
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:59 | 来源:语文通



笔尖流出的故事优秀作文 篇1笔尖流出的故事作文300字 篇2福尔摩斯破密案 篇3笔尖流出的故事优秀作文 篇4笔尖流出的故事小学作文400字 篇5笔尖流出的故事优秀作文 篇6

笔尖流出的故事优秀作文 篇1


In a campus full of lilac flowers, there is a very naughty student named Zhang Ming, a monitor Wang Hanbing who works very vigorously, and of course, a young class teacher Li Jun who is full of vitality.


This morning, as usual, everyone walked into the classroom and sat on the seats, but the naughty bag Zhang Ming had committed the mischievous spirit again. Not only did he not read in the morning, but he also put his legs on the desks. At this time, Wang Hanbing, the monitor, finally couldn't help it. He rushed forward and threw Zhang Ming's leg down, saying, "Put your leg down and study hard! If you don't obey me, I'll call you a teacher." Zhang Ming was still reluctant, with his head lying on the desk. Seeing this, Wang Hanbing immediately reported to the head teacher, Li Jun. Teacher Li was not angry, but smiled and said he would come to see me.


After a while, Wang Hanbing brought Zhang Ming. The teacher said to Wang: "Wang Hanbing, please go out first." Then he took Zhang Ming to the lilacs outside the door and walked on the path surrounded by lilacs. Teacher Zhang Mingjian was more afraid of him when he didn't say anything about him. At the end of the journey, Teacher Li said to him, "I used to be the same as you when I was a child, but you see I'm studying hard now. Did I get into the normal school? So your brain is very smart. Come on, you can!" From then on, Zhang Ming never made trouble again.

笔尖流出的故事作文300字 篇2


Growth is like a colorful flower, accompanying me through my childhood. Some are happy, some are distressed, some are sad, some are sad, and some are painful. Everyone's growth is different. Everyone's growth has some unforgettable things. I have. Let me start with hot spring.


I was only nine years old at that time. I remember that it was a Sunday. My mother, father and brother were celebrating the New Year at my grandmother's house. My father said to go to the hot spring. I don't know what the hot spring is? I'm curious. What is a hot spring? I've been thinking about a question all the way? I didn't know what a hot spring was until I arrived. A hot spring is a hot water with something added, such as petals, leaves, etc.


The first time I saw a hot spring, I put my feet into the water. I felt the soles of my feet were warm. I thought it would be OK to go down alone in such shallow water, but I still didn't dare to go down. When I saw that they all went down, I got up the courage to go down. I put my feet down little by little, and I felt very interesting when I was sinking and floating.


At that time, I felt that one should try everything and not stop. You must try, or you will keep turning around and others will be able to help you.

福尔摩斯破密案 篇3


At three o'clock in the morning, Holmes had just returned home from solving the case and was ready to have a good rest. At that time, his mobile phone rang, and a car accident occurred in Canglong Mountain. He was unable to solve the case at present. Please hurry up.


Holmes rushed to the scene and saw that the area around the accident had been surrounded by the police with a cordon. Holmes showed his certificate and entered the scene. He found that the person was unconscious and had not yet woken up, but there were two boxes of soda water at the scene. Holmes suspected that the case was related to soda water.


The next day, the man in the car accident woke up. He hurried to visit. The man said, "Do you often drink the soda water that Amway bought that day?" "Yes." Is that bottle of water there now? "I don't know."


Holmes seemed to have something in mind. He hurried to see the trash can. Sure enough, the trash bag had been replaced. He hurried to the big trash can outside the gate. There was really half a bottle of soda water, which was tested to contain the ingredients of sleeping pills.


He called Amway, but Amway couldn't help Sherlock Holmes, so he had to. "He fired my father." At this time, the driver of the car accident said, "If your father hadn't embezzled public funds, I wouldn't have fired him." Amway listened and sat down on the ground.


The mystery case was finally solved.

笔尖流出的故事优秀作文 篇4


The small tip of the pen is unusual, and every stroke is legendary. Zhang Shun is white in the waves, Song Jiang is rainy in time, and Lin Chong is leopard head... These are all the contributions of the little pen tip. Now let's follow my pen to see my story.


It was a Sunday morning. I had just finished my homework. When I came downstairs, I suddenly heard a hissing noise. I was curious to see that it was a little boy picking up garbage. He was wearing a tattered sweater, and his foot was missing a shoe. I saw him picking up the garbage bottle with his left hand and the bag with his right hand, picking it up gently, as if afraid of making a noise. Suddenly, he seemed to find something precious. He squatted up and turned something over. He was so focused that he didn't even notice me when I walked to his back. I looked at him curiously and said to myself, "Isn't this the Reader I just threw away this morning?" He immediately stood up and looked at me. His face was full of vigilance and suspicion. Soon, he turned to leave. I called out "Wait a minute" and hurried home. I picked up the book I had read and gave it to him. His eyes were moist and he said "Thank you". He left in a hurry until I could not see him


Boys and girls, as the saying goes, "The pen makes flowers.". That is to say, compare the various stories that flow out! If you have any stories, please write them!

笔尖流出的故事小学作文400字 篇5


At dusk in winter, the cold wind was howling in the street where cars were coming and going. A skinny dog was shivering in a cardboard box full of holes.


Lu Tian just passed here after school. He suddenly turned around and saw it with the help of weak light. The dog whimpered and Lu Tian ran away.


Lu Tian quickened his pace as if something was chasing him.


When Lu Tian arrived home, he was already sweating heavily. He threw down his schoolbag, ran to the piggy bank, and eagerly opened it. "Lu Tian is back..." His mother hasn't finished speaking, and Lu Tian has disappeared.


"Wang --"

"Wang --"

"Hoo hoo" The cold wind swept over the dog's body, and the cold and hunger became more fierce. At this moment, the figure came running. The dog gave a weak cry: "Woof --"


But that figure did not stay. The dog hopelessly closed his eyes and waited for death to come.


Lutian kept running to the supermarket.


"Tata tata. Hey!"


What did the dog hear. Is death coming? It tried to open its eyes.


"Here, puppy, eat quickly." Lu Tian looks at the dog carefully and reaches out to touch its head.


It's ham sausage! "Oh wow -" the little dog cried in surprise. "Bata, Bata" finished the food.


"Wang --"

"Wang --"


"Hmm? Do you want to go home with me?"


"Bark, bark --"


"Come on!"


"Wang --"

"Wang --"


"You can call it Duoduo later!"


At dusk, a sunny boy with a puppy was walking in the street where cars were coming and going

笔尖流出的故事优秀作文 篇6


In a moonlit village, there lived a lovely and kind boy, Iron Egg, and his grandfather. Because Tiedan's parents work in other places, and his grandfather is also old and sick, he and his grandfather are inseparable from each other all day.


On Monday night, it was Tiedan's birthday. He was very happy because he could see his cousin. His cousin said, "Your parents are living in a beautiful big city. Do you want to live with them?" Iron Egg thought for a moment and said, "Cousin, I won't go to that city because my grandpa is in his hometown. I don't trust him." My cousin said, "After your birthday, I'll go back and tell your parents," and Tiedan said, "OK." Because Tiedan loved reading, his cousin brought him books and birthday cake. Tiedan was very happy. After the birthday, he said: "This is the best birthday I have ever had.


On Tuesday morning, he and his grandfather went to the village park to see people dancing in the square. They had a good time in the park. At noon, Grandpa made delicious Longevity Noodles and fried rice with eggs for Tiedan. They ate with great relish.


Iron Egg couldn't sleep that night, so he let Grandpa tell him the story. Iron Egg fell asleep when he listened to it, and Grandpa also fell asleep.


I appreciate Iron Egg because he knows to respect and accompany the elders