
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:12 | 来源:语文通



快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇1快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇2快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇3快乐的六一节作文 篇4快乐的六一节作文 篇5快乐的六一节作文 篇6


Happy composition for International Children's Day 篇1


Happy composition for International Children's Day


Happy composition for International Children's Day。在这个属于我们的节日中,爸爸妈妈和老师不阻止我们,让我们尽情的玩耍。在这一天中,我过得十分开心。下面就是我整理出的快乐事情。


In the morning, I walked into the school gate with a happy mood; Listen, everywhere is full of laughter. We are not bad either. The explosion of balloons and the slapstick sound are combined. When I entered the classroom, I hurriedly summoned the performers to dress up. After dressing up, I only listened to "celebrate the June 1st, and the artistic performance starts now!" There was thunderous applause from the audience. The students' programs are very wonderful: there are good dramas, funny sketches, jokes, brain wrenching brain turns, and wonderful magic After watching all kinds of programs, it's really amazing!


Happy composition for International Children's Day》。同学们玩完这项,又迫不及待地去玩下一个项目,好不热闹!我在人群中寻找着适合我的项目。这时,我被一个摊前挤满了人的项目吸引住了,我跑过去一看,发现那些人都在猜IQ题。“IQ题,有意思!”我跑上前去拿了一张纸条,一看,太简单了!我立刻把纸条伸过去,对那位老师报出自己的答案。她迅速给了我一张奖票。我想“票这么容易拿,不拿白不拿,再拿一张!”就这样,我在她那儿赢了4次,可是跟我一样想法的人太多了。


Time flies, and the happy garden party soon ends. The students happily return to the classroom, tell their experiences, show off and compare their own things, and see that other students have gained so much.

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇2


In the sunny morning, we ushered in the International Children's Day, which is my children's festival. I am very happy! The weather is also particularly awesome, sunny, cloudless!


Mom said that she could take me out to play in the afternoon. I thought for a while. I haven't been to Prince Bay Park for a long time. Let's go there! After lunch, we took the bus to the park. The Prince Bay Park in June is really beautiful. There are green grass, green trees and green lakes everywhere! There are also various statues and buildings!


We crossed the path, crossed the bridge, and came to the place where there was a waterfall. That was my favorite place! The water flow there is very fast, and the water splashes. The white water drops are like pearls. They are very beautiful! Below the current is the clear lake water. The water lines on the water surface are like silks and satins, which are extremely silky! The underwater plants are swaying in the water, and the reflection of the trees is really enjoyable! My mother and I squatted down and washed our hands with the water. It was so cold that we felt the whole body was cool. It was so comfortable!


Then, we visited other scenic spots and were ready to go home.


On the way to the bus stop, we also passed a place called "Zhuangyuanfang", where my mother took a picture of me and wished I could go to a good university when I grew up! I thought: I will study hard and become a knowledgeable person in the future!


Before I got home, my mother invited me to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken and my favorite ice cream!


"International Children's Day", how happy you are!

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇3


This year's Children's Day is the happiest! The school organized colorful games. I played "stool grabbing", "table tennis", etc. I like the game of "Stool" best.


The teacher first prepared six chairs, and then announced the rules of the game: seven people were selected to turn around the chair. When the teacher said stop, he stopped to grab the stool. Those who did not sit on the stool were eliminated. Then he took off one chair, and the remaining six people grabbed five chairs. In this way, we will gradually eliminate those who fail to grab a stool. The last one left won.


The game officially started, and the students were eager to try. The teacher selected the first seven students, including me. We were nervous and excited. The teacher gave a command: "Start!" We turned around the stool and suddenly the teacher shouted, "Stop!" At this time, we quickly went to grab the stool. As a result, one of the students was a little bit slow, didn't get a seat, and was eliminated. One round at a time, I was the most responsive, and I grabbed the stool and won the final victory. I'm so happy!


Children's Day is really happy.

快乐的六一节作文 篇4


In the morning, I got up at 5:30, because today I will go to my father-in-law's vegetable field to play. After ten minutes of driving, I finally came to the vegetable field. Wow! There are so many dishes here! There are lovely eggplants, charming peppers, green cucumbers


I saw a small muddy pond near my father-in-law's vegetable plot. In fact, it might as well be called stagnant water. I asked my mother-in-law, why is there a pool of stagnant water here? My mother-in-law said, "I don't know."


Soon it was half past ten. My father-in-law said, "We should go home. At the end of August, I asked you and your brother to harvest peanuts together."


The happy morning has passed!


In the afternoon, my mother-in-law took me to pick plums. When I got to the plum tree, my mother-in-law asked me to take her sun umbrella and she went to play with plums. In this way, the sun umbrella becomes a basket. However, plums always fall on me. My life is so hard! After a while, an eleven year old boy and his father came to the plum tree together. The father did not bring any tools, but he climbed up the plum tree to pick plums.


Before long, my mother-in-law and I thought we had picked enough plums, so we went home.


I'm so happy today!

快乐的六一节作文 篇5


Early in the morning, I heard a clear voice from a child outside the window: "Great, great, International Children's Day has finally arrived!" I felt extremely happy.


But when my father and I went out for a run in the morning, our mood became very bad. "What a terrible weather! It's still raining on June 1. The weather forecast says it's sunny today. How can we have a get-together when it rains?" I complained.


After breakfast, the rain stopped. My International Children's Day can still be passed. Therefore, I am happy to prepare the things needed for the get-together.


When I walked into the campus, I found that the normally quiet campus was now full of laughter and laughter. When I walked into the classroom, I saw that all the students were chatting and talking in full swing. Some said they went to grandma's house to play on June 1, some said they would learn to make cakes, and some said they were talking about June 1 anyway.


In previous years, the June 1st School held a get-together, and this year is no exception. When all the teachers and students of the school gathered together, and when the principal announced the official start of the June 1 get-together, I saw that all the students showed happy smiles, which made them more lovely. I also smiled happily.


The second program of the get-together was "The Descendants of the Dragon" sung by Wu Junjie of our class. As soon as he walked onto the stage, our class's team heard warm applause. Finally, he successfully completed his singing in our applause.


The next program is more exciting, with flute solo, beautiful melody, intoxicating; There are dancers. They dance lightly, just like little swallows... After waiting for a long time, it's finally my show. I'm excited and nervous. I think while singing, is it out of tune? is it pleasant to hear? This program ended in my thoughts one after another and won warm applause. I am very happy.


The day of June 1 passed in an instant, but it left a deep impression on me, because I had a very happy day today!

快乐的六一节作文 篇6


As we all know, "June 1" is a special day, also called Children's Day.


In this day, everyone had a good time! Because the teacher and the family committee bought us a lot of food: fruit, milk, cake! The school arranged that the teacher in charge of the class organize us to have activities without having classes. Today, we are so happy that we can all have enough food. The teacher taught us not to throw rubbish at random, and each of us should bring a garbage bag. The teacher's method is very good.


Because of the epidemic situation, we can not hold the "June 1" performance on campus. But we are still celebrating the June Day in 2022 in the classroom, which is very different this time. Although the classroom is narrower, we are still very happy.


When I came to the school in the morning, I stepped into the classroom door and saw the dance hall and many decorations. For example: colorful balloons, ribbons, and flowers hanging on the ceiling.


Our first activity in the morning was to sing the National Anthem and the Young Pioneers' Team Song in a chorus, followed by Liu Zihan performing Latin dance, followed by Ling Siting performing Hulusi and reciting. The wonderful performances dazzled me. Unfortunately, I didn't participate in the performance. The whole morning passed like this. Everyone was still immersed in the wonderful performance, and the teacher urged us to queue up again.


The afternoon is the most exciting "Food Festival". We ate a lot of good things this afternoon. For example: "The students brought their own food, fruits, snacks... The teacher and the family committee bought cakes, cookies, orange juice, Sprite, and the teacher kept giving us food, and finally gave us a piece of cake. It was just like the New Year, very happy.


This June Day is very special! Very happy, too!