The Mid -Autumn Festival is the traditional festival I love the most. This day is the day when the family is reunited.Thinking of the family while eating the moon cake and the scenery of the moon, how good it is!
The long -awaited Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, so I have been excited for a whole day!I looked around and finally looked forward to the night.Our family held hands and walked towards the Huayuan opposite the residential area.Today's starry sky is very clear. The moon is hung in the night sky like a white jade plate. All the big cities are shrouded in the shallow light sources of the moon. Everything seems to be wearing a layer of milky tulle.We found a row of chairs in the park and looked up at the dark night sky. The stars were hiding in the clouds. There was only one round of white bright moon "duty" in the night sky. The stars also went to celebrate the Mid -Autumn Festival.IntersectionThis moon is also lonely!It made me think of these people who couldn't go home for various reasons for reasons. Are they missing their families on this day?Then take more time to get together with your family!
Smelling the shallow osmanthus flowers, eating moon cakes, seeing a large, round, and bright moon, appreciating the beautiful scenery, and the surroundings are silent. Suddenly, a loud noise got rid of the calmness and frightened me, and finally slowed down. It turned out to be the firework party in the Century Park! There is a firework passing through the sky like a meteor, "How beautiful!" Everyone couldn't help praising the Tao. "Look at it! There is another 'comet'! Everyone everyone makes a wish!" I screamed to my parents. I closed my eyes, closed my hands, and made a good wish. "Pap ---" The beautiful fireworks bloom in the night sky, red, yellow, blue, purple ... colorful; fireworks can be described as different shapes! Some are like yellow chrysanthemums that are open to the outside world, some like a bright smile at everyone, and some are like a red flag to welcomes the wind ... until the fireworks evening come to an end, everyone should go home, but this night's Every moment is deeply reflected in my mind ... If each year of the Mid -Autumn Festival can spend with my parents, it would be great!
Mid -Autumn Festival!You are a festival for family members; Mid -Autumn Festival!You are a happy source; Mid -Autumn Festival!You are the most loved traditional festival in my heart!
I am still in my lonely and lonely small house, looking at the dark sky, a breeze opened the cover of the clouds, you spilled the shallow moonlight all over the ground, and then stunned before the ground.Between today, it is the Mid -Autumn Festival.
Inadvertently, there is a bustling night in this quiet night. Everyone holds a moon cake in their hands, sitting in the room, eating moon cakes while enjoying the cowardly moon in the sky, I don’t know if I do n’t knowTalking with a smile in the photo of the moonlight.
The wide field changed the silence of the past, and each household celebrated.Dad and I experience the slight warmth of moonlight in the autumn rain of Xiaose.Suddenly, my father's words asked me more firmly that I learned the confidence in training and training.Dad said, "Look, how round the moon is in the sky, you are like this round moon. You only need to have a little regret. This round of full moon is not as easy as the ultimate. Therefore, you need to take learning training as your learning as your learning.The motivation for no regrets in the road of life. "I responded simply: "Well."Actually, there are many things to say to my dad in my heart.However, I still stood up, returned to my bedroom, and made a question about the case. At first glance, the watch was 10 o'clock.At this time, the phoenix birds returned to the nest, and the moonlight faded away; the separation, the moon is round, it is hateful but happy, and there are tens of millions of moods."".
In the Mid -Autumn Festival, I like your twisted, and love your innocent and simple heart!
1、中秋:中秋读音为zhōng qiū,是指即“中秋节”:月到中秋分外明。 农历八月十五日会中秋。——清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》中秋 zhōng qiū词典解释:即“中秋节”:月到中秋分外明。[mid-autumn] 农历八月十五日会中秋。——清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》分词解释:分外:①本分以外:分外事|不务分外之赏。②副词。表示程度高:久别重逢,分外高兴|月到中秋分外明。中秋节:中国汉族等民族的传统节日。在每年夏历八月十五日。这一天,民间有合家团圆、吃月饼、赏月的习俗。● 秋(鞦) qiū ㄑㄧㄡˉ◎ 一年的第三季:秋季。秋景。秋水(喻人的眼睛,多指女子的)。秋波(喻美女的眼睛)。三秋(a.指秋收、秋耕、秋播;b.指三年)。秋高气爽。◎ 庄稼成熟的时期:麦秋。◎ 指一年:千秋万代。◎ 指某个时期(多指不好的)。多事之秋。◎ 姓。◎ 一种运动和游戏用具称“秋千”。● 中 zhōng ㄓㄨㄥˉ◎ 和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:中心。当(dàng)中。中原。中华。◎ 在一定范围内,里面:暗中。房中。中饱。◎ 性质或等级在两端之间的:中辍(中途停止进行)。中等。中流砥柱。◎ 表示动作正在进行:在研究中。◎ 特指“中国”:中式。中文。◎ 适于,合于:中看。● 中 zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ◎ 恰好合上:中选。中奖。中意(会意,满意)。◎ 受到,遭受:中毒。中计。◎ 科举考试被录取:中举。中状元。...中秋怎么造句,用中秋造句»
2、夜里:夜里读音为yè lǐ,是指从天黑到天亮的一段时间。 指夜晚;晚间夜里 yè lǐ词语解释:从天黑到天亮的一段时间。[between two days;at night] 指夜晚;晚间分词解释:天亮:1.指太阳将要露出地平线﹐天空发出光亮的时候。 2.谓秉性贞信。天黑:1.天色黑暗。 2.指黄昏时分。● 里(裏) lǐ ㄌㄧˇ◎ 居住的地方:故里。返里(回老家)。◎ 街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):里弄(lòng )。◎ 中国市制长度单位:一里(等于五百米)。里程牌。◎ 衣物的内层:被里。◎ 内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:里外。心里。这里。那里。◎ 姓。● 夜 yè ㄧㄝˋ◎ 天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:夜晚。日日夜夜。夜阑(夜将尽时)。夜盲。夜幕。夜宵。夜话。夜袭。夜行(xíng )。夜战。...夜里怎么造句,用夜里造句»
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