
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:04 | 来源:语文通

2020年10月12日晚,全国少工委“从小学先锋 长大做先锋”少先队建队日主题网络直播活动开启!不晓得你们会有什么样的心得体会呢?下面是小编精心为大家整理的从小学先锋长大做先锋活动观后感(优秀8篇),希望可以启发、帮助到大家。


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关于从小学先锋长大做先锋观后感作文 篇1


When I stood on the headquarters with my classmates, when the big brothers and sisters put on red scarves for us, when we sang the national anthem and watched the national flag rise, when we stood under the national flag to swear... At that moment, I had deeply understood that I was a Young Pioneer, and the music accompanied me, giving me a kind of pride that I could not express in words.


From then on, the red scarf is my good friend. So I made a plan to wash the red scarf once a month and iron it after washing. Think of the past, I always did not pay attention to these things. There is one red scarf here and one red scarf there. I often can't find it. If I couldn't find them, I went to buy them. Later, I found a lot of old red scarves. I picked two cleaner ones and hung them in my wardrobe. But where should I put so many red scarves? I thought for a moment, why don't I wash them, iron them, find a box to put in, so that I can use endless red scarves, and don't buy them if I lose them! In this way, I got rid of the bad habit of littering red scarves.


Every Monday, the national flag is raised and red scarves are flying in the morning wind. I seem to see that everyone is devoting their talents and wisdom to the prosperity of our country from now on. I secretly made a decision: for the future of the motherland, in order to live up to the expectations of the people, I will study hard and contribute a little bit of strength to the motherland.


As a new generation of teenagers, it is the motherland and the people who raised me. I should dedicate myself to the motherland and the people. However, we must not stop talking, but more importantly, turn it into practical action. I remember a great man said, "Life is not enjoyment but struggle." I deeply feel that in order to make our country prosperous, I should set my ambition from childhood, study hard from now on, learn the ability to increase knowledge, and serve our country better when I grow up. The red scarf is my step forward.


Looking at the red scarf in front of me, I seem to see a person who is giving love and wisdom to the motherland. I seem to have heard the advice of our ancestors, the advice of our teachers and the footsteps of our motherland!


I feel a lot older, a lot

从小学先锋长大做先锋观后感 篇2

今天,是中国少年先锋队建队纪念日,是我们少先队员自己的节日, 在这个开心的日子里,我祝大家节日快乐,学习进步!

Today is the anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Young Pioneers. It is our own festival. On this happy day, I wish you all a happy holiday and progress in your studies!


Members, when you wear a bright red scarf, you will be a glorious member of the Chinese Young Pioneers. You should add a brilliant touch to the flying team flag! We should learn conscientiously and live a down-to-earth life.

每个少先队员都应该知道,我们少先队有着悠久的历史,在漫长的岁月中走过了一条光辉的道路。从童子团到儿童团到少先队,再到新中国成立后的少年儿童队、少年先锋队,都是始终如一地为革命准备着! 准备着不仅仅是口号,更是行动,无论是战争年代还是和平年代,少先队都是中国革命的参与者,并发挥了重要作用。

Every Young Pioneer should know that our Young Pioneers have a long history and have walked a glorious path in the long years. From the Boys' League to the Children's League to the Young Pioneers, to the Young Children's Team and the Young Pioneers after the founding of New China, they are always ready for the revolution! Preparations are not only slogans, but also actions. The Young Pioneers are all participants in the Chinese revolution and have played an important role in both war and peace years.


Under the guidance of the stars and torches, 71 years of glorious history has witnessed the emergence of many young heroes, outstanding team members, and top ten young people like the shining stars in the starry sky: the prairie hero sisters and Laining's loud names have been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every Chinese. Today, as the world enters a new era of rapid development and the motherland faces more competition and challenges, we feel the heavy burden on our shoulders. You are the flower, the future and hope of the motherland, and the young eagle of the new century. It is your duty to take the torch in the hands of our ancestors and work hard to make progress! You know, team members, you are the future and hope of the motherland, you are the young eagle of the new century, today, you are honing your wings; Tomorrow, you will fight in the sky! It is gold, and there is always time to shine; Is a rose, always in full bloom. I believe that with the care of our leaders and the efforts of our teachers, the Young Pioneers of our school will carry out more colorful activities, and the young pioneers of our school will be more healthy and motivated. Members, be ready at all times and work hard for the future of the Young Pioneers!

从小学先锋长大做先锋观后感 篇3


In October, we just saw off a sacred and great festival - the 71st birthday of our mother. Today, we have another festival of our own. Do you know what it is? October 13 ---- a special day like the birthday of the motherland: the founding day of the Chinese Young Pioneers. Students, with these two days, the autumn crisp October becomes hot, and the brilliant golden October becomes red. So in October, we have more expectations in our hearts and more blessings to convey.


The Young Pioneers of China is a children's organization established under the leadership of the CPC. After the founding of New China in 1949, the Chinese Children's Team was established on October 13, and was renamed the Chinese Young Pioneers in June 1953. Time flies. When we first entered the primary school, the scene that the teacher wore a bright red scarf for us was still vivid in our mind. The students' oath of "Study hard and make progress every day!" echoed in our ears. Today, the bright scarf still reflects our young face; The stars and torches still guide our way forward. The red scarf, which is the condensation of the blood of the heroes and martyrs, will always be the most beautiful color on our chest. "Ready" is not only a slogan, but also an action. Dear team members, may the red scarf on your chest be more red and colorful, and may your ambition be higher and farther. Study conscientiously, write in a proper way, and be a decent person.


Finally, I want to say that let's seize the opportunity of hope, hold the boat of destiny, lift the sun of tomorrow, and work hard for the future of the Young Pioneers! Let tomorrow be proud of us! Let Xixiao be proud of us.

从小学先锋长大做先锋观后感 篇4


The joy of celebrating the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China still ripples in my heart. Today, October 13, we are welcoming our own festival - the founding day of the Chinese Young Pioneers.


From the working boy regiment to the communist children's regiment, from the anti Japanese children's regiment to the underground Young Pioneers, to today's Chinese Young Pioneers. Young Pioneers. The glorious history shows us that the vigorous development of the Young Pioneers' cause is an important source of vitality for the Party's cause; The healthy growth of children is the hope of a country and a nation to be prosperous forever.


New members, you are the glorious Young Pioneers from today on. I am very proud of you when I look at the red scarves floating on your chest. On behalf of all the counselors and teachers, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you. May the red scarf fluttering in your chest always inspire you to study harder and use your own practical actions to win new glory for the red scarf and add luster to the team flag.


In today's society, science and technology have become the primary productive force. If we want to catch up with and surpass others, we must learn cultural knowledge well and report to the motherland with outstanding achievements. Look, in the superior learning environment of the Fourth Primary School, the majority of Young Pioneers work hard and study hard for a better tomorrow, but we also see that some members are spoiled, waste food, do not pay attention to hygiene and do not understand manners; Be afraid of hardship and difficulty in learning, and procrastinate in homework; If there is any conflict between students, they will fight and swear. Of course, we believe that these players will overcome their shortcomings and become good students with ideals, morality, culture and discipline. As the saying goes, every Young Pioneer should set his or her own ambition, learn from Lei Feng, study hard, and make progress day by day. Let's inherit the martyrs' will, climb the peak bravely, and be ready to build socialism.


On this team building day, under the five-star red flag, let's solemnly promise: "Be ready at all times, revitalize China, star torch, and pass on from generation to generation."

从小学先锋长大做先锋观后感 篇5


Teachers and students:


Since our parents' generation, there has been a saying of "three good students", which refers to "good moral character, good study and good health". It is needless to say that "good study and good health". Good moral character has a wide meaning. Love the motherland, respect teachers, unite classmates, good, brave and brave, etc. These traditional virtues should become the code of conduct for our pupils at any time.


Today, I want to focus on what new qualities we should have in the new era.


First of all, the new era is an era that emphasizes win-win cooperation. We should learn to cooperate and share. Everyone has his own bright spots, such as Zhang Yingshuang, Xi Jiaxuan, who is good at singing and dancing, who is diligent in learning and inquisitive, Qin Heyi, who is clever and skillful, and Wu Shujing, who is not afraid of hardship and tiredness when practicing taekwondo... As long as we give full play to our strengths, learn from each other and cooperate closely, our classes and schools will achieve better results!


The second innovation refers to "new knowledge" and "new skills". In this ever-changing era, "nanotechnology" and "artificial intelligence" have increasingly appeared in our lives. This requires us to pay more attention to and learn more new knowledge while learning existing knowledge, so as to lay a good foundation for becoming useful talents for the country and society in the future!


The third new is actually a platitude, that is, we should adhere to it more in the new era. Our current life is very superior. Mom and Dad have created a good living and learning environment for us. Sometimes we even open our mouths with food and clothes. This also makes us lazy and spoiled. We can't do anything hard and stick to it. But all success can not be obtained casually, it requires hard work! This year, I set three principles for myself: stick to exercise - skip rope for half an hour every day, stick to reading thousands of books - go to the library once a week, stick to traveling thousands of miles - and go to visit a historical celebrity with my parents every week. I believe that there will be unexpected gains if we persist in doing so!


Don't forget the "three good", let the traditional "three good students" become our benchmark,


Practice the "three new" and accumulate strength for future take-off!


Students, let's take action together and strive to be good teenagers in the new era!

“从小学先锋,长大做先锋”观后感 篇6


The joy of celebrating the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China still ripples in my heart. This week, we ushered in our own festival - the Day of the Founding of the Chinese Young Pioneers.


With the progress of the Republic, the Chinese Young Pioneers have passed_ The glorious course of years. From the Labor Boys' League to the Communist Children's League, from the Anti Japanese Children's League to the underground Young Pioneers, and even today's Chinese Young Pioneers, the glorious history of the Youth Teams shows us that the vigorous development of the Young Pioneers cause is an important source of vitality and vitality for the cause of the Party; The healthy growth of children is the hope of a country and a nation to be prosperous forever.


Young Pioneers, we are proud of you! Under the guidance of the Star Torch, generations of children have set up their ideals, cultivated their sentiments and thrived. Today, the young eagles of the new century are developing excellent skills. Under the guidance of the "five self" spirit, they study, exercise and practice hard. Aren't we the eagles fighting the storms tomorrow?


Young Pioneers, we are proud of you! Because our "small hands" have taken up the "big hands", a young eagle holiday team is active in the community, active in the rural field trails, active in the streets and alleys of the city, carrying out the practical activities of striving to be "small experts in science and technology".


Young Pioneers, we sing for you! Many young heroes emerge one after another. "In the new century, I can do it". Let's learn knowledge, develop skills, experience the fun of success, nurture great ideals, and develop good habits in schools, society, and nature.


Today, on behalf of all the Young Pioneers, please allow me to solemnly call out under the red team flag: "Be ready, revitalize China, star torch, and pass on from generation to generation."

从小学先锋长大做先锋观后感心得体会 篇7


I am #. Today is an unforgettable day for all our Young Pioneers, because we are here to hold a grand ceremony for new members to join the team. On behalf of all the old players, I would like to welcome the new players to join our advanced team. Our team has grown even stronger.


Friends of the new team members, from today on, you are an honorable Young Pioneer. I feel extremely happy and proud for you. May the red scarf on your chest always inspire you to make progress one after another.


All Young Pioneers, the red scarf floats on our chest every day. She is so bright red and shiny. Have you ever wondered why? You will not hesitate to say: bright red, because of the blood of the martyrs; Shiny, because it condenses the spirit of heroes.


Yes, the martyrs dyed our scarves red with their blood and laid the foundation for the Republic with their precious lives. The martyrs' achievements are immortal, their spirit is eternal, the Republic will not forget them, the people will not forget them, and we Young Pioneers will not forget them.


Our Young Pioneers are the "big family" of children and children, and the successors of the communist cause. As veteran members, we should set an example everywhere. We should not only be brave in learning, but also play a leading role in daily behavior and habits, and do a good job of ranking new members. At the same time, we should enthusiastically help new members learn the knowledge of the Young Pioneers, so that they can learn more about their own collective and know their responsibilities.


Here, I also sincerely hope that the new members will be proud to see the red scarf on their chest. At the same time, we should remind ourselves to restrain our words and deeds, try to correct our bad habits, and try our best to achieve the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. It also proved to the Young Pioneers' organization with practical actions that they should aim high from childhood, be down-to-earth, study hard and cultivate excellent skills. New and old players, let's join hands, learn from each other, cooperate seriously, do a good job in the team, and do our duty for the future glory of Changbai Primary School!

2020从小学先锋长大做先锋观后感 篇8


Four years ago, I solemnly swore under the national flag: "Be ready to fight for the cause of communism!" Looking at the national flag and team flag flying in the wind, I can't help feeling excited when I first salute the team. Yes, I will be a glorious Young Pioneer in the future. How can I not be excited?


I love to talk and laugh when I was young. Sometimes I can't control myself. I have poor discipline in class. For this reason, the teacher has criticized me. Since I joined the team, whenever I did something wrong, looked at the red scarf on my chest, and remembered the Party's teaching, I felt very regretful, and felt sorry for the corner of the national flag on my chest. Under the "restraint" and "help" of the Red Scarf, my classroom discipline has improved a lot, and my academic performance has also risen steadily... In fact, the "Red Scarf Heart to the Party" is not far away from us, it is right beside us; The "Red Scarf Heart to the Party" is not empty, it seems invisible, but actually it is tangible. From the day I joined the team, I had a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. I felt that as a young pioneer, I had the responsibility and obligation to help my parents, classmates, and people around me in need. Wearing a bright red scarf, I began to help my parents with their family affairs; Wearing a bright red scarf, I started to help the poor students who were basic → WWW.. CN ← to make up their lessons; Wearing a bright red scarf, I began to offer my seat to the old people on the bus... Whenever I saw the bright smile on their faces, my heart was also happy. As the saying goes, "Give people roses, and your hand has fragrance", the red scarf on my chest seemed more colorful than usual, as if it encouraged my spirit of being willing to help others. This could not help but remind me of a famous saying by the great thinker and educator Gorky, "Giving is always more enjoyable than taking.". From the day I wore the red scarf, I felt that I was a member of the Young Pioneers. I should always pretend to be a team, not just thinking about myself. I remember that in a broadcast gymnastics competition, the teacher asked everyone to wear white shoes. I forgot to wear black shoes and went to school. Looking at the red scarf on my chest, I felt very ashamed. The red scarf seemed a little darker than before. It seemed that I was silently blaming me for forgetting the collective honor? In the "encouragement" and "criticism" of the Red Scarf, I have made constant progress and growth, and now I have become an excellent Young Pioneer.


The red scarf on my chest, like a dancing flame, led and witnessed my growth. There is still a long way to go in the future, but with the earnest instruction of the Party and the guidance of the red scarf, I will not lose my way forward, and I will sail with confidence!