with my mother.The machine steals the stuffing in the bowl.The dried jujube and raisins with honey and a bite can be sweet for a while.The mother -in -law's dumplings are particularly good -looking, wear a string, and mention the exquisite wind chimes.I occasionally wrap a few, but it is often not one more corner or one less corner.However, whether it is a few corners of the zongzi, my mother will praise it, saying that I can do it.


The sweet rice dumplings made my childhood life very sweet.Every time I remember, there is a sweet taste in my heart.


I especially like to pass the Dragon Boat Festival, because she has no pure busyness but feels like New Year's Eve.Early in the morning, my mother always tied me up the five -color line.The concentrated expression, the dexterous movement reveal an irreplaceable warmth.During breakfast, my mother always chooses the best duck eggs for me, so that I eat the most filled dumplings.In the evening, my mother always asked me to wash my hands and feet with Ai Yanshui.When I was young, I felt that my mother should do these things.Now, I understand that these trivial trivial matters contain a strong mother.


The taste of the Dragon Boat Festival is included in the memories of childhood, contained in the hard work of his father, lingering in the care of his mother.I hope my parents can live a healthy life forever and taste the taste of the Dragon Boat Festival with them.

端午的味道作文 篇6


The Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient festival in my country. On this day, every family has covered Zizi to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan.


On the same day, I got up earlier than usual.Grandma has been washed on the balcony after washing the rice leaves I bought yesterday, and her mother was preparing the ingredients of the dumplings. Dad prepared pots and pans.Grandpa and I only take responsibility for eating, the happiest and happiest.


After a long time, the leaves were dry and the materials were prepared. Mom and grandma were about to start wrapping the rice dumplings.


The ingredients of rice dumplings are: red beans, shiitake mushrooms, mung beans, pork, shrimp, salted duck eggs, and of course white glutinous rice.When Bao Zongzi, the mother rolled the rice leaves into a cone type, then scooped a spoonful of glutinous rice, first add the marinated pork, plus other ingredients, cover the remaining part of the loquat leaves, then put it on the top, then put the above one on the one above.Hold up on both sides, so that it became a "triangular" dumplings. Finally, the straw rope was tied, and the dumplings completed the whole process of "bag".Mom and grandma made many rice dumplings in this step, and Dad was busy putting the dumplings into the steamer.After about an hour, the fragrance of the rice dumplings floated out.Wen Xiangxiang, I am born three feet!I came to the kitchen, put a few bowls, removed the straw rope on the steaming dumplings, removed the rice leaves, put the dumplings into the bowl, and tast it for grandparents, parents.


I couldn't wait to take a bite first, "It's delicious!" I couldn't help but praise.Both the mother and grandma smiled, and asked me to eat a few more.When I saw the sweat on her head, I quickly put down the bowl, took the paper towels, and helped my mother and grandma wipe the sweat.After seeing, Grandpa said happily: "Our Xiao Yu has grown up and is sensible! I can learn to wrap my rice dumplings next year." "Okay! I will all include it next year!" I answered confidently.Mom and grandma laughed at each other ...


The fragrance of rice dumplings is the taste of the Dragon Boat Festival.In fact, the taste of the Dragon Boat Festival and the warm and happy taste of the whole family.