
时间:2022-11-18 12:57:00 | 来源:语文通


新的校园新的环境400字作文初 篇1初中校园环境500字作文 篇2新的校园新的环境500字作文初 篇3我的新校园作文初一 篇4新的校园新的环境作文800字 篇5我的学校600字初一作文 篇6新的校园新的环境作文 篇7新的校园新的环境作文600字 篇8

新的校园新的环境400字作文初 篇1


Han Chengjun


Entering the campus of junior high school is not only a new environment, but also a new starting point.


When I entered the campus, a ray of sunshine shone on me. I couldn't help being surprised. It was already autumn, but the trees were still so luxuriant, the bamboo was still so tall and straight, and the grass was still dancing with the wind. Entering the playground, the elder brothers and sisters in the second and third days of junior high school were sweating on the playground. In the teaching building, the students made a loud sound of reading.


Entering the classroom, I did not know most of the students in the class, but it may be a kind of fate to reach the same class from different primary schools! Students have their own characteristics and personalities. Take the monitor as an example. In daily life and study, the monitor seldom speaks. Most of the time, he is immersed in his study. Sometimes, he also plays basketball. But no one expected that the monitor has a humorous side. In the speech, the monitor's humorous language not only taught everyone knowledge, but also caused the whole class to roar with laughter.


In the past few days, I have met many teachers with different personalities, and the English teacher impressed me deeply. The English teacher is nearing retirement and still lecturing. She is a little fat, wearing a pink coat, carrying a messenger bag, and wearing a pair of myopia glasses. The teacher is easy-going and likes to laugh, just like a small red flower. The teacher spoke in a gentle tone and was very kind to us. The progress of the lecture was not fast, so everyone was guaranteed to follow.


Junior high school is not only a new environment, but also full of hope like spring. This will also become a new starting point for me. I hope I can be better in the future.

初中校园环境500字作文 篇2


September is the harvest season with rich fruits; September is the harvest season for farmers, when the barn is full of rice; September is the season when we enter middle school.


Middle school life is a paradise for learning knowledge. Everyone here is clear about their own goals, striving for their own goals, and working hard! Middle school life is tense and full, and the campus of middle school is beautiful and solemn.


Entering the gate of the middle school, I saw the flaming five-star red flag. The most dazzling place of the school is the back playground where we talk about everything, which is "endless". The sky is blue and the grass is soft. The playground is paved with asphalt runways, and a group of partners form a group to play basketball heartily. There is a green grassland. The students all sit on the grassland and make a lot of noise. They talk about their imagined future, their dreams and their goals. They are watching ants move. And we, after each meal, would go there for a walk to share what happened to us that day. The playground is a place where we play, full of fun, and carry our good memories.


In middle school, the most important thing is to learn. Learning is our important task. Enter the classroom, a sea of knowledge. Celebrities' famous sayings are pasted on the cultural wall. Let's remind ourselves of our behavior and remember that learning is our only way, we are the hope of our motherland, and we are the flower of our motherland. May we all study hard, do our part for our motherland when we grow up, and become useful pillars.


The new campus and new environment are our common starting line. I believe that efforts will pay off, so let's work hard! Work hard for yourself! Work hard for our own dreams and aspirations!

新的校园新的环境500字作文初 篇3


Bi Shengzhe


The clock went round and round, and primary school life came to an abrupt end in a bumpy way. As the ancients said, "There is no feast that never ends.".


As promised, I came to junior high school life, away from a classroom, and came to a new classroom. I seem like an eagle away from the nest Come to a soaring mountain top and start a new growth.


I feel strange here, without the familiar environment, familiar teachers, familiar students, and the different ring tones. The first few classes, I felt long and sad, looking back on the primary school, looking forward to the future.


Later, I felt that people looked back on the past and looked forward to the future, but did not know that the beautiful scenery in front of them was the most beautiful. I gradually like the environment here. A tall and broad teaching building, with a shady little tree beside it, sets off a 175 meter perimeter playground, as if frontier soldiers were guarding the motherland. There is also a basketball court standing next to it in the Children's Palace.


I remember the ancients said, "Where do we not meet in life?" I made new friends in a different environment and met the old classmates I knew well. Youth is always waiting for the day of flying.


It is also a new starting point. The end of primary school and the comma of junior high school are further towards the expected future.


Not all flowers bloom in spring, not all rivers flow to the sea, flowers bloom in the four seasons, rivers flow in all directions, as long as you have love in your heart, you can see everything in Shanghai is a landscape!


Say goodbye to the primary school life and come to the starting point of junior high school. Everything is a new beginning. Your article reveals a touch of sadness. Get up your courage and run forward!

我的新校园作文初一 篇4


After the beginning of school, we moved to the new and beautiful Olympic campus.


Entering the gate, the first thing I saw was a big screen. The introduction of flag raisers will be displayed on the screen, and the recent activities will be arranged... It is just like a small anchor.


Behind the big screen are the administration building and multi-function classroom. There are music lessons, information technology lessons and chess lessons here, which is a paradise of wisdom. Between the administrative building and the teaching building, there is a magnificent arc bridge. Walking through is like walking through clouds.


Every morning when you enter the teaching building, you can hear the sound of reading, which is as clear as a silver bell. Through the bright window, you can also see that the students are reading and excerpting seriously, forming a good habit of "not writing nor reading". After class, some students are reading, some are playing games, and some are playing chess It's the happiest time for children


The north of the teaching building is the canteen. Every noon, bursts of delicious food come to our nostrils, and we are all thirsty. The canteen is a lecture hall. Whenever there are large-scale activities, students will show their skills on the stage and perform wonderful programs.


The east of the whole teaching area is the playground, which is surrounded by a layer of green artificial lawn and red runway. During physical education classes and big breaks, each class will play happy games on its own territory, and show a happy smile in the sun. Laughter is heard in the blue sky. Every time the track and field meeting is held, the playground is very lively, the athletes are high in morale, and the cheerleaders are passionate. At night, the playground is very beautiful, and the whole playground falls into a sweet dream.


I love such a campus, a beautiful and vibrant campus.

新的校园新的环境作文800字 篇5


How time flies! At first sight, I grew up from a primary school student who walked into the campus with his parents by the hand, crying and crying, to a junior high school student. After many tests at the beginning of the junior high school, I came to the Affiliated High School of Peking University, which I had been looking forward to for a long time. I will live in this poetic campus for at least three years. One day, I walked into the beautiful campus of the Affiliated High School of Peking University and experienced the campus environment here.


As soon as I entered the campus, a breath of nature rushed to my face. Two rows of tall trees stood on both sides of the road. They were arranged neatly and solemnly, just like two rows of guards guarding the campus. The branches and leaves of the trees were luxuriant and straight, obviously planted early. I close my eyes and think about the sprouting of leaves in spring; Imagine that the leaves are strong in summer, swaying in the breeze and making a clattering sound, which adds some coolness to the summer; Imagine the leaves turning red, yellow and brown by the rustling autumn wind in autumn. Students walk under the trees to enjoy the autumn scenery; Imagine that the leaves fall off in winter, but the big tree still stands with its bare trunk. It protects the campus day after day without fear of snow, cold and winter frost... Thinking of these, I am full of beauty and looking forward to the coming of all kinds of seasons and scenery.


I walked to the gingko tree in the east building. Ginkgo trees are a major feature of the Affiliated High School of Peking University. In November every year, the ginkgo leaves replaced today fall from the trees, and the annual Ginkgo Festival begins. The teachers and students of the Affiliated High School of Peking University wrote poems, drew pictures and sang songs on the ginkgo tree. Now, the leaves of the ginkgo tree in front of me are just golden yellow, the trunk is still as strong and healthy as summer, without any gaunt color, and the fruits under the leaves have gradually emerged. The fruits are hanging on the tree, which looks very lovely. The leaves sway like thousands of small hands greeting visitors when the wind blows, while the brown fruit has been unknown to the manager, waiting for maturity. How lovely it is! I like the golden ginkgo leaves, but I prefer the robust ginkgo now. How beautiful!


After visiting many "famous mountains and rivers" on the campus, I stopped at the pond in the dense forest. The pond is really wonderful. There is a stone carving in the pond, which is strange in shape. There are all kinds of animals, turtles and goldfish swimming in the water. There is a row of high stone steps beside the pond. Students can sit on it, surrounded by all kinds of animals, and accompanied by some small lives, to have a rest or have lunch, Enjoy the afternoon sunshine. It's very pleasant! "I feel happy when I hear the sound of water from bamboo trees." I think this is the most appropriate description of this pond!


After visiting the campus, I had many new feelings. We are lucky to live in such a beautiful, lovely and leisurely campus, shouldn't we live happily every day?

我的学校600字初一作文 篇6


Enter the gate and enter the campus.


After entering the campus, the most conspicuous one is a flower bed. On the big flower bed stood a big screen, which was facing the gate and said, "Welcome to the Experimental School!" A few bright red characters. On the edge of the flower bed are three big stones, standing steadily, on which are written our school motto: "health", "integrity" and "liberal". When I looked up, there were two cedars in the flower bed, which were soaring into the sky. They should be hundreds of years old. They are the highest and largest plants in the school. In the middle of the flower bed is a small muddy pond. Several lovely goldfish in the pond are swimming freely, and they are enjoying it. There are some unknown flowers near the pond. Although they are unknown, they are colorful, often open and fresh, and add a lot of vitality to the flower beds.


To the right of the flower bed is a gym. It is not so much a gymnasium as a comprehensive gymnasium. After entering the comprehensive hall, you will see a simple big stage. It was the place where my school celebration brought me a lot of laughter, and I also performed on it. In front of the stage are several badminton courts. Here, you often see people playing play badminton. Of course, other fitness activities can also be carried out here. There is a big national flag on the wall and several pictures of badminton stars, one of which has the words "the alma mater of the badminton queen" written beside it.


Out of the gym is the playground. Several tall camphor trees are planted around the playground. In summer, you can enjoy the cool under the camphor tree. Walking forward, I saw several old table tennis tables, and almost no one went to play. There are several newly planted cherry trees on the left side of the table tennis table. Just a few steps from the runway beside the cherry tree is a dirty sandpit. Sand is everywhere, which is splashed by my classmates when they jump here.


There are four shabby basketball stands on the playground. Although they are shabby, almost all male students like playing basketball here, and they are often fierce.


After strolling around the playground, I walked out of the campus through another door. Our campus is small and the scenery is ordinary, but it will make you feel its long history and let me learn a lot of "goods" here.

新的校园新的环境作文 篇7


I have never known that I have lived in Yiman School for four years. Why is it called Yiman Primary School? Later, at the first class meeting when I entered Grade 5, I learned that the school I had lived in for four years was to commemorate the primary school named by Zhao Yiman, the heroine of the Anti Japanese Federation. I was proud to live in such a school and receive revolutionary education. Unexpectedly, my school was named after a hero. When I walked into the campus again, I felt very interesting.


In spring, willow trees on campus send out tender green shoots. Grass opens its bleary eyes and stretches out to dig out from the soil and thrive under the sun. In summer, the green leaves of willows gradually become dark green, and the branches bend down, dense and thick, like a huge green tent, to shade the students; In autumn, the leaves slowly turn golden yellow. A gust of wind blows, and the leaves reluctantly leave the branches. One by one, they are light and soft. When they fall on the ground, they look like a beautiful carpet, a burning carpet. It's very comfortable to walk on the forest road with fallen leaves. In winter, snowflakes flying all over the sky decorate my campus into a silver fairy tale world. Oh, the light green in spring, the dark green in summer, the golden yellow in autumn, and the silver white in winter constitute the four seasons of the campus environment. I'm afraid only Ma Liang's brush can paint so many colors. Isn't that interesting?


What's interesting is still to come!


Usually, we learn cultural knowledge in the bright classroom. When the class is over, we often gather together to fly the flag. Playing chess and watching chess have become a big "chess scene" in our class. The chess watchers either make moves or play blindly there, violating the agreement of the gentleman who watches chess without saying anything. Sometimes, they argue with each other, and even stipulate that they should play chess for everyone. People who play chess don't know how to put the pieces, which tests us. I remember one time when I played chess with my opponent, his commander was placed in the corner. Although he played a defensive role, he did not play an offensive role. As a result, I killed all his pieces. Finally, there was only one piece left, and he had to admit defeat obediently. Have you ever heard of such a military chess game? I think it's very interesting!


Our campus is really a colorful paradise. Do you want to share it with me? Then come to our beautiful campus to find me!

新的校园新的环境作文600字 篇8


For a junior high school student, I am very interested in everything new. Seeing my new school, I like to get up early every day and stand at the top of the teaching building to look down on everything on the campus. I know that this is the best middle school in the city. Maybe this is the result of my efforts in the past few years in primary school! I know I am really tired, but I am very proud, because I think I am really worth it.


I still remember the day when school began. Early in the morning, my father woke me up. Maybe because today is the first day of school, the whole family is very excited. I was always told to take this and that. I know this is my first time to travel far. I want to go to the city to study. I am not in the county anymore. I want to leave the county town where I have been for many years. My father sent me away in the morning. He sat beside me quietly all the way without saying a word. Dad is not a man of few words, but I don't know what happened.


The bus has been running for four hours, so I am far away from my hometown. My father and I walked into the campus. This school has to say that it is really big. As soon as I went in, I found the school library. I feel a scholarly atmosphere. I like this place. I think I will come here whenever I have time. The environment of the new school is excellent, and I'm not surprised by the green belts. Is it my school in such a beautiful place?


In the afternoon, Dad took the last bus home. I live on campus. The roommates in the dormitory are very enthusiastic. They all come from different counties, but I believe they must have their own advantages. Let's just talk about it. New roommates and new friends may be my companions for three years! After the lights went out, everyone began to close their eyes and sleep.


I don't know why, facing such a strange bed and a strange room, I started to cry. Maybe I was not used to it! Maybe it's because I'm too homesick! But why did my tears stay so disappointedly? At this time, I really hate myself. But what's the use? Let's go on like this! I believe I will love the beautiful campus and the familiar environment.