
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:48 | 来源:语文通



游南京海底世界作文 篇1海底世界作文300字 篇2南京海底世界作文 篇3海底世界作文300字 篇4游南京海底世界作文 篇5奇妙的海底世界作文 篇6

游南京海底世界作文 篇1


During the winter vacation, my mother, aunt, and I went to Nanjing to play. We went to the underwater world I hope for a long time.


When I came to the ticket office of the Underwater World, my mother and aunt suddenly had a new decision, and let me take my brother to visit the underwater world.This gives me a sacred mission, my brother is only six years old, which means that I have to take care of this younger brother while playing.I thought about it, "Well, let me be a guide for my brother today." After taking the ticket to hold my brother's hand and walked to the entrance ticket office.


I followed the introduction of the ticket, and my brother came to the Dolphin Hall first, and was catching up with the performance time. First of all, the cute little seal, I saw his "hands" fist, and then slowly closed, straightened his waist, raised his head, and worshiped us a big "year". At this time, the trainer threw three colorful circles with a sound, and the seal jumped into the water with a thunderbolt, caught the circle without a bad way. Returning to the trainer immediately raised the circle in his mouth, and the trainer rewarded it to a few small fish. Just as Xiao Haipeng was eating fish, the trainer accidentally threw the color ball again. I pinched and sweat for the little seal. I haven't finished eating the fish. Why did I throw the color ball again? Unexpectedly, the little seal was very vigilant and caught the ball beautifully. Win the warm applause of the audience. Then the smart dolphin came to play, and the dolphins jumped a "ocean jump dance" as a ceremony for us. The trainer on the stage commanded with whistle, and the dolphins heard the password and started performing. They showed a beautiful dancing posture for a while; they touched the ball on the ceiling with their tails for a while; for a while, they naughtyly picked the water, splashing the water splash of the trainer's face, and the wonderful performance won warm applause.


Unconsciously, my brother and I came to the bottom of the sea again.As soon as I entered the tunnel, I couldn't help but "wow". In the tunnel, I looked around, and I saw dozens of strange marine creatures.Under the blue ocean lights, it seems that I am in the ocean. This feeling of immersiveness makes people feel refreshed and excited!


Here, I also saw a huge polar bear; the cute and cute Arctic fox; the emperor penguin with a big belly ...


Marine creatures are in various poses, strange and moving, making me sincerely love!

海底世界作文300字 篇2


After eating in the morning, I racked my brains to do what tabloids should be done. I think, if you have a good idea, you might as well choose the leaves.So I went downstairs to pick up leaves, and a burst of breeze in the garden, all kinds of leaves fell from the tree, there were maple leaves that fell down, forming a red path, and many colors of paths, such as the roads of color, such as the path of color, such as the roads of color, such as the roads of color, such as a small road, such as a path of color. For example,The yellow path ... I picked up a few leaves on every path. At this time, I was just inspired. You see, there is a kind of leaves like tongue tail fish, some like fish, and you can take a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and a piece of round leaves and canBut what name is it?I think: "Since there are so many marine life, it is called" Underwater World "." Okay. "Mom said that the name is good, including the meaning of the whole picture.


In this small production, I moved my brain again and again, and I tasted fun. I really didn't expect that there were many happy things in the production picture.

南京海底世界作文 篇3


Today is my happiest day, because today I want to visit Nanjing Underwater World.


As soon as the gate of the underwater world, the first thing that came into view was a huge specimen. This is 2 meters wide and 3 meters long. As soon as I saw this 鲾鲼 specimen, I thought people would definitely costA lot of energy, catch it, and make it into specimens.We can't wait to enter the next exhibition hall.In the aquarium here, the colorful fish swim freely.The "clown cannon" and "artillery shells" pouted their mouths, and the fins shake and shake, very clumsy."The devil knife" is black and black, the body is flat, from the beginning to the end, it is narrower, the tail is sharp, and the whole body looks like a terrible devil knife.Electric eels are jealous of us, as if to send high -voltage currents to drive us away.


Unconsciously, we came to another exhibition hall. Our eyes were very busy. Unknown fish swim in front of us, carefree.


What animals are there in the next exhibition hall?We walked in curiously. It turned out that this is the Penguin Pavilion.You see, the little guy who came from afar seemed to have adapted to the life here, playing freely.Continue to move forward, we come to a small exhibition hall, don't look at the small, but there are strange sea animals -鲎.Is very useful, its meat can be eaten.The shape of the , is very interesting, the hard shell, a pair of small eyes, many small thorns on both sides of the crustal, and a sharp long tail.


To enter the simulated underwater corridor, I first went in, and I saw the small fish swimming from us. The sharks were passing by from the top of our head.roaming.After a while we walked out of the promenade, I really wanted to look at the underwater corridor again, but the time was limited, and we could only set foot on the return journey.


Goodbye, beautiful Nanjing Underwater World!

海底世界作文300字 篇4


Speaking of the underwater world, I don't think everyone will be unfamiliar. The country is a strange animal in the underwater world.Just during this holiday, our family went to the underwater world in Xiamen to play once.


As soon as I arrived, I saw a huge crab, which was called crab, which could hold it up to 4 meters.It lives in the Japanese waters and is the largest crab in the world.


I saw Nautilus. Introduction to the introduction, the submarine was learned by Nautilus.Turning around, we went to the underwater tunnel.As soon as I entered, I saw a group of clown fish swimming around. Suddenly, a electric eel passed from our head. It can be said that it is immersive.There are a few electric eels upstream on the upstream of the head to shark ...


It didn't take long for us to get out of the sea tunnel.We came to the Biological Exhibition Hall.There are hippocampus, sea dragons, crocodiles, giant bone tongue fish ... Among them, what I am most interested in is the toad fish.It can be lying on the stone or on the tree or in the water.I heard that Dad said that it may be done by the frog without evolution ...


I like the underwater world, and I will come to play again when I have time.

游南京海底世界作文 篇5


Today is my happiest day, because today I want to visit Nanjing Underwater World.


As soon as the gate of the underwater world, the homepage is the specimen of the whale that has been huge. This whale oil is 2 meters wide and 3 meters long. When I see this whale specimen, I think people must have spent a lot of effort., Catch it and make it into a specimen.We can't wait to enter the next exhibition hall.In the aquarium here, the colorful fish swim freely."Clown cannon" and "artillery shells" juvenile their mouths, and their fins shake, very clumsy."Devil's Sword" is black and black, with flat body, from beginning to end, narrower, tail sharp, the whole body is like a terrible devil knife.Electric eels are jealous of us, as if to send high -voltage currents to drive us away.


Unconsciously, we came to another exhibition hall, and our eyes were very busy.Unknown fish swim in front of us and carefree.


What animals are there in the next exhibition hall?We walked in curiously. It turned out that this is the Penguin Pavilion.You see, the little guy who came from the distance seemed to have adapted to the life here and played freely.Continue to move forward, we come to a small exhibition hall, don't look at the small, but peculiar marine animals, sharks.Shark is very useful, its meat can be eaten.The shape of the shark is very interesting, the hard shell, a pair of small eyes, many small thorns on both sides of the crustal, and a sharp long tail.


To enter the simulated underwater corridor, I first went in, and I saw the small fish in groups from our side. The sharks were passing over from time to time.roaming.After a while we walked out of the promenade, I really wanted to look at the underwater corridor, but the time was limited, and we could only set foot on the return journey.


Goodbye, beautiful Nanjing Underwater World.

奇妙的海底世界作文 篇6


"Bang Bang! Bang Bang!"


A cheerful knock on the door, awakening me from a sweet sleep."Who?" I opened my dim eyes and yawned while opening the door ... Huh!As soon as I opened the door, the sea water rushed up, and I became a "falling chicken"!


Alas, I press the door again!I forgot myself to survive in the sea again!Fortunately, there is another waterproof facility in the room, otherwise I will move again.It turned out that a good friend Dingdang took her friend to visit my house.Okay, let me introduce it!


Now that technology is developed, human beings are living on the bottom of the sea!


The underwater room is built with glass. The blue sea water and colorful small fish are natural wallpapers.But you can rest assured that you will not be "soaked" in the water.Because all the rooms in the underwater are waterproof and pumping facilities, once your room is like me just now, a advanced facility (this facility is a national confidential technology, it is not easy to pass)Dowry the water.Of course, the room will definitely not enter the water easily.Because the door and every corner of each room must be affixed with a film (this is also a patent for confidentiality of the country).With this membrane, the liquid cannot enter directly, but it can easily enter and exit water, animals and plants, and some non -biological solids, which is amazing!


Our furniture is purchased from marine furniture stores.The furniture there is all made of a transparent imitation glass.Made in this material is as transparent as glass, but also harder than glass!


Our water uses water to convert seawater into fresh water that can be directly consumed through the water purifier, and the domestic garbage generated by the home is also transformed into a marine microorganism through biochemical facilities!Try to prevent chemical materials here, all materials must be derived from the ocean, and then return to the ocean after use!


The happiest thing is that once you register as a "marine resident", you can use "marine currency" (some foods that some marine creatures love to eat) to buy dolphins or sea crickets as your friends and transportation.If you don't want dolphins and sea crickets, you can also get a "Ocean Bus IC Card" and take the sea whale directly to swim the underwater world!


How about, my ocean home is good, wait for you to take you on the bottom of the sea next time!