
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:03 | 来源:语文通



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多彩的活动作文 篇1


In the afternoon of Thursday, the teacher of the class teacher smiled and announced: "Tomorrow is the school sports meeting. Interested students raised their hands to sign up." As soon as the words fell, the students raised their hands before.Essence


This day is here. In the classroom, the teacher first told the rules and order of the competition to the students. Then the students went to cheer the athletes and could not stay in the classroom.I went down and saw: "Wow! Many people, it's a crowded!"


After a while, I arrived at me. I participated in running. But when I passed, there were countless people participating in the competition. First, second grades, and third grade, and finally our sixth grade. Let me look at their first -year running: the referee raised the red flag in his hand and shouted, "Prepare, run!" A classmate took a slap, and then he couldn't compare the two students next to him. I found that when I ran, I must not hesitate to see others. Look at the second -year classmates to run: This time, all three athletes started at the same time. Huh? Why did they start at the same time, and one classmate was a few seconds than the other two students at the end? The teacher next to him explained: "The last past classmate lifted his head and ran, and of course it was unhappy in the state of the wind!" Oh, I suddenly realized! After a long time, I went to the game. I learned the lessons of the first and second grades in the first and second grades. The referee shouted that I did not hesitate to rush out as soon as possible. Essence After running, the classmates told me my grades. I first stunned and determined that I was really happy in the future: "Yeah! I am the first place, I am the first place?" I couldn't help feeling a sense of accomplishment.


There are so many competition events!There are high jumps, long jumps, throwing real balls, softballs ... In the afternoon, the men and girls were relayed in the afternoon.There are so many people participating in the competition. Boys and girls stand on both sides.The competition has begun, and our class has been leading.However, the unfortunate thing happened: the rod passed to a classmate's hands, and when we saw it behind, our heart was anxious.The other two classes seized the opportunity to take the opportunity to run super fast, hey!We are behind, we have never thought about this situation.But we were cared for by the God of Lucky, and then we overtaken the other two classes.At the last moment, our class rushed across the finish line at the same time as the six (2) class. Although we lost, we were still very happy.


At the end of the awards, the teacher announced that there was no our class in the second place and third place.Is there no ranking in our class?It wasn't the case. The first place when the teacher announced the first place was our class.Wow!I'm so excited, the first place is us.It turned out to be the total group score!Although we finally lost the game, we are still the first place.The school sports meeting is too interesting.

多彩的活动作文 篇2


"Hahaha ..." With a burst of laughter, the "Candy Raiders" ended successfully, but the smile remained unabated. What is the "candy raid"?This is a very fun game. In this game, we fist, sprinkle our happiness, and write our wisdom.


The rules of the game are very simple: one person escorts, one person is a prosecutor, choose "check" or "not check", guess the right points, guess the wrong point to add points to the other party.


At the beginning of the competition, Wu Weijie followed the teacher out of the teacher. The interest was like buying a popsicle to buy a popsicle. When he came back with the teacher, he saw him carefully holding a candy hat.Baby average, suddenly a "magnetic pull" flashed in the air -the sound of candy, I thought desperately: After that, this time it was revealed. Every time he took a step, my heart jumped.Give up again, I hurriedly quarreled with Cai Mingzhe to make a sound to cover up the sound of the candy in the hat. However, the other party still heard it and shouted, "Check!" At this time, Wu Weijie was a little panicked and opened the lid on the hat.There are several candy in it.We all raised their chests.


I can only bite my head.I tested the psychology of the other party, and motioned to take two sugar with Meng. Along the way, my steps became heavier, as if he was pressing on me, I took a deep breath, greeted it, and the other party looked at me.After a while, I stared at me with my eyes straight, and finally ... "Victory!" The cheers echoed for a while, unfortunately ... not, we, although we lost, we were still very happy.

多彩的活动作文 篇3


Today is World Meteorological Day. The young journalists of the Deyang Evening News came to the Meteorological Bureau to visit and interview. Many knowledge in the interview rushed towards me like rivers and rivers.This visit to my visit makes me remember ...


The staff of the Meteorological Observatory explained to us what happened to artificial rainfall? Is the haze formed a whole? It is also explained that "pulling" is to combine the image of the person and the image behind. At this time, I had a question. Didn't the host sister speak at the map? Why did she mean? With these questions, I concentrate on listening to the staff's explanation. After listening, I realized that there was a small TV next to it. When I watched the small TV next to me, I could see the map, and then pointed out a approximate position. Later, I learned that the photography of Asians is generally blue. Why is this? Because there is no part of the whole body of Asians, there is blue. The eyes of Europeans are blue, so they cannot use blue curtains, but green. I heard another little question in my heart? Why do Europeans use green without using other colors? Then I solved the mysteries in my heart through the explanation of the staff, because it stipulates that only two types of curtains can be used. Although the blue curtains commonly used in Asia, CCTV The weather forecast is green curtain, because these are all professional people to set blue or green, so they cannot be changed at will. Then the staff of the Meteorological Observatory told us that the difficult movements seen on TV and movies were shot under the blue curtain, such as: jumping from the blue curtain from high altitude, and then using high -tech to then use high -tech before putting it before putting it with high technology before putting it before putting it again with high technology. The background synthesis up, and it was done. In the end, we did a small test, chose two children, one was wearing blue clothes, and the other did not wear blue clothes. Two children walked into the blue curtain at the same time. The unexpected things happened, and the children who didn't wear blue clothes changed without any changes. The children in blue clothes became "transparent people". Everyone was amazed! The staff immediately told us the mystery. When the blue clothes and the blue curtain were integrated, they could not see the body of a child wearing blue clothes when they synthesized the background, and they became the so -called "transparent people".


Through this interview, the benefit has benefited a lot, which increased me a lot of weather knowledge, and at the same time warned me: The life of a person is endless learning, and it also proves that Zhu Xi ’s sentence in" The Instance of Watching Books ": "Live to old, learn old, half -acre Fangtang opened, and the sky is wandering together."Boat".

多彩的活动优秀作文 篇4


", 咚, 咚, 咚 咚", this voice came out of the classroom of the six (1) class of war, what happened?Oh!It turns out that our classmates are playing the game of "drumming flowers"!


The rules of the game are very simple: one person scratching the drums, the drum sounds, and the game began.The classmates passed the handkerchiefs representing "Hua" to the classmates next to them. As soon as the drums were stopped, no one would perform the show.


The drum sound is big, and it is fast and slow, wandering in the entire classroom, giving a nervous atmosphere.The classmates were tightly face, dare not breathe, and stared at the route of the handkerchief, as if it was a hot potato.I saw that the handkerchief was getting closer and closer to me, and my heartbeat suddenly accelerated. I picked up the "flower" with a trembling hand and threw it to my classmates.


It is rumored ... The handkerchief passed on the hand of Yang Xunyu. We thought he was going to pass the handkerchief to Zhang Yier beside him. Suddenly, a cunning gaze flashed in his eyes. Just as Zhang Yier reached out, Yang SchoolYu's "Sudden Scroll" retracted his hand, and a laughter burst into the classroom.Yang Xueyu handed over the handkerchief again. Zhang Yier reached out and grabbed it again. Yang Xueyu, who had a smirk, shrunk back again.At this time, Zhang Yier was so angry that he flushed his face and stood up to catch the handkerchief. At this time, Yang Xueyu's hand was loose, and the handkerchief fell into Zhang Yier's hand smoothly.Zhang Yier held the handkerchief and said to Yang Xueyu proudly, "Don't you want it? How about it?" But at this time, the drums stopped, Zhang Yier held the handkerchief,Holding his mouth slightly, his face was blank, as if he was saying, "Who am I? Where am I?" Looking at his dull look, the students laughed while applauding, "Performance shows, performing shows, showing programs! ""


Zhang Yier scratched his head and walked to the middle of the classroom. He thought about it slightly, and rose the corner of his mouth: "Let me memorize his poems for everyone!Bai Mao was cleaned, and the iron pot stewed goose. "After that, he made a lid, and he took a deep breath:" Fragrant! "


As soon as his words fell, the classroom smiled into a pot of porridge, especially "Pig" Zhu Mingyu, rolling on the ground holding his stomach, and seeing only a pair of smiling eyes and a laughing mouth on his red face.He can definitely laugh for a whole year.Zhang Yier rolled back and tilted, and flushed his face to "hitting the drum."

多彩的活动作文 篇5


This morning, the sky was clear, and the school playground was lively. You must want to know the reason.Let me tell you, our school is holding a special event -Baza -sale event.


There are "shops" everywhere on the playground. There are toys, including books, selling books, selling ceramic supplies, and selling snacks ... The products here are full of products.


When I came to the "class shop", I saw that the students were busy.I saw Chen Han holding an old book in one hand, holding the loudspeaker in one hand, and screamed loudly: "Sell books! One book two yuan, gives a candy for a full ten yuan, and give a balloon over 20 yuan ..."When Wen Fan saw it, he was not willing to show weakness. He quickly picked up a small ceramic gadget and shouted: "Come and see, come and see, a one yuan, pass by, don't be wrong ..." The girls in the class have one after another.Go forward and say to the younger brothers and sisters, "Hi, little sister, do you want to buy? Hi, little brother, do you want to buy? Come buy one, it is cheap and practical ..." I see it, how can I miss this, how can I miss this,A good opportunity, hurry up and pick up the pen on the ground and sell loudly: "Come buy! Come buy, one two yuan, buy two get one, buy three get two ..."


After a while, there were fewer people in front of the "class shop".So, I said to Wen Fan, "If this is not possible, we have to take the initiative to take the items and find it directly to sell it." I said, Wen Fan immediately agreed.We immediately picked up more than a dozen small items and ran to the middle of the playground and screamed to sell loudly: "Come and see, come and see ..." We shouted, attracted some students to surround them quickly, and sold a lot of items again.Essence


After a few times, we were so tired of panting, but we saw that there were fewer and fewer items of "class shops", and more and more returns were obtained. We all grinned and laughed very sweetly ...

多彩的活动作文 篇6


Today, in the composition class, the teacher asked us to read a story about a story, and we listened to being happy.


Before the game starts, we must use the lottery to decide the order in order!I unfortunately won the first one, I regret it very much, I knew I would not draw this.


The game started, I slowly walked to the podium, leaning against the blackboard, shaking my body left and right, my toes kept on the ground, and I couldn't say a nervous sentence. I secretly looked around, and the teacher said, "If not, there are three bows. "I had to bow three of them to return to the seat from under the table, attracting the classmates to laugh.My at the same table Jing Jingrui stepped up the podium with a bamboo stick. He cleared his throat and talked with emotions.


Suddenly, his face blushed, his eyes turned to the left and right, as if he was thinking hard. In the end, he bowed three bows and fell down.The best performance was Wang Tingting. She was full of ambition, smiled, and walked to the stage with a light step. She bowed to everyone like a star, and then she brought us with her crisp voice and wonderful movements.After entering the storyline, we were deeply attracted by her story. From time to time in the class, the applause sounded, and even the teacher couldn't help but give her a thumbs up!


The game was over, and the teacher announced the results. I did not rank the first place. Hey, who made me not pay attention to accumulation? I secretly determined that in the future, I must read more, watch more, say moreLet's be beckoning to me first!

多彩的活动作文 篇7


When we learned that we could go to the playground in the afternoon, we were so excited that we jumped one by one, and the pan suddenly exploded.This is exchanged for our two weeks of excellent performance!


Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, finally looking forward to the event class in the afternoon.Some of them brought badminton, some brought football, some brought skipping rope, and some were dazzling.


Teacher Zhang took us quietly to the playground.When I saw the playground, the classmates immediately cheered and looked at their opponents to play together.Look at there: Zhang Xinyue fiercely played, the badminton fell behind Chen Dan's behind, Chen Dan was going to get the ball. As a result, he accidentally tripped, causing us to make a laugh; look at it here: Zhang Dingwen and Zhao QiuIn fact, when the players of all parties, the opponent sent a ball, Zhang Dingwen was busy intercepting, but the ball was getting farther and farther, Zhang Dingwen was so anxious. Suddenly he was anxious, throwing his bag out, and the ball was blocked; in the endTake a look at this: Wang Chaoran, Teng Junci, and Zhong Yitian are all classmates in the basketball basket. This is stuck in some dumplings. Hao Meilan and Yang Haitian said, "Look at me!"Surge the sister -in -law, ah!Not only did their sister -in -law have not been stuck, but they also set off the stuck dumplings ... The students were playing happily, like a bird that just flew freely.


I also played with my classmates.I threw the sister -in -law brought in the air, then caught it, and then threw it into the air and caught.People are pleasing to the eye.


Unconsciously, the underground get out of class bell started.All the classmates thoughtfully thought: "If you can play for a while. Oh! When will you take such a class again? It is estimated that it will take a long time. Oh!"


There is no banquet in the world, we should go back.Before leaving, I looked at the last glance of the beautiful playground and returned to the classroom reluctantly.