
时间:2022-06-22 13:27:10 | 来源:语文通



When everything is sleeping, I am often awakened happily.Holding a cup of hot tea on the top of the building, sitting down quietly, looking up at the starry sky for a while, and remembered to live in.At night, what a wonderful moment, there is no greeting of everyone, no hustle and bustle of car whistle, the light wind is scratched for a while, bringing a slight coolness, the sound of the wind gently blowing the fallen leaves is the only sound in the night in the night.EssenceThe street lights beside the horse road stand, bringing a hint of glory to everyone on the road.


Drink a hot tea and take a deep breath, and you will feel the leisure that you can't feel in the day.The moonlight shines on me, as if wearing a silver gauze skirt. At this time, my heart is quiet, and there is an unspeakable experience in my heart.


Just sit down like this and enjoy the calmness brought by night.This calmness granted me poetic and painted, and the beautiful works came out of the night.


If the rainy days encountered, there is a strong wind at night, don't worry, don't worry, just be a star playing with you, and the wind is to let you sing.


This social development lacks quietness. Everyone hurried in order to better their overall goals, ignoring the happiness of daily life, and feel that you can always find it.Everyone happens to be the expectations of the Chinese nation. When you encounter frustration, you don't have to be discouraged. You must calm down in the melancholy days, firmly believe it!After all the happy days will arrive, one day, the electric fan of the sky will also be loudly because of you.



1、夜里:夜里读音为yè lǐ,是指从天黑到天亮的一段时间。 指夜晚;晚间夜里 yè lǐ词语解释:从天黑到天亮的一段时间。[between two days;at night] 指夜晚;晚间分词解释:天亮:1.指太阳将要露出地平线﹐天空发出光亮的时候。 2.谓秉性贞信。天黑:1.天色黑暗。 2.指黄昏时分。● 里(裏) lǐ ㄌㄧˇ◎ 居住的地方:故里。返里(回老家)。◎ 街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):里弄(lòng )。◎ 中国市制长度单位:一里(等于五百米)。里程牌。◎ 衣物的内层:被里。◎ 内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:里外。心里。这里。那里。◎ 姓。● 夜 yè ㄧㄝˋ◎ 天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:夜晚。日日夜夜。夜阑(夜将尽时)。夜盲。夜幕。夜宵。夜话。夜袭。夜行(xíng )。夜战。...夜里怎么造句,用夜里造句»

2、宁静:宁静读音为níng jìng,是指①安定;安宁:宁静四海|地方宁静。②安静;平静:心情宁静|宁静的灯光|宁静的月夜。宁静 níng jìng分词解释:①安定;安宁:宁静四海|地方宁静。②安静;平静:心情宁静|宁静的灯光|宁静的月夜。分词解释:平静:安定宁静:平静的黑夜|心情久久不能平静|水面平静得像镜子一样。心情:情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。安静:①没有声音;没有吵闹和喧哗;病人需要安静。②安稳平静:孩子睡得很安静。ㄧ过了几年安静生活。安宁:①秩序正常,没有骚扰:地方安宁ㄧ边境安宁。②(心情)安定;宁静:嘈杂的声音,使人不得安宁。灯光:1.灯的亮光。 2.指佛法的光辉。 3.指舞台上或摄影棚内的照明。...宁静怎么造句,用宁静造句»