
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:16 | 来源:语文通



中秋节优秀作文 篇1中秋节的作文 篇2中秋节的作文 篇3中秋节作文200字集 篇4写中秋节作文 篇5中秋节的作文 篇6中秋节的作文 篇7中秋节作文200字集 篇8中秋节的作文 篇9

中秋节优秀作文 篇1


Tonight, the autumn wind is cool, and Yuelang is sparse.A different party was held in Longshan Park -a total of the Mid -Autumn Festival Literature and Art Gala.There are crowds of people there, very lively.


The party started. The actors first performed the dance "military and civilian affection", and then brought everyone wonderful programs such as songs and dances, allegro.Their beautiful dancing and beautiful singing (www..cn) won applause from the audience.Especially for the elderly instrument joints, everyone likes it. Some of them are drumming and some.Knocking gongs, and some blowing suona. Although the instruments used are different, the rhythm is very consistent.I think even the Grandpa and Grandpa Yutu in the world applaud for them.Finally, the party ended in the dance "singing motherland".


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is really unforgettable.

中秋节的作文 篇2


Today is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. In the evening, my mother prepared a large table of abundant dishes, as well as fruits and beverages, which I like to eat.The family gathered together, eating reunion dinner, and listened to Grandpa's story about the Mid -Autumn Festival.


After dinner, our family went to the balcony to enjoy the moon. At this time, the moon had hung high in the sky, like a ball, a jade plate, and a mirror. Suddenly, I thought of a song written by the poet Li Bai ""Gu Langyue Xing": "I don't know the moon in the hour, call as a white jade plate, and I suspect that Yao Terrace is in the Qingyun." My mother also said the legend of Sister Chang'e, I seemed to see the beautiful Sister Chang'e in the moon,dance to tune.


We eat sweet fruits and moon cakes while enjoying this beautiful night view.Ah, today is really an unforgettable holiday!

中秋节的作文 篇3


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here. This is a reunion day.In the evening, after Xiao Ming and his father finished reunion dinner, his mother brought moon cakes, and the Xiaoming family slowly tasted.


The soft moonlight is reflected on the balcony, which is the soft moonlight.Suddenly, Xiaoming blinked his eyes and asked: "Dad, Dad, Sister Chang'e and Jade Rabbit is also eating moon cakes?" Dad looked at Xiaoming with a smile and shook his head and said, "Look, what else can you think of such a beautiful moonlight?Dad, I thought of a poem: Ming Yueguang in front of the bed, suspected to be on the ground.Looking at the Mingyue, he bowed his head to his hometown.Mom and Dad gave a thumbs up and said, "You are awesome!" Xiaoming smiled shyly.


This is really an interesting Mid -Autumn Festival!Unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节作文200字集 篇4


Tomorrow is the Mid -Autumn Festival.


What you buy is: first, of course, the moon cakes to be eaten in the Mid -Autumn Festival, but vegetables and meat, the third is drinking red wine


Everything is bought, just wait for the Mid -Autumn Festival tomorrow.


I look forward to the long Mid -Autumn Festival.


At noon, my mother made a rich table, poured red wine and juice, adults drink red wine, and children drink fruit juice.Let's talk and laugh, everyone opened the killing, and the delicious dishes were destroyed by us.


In the evening, my family and I ate moon cakes while watching the moon while watching the moon.I was still missing grandma and relatives in the distance, and I suddenly remembered a word, "I think about my relatives every festival."

写中秋节作文 篇5


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. Without moon cakes, you will give you knowledge.Now let me talk about the origin of the Mid -Autumn Festival.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is to commemorate Chang'e, because Houyi asked the mother and mother to ask for an unbelievable medicine, and the villain wanted to take the immortal medicine to become a immortal, so he mixed it in. One day, Houyi went out to hunt, and he was pretending to be sick.Don't move, after Houyi left, Peng Meng held the sword to threaten Chang'e to surrender the immortal medicine. At the critical moment, Chang'e took the immortal medicine, and his body began to float up.


In the evening, Houyi came back and knew about things, so he went to kill Pengmeng.After the future generations knew this, they put on honey food in the back garden.The Mid -Autumn Festival is a day of reunion, so we went to the grandmother and grandfather's family to reunite yesterday, and delivered moon cakes.

中秋节的作文 篇6


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of our country, a day of reunion, and a happy festival.


This Mid -Autumn Festival gathered with grandma, grandpa, and aunt's family.Mom is busy preparing a delicious food for us in the kitchen.On the dinner table, we talked about the sky.Sometimes my mother peeled my crabs, and my grandmother gave me fish. I was eating happily. Suddenly, I saw my sister's envy eyes. I quickly clamped a shrimp to my sister and said: Sister, you eat, I serve you.My sister smiled happily: Okay, it's my good brother.


Originally, after dinner, the family eats mooncakes to enjoy the moon in the sky, but the sky is not beautiful, and the moon cannot see the moon.I think that as long as the family can be healthy and happy together, it is the happiest.

中秋节的作文 篇7


In the evening of the Mid -Autumn Festival, my parents and I turned on the TV to watch the Mid -Autumn Festival show.After watching for a while, we opened a box of moon cakes and ate one by one.I asked Dad: Dad, when will the moon come out?Dad said mysteriously: The moon is in makeup, come out tomorrow.This sentence made the whole family laugh.Eating delicious moon cakes, I can't help thinking: Is there a large processing factory specializing in the moon cake for Chang'e and Jade Rabbit on the moon?


There is a sketch on the Moon on TV: A said: Why don't the moon visit us?B said: The moon jumps Disco in the ballroom.The family laughed again.After the sketch, the family laughed miserable.


After we finished eating a box of moon cakes, my belly felt full, as if I had eaten a moon!It's ten o'clock, I just feel a few minutes later!But I went to rest.

中秋节作文200字集 篇8


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. After dinner, our family came to the park early to wait for the moon to appear.After a while, a large and round "white jade plate" hung the clouds, and the bright moonlight came out on the ground, as if a layer of white frost, the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival was so beautiful!As we admire the beautiful moon, we listen to the story of Dad tell the Mid -Autumn Festival.Mom said, "Look! There is a shadow on the moon, like a tree?" Dad said like an old man, I said it would not be Chang'e!


In order to worship the legendary Chang'e, we also put on a few moon cakes on the balcony.When I went home, I was surprised to find that there was a few moon cakes less. Is Chang'e flying to our house?The Mid -Autumn Festival is really interesting.

中秋节的作文 篇9


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. My mother, my father and my brother and sister. We all returned to my hometown from Zhongmu County and prepared to spend the Mid -Autumn Festival with my grandparents.


In the evening, my mother was ready to make a lot of delicious food for us, but my grandma asked us to eat dumplings. I was a little disappointed. After a while, I was okay. To be honest, I also like dumplings.Before I did a good meal, my mother asked me to teach my sister to carry ancient poems. After a while, the meal was ready. Our family was happy to finish the round night meal.After dinner, I taught my sister to memorize her ancient poems. After teaching for a while, we took a bath and sleep.


I am very happy tonight.